The Denison review (Denison, Iowa). 1912-09-25 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 18. · will resume his studies...

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Transcript of The Denison review (Denison, Iowa). 1912-09-25 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 18. · will resume his studies...

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+ <)• • VAIL ITEMS. * 4. •

.j. .•. {• <• <i* • •!•

Rev. Harvey Hostetler, of Council Blul't's, was visiting his Vail friends Tuesday.

John Kearney spent last week with friends in Sioux City.

Mrs. McNall is visiting relatives at Earlham.

Mrs. Lizzie Molseed and Miss Re­tina spent a couple of days last week in Omaha.

Jess Dieter attended the fair at Sioux City last week.

Mrs. G. E Dingman spent Wednes­day with friends in Carroll.

Miss Anna Mae Dillenberger was a visitor in Denison Wednesday.

Mrs. J. M. Young returned home last week from a visit with her mother at Bayard.

Tlios. Bennett and J. M. Woolson-croft took in the fair at Sioux City last week.

Miss Clara McAndrews and Mrs. J. M. Glynn spent Tuesday with rela­tives in Denison.

Geo. Dieter went to Omaha Friday to buy furniture and fixtures for his new barber shop, which he will open at once in the Tim Quirk bui'.ding.

David Tonnor and family returned Thursday from an extended visit in Nebraska. He saw his brothers and other relatives and found them all in good health. He expected to find some place in the west where he would locate, but says he did not see any place in his travels as good as Craw­ford county and is back to stay. He expects to move to Denison in the near future.

Mrs. Breen, of Denison, is a guest at the home of her son, John Breen.

Miss Lill McAndrews, of Bridge-water, S. D., is here for a visit with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mc­Andrews.

The funeral of little Ollie Farley, the three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Farley, who was fatally burned Monday evening of last week, was held at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning, Rev. J. G. Waterman con­ducting the services at the house, and the little one was laid to rest in the Vail cemetery. After twenty hours of terrible suffering the spirit left the little body and went back to the one who gave it. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved parents.

Rev. R. A. McNall took his depart­ure last Tuesday for Omaha, where he will resume his studies at the Omaha Theological seminary.

Mesdames A. J. Adams, H. J. Enen-bach and L. L. Hoffman were passen­gers to Denison Monday.

Miss Fern Fitzgibbons went to Wit-ten, S. D., with her uncles, John and Allie McDonnell, where she will stay with her grandmother, Mrs. McDon­nell, for a few months.

Miss Nelle O'Shea visited in Car­roll last week.

Howard McCullough was in Oma­ha on business Wednesday.

Mrs. Catherine Heck and baby, who were visiting here with her sister, Mrs. Lew Hannon, and other relatives, returned to Omaha the first of last

* Mrs. J. M. Crampton, of Low Moor, Iowa, and Mrs. Elmer Crampton, of Elvira, have been guests of friends and realtives in and around Vail for the last couple of weeks.

Barney Simon, of Odebolt, visited relatives here the first of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. John Stehlink have been yisiting relatives at Cedar Rap­ids for the past week.

Mrs. P. Ludwig and son, Harold, visited the first of last week in Oma­ha and with relatives at Peru, NeD.

Jonathan Miller is visiting relatives . Utading, Pa. F. A. Holland was in Omaha 011

business a couple of days the first of last week.

Richard Walters, of Denison, spent the first of the week here with rela­tives.

Miss Marie Keane enjoyed a few hours in Denison Tuesday afternoon.



HOSPITAL Tells How Sick She Was And

What Saved Her From An Operation.

Upper Sandusky,Ohio. —"Threeyears ago I was married and went to house­

keeping. I was not feeling well and cou ld ha rd ly d r ag myself along. I had such tired feelings, my back ached, my sides ached, I had bladder trouble aw­fully bad, and I could not eat or sleep. I had headaches, too, and became almost a ner­vous wreck. My doc­

tor told me to go to a hospital. I did not like that idea very well, so, when I saw your advertisement in a paper, I wrote to you for advice, and have done as you told me. I have taken Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills, and now I have my health. " If sick and ailing women would only

know enough to take your medicine, they would get relief. "—Mrs. BENJ. H. STANS-BERY, Route 6, Box 18, Upper Sandusky, Ohio.

If you have mysterious pains, irregu­larity, backache, extreme nervousness, inflammation, ulceration or displace­ment, don't wait too long, but try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound now.

For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and such unquestionable testimony as the above proves the value of this famous remedy and should give every ou« co™Je:it-e.

Mrs. O'Connor and Mrs. M. Magner, of Denison, were visiting Saturday at the M. O'Connor home.

D. E. Green, our rural mail carrier, spent Sunday at his home in Dow City.

Wm. Byrnes spent the first of last week in Omaha 011 business.

Mrs. Alma Lane, who has been vis­iting her son, Maurice Farley, in Sioux City, was called home Tuesday of last week by the death of her grand­daughter, Ollie Farley.

Mrs. Mike Krai and daughter, An­na, spent last week with relatives in Cedar Rapids.

Mrs. John Martin returned to her home at Ft. Dodge Monday after a few days spent here with relatives.

Miss Regina Molseed was a busi­ness visitor in Manilla one day last week.

Mrs. Turner, of Forest City, is vis­iting here at the home of her daugh­ter, Mrs. John Breen.

Mrs. Melton, of Denison, spent the past week in Vail.

Mrs. John Champion and Master Donald were visitors in Denison last Thursday.

John Rohen went to South Dakota last Wednesday to look at the coun­try.

.Mrs. Portz, of Denison, was a Vail visitor Saturday.

Thos. Powers returned home last Thursday from a week spent with rel­atives at Denison and Manilla.

Pat McCarthy was in Omaha the first of last week looking for feeders.

J. Chaplin and family, of Jackson county, have been visiting here at the W. C. and Seymour Bartlett homes for the past week.

Magill & Maloney have formed a partnership to conduct a moving pic­ture show. They will operate at Vail, West Side and Arcadia. They no doubt will do a good business.

John Lally. of Hayes township, sold to A. J. Adams, of Vail, forty head of steers that he had pastured the past summer. The price was six dollars and fifty cents per hundred. On these steers it is claimed that Mr. Lally will make a profit of forty dollars per head for keeping them the past six months.

Miss Agnes Monaghan was visiting her brother, Joe, in Denison Saturday.

Thos. Bartlett went Friday morning to Nebraska to visit his daughter.

Mrs. Wm. Farley left Friday for Omaha for a week's visit with her mother, Mrs. Pierce.

Miss Celestine Kernan and brother, John, returned Friday morning to their home at Hastings, Neb., after a couple of months' visit with relatives in this vicinity.

Alfred Hagen and mother, of South Dakota, are here visiting with William Hill and family.

Mrs. M. J. Keane and son, Ignatius, spent the first of the week visiting in Omaha.

Miss Johanna Walsh was a business caller in Denison last Thursday.

J. P. Duffy was in Omaha the latter part of the week on business.

Mr. and Mrs. Austin Gibbons are visiting relatives in Sterling, Colo.

Ennnett and Harold Quirk spent last Sunday in Omaha witli their brother, Ralph-

James Long was an over-Sunday vis­itor in Omaha.

Mrs. Pat Sheridan was calling on Denison friends Saturday.

T. .1. Kenney returned Sunday from a visit at Fowler, Kans. where he was looking after his land interests.

James North was a passenger to Denison Sunday.

Wm. Farley, of Omaha, was in Vail Monday.

•{•<»•{><{• .j. •{••j* •J* •{••J1 *5* * * * SCHLESWIG ITEMS. * * 4*

«$* «$»«$»«$••£««$»«$»«$» «$»«$»«$» 4$»

• • • •> • •> * * • BROGAN NEWS. * .j. <{•

Frank Ilrogan was a business call­er in Denison Monday.

S. J. Jans, Albert Klover and Hen­ry Dreesen have their silos filled.

Mrs. Geo. Maynard was shopping in the county seat Saturday.

Miss Agnes Brogan began her mu­sic lessons again Saturday, her teach­er, Mrs. McClurg, having returned from her vacation in California.

Henry Swanz was a passenger to Denison Friday.

Mrs. Herb Cochran and children, witli Mrs. Johnston, of Wall Lake, have gone to Atlantic for a few weeks' visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of DeKalb, 111., are visiting at the home of her uncle this week.

Herman Dreesen and wife left for Missouri Thursday, where they will make an extended visit with friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Meyers attended the carnival in Schleswig last week.

Chris Rippel gave a farewell party in the hall at Herring Friday evening. He will start for Dakota Monday, at which place he will make his future home.

Jim Maynard returned from Kansas Saturday, bringing with him a bride. They will reside on the home place. We all join in wishing them much hap­piness and success.

Mrs. Tom Brogan made a business call in Denison Thursday.

Mrs. C. H. Richardson and son, Clifford, were passengers to Denison Saturday.

Airs. C. Hay was a business caller in Wall Lake Thursday.

John Gerken was a passengef to Wall Lake Tuesday. • Hon. Ed Downey and Chris Roth at­tended the fair at Sioux City last week.

Miss Elsie Slechta was visiting at the Andrew Schwantz home Monday.

Mrs. H. Henricksen was a business caller in Denison Friday.

S. J. Jans and family spent Sunday at the Tom Brogan home.

Henry Swanz and wife spent part of the week at the home of her father near Breda.

W111. Steenblock and family spent Sunday at the R. Steenblock home.

Bumper Crops Everywhere. Washington, D. C., Sept. 23—Crops

generally throughout the world this year are bumper. This is shown by figures in a cablegram received by the department of agriculture today from the international institute of agriculture at Rome, Italy, giving the preliminary estimates of the acreage production of wheat, rye, barley, oats and corn.

Glen Gates autoed over from Kiron Tuesday afternoon.

Miss Anna Schroeder came up from Ute to take part in the harvest festi­val.

A fine baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Johannes Carstens Monday.

Carl Onken took sick very sudden­ly last Thursday. A physician was immediately called and Mr. Onken was taken to Ida Grove to have an operation performed for appendicitis.

Bill Rathburn and Nick Carter, of Ida Grove, took in the harvest festi­val.

Mrs. Herrig and daughter, Freda, of Denison, spent several days at the Peter Jepsen home last week.

Nellie Girard returned from Deni­son Friday.

Mrs. Will Custis and son, Earl, re­turned to their home in Grand Isl­and, Neb., Monday after a week's visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. Eva Girard.

Victor Lindstrom and Miss Fred-rickson, of Kiron, were in Schleswig Friday taking in the carnival.

Mrs. H. C. Petersen returned from Onawa Friday and reports a fine baby boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hollander, of Onawa.

Misses Emma and Theresa Loren-zen went to Belmont, Neb., last week, where they expect to make an extend­ed visit with friends.

The public schools had two days va­cation during carnival.

Margaret Johnson was in Schleswig Friday.

Mrs. Eva Girard and daughter, Nel­lie, drove to Denison Saturday.

Review Sale Bills are the BEST.

*5* •}» «$» «$» *1*

*5* • KENWOOD ITEMS. * $ «j» <$•«$•

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turner arrived home from their wedding trip to Scranton last week and are spending a couple of weeks at the Ja.s Turner home.

Mr. and Mrs. Zeph Fienholdt and sons autoed to Vail Sunday for a visit with her mother.

Mrs. Lillie Stevenson visited at the home of her son last week.

Among the passengers to the Sioux City fair Friday were: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kolls, Mr. and Mrs. A. Johan-sen, Mrs. Oscar Fienholdt and Clar­ence McCord.

Percy Duncan, of Denison, was vis­iting relatives in this vicinity Sunday.

Fred Lentz and family passed through here Saturday enroute to his home at Ute.

Miss Laura Ebsen is spending the week at S. Malone's. She came from Des Moines for a visit'with her fath­er.

Mrs. F. J. Flaherty has been visit­ing at the O. Fienholdt home.

Mr. Flaherty is preparing to move back to the old home place, and his friends will welcome him back.

Mrs. J. Henderson and sons were shopping in Dow City Saturday.

Mike Mahoney left for a visit with relatives in Chicago Friday evening.

Review Sale Bills are the BEST.

Notice in Probate. State of Iowa, Crawford County, ss.—

In Probate. In the matter of the estate of Jens

A. Petersen, late of Crawford county, deceased. Notice of Appointment of Adminis­

tratrix. To Whom It May Concern:

You are hereby notified that on the 11th day of September, 1912, the un­dersigned was duly appointed admin­istratrix, with will annexed, of the above entitled estate, and all creditors of said estate are notified to file their claims in the office of the clerk of the district court, in and for Crawford county, Iowa, within one year from the date of this notice, according to law, and have the same allowed and ordered paid by the said court, or stand forever barred therefrom.

Dated llenison, Iowa, Sept. 11, 1912. DOROTHEA PETERSEN,

Administratrix with will annexed. P. J. Klinker,

Attorney for Administratrix. 38-3t

Notice in Probate. State of Iowa, Crawford County, ss.—

In Probate. In the matter of the estate of F.

W. Mueller, late of Crawford county, deceased. Notice of Appointment of Executrix. To Whom It May Concern:

You are hereby notified that on the 11th day of September, 1912, the un­dersigned was duly appointed execu­trix of the above entitled estate, and all creditors of said estate are noti­fied to file their claims in the office of the clerk of the district court, in and for Crawford county, Iowa, within one year from the date of this notice, ac­cording to law, and have the same al­lowed and ordered paid by the said court, or stand forever barred there­from.

Dated Denison, Iowa, September 11, 1912.

AMALIE MUELLER. P. J. Klinker, Executrix.

Attorney for Executrix. 38-3t Notice in Probate.

State of Iowa, Crawford County, ss.— In Probate. In the matter of the estate of Noah

V. Johnson, late of Crawford county, (Kcpased. Notice of Appointment of Executor. To Whom It May Concern:

You are hereby notified that on the K'th day of September, 1912, the un­dersigned was duly appointed ex­ecutor of the above entitled estate, and all creditors of said estate are notified to file their claims in the of­fice of the clerk of the district court, in and for Crawford county, Iowa, within one year from the date of this notice, according to law, and have the same allowed and ordered paid by the said court, or stand forever barred therefrom.

Dated Denison, Iowa, Sept. 12. 1912. JAY G. MYERS,

R. ShawVan, Executor. Attorney. 3S-3t


4 1

I 1 1

Peabody Shellbark

Coal "Burns Like Old Hickory

—Glean to an Ash"

Gives More Heat —More Power

—Less Waste

REMEMBER this name when you order coal. Then you will get the kind that is thoroughly

cleaned of all impurities by being hand picked in passing over 18 feet of picking table—the kind that contains the most heat, the most power and with least waste. 13,000 British Thermal Units to every pound.

Tested and found best by thousands of householders, thresh-ermen, merchants, manufacturers, farmers, etc.

Comes in Three Convenient Sizes 6 In. Lump—Size of a Coal Scuttle—best for Threshers 6 In. Egg—Size of a Cocoanut—best for Furnaces & Boilers 3 in. Nut—Size of a Billiard Ball—best for Cook Stoves

Burns clean without clinkers and gives long, live heat .

You will save money by using it Send ̂in your order to your dealer for Peabody^' Shellbark Coal right away. You will find ̂it the best coal you ever burned.

Peabody Coal Company Chicago, Illinois.


Review Sale Bills are the BEST.

House and Owner. My precept to all who build it, that

the owner should be an ornament to tha house, and not the house to the oWlaer.—Cicero.

Notice in Probate. State of Iowa, Crawford County, ss.—

In Probate. In the matter of the estate of Jur-

gen Reimer, late of Crawford county, deceased. Notice of Appointment of Executor. To Whom It May Concern:

You are hereby notified that on the 12th day of September, 1912, the un­dersigned was duly appointed executor of the above entitled estate, and all creditors of said estate are notified to file their claims in the office of the clerk of the district court, in and for Crawford county, Iowa, within one year from the date of this notice, ac­cording to law, and have the same al­lowed and ordered paid by the said court, or stand forever barred there­from.

Dated Denison, Iowa, September 12, 1912.

JOHN* REIMER, P. J. Klinker, Executor.

Attorney for Executor. 38-3t


General Banking Biuia.M Conducted

C. F. KUEHNLE. Vic*-PrMid«nt


Exchaag. Bought ud SsM

Long and Short Time Loans at Lowest Rates. Interest Paid on Time Deposits

Account* of all Branches of Bualnoa* Conducted.

Personal attention given to investments for local patrons. Business conducted in English and German.

S H A W S I M S & . K U E H N L E , L a w y e r s




Allen Dudley & Co.

Live Stock Com­mission Merchants

High Sellers of all kinds of Live Stock.


235-237 Excange Bldg. South Omaha, Neb.

Both Phones - No. 13a

W. A. McHENRY, President GEORGE McHENRY, Vice-President SEARS McHENRY. Cashier: L. SEEMANN. Ass't. Cashier

First National Bank, DENISON, IOWA

Capital, Surplus and Profits . - $140,000.00 Loans - $745,987.89 Deposits - $750,644.48

Interest'Paid on Time Deposits} LoanslMade on Gommercia. F-aper Time Loans Made on Improved Farms at Current Rates.

We have a complete set of abstract books of Crawford County Lands and Lots, and make abstracts of title.

We solicit your account on a reciprocal basis. We make five pub­lished reports of our condition annually to the Comptroller of Currency and are examined by the National Bank examiner twice each year.

CAPITAL $100,000 DEPOSITS $800,000

Crawford County State Bank DENISON. IOWA

Incorporated under the laws of Iowa, giving best security to deposi­tors. as each shareholder is held, not only for amount of stock, but his I personal property is held for a like amount also. tSate Banks are un-1 der control of State Auditor, who can examine them at will and published , statements are made according to his findings, thus depositors have more se­curity than their confidence in the bank's officers. Capital stock cannot be used for outside speculation or Investment The Crawford County State , Bank is the best incorporated banking institution in the county. Safety | deposit boxes are provided for patrons of the bank. Passag* Tickets Bold. Ins. Writtan. Loam Hegotlatad. Abstracts rttrnisbed

OFFICERS L. Cornwell, Pres. Geo. Naeve, V.-Pres. M. E. Jones, Cash. C. J. Kenv ming, Asst. Cash.


L. Cornwell, Geo. Naeve, H. F.

Schwartz, Chas. Tabor, J. P. Conner i

Tell Everybody with a Want Ad