The comparation of english idiom and ungkapan bahasa indonesia

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Transcript of The comparation of english idiom and ungkapan bahasa indonesia

The Idiom

A Metaphorical language in English

The comparation between Ungkapan in Indonesian

The STAIN Salatiga’s Student

As a qualify on an English II Lesson’s Assignment by Mr Hanun Triyoko, M. Hum., M. Ed.

Nur KholisKKI 113-12-130

From The Special International Class Program of STAIN Salatiga 2012.

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Beautification Language like ungkapan in Indonesian is Idiom in English

As a language, English also have a “beautification” language in the applying to an expression. Its may consist some not same meaning word, and construct a new meaning. We know in Bahasa Indonesia it is called “ungkapan”. they are make a colourful in the language, based on the usage on an expressing.

Dalam suatu bahasa, umumnya ada ungkapan-ungkapan khusus yang apabila diterjemahkan secara literal kata-kata penyusunnya, tidak akan ditemukan makna yang sama, inilah idiom atau ungkapan dalam bahasa kita. Dalam bahasa inggris, suatu kata kerja yang berstruktur frasa, dapat berupa verb+preposition (biasa disebut frasa saja) dan idiom. frasa (verb+preposition) berstruktur kombinasi bebas dan memiliki makna sama dari kata asli yang membentuknya. Berbeda dengan idiom yang sama sekali tidak bermakna sama dengan kata penyusunnya.

Idiom & Ungkapan

Combination of word constructs a figurative meaning

Such as what I mentioned in the previous, that Idiom is a combination of words that has a figurative meaning, due to its common usage. An idiom's figurative meaning is separate from the literal meaning or definition of the words of which it is made. Idioms are numerous and they occur frequently in all languages. There are estimated to be at least 25,000 idiomatic expressions in the English Language.

In English found at least 25.000 idiomatic expression

Knowing the Idiom

What the Purpose?idiom can make colorful on a language. The phrase indirectly able refer to an explicit meaning to show the purpose of an expression. And the metaphorical contained in the idiom give a taste on language and make the rough purpose

heard finer, but can be contrary too. So this is having an aim to “decorate” the language so that have a nice expression for an aim, good or bad purpose.

Now, let us compare the idiom vs ungkapan by the example idiom guide, & knowing the history .

Right now (click here)

In this presentation, I’ve divided the comparation of Idiom and Ungkapan into some topic below.

But before you read, I want to inform you that in this presentation I make a rule. That is if I say Ungkapan, its mean that it is idiom from bahasa Indonesia.But if I say idiom, its mean English idiom. Do you understand? Lets check.

. Bankruptcy Idiom

. Education idiom

. Idiom of Business

. Discipline Idiom

. Idiom With Colors

. Part of Body Idiom

. Animal in Idiom

. Closing

We begin with bankruptcy Idiom To go to the wall

Or Menghadap ke dinding in Bahasa Indonesia. May be, they (british people or English as mother language’s nation other) don’t have enough hope to their company and their selves, so because of their desperate, their running wild is the wall.

or see other

in Bahasa Indonesia, to mention the detriment or bankruptcy, we usually say “Gulung Tikar”. We know the intention we say that is because if we spread a mat (look in the market) we got ready to doing selling. So if we roll the mat, its mean that we are bankrupt. Because we don’t have much fund to be selling in the mat again.

In Bahasa Indonesia, we don’t have much ungkapan to say this issue. But in English, has so much. Let see these :

to go broke &to go under

they are similar meaning. To go under, is mean that the company is being deficit. More over, go broke is very serious occur, because our something isn’t useful again.

To go busthave you ever hear “busted” ? In

the race game if we break the traffic law, we will busted by the police.

The usage this idiom, For example, if you are gambling with your

friend, and you are lose, its mean that you are bankrupt, right?. You

can say, “oh shit! I’ll go to the bust”.

This idiom is close with the component composer word. But if bust is the destination to go, it is

make this phrase become an idiom. Because bust isn’t place or noun.


Or another example

- To go down the tube (jatuh ke dalam pipa)

We know that tube is the small hole. If someone go down to the tube, its mean that he is fall into difficult solution.

- To go out the business : keluar dari bisnis

- To close the shop : tutup toko

- To shutter : ke daun pintu

May be if someone go to near into the shutter, he will close the business. It’s a form of despairing, until he hurry to close the shutter (his business).

- To go toes : gigit jari

This one is like in Indonesia, right? If we lose something that we hope it, we unconsciously will bit our toes.

And see this one (click)

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Number two, Educational Idiom

here some idiom that generally used to express in a condition around education

Teacher’s pet

It isn’t an animal as our teacher.

We know pet is a favorite animal that we love so much. As if there is no thing that we love but our pet. And teacher’s pet is mean teacher favorite ((guru kesayangan)). It is why the most love teacher in English is called teacher’s pet.

So now you can call your loveliest teacher by teacher’s pet when you discuss with your friend.

In Bahasa Indonesia, we know phrase kutu buku it same with bookworm in English. And they are same of idiom. May be Bahasa Indoesia is adopting idiom from English.

Do you know what is meaning of Kutu buku or bookworm? Yes. It is someone who diligent to read the book. So why he is called bookworm? Because, his habitual is eating up the book is same like the worm eat the book. But if the bookworm is eating up the book by red, the worm is eating in truth, and make the book is really vanish.

So its why the diligent readers book is called bookworm.


Lulus dengan warna-warna melayang . . .

The flying colours is may be an expression of happiness. We know that colours make us feel nice and more fun. to pass with flying colours is mean to pass with a very high grade, lulus dengan nilai sangat tinggi. The very high grade can be express with the flying colours. Because we know that colour can make us nice and fun. And very high grade is fun if we get it, right?

Panjang Akal (the long idea)

This ungkapan in bahasa Indonesia is mean the smart student. We know right? In our class in bahasa Indonesia’s lesson, we often hear this ungkapan. Especially aimed to our smartest classmate.

to pass with flying colours

to cover a lot of ground Or menutup seluruh lantai is an idiom that we use to doing all activity by virtue of all information that we get in the class. For example if you get the lesson in the class about praying before you eat, then you applying it in your daily before you eat. You can called was cover a lot of ground.

to pull an all nighter (menarik seluruh (penghuni) malam)

Or more another idiom :

Ok guys, be smart people

with education !- Copycat (mencontoh kucing) is a person who copies the words or actions of another. May be cat is a guider in the west (?).

- to live and learn - to learn as you grow older and gain experience. (semakin dewasa, semakin banyak pengalaman dan pembelajaran). to go back to basics - to return to the beginning

(kembali ke dasar). Its if you ever have a wrong, and then you will learn from the beginning again, you can say “I will go back to basic to remove all my wrongnesss”.

- birds and the bees (burung dan lebah). Actually this is an idiom to an of age people. But I think you were adult. This is idiom about sex education. For example someone say “I learned about the birds and the bees when my baby brother was born”. It means that she is learn about KB, may be. Back to the list

Bahasa IndonesiaDalam bahasa indonesia kita mengenal ungkapan membanting tulang (Whip Down the Bone) yang artinya bekerja keras. Membanting tulang adalah ungkapan kesungguh-sungguhan seseorang dalam mencari nafkah yang hal ini juga berkaitan dengan dunia bisnis (bisa saja). Orang yang bekerja keras seolah-olah telah menghancurkan tulangnya sendiri sehingga tak peduli seberapa lelahnya pun tetap bersemangat dalam bekerja.


Blockbuster. Or bom besar is an idiom to express attainment in the business. That is successfulness in the business. The big success can be outlined / expressed like as a blockbuster. It is if someone get a success when he firstly playing in abusiness.

Idiom of Business

cash cow (sapi kontan)

+>> a product, service, or business division that generates a lot of cash for the company, without requiring much investment

Example: With strong sales every year and a great brand name, Mercedes is a cash cow for DaimlerChrysler.Yaitu apabila produk kita atau cabang perusahaan kita menghasilkan banyak uang bagi perusahaan. May be because of cow is a big animal and if we can pay it contantly when we buy it, its mean that we get a big profit in our company.

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Dog eat dog world

It is an idiom to express what that happen normally in the world of business : that is competition. In the world of business, competition is not see where is friend, where is family. All of these are rivals. And they are an “enemy” in the business. So in the world of business is likes Dog Eat Dog World.

Do you know what is the origin of this idiom?

Ungkapan ini muncul sekitar tahun 1500. banyak anjing-anjing yang teramati berjuang secara aggressive sesama anjing untuk mendapatkan sepotong daging. Inilah mengapa dunia bisnis diungkapkan seperti dunia anjing : mereka tak kenal sesama saat berurusan dengan uang (makanan).

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generate lots of buzz

In the selling our product, we need attention from our customers, right? We have to strive to make customers make a question as form of an attention.This is if our workman vendor able to make this. They proper us call generate lots of business.You have to know“Buzz” adalah kata yang popular diucapkan di Barat untuk menarik perhatian. Seperti jika kita mengucapkan huss! Untuk mendiamkan kebisingan. Tapi dalam kebiasaan kita, ucapan tersebut sangat tidak layak untuk diucapkan di depan umum.

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climb the corporate ladder (memanjat tangga perusahaan)

If you are workman or employee in a company. And get the one position above you now, or naik pangkat, you may called climb the corporate ladder.

Example : congratulation man, you are climb the corporate ladder. Be better more!

to pull the plug (menarik sumbatan)

This idiom is mean that our business isn’t possible to continued. I don’t know why to pull the plug is used to expressing the business stop. Plug is a hinder, then if we pull the hinder so something or someone can through smoothly. (May be this is their secret).

It is indeed a bankruptcy idiom too. Because in the business, sometimes we luck, but sometimes we get unlucky like bankrupt.


(to) work down to the wire

Its mean to work until the last minute; to work until just before the deadline

Example: The investment bankers need to turn in their report at 9 a.m. tomorrow morning, and they've still got many hours of work left on it. They're going to be working down to the wire.

This expression comes from horse racing. In the 19th century, American race tracks placed wire across the track above the finish line. The wire helped determine which horse's nose crossed the line first. If a race was "down to the wire," it was a very close race, undecided until the very last second.� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

>jump the gun (melompati pistol) its mean memulai mengerjakan sesuatu sebelum menjadi keharusan.Example: Mark really jumped the gun when he accused Larry of stealing his marketing ideas! It turns out that Larry proposed that advertising campaign over a month ago.>>Brownie pointsrecognition or praise for doing something good or for giving a compliment to someone in authority (such as your boss)Example: Martha scored brownie points with her team leader when she offered to stay late and finish the project.>>>Yes mansomeone who always agrees with everything that an authority figure (such as a boss, teacher, parent, etc.) proposesExample: Bob is such a yes man; there’s no way he’ll ever disagree with his manager

The history of the Idiom

>Melompati pistol. Dalam sebuah trak ataupun perlombaan balap, sebuah pistol kecil ditembakkan sebagai penanda dimulainya perlombaan. Apabila peserta berlari sebelum pistol di bunyikan, maka ia telah melompati pistol. Melompati pistol berarti ia telah diangggap diskualifikasi. Namun dalam penggunaan idiomnya artinya adalah melakukan sesuatu tanpa disuruh (sebelum menjadi sebuah kewajban).

>>Satuan Pramuka. Di Barat, Pramuka (the brownies) adalah anggota Girl Scouts organization (organisasi kepanduan wanita). Dimana para gadis melakukan aksi pramuka untuk mendapatkan lencana dan pengakuan. Pengakuan inilah yang menjadikan kata ini sebagai idiom untuk mengakui atau menyanjungi sebuah pencapaian yang telah dilakukan seseorang dalam usahanya.

>>>seorang karyawan yang baik adalah karyawan yang selalu mematuhi perintah atasannya. Dialah orang yang selalu setuju dengan keputusan atasannya pada dirinya. Itulah mengapa karyawan tersebut disebut sebagai Yess Man karena never say no kepada atasan.

Another else

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This idiom is idiom about our individual discipline, and all about ourselves to express our individual character or our social relation.

In bahasa Indonesia, we hear ungkapan Besar Mulut (big mouth). It is used to say to someone that always finicky (cerewet). The big mouth is an image that someone have so much word, until the secret sometimes said too. So because of hers big mouth to speak and speak over, she pictured as Besar Mulut.

Ini adalah idiom yang berkaitan dengan diri kita. Bisa kita gunakan untuk mengungkapkan ketika kita berbaur dengan kehidupan social.

(to) pass the buck (meloloskan rusa jantan).Its mean if some people make a mistake then he don’t want to make a responsibility, and shift to other people (melemparkan kesalahan pada orang lain), he can we call pass the buck.

Example. It's your fault. Don't try to pass the buck!Discipline Idiom

(to) put a stake in the ground

If someone have a commitment to progress in his live, then he make one big step to achieve it, we can call him “he was put a stake in the ground to his future”.

(to) rally the troops (menghimpun pasukan) If your friend is losing hope,

and don’t have spirit to doing something, as friend you have to rally the troops to your friend. Do you understand? You have to motivate your friend.Rally the troops is to rally the spirit in our friendship.

(to) keep something under wraps(Menyimpan sesuatu dibawah bungkusan)

Keep someone’s secret on you.Example: I'm sorry I can't tell you anything about the project I'm working on. My boss told me to keep it under wraps."Wraps" are things that provide cover, so if something is "under wraps" it's covered up and hidden.

mum's the word

To quit about someone’s matter if other people ask to you.If you requested by tour friend to quit about his problem, plan, or matter. He can say : “Please don't tell anybody about our new project. Remember: mum's the word!”The origin of the word "mum" comes from the murmur "mmmmm," ketika kita menggerutu, suara yang keluar dari mulut kita adalah “mmm”. Kita tak bisa mengucapkan sesuatu apapun ketika bibir kita tertutup selain “mmm”. That’s why when we have someone’s secreet we have to make a sound like when we are murmuring.

if you have a someone’s secret

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Idiom With Colors

In bahasa Indonesia we found some ungkapan with warna, such as: Berputih Tulang (white in bone).

Berputih Tulang is mean Dead.

Originally, the bone is white. But we never see the bone is white entirely before the skin and the flesh are disappear in our body.

So if the bone seen white entirely, its mean dead. Right, Indonesian?

Hitam di Atas Putih (black above the white).

You know the script? Commonly its written by black colour above the white paper.

And that is the meaning of this ungkapan : noted.

Meja hijau (green table)

Green table is an Ungkapan to mention a case (accuser and accused are included) in the court of justice.

Its called green table because of the colour green is a symbol of peaceful, then if the case placed in the green

table, hoped the case

will find the good solution

to two people that have a


golden opportunity (kesempatan emas)In the West, this is also an idiom, athough in bahasa Indonesia it is an Ungkapan too. The meaning are also similar. That is the perfect chance (peluang yang sangat bagus).We know that gold / golden is the most expensive item. If we get the gold opportunity, its mean that we get the golden chance.

Darah Biru (blue blood)

This is an ungkapan used to call the offspring the king’s family. We say Ningrat in Bahasa Indonesia. It isn’t mean that the child of the king is have a blue blood, but to show that offspring of the king is not same like child in common. They are special, because some of the child of the king or the prince will get legacy to be a king.

born with a silver spoon in one's mouth (terlahir dengan sendok perak di suatu mulut)

It is rather same like Darah biru. This idiom is mean born into a rich family. But the distinguish of this idiom, the child wasn’t born in the king’s family. But just in the rich’s family.Example: Keiko hasn't worked a day in her life. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.keiko tidak mempunyai pekerjaan sehari-hari dalam hidupnya. Dia terlahir dalam keluarga yang kaya raya.

green with envy (hijau dengan kecemburuan)

This is an idiom that you can apply to your girlfriend or boyfriend. When you see he/she is walking around with your friend, absolutely you can imaged by this idiom.Yeah, this is an idiom jealousness. Its mean very jealous. You can use this if you in a situation above.Green here isn’t mean peace. But an expression exceedingly (seriously).

Gelap mata (dark eye)

This is similar with the side. If we get an anger, sometime we do a damage action unconsciously and our sign is like dark without sign. Cause of the unconsciously, we such as dark in our sign, so we don’t see what or who are in front of our selves.So its why if someone get a great anger sometimes doing an action that what shouldn’t he do.

tickled pink (tergelitik warna merah muda)Pink is a colour of love, some girl are very happy with pink. Tickled pink is like that. If you are a man, and give a rose to a girl, she will tickled pink with your gift.Yes. This idiom is mean very pleased or appreciative for someone’s gift. Sangat senang dengan pemberian orang lain.

true colours (warna-warna sebenarnya)

Is an idiom to explain that someone is show his character truly. Here colour is images the character of someone. if someone show his character from the first meet and never change his character until whenever, you mus believe that it is really his self.

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Part of Body Idioms

Some ungkapan in Bahasa Indonesia also use part of body.

Like :

Tinggi Hati (high hearth)

Its mean that someone have a stance arrogant. He called tinggi hati because of he doesn’t have a care to someone. If the hearth is high, he doesn’t have a feeling of emotional to someone as the function of hearth originally.

Idiom by using part of body.

~ thick in the head (tebal kepala). Thick in the head is an idiom to express that someone actually isn’t very intelligent. His head is sizeable. But its because the thick head. Not the brain. You think, that if someone have a thick head, certainly the brain is small. So he isn’t smart too.

~ play something by ear (memainkan sesuatu dengan telinga). It is an idiom to expressing someone’s doing without plan. You think, that if someone will doing something, he will think before, its mean by using the head, not by using the ear.

~ let one's hair down (biarkan rambut terkulai). Hair down is an image about a relaxation. If we showing a performance or attraction, let our mind enjoying. It make us feel fun and enjoy.

~ keep one's chin up (pertahankan dagu terangkat).

Do you agree, if I say that if the chin is raised / up, it will go down. Because the chin’s muscle will be press to the down facilely if we contract it. We can’t be able to keep chin to up if we don’t smile, right? If we smile because of appreciating something, our chin will up : cheerful.

Naik darah (go up the blood)If someone get angry because of something, such if your girlfriend taken by your friend, surely you will naik darah. But itsn’t mean darah tinggi (hypertension).

~ cry your heart out (menangis hingga hati mu keluar).

It so scary if you cry until your hearth out from your body. Usually we call menangis hingga habis air mata in bahasa. It’s a similar meaning with this idiom : that is cry very hard.

~ break a leg (merusak kaki). It is not mean that we are get sick in our leg. But, in the game or competition we have to break a leg of our rival so that he fall down and we get win. But this is not use when we are flying game, but before we compete. Like if you say to your friend when he will compete in a game. That is Good Luck.

~ makes my blood boil (membuat darahku mendidih). This idiom is similar with naik darah. When we get angry cause of someone or something, we can say “you make my blood boil. Go frm here!”

~ cold feet (kaki mendingin). Have you ever ride up to the stage? You ever forget what would you say in the stage? Or that is your first time to ride up to the stage? If you ever, surely you feel your body eject a cold sweat, and all your body feel cold, especially your feet. If you get cold feet, its mean you nervoust.

Kepala batu (head rock)

Kepala batu is used to your child if your child is obstinate

child. He always rebel with you, and never obedient to you.

usually, your neighbor call that, instead you call your child

kepala batu. He is your child!

. head over heels (kepala melebihi tumit). Have you ever fall in love to someone? If your love is so deep, it can be express by head over heels. . keep an eye on (menjaga mata selalu terbuka). If you meet someone who have a hard live such a beggar, then you give he some money, its mean that you keep an eye on, you take care with him.

Merah telinga (red of ear)Have you ever get angry? Ever you stand up in front the mirror when you get angry, and observing your face? If you ever, surely you’ll see your ears are red.

Yess. Red of ear is an ungkapan if you get angry.

see eye to eye (menatap mata ke mata)Have you ever see your friend’s eye when you discuss something with your friends? When you agree with your friend’s opinion, you just enough see your friend’s eye, it isn’t it?

Or see other

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Animal in IdiomAnimal’s name also caused a group of idiom’s word. Also in Indonesia, such as :>kambing hitam (black goat).

Example: Lagi-lagi aku yang dikambing hitamkan bila timbul keributan di kelas. The man isn’t made a black goat. But, he is blamed because of noise in the class.

Now let see English idiom.1. ants in one's pants. (semut di dalam celana) how if your pants existed an ant or some ants? You can’t sit right? You will restless and not enjoy in your life at that time. 2. holy cow! (sapi keramat). Its mean that you are surprising because of something. Think if the cow is so big, if you get it free, you can sell and get enough money to buy something. Then if the cow is “holy” its more surprising, because the cow is rare in the world, or the cow is not ordinary cow. Its more surprising. So if you get a surprise, you can say “wow the holy cow!” Now.3. have a cow (mempunyai seekor sapi).If you have a cow, its mean that you get extremely upset

(mendapatkan sesuatu yang tidak disangka).For example : My teacher had a cow when she realized nobody had done the homework. (guruku tak menyangka ketika ia menyadari kalau tak ada seorangpun yang telah mengerjakan PR).

Otak udang (the brain of shrimp).Someone called brain shrimp when he make a foolishness, he’d like a shrimp that have a brain in the back, in fact, for us, back is a “bad part” of our body in a marks (not part for think).

4. Fishy (keikanan). It is an idiom to explain that any odd thing. Or in a condition, we call ‘salting’ to explain that we are not ready or we nervous to met someone, then we doing something that actually we don’t want to do that. Example : I knew something fishy was going on when I saw all of my friends' cars in my mom's driveway. (aku mengetahui keanehan telah terjadi ketika aku melihat semua mobil temanku di jalur ibuku).5. horse around (lingkarang kuda).If you playing a game and you in a horse

around, its mean that you not fair playing the games. You rough in the games. 6. hold your horses (pegang kudamu). This idiom ask us to be patient so that we can call by this idiom. Example : Hold your horses! I'll be done in the washroom in a minute.7. straight from the horse's mouth (langsung dari mulut kuda). If you hear an information or news, you have to believe just if you get the news straight from the horse’s mouth. This is mean directly from the original source.8. pig out (babi keluar). If you have a friend if wherever meet the food, he eat all, you can call him pig out. You know, pig eats all of kind food, until the theirs dung they eat.

Lintah darat (the leech)Commonly, this idiom punctually aimed for banker man or debt collector. Because they are always ask the allotment every months with increase obligation. They are like bloodsucker because they are eat our yield hard work like the bloodsucker suck our blood.

9. chicken out (ayam keluar). Its mean that someone don’t want to do something because of he is fear to do that. For example if your friend don’t want to race with you because he fear to fall doen, you can say : “you chicken out!”

10. monkey see, monkey do (monyet melihat, monyet melakukan). Is idiom if someone just copy the action of other people. He is like the monkey, monkey able to see, and able to imitate what they see, but can’t make an action by itself.

11. take the bull by the horns (mengangkat banteng melalui tanduknya).

Its mean that we have a problem we have to solve it by the main center. Or you face a challenge or danger boldly. You know the bull? Their horns is the main weapon. If you get the horn, they can’t fight you. Its same if you have a matter, you have solve until the main case so that the problem will end.

12. get the lion's share (mendapatkan bagian singa). Its not mean that we get the meat from the lion. But you know the lion? They are the king in the jungle, the male lion will get the biggest share of all. In human life, if someone get the lion’s share its mean he get the greatest percentage, or get the greatest part.

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Ok guys, I think I’ve been discussed lots enough the idiom and ungkapan. I hope this will help you more expressive to expressing in your daily phrase . May be you will find more idiom or ungkapan that suitable with my topic that I’ve been discussed, you can add into this presentation.And I say sorry if you found much wrongness, in the idiom, meaning, example, or the diction I’ve been using.But don’t be afraid, I had thought this maturely.

Thank You ! See you in another discussion

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