The cell

Post on 15-May-2015

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Transcript of The cell

The cell



What we are doing

• Here is some of the things we will be telling you about what a cell is what prokaryotic/eukaryotic and the difference between plant and animal cells

A cell

• A cell is the smallest unit of life in our bodies but it also one of the most important

Karyotic differences

• A eukaryotic cell is a cell that is very advanced and it has a lot of things in it

• A prokaryotic cell is a cell that doesn’t have as much stuff in it it is not as advanced


• 1 difference is that animal cells don’t have chloroplast

• animal cell has no cell wall

• 3.a vacuole in an animal cell is small and in a plant it is big

eukaryotic & prokaryotic

• Well in a eukaryotic cell all of that is in one of the cell while in a prokaryotic cell only some of them are found like


• Chloroplast and vacuole and cell wall or found in both plant cells but not animal

cell wall

• A cell wall is something that protects the cell from anything bad and it is only found in plant cells

Golgi apparatus

• Golgi apparatus is a part that moves stuff throw the cell it packages it and then moves it like a ups or fed ex


• A cytoskeleton is like the skeleton of a human just for plants to help them stand on there own but it is bigger depending on the size of a plant a tree needs a big one to help it stand


• A nucleus is the brain of the cell and it is found in eukaryotic cells


• A vacuole is the big space in a plant cell only and it stores food and water


• A chloroplast is only in a plant cell and it is responsible for photosynthesis

plasma membrane

• A plasma membrane is the thing that decides what goes in and out of the cell and protects it by saying what goes in and out of the cell


• A ribosome assembles and makes protein


• A lysosome contain the digestive enzymes that digest the materiel and they also contain acids

endoplasmic reticulum

• The endoplasmic reticulum sites next to the nucleus

• The ribosome sit in it

• The two cells are the same because they both have nucleus but there are differences in the two cells

• The difference are that there is some things that are in a plant cell that are not found in an animal cell like the chloroplast

• The cell wall is also only found in a plant cell and only a plant cell

• Something's that are in a plant cell my work different then in an animal cell