The Boy Who Takes Revenge Powerpoint

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Transcript of The Boy Who Takes Revenge Powerpoint

The Boy Who Takes Revenge

Mikkayla HaileyApril 12, 2010




Stitch is the son of Zeus and Persephone. His parents chose for him to marry Taphernona the daughter of Athena and Perseus. Taphernona and Stitch had a baby boy his name was Tarcosa. Like all royal children he was taken to the oracle to have his prophecy told. His prophecy was to overtake King Andemon. All of the townspeople of Spoons were astonished for King Andemon had been in power for over two decades. The oracle also said that in the very near future that Tarcosa would be in grave danger. Taphernona and Stitch hid their child as best as they could. With Poseidon they thought he would be safe.

As soon as the king heard about Tarcosa he immediately had one of his best warriors and trackers, Fita to go fetch and kill him. Fita knew what the king would do to him so he went to see his wife, Kita and sleeping son before he went on his quest. His wife inspired some compassion to change his mind just enough to matter. Tarcosa was sleeping with his great uncle when his own trident was stuck through his chest instantly paralyzing him. He was snatched out of the bed and taken to CodHod Lake. He dropped him in screamed out an incipherable word and fled. Fita returned and the King said “I’m sorry about this you were one of the best but no one can know”, and with that he took off his head with his most precious sword in honor of him.

Family Tree



nThe next morning Taphernona

and Stitch went to Poseidon’s castle and found him paralyzed and Tarcosa was missing. Taphernona suspected the King because of the prophecy. Stitch and Taphernona traveled to the kingdom and questioned King Andemon. Of course King Andemon claimed he had nothing to do with Tarcosa’ disappearance, so that didn’t help them. Then out of the blue Kita requested that Taphernona meet her soon.

Taphernona went to her house and Kita told her what she knew. She knew that Fita had spared her child’s life and she knew how to help them get Tarcosa back. Kita told Taphernona the Cod Word. Taphernona thanked her and went to tell her husband the great news.





The next day King Andemon went to have his prophecy told. The oracle whispered just loud enough for him to hear “The truth will come, soon it will come and everyone will know”. The king was so infuriated that he called her out as a fake. The king returned to his home and there was an urgent message waiting for him.

“King I’m sorry to have to tell you this but Tarcosa isn’t dead”

“What are you talking about I gave strict orders too Fita and he fulfilled those I’m sure of it”

“Sir I’m not calling you a liar but an informant confirmed that Tarcosa is in hiding and only the wife knows where”


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Well then He has a wife? Bring her to me please” Kita was very hesitant to go to the kingdom especially after what happened to Fita. She left her son with his grandmother not knowing what was ahead. Kita went to see king Andemon only because her mother convinced her that if the king wanted to speak with her that it must be important.

King Andemon wanted to have a long discussion about Fita so he thought they should get some wine from the cellar. He uncovered the trap door and let the stairs down. “Ladies first” he smiled as she descended down the steps. “Same as I told Fita, No one can know” He slammed the door shut as she scrambled up the steps. Now maybe I’m safe from exposure.



Taphernona and Stitch had just arrived at the lake and together they yelled out “Over taker come forth” their son emerged out of the water and flipped into his mothers open arms. Stitch and Taphernona could take no chances so they decide to stay with Zeus until Tarcosa was old enough to understand his task. Taphernona wanted to thank Kita for her help because without her help they would have never gotten Tarcosa back but Stitch refused .He claimed they could not risk being discovered. They then returned to their home to gather necessities for the trip and were on their way. Zeus gave them the room right next to his in case of an emergency.

The King forgot about Kita for he became sick. Kita died about four months later from starvation. She had found a couple of boxes of crackers and everyday she had a few crackers and wine. One day she ran out of crackers.



After many years of hiding they went back to their hometown. Tarcosa was twenty years old and Taphernona and Stitch believed he was ready to overtake King Andemon and become the new King. They explained the entire story and Tarcosa was kind of upset that he didn’t know sooner. Taphernona thought that she would visit Kita after so many years. When she got there Kitas’ mother explained that she had gone missing right around the time that they had left town. She mentioned that she never returned home from a meeting with King Andemon.





Tarcosa began planning his attack against King Andemon. He decided to put his plan into action the next day. He went to the Kingdom and confronted him about what he attempted to do to him as a child. The King was truly scared because he had not completely recovered and was now much older. The King thought quickly if I trick him into opening the trap door I believe I have the strength to push him in. Tarcosa stomped towards him bellowing threats. “Young man could you do me a quick favor and throw back the rug” Tarcosa was taken back that the King asked a favor of him especially since he came there to cause a conflict of some sort but he did it anyway. He uncovered the trap door and out of nosiness and curiosity he automatically opened it, if the King would ever have a chance this was it. I try to make my life right but they just keep coming back. With all the strength he could muster he pushed Tarcosa, he tumbled down the rickety ladder. When he got to the bottom he shrieked he had landed on top of a rotten corpse covered in maggots he staggered up the ladder. The door slammed “If you would just stop coming I wouldn’t have to lock anyone up,” he paused “does anyone else know that you’re here?” Tarcosa said nothing he wanted the King to wonder and then maybe open the door by mistake so he would have the opportunity to escape he didn’t.


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It turns out that he didn’t need the king to make any mistakes. All Tarcosa had to do was not return home that night and Taphernona and Stitch would know that something was wrong. They showed up at the Kingdom at around midnight and peeked into the window; the king was pacing and mumbling to himself. They went around to the front and asked a servant who was passing by if they had seen Tarcosa the servant knew of no Tarcosa. They barged into his office, Stitch picked him up by his robe got in his face and demanded that he tell them their sons whereabouts. The king was so startled that he just pointed, pointed to the rug and naturally they thought he was insane because he was pointing to a rug and they had asked him where their son was. All the noise awakened Tarcosa he recognized his father’s deep voice and called out at the top of his lungs. Taphernona tapped Stitch’s shoulder “Do you hear that?”

“What are you talking about? Are you going insane too?” She consistently bugged him about the noise. Finally he

was so annoyed that he stopped interrogating King Andemon and actually listened to her. He began to hear the noises and weirdly he thought it was his sons’ voice and really weirdly he thought it was coming from the floor. He pulled the rug back and felt the uneven floor by the time that Stitch had pulled open the door and was staring in the eyes of his son King Andemon was gone.




No one in the town of Spoons ever saw King Andemon again so since it was Tarcosas prophecy to become King they replaced him immediately and lived peacefully forever. In the next ten years Tarcosa met a young lady named Tywerank. They had two sons Carlunad and Daviopet and one beautiful daughter Tatianna Politew. Tatianna Politew was given the Title of Beautifier because she was so beautiful that everything that she touched became beautiful.

Full Family Tree

The End