The Book on Co-Ownership for Moms

Post on 23-Aug-2014

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Mom, its finally here. The Book on Co-Ownership designed with you in mind. Have a great read or watch the complimentary movie.

Transcript of The Book on Co-Ownership for Moms


The Book on Co-OwnershipSuccess and how you can benefit from it!

Your Success

“Every achievement, big or small, begins in your mind”.

Mary Kay Ash

Achieve higher success with a fit mind and body by experiencing the eCoe Organic Super Foods and Hydrogen Mineral Water Drops.

Top 8 Things to Know About This Barley GoldThis Barley Gold is organic Raw Barley Super food Living Barley that helps the body Heal +


It is 93-95% digestible allowing the body to absorb more amino acids + nutrients to assist our

body in healing and getting rid of toxins.

This Raw Barley Gold Super Food has been shown to help with:

Blood Sugar control and better insulin response.

Healthy blood pressure and improving total and LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Helping a person feel satisfied + satiated and with Weight Loss.

Building immune system function.

Decreasing cancer risk when eaten as a part of a healthy diet.

Top 7 Things to Know About This Lignan GoldHealthy Brain Function

Boosts the immune system

Healthy cholesterol levels and a healthy heart

Builds bone mineral density

Helps overcome symptoms of menopause

Benefits the digestive system, adding bulk and promoting regularity

Lignan Gold is another Gluten Free, Lactose Free and Nut Free Super Food that is

a rich source of OMEGA 3, Lignans, Protein and Fiber!

The Detoxifying Hydrogen Mineral Water Drops have a 99.99% kill rate on any pathogen, heals the skin, tightens loose skin up, helps varicose veins and more.

Your Home

Ben Franklin may have discovered electricity, but it is the man who invented the meter who made the money.” Earl Warren

“The individual who comes up with a means for doing or producing almost anything better, faster or more economically has their future and their fortune at their fingertips.” J. Paul Getty

The eCoe Wind Turbine Energy Systemis designed for your home with the purpose of saving you money every month by assisting you in “Getting Off the Meter”.

Recorded Calls

Your Business

"Every business or home should be able to safely generate its own energy."Warren Citrin

The eCoe Energy Systems are, “Designed with your Business Energy Needs in Mind”.

Your Rewards

“Money is the opposite of the weather. Nobody talks about it, but everybody does something about it.” Rebecca Johnson

Whether you are a Non-Profit, Retailer, Staffing Services or an Individual, Get Paid for Promoting your own Private Branded Cash Incentive Visa Card.

Get Paid for selling the Wind Turbine Franchise to Electricians

Get paid for selling the eCoe Wind Turbine Energy System to home owners and small business.

Get Paid Annual Company Profits for your Co-Ownership in the eCoe Wind Turbine Energy System.

Get Paid for selling the eCoe Green Energy Investment “ADI” to Private or Angel Investors.

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Marti Barletta said, “The shortest distance between you and business success is marketing to women.”

Act NowTo get the Discounts and Personal Rewards of Co-Ownership!

Get Connected To eCoe Services and Benefits Today!

Get Started Today!

Bryan Long (541) 233-8492

Skype bryanlong51

Copyrighted 2014 The Bryan K. Long Company/