The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter - April 2010

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Keep up to date with our latest events and publications by liking our Facebook Page at: over Sydney – The Intergalactic Neighbours Drop By.Underwater activities of the Burragorang valleyLatest Burragorang Valley Investigation [From May 2009 Temple of Nim Newsletter.]The Burragorang’s Ongoing Mystery.Strange Light Shafts from Cedar Valley. Diseases from Space. Some UFO Reports Gleaned from the Internet.

Transcript of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter - April 2010




Vol. 1 Issue No 3

April, 2010.

Extraterrestrial Highway leads to the tiny community of Rachel, the UFO capital of America.

Inside: � UFOs over Sydney – The Intergalactic Neighbours Drop By.

� Underwater activities of the Burragorang valley

� Latest Burragorang Valley Investigation [From May 2009 Temple of Nim Newsletter.]

� The Burragorang’s Ongoing Mystery.

� Strange Light Shafts from Cedar Valley.

� Diseases from Space.

� Some UFO Reports Gleaned from the Internet.

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club April 2010.

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Blue Mountains UFO Research Club News. Our meetings are held on the third Saturday of the month, at the

Gilroy residence, 12 Kamillaroi Road, South Katoomba, from 2pm onwards.

We are situated on the corner of Kamillaroi Road and Ficus Street, and as we always say, park in Ficus Street where there is safer parking. PLEASE NO SMOKING ON THE PREMISES. ALSO, NO LARGE BAGS IN THE CINEMA OR THE HOUSE. PLEASE NOTE. Please contact us prior to bringing along any new friends interested in UFOlogy and the mysteries generally. Anyone with any personal experiences involving UFOs or the ‘unexplained’ are invited to share them with us all. Contact Information: Phone: 02 4782 3441, Email: [or catch our website on or]. Please note our new email address.

A plate of food to share for afternoon tea is appreciated.


APRIL • Announcing the All new Blue Mountains UFO Research Club.

• The Newsletter [available at meetings]will contain an update ‘special report’ on the Burragorang Underground Base.

• Discussion on UFO matters among members either [weather permitting] in the sunshine or inside the cinema.

• Latest Blue Mountains UFO sightings.

• Any sightings of UFOs seen by members.

• Latest report on the Burragorang Valley Underground Base UFO activity.

• UFO documentaries.

• Other surprises. • Weather permitting there will be a Skywatch out on Narrow Neck Plateau. [Don’t forget - warm clothing is

a necessity as the weather can change very quickly!], and don’t forget to bring a torch and binoculars. If any members have ideas for other likely Skywatch locations for our Club we would like to hear about them.

• As, the Club program will concentrate solely upon UFOlogical matters, it has

therefore been decided to create two newsletters - “Newsletter of the Blue

Mountains UFO Research Club” and “The Temple of Nim” Newsletter for

general ‘unexplained’ mysteries, historical, archaeological and general

cryptozoological and relict hominological matters. If any member has material or

an article to place in the newsletters please feel free to forward it to us by the

second Saturday of the month.

To assist with the costs involved in producing these, a gold coin donation will be


Rex and Hea th e r G i l r o y , Aus t r a l i a ’ s t o p UFO and ‘Un exp l a i n e d ’ Mys t e r i e s Re s e a r c h t e am .

Pho t o c o py r i g h t © Rex G i l r o y 2004 .

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club April 2010.



INTERGALACTIC NEIGHBOURS DROP BY. • By Neil Keene From: The Daily Telegraph March 24, 2010 12:00AM

Rocket ships or space cadets ... the mysterious photo of what might be a UFO (circled) taken by Fiona Hartigan at

sunset in Chipping North Source: The Daily Telegraph.

THEY emerged from a blazing light in the clouds, descending on a busy Sydney street before

zipping off silently into the sunset. Just what - or who - propelled the strange flying discs across the sky may never be known.

Close encounters ... Fiona Hartigan from Chipping

Norton / Pic: James Elsby Source: The Daily Telegraph.

Hmmmm ... what do you think this image shows?

Source: The Daily Telegraph.

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club April 2010.


But while the close encounter was over in seconds, it was enough to convince mother-of-two Fiona

Hartigan that she'd just seen a UFO.

And she has the photos to prove it.

Ms Hartigan yesterday said she had just got out of her car on Sunday evening to snap a few sunset photos

when the amazing events began.

"As I was about to take the picture this black object appeared and then it started to move," she said.

"It started off about 800m away but it came closer - to about 400m - and then two other little round things

appeared from this bright orange light above.

"There was no noise. It was calm and peaceful but it was very weird."

Ms Hartigan said the main UFO then "shot off" above Governor Macquarie Drive at Chipping Norton,

with the smaller UFOs zipping away in the opposite direction.

"I don't know how to explain it - I'm still totally bewildered," she said.

To the sceptic, Ms Hartigan's photo might show a speck of dust on the lens or something small floating in

the air close to the camera.

But close encounters like Ms Hartigan's came as no surprise to UFO Research NSW spokesman Doug

Moffett: "It could be some electrical anomaly that no one has ever seen, it could be an extra-terrestrial

craft, it could be something else.

"There does appear to be a blur around the image, which could just be the way it's shaped, or - and this is

pure speculation - it could be due to its propulsion system.

"Whatever the case, it's an opportunity to learn something new."

Mr Moffett said there were between 1000 and 1500 UFO sightings in Australia every year, "but that is

just the tip of the iceberg".

"Why would anyone make these stories up? They are setting themselves up for ridicule," he said.

Do you believe in UFOs? • Yes 63.73% (898 votes)

• No 36.27% (511 votes)

Total votes: 1409


Copyright © Rex Gilroy 2010. On the late afternoon of Saturday 10th April, 2010 Heather and I drove out to McMahons Lookout at the far end of Kings Tableland, Wentworth Falls together with our new female field assistant Mihaela Hilla. As darkness fell just before 7pm Mihaela and I reached the lookout for a Skywatch and to observe the Burragorang Valley which it overlooks with the northern extension of the Lake Burragorang below us. Father to the west lies the two east-west facing deep gullies containing camouflaged openings of the underground top secret Australian/American space travel research base whereby UFOs have been seen to move in and out of. However, our attention on this visit was suddenly drawn immediately upon our arrival to the northern shoreline of the lake below about 2 kilometres distant at 7pm, where we both spotted first one and then anther shaft of white light below the water surface extending out from the shoreline for some distance. Then while these light shafts continued to appear, at 7.11pm atop the ridge between the two gullies containing the underground base flight openings, we spotted a bright flashing white light with our binoculars. This light persisted for a couple of minutes. Then, to the north of where we stood on the lookout and in the north-east end of the valley, which lies to the south of Kedumba Valley, I spotted a gold light which by the time I had alerted Mihaela, had begun moving along a dirt track towards a western Base opening not found on any maps. We watched as the light, surely of a four-wheel drive vehicle, disappeared into a deep forested gully to what could only be an underground destination far to the south of the end of Narrow Neck Plateau. Meanwhile, as the shafts of light below the lake continued shining, I spotted a white light on the south-west side of Burragorang Valley which we barely observed before it ‘switched off’. It was located somewhere near the wide gap in the cliffs through which lies the entrance into the equally vast Wollondilly Valley, which is of course the scene of more underground base activities, with UFOs frequently being seen to fly in and out of openings there. At 7.35pm the underwater lights shafts ‘switched off’. With all the other phenomena over with also we decided to leave due to weather conditions, but what we had witnessed certainly proved that night time activity of the occupants

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club April 2010.


of this mighty ‘underland’ world of advanced ET-provided space travel technology continues. Indeed, lately it appears to be stepping up.

***** Interestingly, our McMahons Lookout visit was almost a year since the sensational night experienced here on Friday 10th April 2009, when Heather and I together with an amazed William Johnson, Kim and Ian Tracton, observed the glowing underwater phenomenon of three ‘saucer’ craft appear just off the same shoreline of the northern extremity of lake Burragorang, each craft being attached by shafts of light [which were probably underwater entry tubes into the craft]. We include here the report of that exciting night, originally published in the May 2009 edition of our Temple of Nim newsletter, to bring everyone up to date on this mystery.


[From the May 2009 Temple of Nim Newsletter].


By Rex Gilroy Copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009.

On the night of Friday 17th April, 2009, Heather and I, together with William Johnson, Kim and Ian Tracton, drove out in darkness to McMahon’s Lookout, which gives a commanding view of the Burragorang Valley and the northern offshoot of Lake Burragorang [ie the backwaters of Warragamba Dam]. After arriving at the lookout around 80m it was not long before we were to witness incredible happenings in the valley below us. The time was 8.30pm when after seeing a dense mist and cloud cover was obscuring the underground base area, our attention was drawn to a single, round white glow coming from beneath the surface of the lake, close to the northern shoreline of the backwaters below us. As we watched the object my binoculars caught sight of a glow emanating from the north-east corner of the shoreline below us, which coming from a Cliffside, lit up tree trunks on their eastern side, penetrating out into the lake to shine over the circular object glowing beneath the surface. This glow from the cliff base [an obvious underground base opening] gradually faded away, leaving the glowing disc-shaped object, which continued glowing beneath the lake surface. This glow would at times vary in intensity. Then, at 9.33pm two more disc-shaped objects, both white-glowing appeared to fade into view on the west side of the first disc to form a straight east-west alignment. At this point also, each object was suddenly linked to the north shore by white-glowing underwater light shafts, then another underwater beam, glowing from the cliff base at the north-east corner of the lake linked all three objects. These connecting light rays faded away after about 20 minutes. As we continued watching this light display, at 10.11pm the three glowing discs, all continuing to vary in intensity, appeared to me to be submerged saucer craft and we all discussed this possibility. Then at 10.33pm the discs on the west site of the first observed one began to fade away, soon leaving the first [east end] disc to continue glowing alone. This disc’s glow periodically faded then brightened alternatively. At 10.45pm this single glowing disc began moving slowly southwards, eventually to stop at a point roughly in the middle of this extension of the lake continuing to alternatively fade and brighten. It then eventually completely faded away. Then, at 11.26pm what may or may not have been the same disc, suddenly glowed into view close to the western shore of the lake, where it continued to do so until 11.45pm when it too faded away. It was also about this time that I spotted a gold-glowing light, which ha appeared from behind the mist and clouds covering the western side of the valley where the underground base main saucer craft openings are located. Directing the others to this object, we watched as it continued east out of sight, our view obstructed by the nearby forest. Was it an ordinary light aircraft, or something from the ‘base’? In any case we abandoned our Skywatch, which had in fact been a ‘lake watch’, excited at what we had been witness to.

***** So what can be the explanation of the three glowing underwater saucer-shaped objects? I maintain they were flying craft, perhaps involved in some underwater manoeuvres. It would appear that the lake waters are being employed as underwater ‘flying saucers’ nests, probably for underwater movement and also take-offs, and even underwater landings. It is a point of interest that, over the years, at least from the Warragamba Dam end, people have reported having seen ‘saucers’ emerge from the lake to fly off into the sky, thus suggesting that underwater activities involving flying saucers from the great Burragorang underground advanced spaced travel technology base, have been going on for a great many years, and that we were very lucky to have been on hand at the right time and location to witness some of these activities.


Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club April 2010.


Setting up at McMahons Lookout for the Skywatch, Heather brought along collapsible chairs. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009

William Johnson watches the sky while Heather, Kin and Ian Tracton take a seat. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009.

Ian Tracton waiting for something to happen. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009.

Rex Gilroy watching Burragorang Valley for any signs of UFO activity. Photo

copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009.

The happy Skywatchers after witnessing the big event in Lake Burragorang. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009.

William, Kim and Ian staring into the darkness for UFO activity. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009.

Kim and Ian watching the valley not long before the appearance of the submerged ‘saucers’. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009.

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club April 2010.


Following the disappearance of the two glowing discs on the west side of the first one to appear, this saucer began moving beneath the water to the

centre of this section of the lake, where it afterwards vanished. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009.

Another glowing disc came into view just off the western shore of this promontory where it glowed for a time before fading away.

Was it the same single disc that moved across the lake, or another one? Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009.

The Burragorang Valley from McMahons Lookout showing the section of Lake

Burragorang where the submerged ‘saucers’ were observed on the night of Friday 17th

April, 2009. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009.

Daytime photo of the valley. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009.

More happy Skywatchers after witnessing the big event in Lake Burragorang. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009.

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club April 2010.



Copyright © Rex Gilroy 2010. On Saturday 10th march 2009 a UFO was reported seen hovering over the Jenolan range by people in Megalong Valley. A Mr and Mrs R and S Davidson reported seeing at 11am an approximate 40 metre diameter ‘saucer-shaped’ craft containing numerous windows arranged around the craft. The sketch shown here was made from their description.

According to the Davidsons, who observed the craft with binoculars from a Megalong Valley back road,

situated on a hilltop, the top half of the craft was a silvery-grey colour, the windows beings within a silvery shining band and the bottom half beneath the windows was red in colour. “The object began coasting over the Jenolan Range as we watched”, said Mr Davidson. “At first it was only a few kilometres away, before it started descending from about a kilometre above the ridges, to level off within about 30 metres perhaps of the treetops as it continued moving from the south-west to north-west. It was slow at this point but then it began picking up speed, until at about 100 kilometres an hour as it reached the south-west end of Megalong Valley, it suddenly turned east and quickly vanished behind the hills into the Burragorang Valley”. Mr and Mrs Davidson were visitors from Sydney but locals have many stories to tell of UFOs over and landing in their valley, as previous Blue Mountains UFO Research Club newsletters have revealed.



Copyright © Rex Gilroy 2010. On Thursday night 18th March 2010 as I was walking our dog Andy on Cliff Drive we entered the start of Glen Raphael Drive which extends out to the Water Board Gate on Narrow Neck Plateau. Just a short distance from the road entrance there is a view of the western end of Mt Solitary with Ruined Castle rock formation rising up between Mt solitary and the end of the first arm of Narrow neck Plateau, creating ‘saddles’ on each side of the ‘Castle’. The time was 10pm as I suddenly witnessed two, at least 1 kilometre long shafts of bright white light, shoot up from out of the Cedar Valley which lies directly behind the ‘saddle’ between the ‘Castle’ and the cliffs of the end of the

Close view of the north-east corner of the section of lake where the three ‘saucers’ at one point were connected to the northern shore by light shafts, with another extending through them from the north-east shore, where another light was shining out from a cliff base

opening. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009.

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club April 2010.


first arm of Narrow Neck Plateau. The great shafts as shown in this drawing vanished within an instant, ie less than perhaps 3 seconds, and from where Andy and I stood they would have emerged from about the centre of Cedar Valley, which is a small valley enclosed by the first and second ‘arms’ of Narrow Neck, the second one extending far out into Burragorang Valley into which Cedar Valley enters about level with the western side of Mt Solitary.

Cedar Valley is known from the Gilroys’ researches to possess at least two camouflaged openings from which spacecraft have been observed at night in the past to emerge from or vanish into. This small valley is being watched by Blue Mountains UFO Research Club members so it is likely that more phenomena will be observed here in the future.



Copyright © Rex Gilroy 2010. Diseases from space is an old argument among UFOlogists to explain many seemingly ‘incurable’ maladies and diseases that affect this planet’s inhabitants. Cancer for instance has been with us since the Stone-Age as from studies of fossil remains of early Homo. Could such diseases have been introduced by ETs in the dim past, and these diseases killed off vast populations before abating? Cancer itself is above all others the prime killer for which little can be done for many forms of this dreaded disease. While Earth-based medical scientists cannot find cures it is certain that advanced beings elsewhere in our Universe have already conquered all diseases due to their advanced super-technologies, medical in particular. It may be that Earth scientists of the underground bases established around Australia and elsewhere by the US military [in Australia with the collusion of past government agreement] already possess cures for cancers and other diseases, but it is being withheld from the public at large in the USA, Australia and elsewhere, for the benefit of multi-billion dollar International Drug companies who would otherwise lose untold millions of dollars should cures for all forms of cancer and any other death-dealing disease be found. It is becoming clear that the top secret underground advanced space travel technology base in the Burragorang Valley, as well as its offshoot underground complexes in Wollondilly Valley and the Wollemi wilderness are involved here to a considerable extent. Government agents have been known to ‘crack down’ on those who expose these underground activities, or else ‘suspects’ are being continually watched. The big question is -- are Extraterrestrials in regular communication with Earth scientists in the Burragorang and other underground complexes? The answer seems to be YES. Only the form of contact needs to be clarified. Actual hands-on contact is suspected at least in the past; or else the contact is via electronics, ie in mathematical figures of a universal language which scientists here on Earth and those of super-civilisations elsewhere in space can all understand and converse in.

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club April 2010.


If medical knowledge of the Extraterrestrials can be made widely known to a public continually kept in the dark by governments [who are obviously well paid for their silence], it would create a worldwide revolution in our own medical science, creating a far healthier world than is currently thought possible by our medical scientists. Unfortunately the worldwide media is in the pay of the powerful Drug companies, so that information or any medical breakthroughs in the cure of the major diseases is not reaching the masses. Only the exposure of this great [indeed Criminal] cover-up will ever bring about this change. And, once the vice-like grip these Drug moguls have on the world media is broken, all will be revealed and the power of these criminal companies and their political supporters will be destroyed once and for all.



• Rowan Callick From: The Australian January 01, 2010 12:00AM

IT is now 50 years since a 31-year-old Australian Anglican missionary in Papua New Guinea,

William Gill, and 37 parishioners and staff made the best attested and least explained sighting of

unidentified flying objects in the long, otherwise kooky history of the genre. The day before the celebrated encounter of a mystifying kind, Gill had written a letter to David Durie,

acting principal of St Aidan's College, which trained teacher-evangelists at Dogura, then the headquarters

of the church in PNG.

Gill, who was priest in charge at Boianai, a large village on the mountainous north coast of Milne Bay

province, about 25km west of Dogura, told Durie of a UFO sighting by Stephen Moi, then an assistant


He wrote: "There have been quite a number of reports over the months from reliable witnesses.

"The peculiar thing about these most recent reports is that the UFOs seem to be stationary at Boanai or to

travel from Boianai," a beautiful location brilliantly captured by pioneer Australian photographer Frank

Hurley in 1921. "I myself saw a stationary white light twice on the same night on April 9 . . . the assistant

district officer, Bob Smith, and Mr Glover have seen it. I do not doubt the existence of these things, but

my simple mind still requires scientific evidence before I can accept the from-outer-space theory. I am

inclined to believe that probably many UFOs are more likely some form of electric phenomena or perhaps

something brought about by the atom bomb explosions etc.

"That Stephen should actually make out a saucer could be the work of the unconscious mind, as it is very

likely that at some time he has seen illustrations of some kind in a magazine.

"It is all too difficult to understand for me; I prefer to wait for some bright boy to catch one to be

exhibited in Martin Place.

"Yours, Doubting William."

The following day, he wrote again: "Dear David, life is strange, isn't it? Yesterday I wrote you a letter,

expressing opinions re the UFOs. Now, less than 24 hours later I have changed my views somewhat.

"Last night we at Boianai experienced about four hours of UFO activity, and there is no doubt whatsoever

that they are handled by beings of some kind. At times it was absolutely breathtaking. Here is the report.

"Cheers, Convinced Bill.

"P.S. Do you think P. Moresby should know about this? If people think it worthwhile, I will stand the cost

of a radio conversation if you care to make out a comprehensive report from the material on my behalf!!"

What had Gill and his parishioners seen?

The notes he made following his encounter describe a bright white light appearing in the northwestern

sky, approaching the mission station, then hovering about 100m in the air.

Gill, Moi, another teacher, Ananias Rarata, and 35 other people who all later signed a confirming

document, watched what they described as a large, disc-shaped, solidly constructed object, with a wide


Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club April 2010.


base tapering up to a higher deck, and with what appeared to be four legs beneath, and four brightly lit

panels in the side.

It occasionally emitted a shaft of blue light at a 45 degree angle.

Then what they described as men emerged on to a deck on the top, four at most, but in various

configurations. Clouds, which were at about 600m, then eventually obscured the vessel as it drifted


It had been stationary through most of the 25 minutes of this encounter.

Gill then wrote his letter to Durie. That evening, the visitation returned in an extraordinary manner. He

first saw it at 6.02pm, as the sun was setting.

Gill's account states: "We watched figures appear on top - four of them - no doubt that they are human.

"Two smaller UFOs were seen at the same time, stationary. One above the hills west, another overhead.

"On the large one, two of the figures seemed to be doing something near the centre of the deck . . . were

occasionally bending over and raising their arms as though adjusting or setting up something (not visible).

"One figure seemed to be standing looking down at us (a group of about a dozen). I stretched my arm

above my head and waved. To our surprise the figure did the same.

"Ananias waved both arms over his head then the two outside figures did the same.

"Ananias and self began waving our arms and all four now seemed to wave back. There seemed to be no

doubt that our movements were answered. All mission boys made audible gasps (of either joy or surprise,

perhaps both).

"As dark was beginning to close in, I sent Eric Kodawara for a torch and directed a series of long dashes

towards the UFO. After a minute or two of this, the UFO apparently acknowledged by making several

wavering motions back and forth.

"Waving by us was repeated and this followed by more flashes of torch, then the UFO began slowly to

become bigger, apparently coming in our direction. It ceased after perhaps half a minute and came no


"After a further two or three minutes the figures apparently lost interest in us for they disappeared below

deck. At 6.25pm two figures reappeared to carry on with whatever they were doing before the

interruption. The blue spotlight came on for a few seconds twice in succession."

The situation remained unchanged, so Gill returned to his regular routine and went to have his dinner at


By 7pm, the main object had moved slightly away and the observers went into the village church for

evensong, as usual.

By the time they emerged, at 7.45pm, visibility had become very limited with the sky covered in cloud.

At 10.40 pm, Gill wrote, an "earsplitting" explosion woke up the mission-station inhabitants. Gill said it

did not feel like a thunderclap.

Later, Gill said, he was always asked why he had reverted to his usual routine when there was a flying

saucer apparently hovering overhead. This was partly because, he said, "there was nothing eerie or other-

worldly about any of this. It was all so ordinary, as ordinary as a Ford car.

"It looked a perfectly normal sort of object, an Earth-made object. I realised, of course, that some people

might think of this as a flying saucer, but I took it to be some kind of hovercraft the Americans or even

the Australians had built. The figures inside looked perfectly human."

Gill's report caused quite a sensation at the time, when PNG was an Australian colony. A Liberal federal

MP from Western Australia, E. D. Cash, asked the then air minister questions in parliament, without

receiving a substantive answer.

The Defence Ministry deployed two RAAF officers to investigate. Although they found Gill "a reliable

observer", they attributed the sightings to "natural phenomena", the result of cloudy, thunder-prone

weather and light refraction from Jupiter, Saturn and Mars.

Gill was educated at Trinity Grammar School in Melbourne, then studied theology at St Francis College,

Brisbane, and education at the University of Queensland. He was ordained as a priest in 1950, then

worked in PNG in parish work and as a teacher and education administrator. In Port Moresby, he also did

some radio broadcasting.

After returning from PNG, he taught at Essendon Grammar, Camberwell Grammar and St Michael's

Grammar, all in Melbourne, and undertook sociological research at La Trobe University. He died at age

79 in 2007.

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club April 2010.


Gill appears an exceptionally unlikely figure to have been readily caught up in the flying saucer craze, at

its most intense in the 1950s. Few phenomena would have appeared more remote to high-church

Anglican missionaries in PNG, many with considerable educational attainments.

Among those most intensely interested in the sightings was Englishman Norman Cruttwell, an

outstanding exemplar of the long tradition of priest-botanists, who discovered and named - after his

mother Christian - a rhododendron in PNG and had an orchid named after him in tribute.

Gill wrote to Cruttwell, who was also running a parish in northern Milne Bay: "Here is a lot of material

the kind you have been waiting for, no doubt; but I am in some ways sorry that it has to be me who

supplies it. Attitudes at Dogura in respect of my sanity vary greatly, and like all mad men, I myself think

my grey cells are OK."

Among the hypotheses later considered to explain Gill's sightings was that he was pulling Cruttwell's leg.

But, if so, when Cruttwell became excited, and helped inform the world about the events, Gill might then

have been expected to stay quiet and wait for the embarrassment to pass. Instead, Gill accepted invitations

to speak widely about what he had seen, with no apparent reluctance.

Australian author Randolph Stow, who worked at an Anglican mission station for Aborigines in

northwestern Australia, then as assistant to the government anthropologist in PNG, where he was based in

Milne Bay, framed an acclaimed novel in 1979, Visitants, around the Boianai sightings.

"Be not afeard," Stow cites from Shakespeare's The Tempest: "The isle is full of noises . . ."

The writer knew both Cruttwell and Moi - by then a priest - when he worked in PNG.

Cruttwell famously missed out on a sighting of bright lights over his own mission station because he was

ensconced in the "smallhaus". The following day, he had the roof replaced with a clear glass panel, just in

case . . . -0-


March 20th, 2010

ALIENS could be the latest to weigh in on the nuclear waste storage debate after UFOs were spotted near the proposed Territory facility.

Muckaty Station manager Ray Aylett said he saw UFOs hovering over a part of his station north of Tennant Creek last Wednesday.

He said he spotted strange lights between the two sites on the property under consideration for the dump.

"I keep getting out the torch, I wanna get them down to have a beer or a steak but they won't come down," he said.

He said one of the two sites was attracting most of the attention from the sky.

"At one of the sites, two UFOs followed me - I was going to Helen's Springs and two followed me along the road," he said.

"I thought 'bugger you, if you wanna go past, I'll pull over' I pulled over and they went.

"Later, when I got to the Helen Springs turnoff, two came in front of me - in the same night."

But the latest sighting was slightly to the west of the homestead, placing it in an almost perfect equal geographic distance from the two sites.

"I went out to turn the lamp off and there was one out there in the west, he was there for a fair while," he said. "He was just above the horizon - was there for a while and then went.

"It was like an orangey coloured light - an orangey coloured star.

"He was just sitting there. I've seen some good ones moving."

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club April 2010.


The Barkly Shire councillor said most people think he's mad over his UFO sightings, which have made him a Territory celebrity.

"They've been coming ever since I've been at Muckaty, for 13 years," he said.

"They're funny things, I reckon there are people on Earth, so there have got to be people out there.

"Everybody reckons I'm mad, but you've gotta be hunting them."


UFO SIGHTINGS IN NSW IN 2008. • From: The Daily Telegraph July 25, 2008 12:00AM

The 2008 sightings to June were:

On the 17th of March, a school teacher was walking her dogs along the shore of Lake Wallace near

Lithgow. It was 6am in the morning and still dark enough to see the stars. She saw what she thought was

a shooting star, but it suddenly stopped and made a right hand turn. She described the object as very high

in altitude travelling south and suddenly turning west.

Bankstown - 24th February. J was sitting on the back veranda with his wife when he noticed a white light

moving across the sky. Whilst he was trying to determine which type of object it could be, it stopped dead

and then disappeared without making a sound. He believed that such a small light was probably quite

distant from him, but that nothing could explain this disappearing trick. This sighting actually turned out

to be a daytime one in which the time of the event was late AM. The object moved easterly, that is, from

left to right in front of the witness. He even called his wife back after it suddenly stopped. It wasn't so

much the type of light in the day that would bring much attention, it was the fact that it was moving too

fast and then stopped too suddenly - and after all of that, it suddenly vanished. After gnawing over it for a

while, he felt he had no choice but to try and tell someone. He rang 12455 and was given the UFO hotline


Newcastle - 11th April 6.55pm. S and her husband were sitting outside when they noticed two 'stars', one

above the other and as they watched, the bottom one ascended slowly and 'merged' with the other. It took

about 10 minutes for this to happen. They were hovering and then they faded out. She rang the

Williamtown air base who said that they 'don't do UFO reports' and gave her the hotline number. They

were looking towards East Maitland, in the easterly sky. She descried the objects as starlike.

Eastwood - 28th April 21.00. It was a shiny blue fluorescent ball of light. First thought it to be a plane as

it was travelling around plane height. We noticed it because it was very bright, unusually bright for a

plane. Me and my fiancé were checking it out and talking. After a couple of seconds it sped up, left a light

trail and disappeared.

Glenreagh - 26th June 5.30pm. I was loading firewood at the back door just on dark and noticed a bigger

than normal bright light moving across the sky. It was very bright which made it hard to determine the

exact shape. The object was about 10-times larger than a star and brighter. It seemed to be only a couple

of kilometres away and moving at a slow, even pace in a straight line. It was too close for a satellite. It

was not a plane as it was silent and flying much lower. It can only be described as a 'ball of light'.

It was a very still and quiet night and there was no sound of any aircraft motor, though once it started

getting further away we both thought we could hear a slight humming sound. A few minutes later an

aeroplane flew past and it was a lot further away than the object and we could easily hear the noise of its

motor and see its flashing lights, even though it was a lot further away.

[ Note by agent: There was an Iridium satellite with a possible flare at 5.48pm. The path, however, was

SSE - NNW. The unknown in the report was travelling on an opposite flight path].

Nowra - 30th June 11:30am. Flying low and slow over golf course Nowra, Greenwell Point Road and

flying west east. I was halted at an intersection at Worrigee facing north towards Terrara. In front of me

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club April 2010.


was a military helicopter following another craft about two lengths behind. The front craft was a rounded

triangle shape, about the size of the helicopter without tail or rotor blades. I sat for a while trying to work

out what I was looking at. The bottom half of craft was grey/blackish and silverish on top. Many aircrafts

fly over our area and my home but have never seen anything like it. For this past year there has been

many 'unusual' aircrafts 'buzzing' our neighbourhood.



• From: The Advertiser February 18, 2010 8:39PM

HUNDREDS of UFO sightings by Britons, including one who allegedly developed a skin condition

after a supernatural encounter, emerged in files released yesterday that also show Winston

Churchill's interest in the issue. The most unusual of the newly declassified Ministry of Defence files tells how a man in Ebbw Vale,

south Wales, claimed his car was surrounded for five minutes by a "tube of light" in 1997.

The man, who reported the incident to police, was sick the next day and also developed a mysterious skin


"First sighting seemed like a massive star moving towards the car," the previously top secret police report


"Having stopped the car and switched the lights off, the light encircled the car, remaining for perhaps

five minutes. (The man) was able to walk through the light which was very bright. There was no sound, no

aircraft or helicopter noise, and besides feeling ill (he) was very frightened."

The newly-released files span 6000 pages and cover the period 1994 to 2000.

They were released alongside another file dating back to 1952 that showed then British Prime Minister

Winston Churchill requesting a briefing on UFOs from his secretary of state for air.

"What does all this stuff about flying saucers amount to?" he wrote. Churchill was told that alleged UFO

sightings could be explained by earthly phenomena such as optical illusions, mistaken identification of

planes, birds and balloons and deliberate hoaxes. -0-



• From: Daily Mail December 22, 2009 12:00AM

UFO over Red Square HOVERING ominously over the city, this video of what appears to be a triangle-shaped UFO has

left Russians baffled. Sitting motionless in the sky above the Kremlin in Moscow, clips of the unexplained object have become

the most-viewed videos on Russia's YouTube.

The two videos, one taken at night from a car and one during the day, were both filmed by amateurs

The UFO hovered for hours over Red Square in the Russian capital and was seen by hundreds of people.

The identity of the shape has not been confirmed but internet forums are buzzing with the sighting.

The UFO appeared on December 9th, the same night that a mysterious blue spiral light appeared over

Norway. That was later attributed to a failed rocket launch from Russia.

Some have likened the object to one of the spaceships from Star Wars.

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club April 2010.


But others have said it is merely a reflection from inside the cameraman's car. If the object exists experts

estimate that it could be up to a mile wide.

Some commentators have reacted sceptically to the videos and have pointed out that if hundreds of people

had seen the object more videos and photos would have emerged by now.

Russian reports ruled out a UFO but police have refused to comment.

Nick Pope, a former British Ministry of Defence UFO analyst, said it was "one of the most extraordinary

UFO clips I've ever seen".

"At first I thought this was a reflection but it appears to move behind a power line, ruling out this theory."

A spokesman for aerospace journal Jane's News said: "We have no idea what it is."




• By Neil Keene From: The Daily Telegraph July 25, 2008 12:00AM

UFOS have been spotted on the NSW South Coast in the past month as former US astronaut Dr

Edgar Mitchell ignites the debate about aliens making contact on earth. Dr Mitchell, a veteran of the Apollo 14 mission, who, along with commander Alan Shepard holds the

record for the longest-ever moon walk during the 1971 mission, said yesterday that extra-terrestrials had

paid repeated visits to our planet but the encounters were kept secret by government agencies.

NASA officials were quick to dismiss the suggestion of a cover-up.

Dr Mitchell has made similar claims previously and is a self-proclaimed devotee of paranormal


"I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we've been visited on this planet and

the UFO phenomena is real," Dr Mitchell said.

"It's been covered up by all our governments for the last 60 years or so, but slowly it's leaked out and

some of us have been privileged to have been briefed on some of it.

"I've been in military and intelligence circles, who know that beneath the surface of what has been public

knowledge, yes - we have been visited."

He said the aliens were similar to the traditional image, having a small frame, large eyes and head.

He claimed our technology was "not as sophisticated" as theirs and "had they been hostile we would be

been gone by now".


Our next meeting will be held on Sunday 16th May 2010, same time, same place – 12 Kamillaroi Road, Katoomba.

Our previous meeting was a huge success and we look forward to seeing you at our next one. There should be some good Skywatches ahead of us up here at Katoomba weather permitting.

`Meanwhile, there is a lot happening ‘up there’ at present so -

Until our next meeting –

Watch the Skies! Rex and HeatherRex and HeatherRex and HeatherRex and Heather

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club April 2010.



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The latest book by by Rex and Heather Gilroy



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Rex and Heather GilroyRex and Heather GilroyRex and Heather GilroyRex and Heather Gilroy URU Publications