The Black Power Movement. Look at the following photos. What did the Black Power Movement emphasize?...

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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Transcript of The Black Power Movement. Look at the following photos. What did the Black Power Movement emphasize?...

The Black Power Movement

The Black Power Movement

Look at the following photos.

What did the Black Power Movement emphasize?

How do these photos of the Black Panther Party differ from photos you have seen of the Civil Rights Movement?

What did the black power movement emphasize?

Why do you think this organization chose a black panther as its symbol?

60’s and 70’s The Black Panther Party

The Black Panther started in Oakland in 1966

They were militant, and often had guns

They wanted black control of the black community, and did not seek integration with whites.

10 Point Program

The Panthers published a 10 point program calling for:

An end to police brutality

Freedom for African Americans

Housing and jobs for the black community

Malcolm X

Malcolm X was the most famous of the Black Power leaders of the 1960’s

He preached black power and separatism.

He did not agree with non-violence and integration

Malcolm Little

Malcolm X ‘s father was a preacher who believed in black separatism

As a young adult Malcolm went to prison for burglary

There he learned about the Nation of Islam

1964 -1965 El Hajj Malik el Shabazz

In 1964 Malcolm X left the Nation of Islam

and traveled in Saudi Arabia

He was assassinated in 1965 by several members of the Nation of Islam

Talk it out

Who do you think was the most effective or inspirational leader of the Civil Rights or Black Power Movement? Explain your reason.

Talk it out….

Who do you think were more courageous, the non violent protestors of the Civil Rights movement, or militant advocates of the Black Power Movement? Explain.

Talk it out

Which movement do you think was most effective in changing American society, the Civil Rights Movement or the Black Power Movement? Explain.

Talk it out…

What benefits and advantages do students in 2012 have compared with Melba and the Little Rock 9 in the 1950’s?

Talk it out…

How can we honor the accomplishments and memory of people who won the Civil Rights struggle in the 1950’s and 60’s? Explain.