The birds of treasure international park

Post on 09-Feb-2017

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Transcript of The birds of treasure international park

The birds of Treasure International Park

the strangest, the most beautiful, the biggest

THE MOST BEAUTIFUL- Common kingfisher Common kingfisher - also known as the Eurasian kingfisher, and river kingfisher, is a small kingfisher with seven subspecies recognized within its wide distribution across Eurasia and North Africa. It is resident in much of its range, but migrates from areas where rivers freeze in winter. It lives in National Park “Bory Tucholskie”

The strangest - Hoopoe

Hoopoe - is a colourful bird found across Afro-Eurasia, notable for its distinctive "crown" of feathers. It is the only extant species in the family Upupidae. One insular species, the Saint Helena hoopoe, is extinct, and the Madagascar subspecies of the hoopoe is sometimes elevated to a full species. It lives whole country but generally appears in National Park “Ujście Warty”

THE BIGGEST- White-tailed eagle

White-tailed eagle - are also known as eagle of the rain, sea grey eagle, erne (sometimes ern, ørn), gray eagle, and white-tailed sea-eagle — is a large bird of prey in the family Accipitridae which includes other raptors such as hawks, kites, and harriers. It is considered a close cousin of the bald eagle and occupies the same ecological niche, but in Eurasia. It lives in Woliński Park Narodowy and it appears on logo of this park. It also appears on Polish emblem.

The strangest - Western capercaillie I think the strangest bird in Slovak national parks is

Western capercaillie. He located in NP Slovak paradise to native pinewoods. At breeding times, males have very strange behaviour called lekking. They dance around with their tail up and wings down, making very weird noises that sound like coughs and the popping of corks. The males are very aggressive during this time. They eat berries, shoots, pine needles and seeds.

The capercaillie is currently one of the most strictly protected species in Europe.


The Slovak name: TETROV HLUCHÁŇ



The bigesst - golden eagle The golden eagle is a very large bird of prey with a wingspan of more than 2 metres. He prefers open, country, especially around mountains or hills (NP Tatras).

He takes any prey that is available, from small birds to snakes. Adult golden eagles are famous for the light golden brown colouring on their head, neck and shoulders. They have no natural predators. The main threat is from human activity - killed by poison, shooting and poor habitat quality.


The Slovak name: OROL SKALNÝ

The most beautiful - eagl-owl I think this is the most beautiful bird in Slovakia. He is an impressive and majestic bird, with distinctive, prominent ear-tufts, a barrel-shaped body, and vivid orange eyes. Their legs are covered with feathers with deadly curved talons. Their diet are hares, rats and other small mammals, birds. Highly sensitive ears can detect the faintest sounds of prey at a distance of 30 km and then pinpoint its position even in total darkness

Mating call a deep, hollow, far-reaching “UU-hu”.

The Latin name: BUBO BUBO

The Slovak name: VÝR SKLANÝ

The Strangest - GuirreThe Guirre (latin name: Neophron percnopterus) is a Specie of accipitriforme bird of the family accipitridae It comes from África and the south of the paleartic region in India.

The Most Beautiful- Herrerillo común

The Herrerillo común (latin name: cyanistes caeruleus)is a kind of bird of the family of the paridis. Is one of the most colourful birds in Europe. This Bird is widely distributed by the European continent and Middle East.

The Ugliest- Pinzón AzulThe Pinzón Azul (latin name: fringilla teydea) is a specie of passeriform bird of the family of the fringillidos (fringillidae). It is considered as an animal symbol of the island of Tenerife.

bekasina otavníIt’s a small bird from national park České Švýcarsko in the Czech republic.It has long beak and short legs. The above is brown, below is white. Both genders are equally colored.They eat mainly worms and insects.

CeCetka zimníIt’s a small bird from national park Krkonoše in the Czech republic.The male red crown and especially chest. The female has a red crown just never chest.They eat mainly worms and insects.It nests primarily in thin young birch and coniferous forests. Female builds the nest. Food is mainly vegetable, seeds during nesting seeds and insects.

black storkIt’s a big bird from national park České Švýcarsko in the Czech republic. It has black feather and orange beak. The chicks are white. It’s the rare and shy bird.Čáp lives in the forests. It eats fish and small animals in water. Čáp is from the central Europe, east Europe, Asia and Africa.

The Most Beautiful Red-Headed Barbet

The Red-headed Barbet is a small barbet of montane forest colored. The male's brilliant red head and breast contrast with the green head and horn-colored bill. The female doesn’t have red, and has pearly blue-gray cheeks. This species move about middle and upper strata with mixed flocks or feeds in fruiting trees. Its song, a purring trill, is also loud and distinctive.

es2 Jorge and es2 Luis

The Fastest Peregrine Falcon-falco peregrinus The Peregrine Falcon is a bird of prey. Adults

have blue-gray wings, dark brown backs and white faces with a black tear stripe on their cheeks. They have a hooked beaks and strong talons. Their name comes from the Latin word Falco peregrinus, which means "to wander." They are commonly referred to as the Duck Hawk. Peregrine falcons are the fastest-flying birds in the world , they are able to dive at 200 miles per hour.

es2 Jorge and es2 Luis

The Ugliest Andean Condor -vultur gryphus

The Andean condor is one of the largest birds of prey in the world. Adults can reach heights of four feet, with a wing span of up to 10 feet. Males are typically larger than females. Andean condors are mostly black with a fluffy white collar around their neck and white patches along their wings. These birds have bald grayish red heads, and the males have a fleshy lump at the front of their heads call a caruncle. es2 Jorge and es2 Luis

CZ: Zuzana M., Michal D.SK: Martin K., Šimon K.PL: Tymek O., Jakub W.ES1:Nayara F,India LES2: Jorge F., Luis G.

birds expertsThe photos used in presentation were taken from ‘Pixabay’and ‘Google Images’. We use them for non-profit educational purpose. Thanks to using the photos we can learn about the subject we explore.