The Best Places for Adventure Bike Trips in India

Post on 31-Jul-2016

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India is an amazing country and filled with many scenic spots. For some of these spots, a motorbike trip can be an exhilarating way to experience the incredible beauty of the regions. In fact, you can discover new things through adventure bike trips in India.

Transcript of The Best Places for Adventure Bike Trips in India

The Best Places for Adventure Bike Trips in India

India is an amazing country and filled with many scenic spots. For some of these spots, a motorbike trip can be an exhilarating way to experience the incredible beauty of the regions. In fact, you can discover new things through adventure bike trips in India.

Before you go for such a trip, it is vital that you take a few things into account first. First of all, you should choose the right tour operator. Many of the places are best enjoyed through a tour with other people as it offers safety in numbers. Moreover, it will be more convenient as the operator will take care of details such as accommodation and food. You can opt for I Am Adventure which is one of the top ten adventure tour operators in India. Additionally, make sure that you pack the right items for the tour such as warm clothing, sunscreen and, of course, a camera.

Once you have taken care of such details, you can start on your bike trip. Here are some of the best places in India to have and adventurous bike trip.

Leh Ladakh:

This bike trip generally starts from Delhi from which it passes through Chandigarh and then Manali. It finally ends after a scenic ride through the Leh Ladakh valley at Ladakh. Till Chandigarh, there will be no mountains as the ride will take place mainly through city and urban areas. As you start on your journey towards Manali, the real trip will start.

This trip is easily the best of all the adventure bike trips in India. You will be taken through the gorgeous valley in Manali followed by the stunning expanse of Leh and Ladakh. The Ladakh portion of the journey will be the toughest. Typically, the trip will last for two weeks but it may take longer depending on weather conditions.


Kerala is easily one of the most beautiful places in India. As a result, a bike trip here can be an amazing experience. You can ride by the beaches, through rubber and tea plantations and end your troop after a ride in the Nilgiri Hills.


This bike trip is one of the most challenging ones in India. It starts from Leh and moves through Kargil. The tough roads and weather conditions can make this trip difficult but exciting nonetheless.

Make sure that you work with one of the top ten adventure tour operators in India in order to have a safe and enjoyable bike trip.