The Best Dog Breeds for · Healthiest Dog Breeds Description Pedigree dogs aren’t always noted...

Post on 11-Oct-2020

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Transcript of The Best Dog Breeds for · Healthiest Dog Breeds Description Pedigree dogs aren’t always noted...

www.videopartner.eu1 Video Content Catalog - The Best Dog Breeds for...

The Best Dog Breeds for...

Video Content Catalog Video Content Catalog - The Best Dog Breeds for... 2


Top DogsNumber of Episodes in the Collection



3 - 4 minutes per episode

Formats available

Full HD 16:9 / 4:5 / 1:1 / 9:16


The Top Dogs series is a funny and entertaining set of videos, presenting the top dogs that have something in common. There are 25 episodes in this video series. Each video is about 3-4 minutes long. Being produced in the popular way of counting down, the Top Dogs series is very attractive content to have on your website. Learn about the most intelligent dogs or famous movie dogs.

Languages and Branding

Clips can be fully translated into any language.

Branding options available.

Available License Types

Non-exclusive, Country-exclusive.

Contact information


+372 5557 3767


www.videopartner.eu3 Video Content Catalog - The Best Dog Breeds for...

Top Handbag Pooches

DescriptionAre you one of those rare people with free space in your handbag? If so, you need to fill it with a cute pooch, and fast! To help you make up your mind here’s our rundown of the top 8 best handbag dogs.


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Roughest & Toughest Guard Dogs

DescriptionDogs can be a competent and loyal addition to your home security, and they’ve been doing it throughout the ages. Here’s a rundown of the top 6 dogs who are up to the job.


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Rarest Breeds

DescriptionIn a world where we all have the same phones, the same looking cars, eat the same food and live in the same types of houses, we can all appreciate rarity. So, why not express your individuality with the kind of dog you choose to take into your life. Here’s a list of the rarest dogs we could find.


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Great Running Buddies

DescriptionKeeping fit and healthy has never been so popular, and a favorite way for many is to run. But, if you find it all a bit boring without a running buddy, look no further than these amazing canine friends for motivational support. Here is our rundown of the top four-legged running buddies.


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Top Urban Apartment Dogs

DescriptionBig city living is an increasingly popular way of life for many people around the world. But what about those of us who also love to have a dog around? It’s totally possible. Here’s our rundown of the best dogs to choose if you’re the city-dwelling type, we sift out the ones that love the city from those that don’t.


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Top Family Friendly Dogs

DescriptionAs if the trauma of having kids wasn’t enough, you’re now considering a dog. So you’re going to want one that gets along just fine with the little ones, to keep the chaos level simmering under ‘critical’. Here’s our rundown of the top family-friendly pooches to really put the final touches to suburban life.


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Top Intelligent Dogs

DescriptionThe most endearing thing about owning a dog is the connection , and with the clever ones it’s really apparent. Some dogs are renowned for their astounding level of intelligence, and although owning these dogs can sometimes be a challenge, it’s always rewarding.


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Top Slow & Peaceful Dogs

DescriptionIf you’re the kind of person who’d rather take a stroll in the forest than have a night on the town, or relax with a good book over chasing through the countryside on a bike, dressed head to toe in lycra, then these dogs will appeal to you.


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www.videopartner.eu5 Video Content Catalog - The Best Dog Breeds for...

Healthiest Dog Breeds

DescriptionPedigree dogs aren’t always noted for their good health. Many people know that with good breeding comes a downside, and that is illness and genetic anomalies. However, there are some breeds that have a great record of health, and live long happy lives too! Here’s our rundown of the healthiest dog breeds.


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Best Small Companions

DescriptionEverybody has a different relationship with their dog. Some want a playmate, some want a guard for the family, but by far the biggest reason is the need for a companion. There really can be no better animal, we think! Here’s our rundown of the top 5 best small companions.


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Most Aggressive Breeds

DescriptionIt could be argued that an aggressive dog is a product of bad training and neglect, but there are breeds that need more than the average attention when it comes to obedience and knowing who’s boss. Here’s our rundown of breeds that are a bit more challenging and might not be for everyone.


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Top Japanese Dog Breeds

DescriptionNot everybody knows these breeds, they are special in their rarity. Japanese dogs tend to encapsulate the values of their homeland and its people with uncanny accuracy, and often surprise those who discover them. Here’s our short list of the top Japanese breeds.


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Top Dogs Great for Therapy

DescriptionLet’s get serious just for a second. The life we live today can be a challenge for us all, but especially those with mental issues or physical disabilities. The use of dogs for therapy has recently become more common and is gaining ground as a serious addition to treatment regimes.


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Top Easy to Train Pooches

DescriptionIt’s usually the way that the more intelligent a dog breed is, the easier they are to train. With the right breed and a dog with the right temperament the results can be very rewarding. Here’s our list of the easiest dogs to train, and the one’s who’ll give you a great sense of accomplishment.


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Cutest Puppies

DescriptionThere are not many of us who don’t totally lose it when brought face to face with the cutest of puppies. Here is our rundown of the damn-near-cutest living things there can possibly be.


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Best Rat-Catching Dogs

DescriptionProblems with those pesky rodents? Don’t’ fear, the terriers are here! These lads and lasses won’t let them scamper around for long, their sole aim in life is to catch small animals, and rats fall very nicely into that category! Here is our rundown of the best rat catchers to clean that back yard right up.


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www.videopartner.eu7 Video Content Catalog - The Best Dog Breeds for...

Top Cat-Loving Dogs

DescriptionWe all love cats, right? Well no... not everyone - especially if you’re a dog. The rules are there to be broken though, and we live in a world where anything goes. So, here’s our rundown of the biggest cat lovers in the canine world, and there are one or two surprises here!


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Top Bundles of Energy

DescriptionSo, you’ve got kids, but you feel you need a little more chaos in your life? Maybe you haven’t got kids and crave the chaotic lifestyle? You need a dog, but not just any dog - you need an energetic, borderline insane one. Here’s our rundown of the craziest bundles of energy out there.


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Best Hypoallergenic Dogs

DescriptionMost people love spending time around dogs, but there are also many for whom - despite their love of our four-legged friends - being in contact with dogs can result in a miserable range of allergic symptoms. Luckily all is not lost, and depending on the individual a compromise can very often be found.


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Longest Living Dogs

DescriptionWe all know that dogs don’t live as long as we do, but there can be quite a gap between the life expectancy of breeds. You might want a breed that lives longer for a range of reasons, whether it be to grow up with the family or outlive you in your later years! Here’s our rundown of the longest living dogs.


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Top Dogs to Take to the Office

DescriptionIn our post millennial era we’re living evermore flexible lifestyles, and the 9-5 will soon be a curio from history. Offices are increasingly welcoming to employees’ pooches, but which dogs will happily hang out whilst you clinch the next big deal?


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Top Dogs for Older People

DescriptionWhen you get to a certain age you start to search for the easier, hassle free options. Choosing a pet or companion is no different, and finding a dog that will fit in well with a slower paced way of life is often something older people aim for.


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Top Low Maintenance Dogs

DescriptionIt takes a certain type of dedication to look after a dog. The exercise regimes, the grooming, and the upheaval of sharing your living space with another being. For the slightly lazy types, here’s our list of some of the easiest dogs to keep.


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Top Movie Dogs I

DescriptionMany of us have grown up with some familiar four-legged friends from the silver screen, and a lot of us have dogs in our families right now that we first saw at the cinema. Here’s our rundown of the top movie dogs, the films they were in and what they’re like in real life.


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www.videopartner.eu9 Video Content Catalog - The Best Dog Breeds for...

Top Movie Dogs II

DescriptionAs if you couldn’t get enough of our first top list of movie dogs, you come begging for more. We knew dogs in movies were popular, but this is some serious dedication people! So, back by popular demand - let us introduce - Movie Dogs Two, The Sequel!


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