The battle of leyte gulf

Post on 02-Aug-2015

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Transcript of The battle of leyte gulf

The Battle of Leyte GulfBy Kairos Pacheco


The Battle of Leyte Gulf, know as the greatest naval battle in history, takes place throughout the Philippine Islands and on many fronts, including, air, water, and land. In this battle some of the greatest commanders in US history came together in this battle to conquer the Japanese; Admiral William F. Halsey, Admiral Chester Nimitz, and of course General Douglas MacArthur.

Map of the Battle of Leyte Gulf

Famous landing of Douglas Macarthur on Philippine soil again where he announces, “People of the Philippines, I have returned. By the grace of Almighty God, our forces stand again on Philippine soil.”

(Right) Allied force’s planes and aircraft flying towards Leyte Gulf to join the battle.

Battle formation of US ships.US troops land on Leyte for beginning of attack.

The Us masses hundreds of ships and thousands of men for one of the largest invasions of all time.

Among other techniques, the Battle of Leyte Gulf iwas the first and last time that the Japanese used the technique of Kamikaze, meaning “Divine Wind” in Japanese. Kamikaze was a technique where the pilot would purposefully crash into an enemy ship, killing themselves but also inflicting major damage. On the left is the kamikaze flag, and top right is a Japanese kamikaze plane.

Ocean view of the Battle of Leyte Gulf, a battle that was fought over some thousand-plus square miles of ocean.

Carriers exchanging fire and men going to rescue them towards the ending of the battle.The biggest naval battle of history,

covering over a thousand square miles, between thousand of men and hundreds of ships ended with the retreat of the Japanese and the recapturing of the Philippines. Not a widely recognized battle but a very important nonetheless. Forever we will remember that day.

BibliographyCutler, Thomas J. The Battle of Leyte Gulf, 23-26

October, 1944. New York, NY: HarperCollins, 1994. Print.

Appleby, Joyce Oldham. The American Vision: Modern times. Columbus, OH: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2010. Print.

Google Scholar

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"Battle of Leyte Gulf Web Site." Battle of Leyte Gulf Web Site. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2012.

Friedman, Kenneth I. Afternoon of the Rising Sun: The Battle of Leyte Gulf. Novato, CA: Presidio, 2001. Print.