The Bar Tribune 20th HOD Special Issue

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Transcript of The Bar Tribune 20th HOD Special Issue

  • 8/13/2019 The Bar Tribune 20th HOD Special Issue


    Official Publication of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines15 J. Vargas Avenue, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

    February 2012


    will deliver the keynote address before

    the IBP 20th House of Delegates whichconvenes at Fort Ilocandia Resort Hotel,

    Laoag City, on February 16-18, 2012.

    Senator Enrile is expected to share his

    reecons on the convenon theme IBP:

    Defending the Conston, Promong

    the Rule of Law in light of the ongoing

    impeachment trial of Spreme Cort

    Chief Jsce Renato Corona.

    The theme was developed b IBP

    governors and ocers with reference to

    the IBPs ocial posion on the ongoing

    impeachment trial, which is to ensre

    that the constonal garantees of

    due process and fairness are observed

    and pheld at all mes.

    Ilocos Norte Governor Imee R.

    Marcos and Laoag City Mayor Michael

    Farias will welcome the delegates,

    with. Governor Marcos delivering an

    Inspiraonal Message and presenng

    the smbolic e to the province of

    Ilocos Norte.

    Other invited speaers are Spreme

    Cort Associate Jsce Roberto Abad,

    who will tal on SC iniaves to eectchanges in the administraon of jsce


    and A. Milagros Fernan-Cayosa, a

    member of the Jdicial and Bar Concil.

    A. Fernan-Caosa will discss the

    workings of the JBC as it strives to raise

    the bar of jdicial excellence.

    The convenon will devote a

    signicant part of the proceedings to

    discussion and consensus-gathering on

    the Comprehensive Legal Aid Service

    for Praccing Lawers or CLAS, a set

    of rles that give esh to the Free Legal

    Assistance Act of 2010 [R.A. 9999]

    reqiring lawers to render mandator

    pro bono legal aid service and counseling.

    Proposals on CLAS have undergone

    major amendments over the last three

    ears, the reslt of regional and naonalconsltaons organized b the IBP.

    Also high on the convenon

    agenda is the discussion of

    amendments to the 39 ear-oldIBP By-Laws, focusing on electoral

    reforms and the reapporonment

    of the House of Delegates, which

    aims to enhance representaon

    in the IBP.

    The IBP Committee on

    Professional Responsibility,

    Discipline & Disbarment will also

    present its proposed revised rules

    on administrave disciplinar proceedings

    of lawyers. At the heart of the proposal is

    the need to promote speed disposion of

    cases and integrity in the legal profession.

    Meanwhile, the Commiee onthe Administraon of Jsce and the

    Commiee on Law Pracce Management

    will sbmit their recommendaons for

    the pilot implementaon of the proposed

    new rles on adjdicaon of cases, in

    line with the IBP thrust to achieve speedy

    disposion of disptes.

    The House of Delegates is chaired

    b Naonal President Roan I. Libarios.

    Overseeing preparaons are Convenon

    Director Roland B. Inng, host Governor

    of Northern Lzon Denis B. Habawel andChapter President host, A. Mariano R.

    Nalupta, Jr.


    Comprehensive Legal Aid Service

    Revision of IBP B-laws

    New SC rles on Adjdicaon

    of Cases

    Revised Rles on Bar Discipline


    Enrile Abad Marcos


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    The IBP



    Region is honored,privileged and happy

    to host the 20th IBP

    House of Delegates

    at The Fort Ilocandia

    Resort Hotel, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte.

    At this crcial me in the democrac life of or

    naon that the sstem of checs and balances of

    the three great departments of or repblican

    government is pt to the test in the impeachmenttrial of the Chief Jsce of the Spreme Cort,

    the theme of the Convenon IBP: Defending the

    Constuon, Promong the Rule of Law is most

    ng and proper.

    Indeed, with the Conston as bible, it behooves

    an lawer worth his salt, determined and

    commied to discharge his solemn oath, to do

    jsce to defend at all cost the independence of

    the Spreme Cort, the last bason or blwar of


    I warml welcome all the delegates and gests on

    behalf of the gratefl IBP Northern Lzon Region

    with the fervent praer that the Convenon

    contribte in a sbstanal and meaningfl wa

    towards naon-bilding.

    Mabuhay tayong lahat!

    DENIS B. HABAWELGovernor, IBP Northern Luzon

    This ears Naonal Hose of Delegates

    Convenon in Laoag, Ilocos Norte

    promises to be pivotal and historic. It

    is pivotal because it will tackle vital proposalsthat could bring to a new level IBPs relevance

    to the public, the bench and the bar. It is

    historic becase it comes on the eve of IBPs

    40th founding year.

    Message from the President

    Pivotal Convention Most Fitting Teme

    First on the agenda is the

    proposed Comprehensive Legal Aid

    Service (CLAS), IBPs version of the

    MLAS (Mandatory Legal Aid Service)

    as recommended b the Naonal

    Commiee on Legal Aid. The CLASaims to give esh to IBPs commitment

    to promote access to jsce and

    its mandate to enable the Bar to

    discharge, through legal aid, its public

    responsibilit more eecvel. Over

    the last three years, the proposal has

    ndergone major amendments to

    incorporate sggesons in previos

    regional and naonal consltaons.

    Second, the IBP Commiee on

    Revision of Rules will present for

    plenary discussion its proposedamendments to the 39-ear old IBP-

    By laws. The thrust is to enhance

    representaon in the IBP and mae

    it more dnamic and aned to the

    changing mes.

    Third, the Commiee on

    Professional Responsibility will also

    present its proposed revised rules on

    administrave disciplinar proceedings

    of lawyers. At the heart of the proposal is

    the need to promote speed disposion

    of cases and integrity in the bar.Finall, the Commiees on

    the Administraon of Jsce

    and Law Pracce will sbmit

    their recommendaons for pilot

    implementaon of the proposed new

    rles on adjdicaon of cases. This is

    in line with or thrst to promote new

    road maps designed to achieve speeddisposion of disptes.

    The Convenon will be graced

    b no less than the man of the hor,

    Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile.

    As presiding ocer in the ongoing

    Senate impeachment trial of the

    Chief Jsce, Senator Enrile bears the

    heavy responsibility of ensuring a fair

    impeachment trial that lives p to the

    mandates of the Conston and

    the Rule of Law. Thus, on trial in the

    Senate is not onl the Chief Jsce btor commitment to the democrac

    ideals pon which or instons

    are fonded. As sennel of law and

    democrac, the IBP expects no less.

    Ma this ears Convenon, which

    falls on our 40th founding year, live up

    to the challenge of greater relevance

    to the bar, bench and the public.

    ROAN I. LIBARIOSNaonal Pesident

    Integated Ba of the Philippines

    Message from the Host Region

    Ofcial Publication of the

    Integrated Bar of the Philippines15 J.Vargas Ave., Ortigas Center, Pasig City

    Tel. No. 63.2 6313014 Telefa No. 63.2 9100417

    Website: Email: We welcoe feedback and suggesons. Please wite to

    A G. G, J A V. R, E C. L,

    C P. C, P D. C, V C. C,

    M T. A, M L. B, R B. LS

    J E. S D J. E C

    H D. P G A

    Volume 8 No. 2

  • 8/13/2019 The Bar Tribune 20th HOD Special Issue


    T B T



    Jsce Renato Corona nfolds at the

    Senate, the IBP expressed praerfl

    hope for a fair trial and credible otcome

    and lanched an Impeachment Watch

    to closel monitor and observe the


    Its members are former Spreme

    Cort Administrator Jsce Zenaida

    Elepao, Dean of PCU College of Lawand former Jsce Raol Victorino, IBP

    Governor Denis Habawel, IBP General

    Consel Pacico Agabin, Dean of

    Lcem of the Philippines College of

    Law Soledad Derequito-Mawis, private

    law praconers Prisimo Bco and

    Patricia Ann Prodigalidad. Acng as the

    coordinator and spokesperson is IBP

    Pblic Informaon Ocer Rose Beatrix


    In a statement issed on the eve

    of the trial on January 15, 2012, theIBP Board of Governors called on the

    pblic to join in its praer and vigil and

    appealed to the Senator-jdges to live p

    IBP Impeachment Watch

    Keeping Vigil at the Senate Trial

    to their oath to render imparal jsce

    based on the Conston and the law.

    In an earlier statement adopted

    nanimosl on December 19, 2011,

    the IBP Board cricized the breanec

    impeachment of the Chief Jsce, cing

    procedral and sbstanve isses. While

    the President ma have valid isses

    against the Chief Jsce and the Spreme

    Cort, the blitzrieg impeachment (basedon collegial decisions) erodes, rather than

    strengthens, the Rule of Law.

    The statement added that if the Chief

    Jsce can be removed for rendering

    collegial decisions despite the absence

    of an allegaon of corrpt move or

    illegal consideraon, then the Spreme

    Cort will never be the same again, its

    jdicial independence defanged and its

    magistrates inclding their decisions --

    now at the merc of polical bidding of

    the rling majorit.While cricizing the impeachment,

    the Board, however, refrained from ling

    an peon to stop the impeachment

    process, even if this was the course

    of acon taen b the IBP in previos

    impeachment cases against Jsce

    Cladio Teehanee and Chief Jsce

    Hilario Davide. In jsfing its present

    posion, the Board cited the need to

    maintain instonal independence

    and avoid divisive polical alignments.

    Bt to flll its role as a sennel of

    law and democrac, the Board resolved tocreate an IBP Impeachment Watch Grop

    to closel monitor the case, disseminate

    informaon on the appropriate laws and

    jrisprdence and, if necessar, isse

    observaons on the adherence to the

    laws b all pares involved.

    While taing legal isse against

    collegial decisions being invoked as

    gronds for impeachment, IBP President

    Roan Libarios, however, pointed out

    that the other issues raised by the

    prosecon, inclding the alleged 45 realestate properes of the Chief Jsce, are

    valid and deserve to be answered in

    the interest of transparency.

    At the press conference launching the IBP Impeachment Watch. Left to right: Attorneys Trixie Angeles, Patricia-Ann Prodigalidad, ZenaidaElepao, Leonor Gerona-Romeo, Israelito Torreon, Roan Libarios, Vicente Joyas, Olivia Velasco-Jacoba, Florendo Opay, Rose Setias-Reyes

    and Alice Risos-Vidal.



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    The OFW Legal Network

    Association of Recruitment Agencies

    Center for Overseas Workers

    Committee on Overseas Workers Affairs

    Integrated Bar of the Philippines Ofce of the Vice President

    Task Force OFW

    Commission on Human Rights Department of Interior &

    Local Government

    Department of Justice

    Department of

    Foreign Affairs

    National Bureau of


    Bureau of


    Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines

    Epicopal Commission for the Pastoral Care ofMigrant & Itinerant People

    Visayan Forum

    Foundation, Inc.

    Migrante Internati onal Bantay OCW

    Foundation, Inc.

    GMA 7 DZBB RADIO Eagle Broadcas ti ng


    Blas Ople Policy Center

    & Training Insttute

    International Seafarers Action

    Center Philippines

    Department of Labor

    & Employment

    Department of

    Social Welfare &Development

    Philippine Overseas



    Workers WelfareAdministration

    Commission on

    Filipinos Overseas

    Mamanwa leader Ginggin Analagan from Kitcharao,

    Agusan del Sur tells the audience at the 4th Mindanao

    Human Rights Summit how soldiers burned her village

    during a military operation.

    IBP President Roan Libarios, himself a Mindanaoan from Agusan

    del Norte, challenges the delegates of the 4th Mindanao Human

    Rights Summit to push for a negotiated settlement on the peace

    talks in pursuit of human rights. There will be no lasting promotionof HR when people are subjected to the human rights violations of

    continuing armed conict, he said.

    Evelyn Badol, a pregnant farmer from Arakan, North

    Cotabato shares how soldiers arrested his relative Noli

    Badol whom the military alleged is a member of the New

    Peoples Army.

    Binay, De Lima honorOFWs, salute IBP initiatives

    VICE PRESIDENT JEJOMAR BINAy and Jsce Secretar Leila

    De Lima have appladed the eorts of the IBP in addressing the

    condions of overseas Filipino worers.Binay, represented by his daughter Cong. Abigail Binay, and

    De Lima were special gests dring the lanch in September 2011

    of the IBP OFW Legal Networ and the An-Tracing in Persons

    Acon Team (ATIPAT), part of the weelong celebraon of Naonal

    Law Wee.

    Bina is principal Presidenal Adviser on OFW Concerns,

    Chairman Emerits of the Inter-Agenc Commiee Against Tracing

    (IACAT), and Chairman of the Presidenal Tas Force Against Illegal

    Recritment (PTFAIR).

    I have been briefed on or plan to create an OFW legal

    assistance nit and an acon team against hman tracing in

    every chapter of the IBP, and I have nothing but the highest words of

    encoragement and spport for this iniave, said Bina. This is an

    nprecedented move on the part of the IBP and will wor hand-in-

    glove with or governments on-the-grond program against hman

    tracing and to protect or OFWs, who remain potenal targets of

    exploitaon b criminal minds.

    Bina drew aenon to the strides achieved b the government

    in the ght against hman tracing, moving from Tier 2 watchlist

    to Tier 2 standing within for months in 2011, in the uS State

    Departments 2011 Tracing in Persons Report.

    The vice presidents goal, however, is to mae it to Tier 1. There

    are no great secrets. We now what needs to be done....We mst

    recognize that hman tracing is not onl a crime against its

    specic vicms, bt above all a crime against or own people, andagainst their very future.

    Meanwhile, Secretar De Lima lamented the fact that millions of

    Filipinos have to wor in other contries jst to earn a living. That

    todas OFWs have to leave home jst to provide for their families

    alread smacs of injsce, said De Lima.

    That the shold fall pre to illegal recriters, oppressive and

    absive emploers and hman tracing sndicates aggravate

    the injsce, De Lima added, congratlang the IBP project as a

    gestre both of charit and of jsce.

    The IBP OFW Legal Networ brings together government

    agencies, private organizaons and NGOs to address the legal

    concerns of OFWs.

    Crrent esmates place the nmber of OFWs at 10 million,

    which means that abot one in 10 Filipinos is an OFW. The Bango

    Sentral reports that OFWs remied an esmated $16.5 billion in the

    rst 10 months of 2011.

    De Lima drew historical parallels between OFWs and the

    pioneering expatriates of hmanind, sch as the seafarers from

    the Malaan peninsla and the Sri-Visaan empire, the Eropean

    colonizers and missionaries and merchants from China.

    She was, however, qic to disngish between the two. The

    former (seafarers, colonizers and merchants) le home as might

    polical and economic powers in the qest for dominaon. Todas

    OFWs leave home as vlnerable individals simpl in search of

    srvival and beer lives.

    The non-government organizaon Migrante Internaonal, one

    of IBPs partners in the project, reports some 3,000 emploment-

    related cases involving OFWs. There are also 122 OFWs in death row

    worldwide, with most of the cases in China, according to Migrante

    Chair Gar Marnez.

    Toda, we refer to or OFWs as modern-da heroes, De Lima

    said. With the IBP iniave, we can mae sre the will remain

    exactl that - Heroes, not martrs. Heroes who will come home one

    da to their families here. Home one da, alive and well.

    Voices at the 4th Mindanao Human Rights SummitCAP Grand Auditorium, Davao City, December 2, 2011

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    T B T

    The stor of Elijah and the widow (1 kings 17: 07-16) teaches

    s one ver important lesson:

    We should be ready to suer inconveniences,

    to suer pains and to be hurt for the sake of

    helping other people. We should learn to

    give unl it no longer hurts. Give unl giving

    becomes so much a part of us. Give unl giving

    becomes something like breathing. Give unl

    giving becomes like food that will sustain our

    life. Give unl giving becomes so much a part

    of us that we cannot survive without it.

    This is the ver heart and sol of the IBP Legal Aid Program

    which aims to provide free and competent legal services to

    indigent ligants prsant to its mandate of enabling the

    Ba to dischage its public esponsibility oe eecvely. As

    echoed b President Roan I. Libarios: Legal aid is not a maer

    of charity. It is a public responsibility. Perhaps it is his way of

    exhorng all lawers to be read to sacrice for the sae of

    helping others to give nl giving no longer hrts.


    In celebraon of Naonal Law Wee from last September,

    the IBP condcted a series of acvies prsant to the 5-POINTREFORM AGENDAadopted and approved by the 20th Boardof Governors. These acvies sm p all the wishes and

    desires of the present IBP leadership under the stewardship

    of IBP Naonal President Roan I. Libarios which are all aimed

    to mae the IBP more relevant to its members and societ

    as a whole, and which are expressed more profondl in the


    THE LEGAL PROFESSION AND SOCIETY.The word transformaon means to radicall change

    the otward form or inner character. It is snonmos to

    metamorphosis or conversion or a series of changes.

    It can also mean transgraon. President Roans Reform

    Agenda ma be viewed as some ind of transgraon jst

    lie the transgraon of or Lord at Mt. Tabor, especiall

    its impact on His apostles who went with Him to Mt. Tabor

    and witnessed His transgraon. Aer the apostles saw

    the Lord transgred, the all had to come down from the

    montain and once again live the rigors of life in Jersalem

    and Israel. Aer the transgraon, the had to be read to

    face the cross, and be ready to face Easter.


    By Atty. Rosario T. Setias-ReyesNational Director, NCLA

    Six ears aer the EDSA Revolon, then Msgr. Socrates

    B. Villegas delivered a homil in commemoraon of the EDSA

    Revolon. He said:

    EDSA is a challenge to us. EDSA was not

    only a resurrecon of the Filipino people.

    EDSA was a shining moment. It was our


    He conned:EDSA is an invitaon for s. If it was possible in 1986, it can

    sll be possible in 1992, 1993, 1994, and nl the end of or life.

    It is possible to la down or life an moment. It is possible

    to la down or life for peace an moment. It is possible to

    sacrice; it is possible to share.

    President Roans Reform Agenda can be considered

    AMBITIOUS,aimed to elevate the IBP from its present posion.Bt more than being ambios, it is ENTERPRISING as it ischaracterized b energ and daring in ndertaing the projects

    and tasks that he has lined up, hoping that they will inspire

    all of s to transform, to convert, TO TRANSFIGuRE throgh

    sacrices and sharing or me and talent for others. It coldmean facing or own crosses and being read to face or own

    Resrrecon and Easter.


    One of the pillars of President Roans 5-Point Reform

    Agenda is the conversion of the Naonal Commiee on Legal

    Aid to a revitalized and reinvigorated NATIONAL CENTER FORLEGAL AID (NCLA).He said that there is a need to raonalizeand re-orient the Legal Aid Program of the IBP to make it more

    elevant and benecial to the bigge society concoitant to

    the thid andate of the IBP to enable the Ba to dischage

    its public esponsibility oe eecvely. He believes that the

    strongest plaorm in responding to the challenge of pblic

    responsibility is actually Legal Aid. He wants the new NCLA

    to be more responsive and eecve in facing the challenges

    of the mes.

    The Legal Aid Program has been the agship project of the

    IBP since its integraon in 1973. It has been instonalized

    in most of its 85 Chapters naonwide The NCLA, according to

    President Roan, shall serve as the suppot cente of these 85

    Chaptes in tes of upgading thei skills and copetence.

    Over the ears, the IBP Legal Aid Program has evolved and

    expanded to inclde Developmental Legal Aid cases which

    cater to a grop or class of individals with common case or

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    otherwise nown as Pblic Law Interest cases. Along this line,

    the IBP embared on nmeros developmental legal aid projects

    sch as the Jail Decongeson Project and Reintegraon of the

    Soon-to-Be Released Prisoners and the Legal Audit of Extra-

    Jdicial killings, to name a few. President Roan said that there

    is a need to e-focus the diecons of the IBP Naonal Cente

    fo Legal Aid to espond to new challenges in aeas whee the

    IBP can axiize its leveage like the OFWs who ae vics ofillegal ecuitent and huan tacking.


    Last September, the IBP lanched the IBP OFW Legal

    Networ and the IBP-ATIPAT and IBP OFW Help Hotlines and

    Website. The highlight of the lanching of the OFW LEGAL UNITwas the signing of the MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDINGto smbolize the willingness and preparedness of the pares

    thereto to wor hand-in-hand in order to provide the mch-

    needed legal assistance to the Overseas Filipino Worers the

    so-called modern heroes of the land.


    Wor connes at the IBP NCLA. ke strategic areas have

    been idened as a gide or road map moving forward with

    onl one goal in mind to mae a dierence in the lives of or

    modern heroes - the Overseas Filipino Worers and vicms

    of hman tracing. Eorts are nderwa to forge alliances

    and linkages to achieve that goal.

    In addion, the IBP-NCLA is also crrentl woring

    on a Manal of Operaons on the ecient and eecve

    implementaon of the IBP Tradional Legal Aid Services. The

    IBP-NCLA will also sbmit for the approval of the 20th IBPBoard of Governors the proposed Comprehensive Legal Aid

    Service (CLAS) and eventall to the Hose of Delegates which

    is meeng in Febrar 2012.

    It is our ardent hope and prayer that all lawyers will

    parcipate and get involved in the Legal Aid Program of the IBP.

    As the clich goes: Hope springs eternal.

    The IBP Legal Aid Program mars the beginning of a more

    pronounced partnership and synergy between the IBP and

    the varios staeholders from the government and private

    instons, namel:

    Oce of the Vice President - Tas Force OFW

    Department of Jsce (DOJ)

    Naonal Brea of Invesgaon (NBI)

    Brea of Immigraon (BI)

    Commission on Hman Rights (CHR)

    Department of Foreign Aairs (DFA)

    Department of Labor and Emploment (DOLE)

    Philippine Overseas Emploment Administraon (POEA) Overseas Worers Welfare Administraon (OWWA)

    Department of Social Wor and Development (DSWD)

    Department of Interior & Local Government (DILG)

    Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO)

    Commiee on Overseas Worers Aairs (COWA)

    Migrante Internaonal (MI)

    Visaan Form Fondaon, Inc. (VFFI)

    Blas Ople Polic Center and Training Instte

    Banta OCW Fondaon, Inc.

    Internaonal Seafarers Acon Center Philppines

    Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines

    Episcopal Commission for the Pastoral Case of Migrantand Inerant People (CBCP-ICMI)

    Center for Overseas Worers (COW)

    Associaon of Recritment Agencies


    Eagle Broadcasng Corporaon

    IBP OFW LegalA id Pa r tne rs

    IBP National President Roan Libarios (left) addressed participants composed of volunteer lawyers, professionals and law students

    who attended the 3-day strategic planning workshop of the Legal Network for Truthful Elections (LENTE) held January 21-23, 2012

    at Manila Park Hotel. The IBP is lead convenor of LENTE, together with One Voice, headed by former Comelec Chair Christian

    Monsod (seated, third from left). Also in photo are Atty. Rosario T. Setias-Reyes (seated left) LENTE secretary-general, and Atty.Louie Guia, LENTE Executive Director (seated, fourth from left).

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    T B T


    n elite team of trial lawers and spport sta has

    been organized b the IBP to provide competent,

    free and maximm possible legal service in the

    prosecon of cases involving indigent vicms of hmantracing.

    The team is called ATIPAT or the An-Tracing

    in Persons Acon Team. It was formed nder the

    Developmental Legal Aid Program of the IBP Naonal

    Commiee on Legal Aid, which has been transformed

    into the Naonal Center for Legal Aid (NCLA) nder the

    IBP reform program. NCLA is headed b Naonal Director

    A. Rosario T. Seas-Rees.

    The formaon of ATIPAT is a major step towards

    ensring that vicms of hman tracing have adeqate

    access to jsce nder Repblic Act No. 9208 (the Law on

    An-Hman Tracing) and related laws.ATIPATs crac team of lawers will mae sre

    that case build-up is handled properly at the onset.

    ATIPAT will also establish an ecient case referral and

    docmentaon sstem.

    ATIPAT was jointl lanched in Jl 2011 in Tagata

    Cit b the IBP and the Visaan Form Fondaon,

    Incorporated (VFFI), with spport from the uS Agenc

    for Internaonal Development (uSAID). It was formall

    lanched simltaneosl with the IBP OFW Legal

    Assistance unit in September 2011 dring Naonal Law

    Wee, with Vice President Jejomar Bina (represented b

    his daghter Rep. Abigail Bina) and Jsce Secretar Leilade Lima as gests of honor.

    VFFI is an NGO woring for the welfare of marginalized

    migrants, especiall domesc worers and vicms of

    tracing. It was recentl in the news when famos Harr

    Poer athor J. k. Rowling donated cash to bild the VFFI

    Center of Hope, a refge for vicms of hman tracing

    and slaver. VFFI to date has helped save p to 60,000

    children and women from proston and exploitaon.

    Present dring the ATIPAT lanch held at Taal Vista

    Hotel were IBP president A. Roan Libarios, VFFI

    Founder and Chairperson Ma. Cecilia Flores Oebanda and

    Department of Jsce (DOJ) undersecretar and former

    IBP president Jose Vicente Salazar.

    In his speech, President Libarios promised to broaden

    the base of ATIPAT volnteer lawers to cover all tracing

    hotspots in the contr. Jsce undersecretar Salazar,

    meanwhile, laded the IBPs eorts to address the plight

    of the vicms of hman tracing

    Among the speaers and trainers in the seminar

    were TIP (Tracing in Persons) 2011 Report Hero Asst.

    Cit Prosector Darlene R. Pajarito; VFFI Consltant A.

    Carmela Andal-Castro; DOJ State Prosector Clarissa V.

    kong; A. Nina Patricia Sison-Arroo of the Ateneo

    Hman Rights Center and A. Sco Ciment, Contr

    Director of American Bar Associaon Rle of Law Iniave.

    ATIPAT: THE A TEAMBy Atty. Rosalie J. de la Cruz

    Founding Team Members:

    IBP National Committee on Legal Aid:1. Atty. Rosario T. Setias-Reyes

    National Director

    2. Atty. Rosalie J. de la Cruz

    Senior Deputy Director

    3. Atty. Minerva M.B. Ambrosio

    Senior Deputy Director

    4. Atty. Dante P. Mercado

    Senior Deputy Director

    5. Atty. Romarico V. Ayson

    Deputy Director

    6. Atty. Raymundo E. Rivero, Jr.

    Deputy Director

    7. Atty. Rhoderick D.M. dela Paz

    Deputy Director

    8. Atty. Eunice M. Sta. Maria

    Deputy Director

    9. Atty. Maria Gemma J. Oquendo

    Deputy Director

    10. Atty. Luisito Tan

    IBP Manila I Chapter

    11. Atty. Pedro D. Genato

    12. Atty. Ildefonso C. Puerto13. Atty. Marie Fe. B. Galvez

    IBP Manila II Chapter

    14. Atty. Jewel D. Bulos

    15. Atty. Ruth Salome A. Magpayo

    16. Atty. Ma. Editha Go-Bias

    IBP Manila III Chapter

    17. Atty. Michelle Frances L. Morales-Paredes

    18. Atty. Mitzele Veron L. Morales

    IBP Manila IV Chapter

    19. Atty. Yolando F. Lim

    20. Atty. Margarita P. Tamunda

    IBP Quezon City

    21. Atty. Filibon F. Tacordon

    IBP PPLM Chapter

    22. Atty. Eleonor T. Hernandez

    23. Atty. Cristela Wednesday N. Patdu-Aguilar

    24. Atty. Filipina T. Ribaya-Geronimo


    The ATIPAT now has 135 members, after

    successive launches at the various

    IBP regional legal aid summits nationwide.

    IBP members who wish to volunteer for ATIPAT

    will please contact the National Center for Legal

    Aid at: Telephone noS. 6614352/ 6967042

    Email ib

    IBP Cavite Chapter

    25. Atty. Joseph Q. Orsos

    IBP Cebu Chapter

    26. Atty. Joel M. Seno

    27. Atty. Virginia Telesfora B.

    Redelosa, Jr.

    IBP Cebu City Chapter

    28. Atty. Piedad Y. Gonzalez

    29. Atty. Jonathan J. De Paz

    30. Atty. Leslie Ann A. Reyes

    IBP Davao City Chapter

    31. Atty. Norman Jacinto P. Doral


    32. Atty. Jose Rizalino L. Ortega

    33. Atty. Jules Christian D. Marcos

    34. Atty. Arnulfo H. Manigos

    IBP Bicolandia Region

    35. IBP Governor Atty. Leonor I.


    ATIPAT Staff/Secretariat36. Radie Y. Cariaga

    37. Dondon D. Samoy

    38. Jaryl Ann V. Ranchez

    39. Mariefel M. Abanilla

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    THE IBP has taen an important step

    in the fll-scale campaign against

    hman tracing with the signing ofa Memorandm of Agreement with

    the Naonal Inter-agenc Tas Force

    Against Tracing (NIATFAT).

    The MOA, which was signed

    on Janar 31, 2012, b President

    Roan Libarios and NIATFAT Chairman

    Ramond Jonathan Lledo, empowers

    the IBP to provide free legal assistance

    to Brea of Immigraon (BI) personnel

    who are charged administravel,

    civill and/or criminall in the corse

    of the performance of their ooading


    Ooading is the process of

    prevenng sspected vicms of hman

    tracing from taing their schedled

    jornes, sall from airports or

    seaports. In a nmber of cases,

    criminal sndicates engaged in hman

    tracing have created obstacles to

    ooading b ling harassment or

    retaliator sits, aecng the ecienc

    and morale of BI personnel.

    The charged BI personnel oen

    need to hire private lawyers to

    defend themselves before the propertribnals or corts. With the MOA,

    BI personnel can now see help from

    the IBP, sbject to the procedres and

    parameters laid ot in the MOA.

    The NIATFAT was created by

    the Inter-Agency Council Against

    Tracing (IACAT), the government

    body created by law to coordinate

    and monitor the implementaon

    of Repblic Act No. 9208, the An-

    Tracing in Persons Act of 2003.

    IACAT members are composed of the

    Secretaries and heads of government

    agencies and sectoral representaves.

    The IBP-NIATFAT MOA was signed

    at the end of a two-day workshop

    of IACAT personnel detailed at the

    airports of NAIA and Region 3, held

    at the DOJ Academ, Clar Freeport,

    Pampanga. Region 3 covers the

    provinces of Aurora, Bataan, Bulacan,

    Neva Ecija, Pampanga, Tarlac and



    At the IACAT workshop, left to right: Atty. Carlos Capulong (Bureau of Immigration),

    Commissioner Norberto Dela Cruz (Commission on Human Rights), RSP Jesus

    C. Simbulas (Head, Region 3 Task Force Against Trafcking in Persons), Atty.

    Felipe Antonio B. Remollo (President & CEO, Clark Development Corporation),

    Atty. Libarios, Ms. Lisa Andaman Pelia (Acting Chief, Airport Operations Division),

    SACP Raymond Jonathan B. lledo (Chairman, National Inter-Agency Task

    Force Against Trafcking), Me. Reynaldo L. Catacutan (VP, Clark International


    ON SEPTEMBER 24, 2011, a Joint Legal Aid

    Smmit for Northern Lzon and Bicolandia

    Regions was held in Villa Escdero in

    Lcena Cit, organized b Governor

    Vicente M. Joas and Governor Leonora I.

    Gerona- Romeo. The smmit was aended

    b more than one hndred parcipants

    represenng the 12 IBP Chapters in the

    Sothern Lzon Region and seven IBP

    Chapters in the Bicolandia Region.

    This was followed by the Tri-Regional

    Legal Aid Smmit of Greater Manila Area,Northern Lzon and Central Lzon Regions

    organized b Governor Dominic C. M. Solis,

    Governor Denis B. Habawel and Governor

    Olivia B. Jacoba, held on October 1, 2011 at

    the Shanghai Palace Restaurant in Angeles

    Cit, and b the Joint Legal Aid Smmit of

    Western Mindanao Region and Eastern

    Mindanao Region organized b Governor

    Florendo B. Opay and Governor Israelito P.

    Torreon, on October 8, 2011 at the Maria

    Crisna Hotel in Iligan Cit. Both smmits

    were well aended despite inclementweather.

    The latest in the series of legal aid

    smmits was the Joint Legal Aid Smmit

    for Eastern Visaas and Western Visaas

    Regions held on January 27, 2012 at

    the IBP Ceb Cit Bilding, organized b

    Governor Manuel L. Enage, Jr. of Eastern

    Visaas Region and Governor Erwin M.

    Fortnato of Western Visaas Region.

    The Regional Legal Aid Smmits is

    a vital aspect of the over-all program of

    the IBP NCLA aimed at providing a venefor interacve discssions to enhance

    the implementaon of the IBP Legal Aid



    For more

    information on

    the IBP, visit

  • 8/13/2019 The Bar Tribune 20th HOD Special Issue


    T B T


    COMMITTEE on Legal

    Aid (now the NaonalCenter for Legal Aid) headed the

    legal team that provided freelegal services at the Eagle BaanCare-avan, a medical, dental andlegal service advocacy sponsored

    on August 6, 2011 by Eagle

    Broadcasng Corporaon (EBC).

    On the invitaon of EBC, IBP wored

    with doctors from the Philippine Medical

    Associaon (PMA), densts from the

    Philippine Dental Associaon (PDA) and

    other health and wellness groups and

    the media in a reach-ot program that

    provide basic health and legal services to

    the public,po bono.

    NCLA Naonal Director A. Rosario T.

    Seas-Rees, together with NCLA Dept

    Directors and legal aid lawers from the

    IBP Manila, Qezon Cit, PPLM, Rizal and

    Calmana chapters provided legal advice

    to beneciaries who paentl qeed

    at the ve Care-avan locaons in Metro

    Manila, namel: Amoranto Stadim

    in Qezon Cit, Cneta Astrodome in

    Pasay City, Marikina Sports Center, San

    Andres Gm in Manila and the Oreta

    Amphitheater in Malabon.

    Later in the aernoon, A. Seas-

    Rees and Dept Directors As. Rosalie

    de la Crz, Enice Sta. Maria and Gemma

    Oqendo, parcipated in live discssions

    in Net 25, together with their partner

    volunteer professionals.

    The whole day event was aired live at

    Net 25, the television staon of EBC and

    at EBC radio staons dzEC 1062 AM and

    Pinas FM 95.5.

    The IBP was co-host with the

    Internaonal Commieeof the Red Cross (ICRC)

    of a seminar on InternaonalHmanitarian Law (IHL) andRepblic Act No. 9851, AnAct Dening and PenalizingCrimes Against InternaonalHmanitarian Law, Genocide and

    Other Crimes Against Hmanit.

    The seminar was held on Agst

    18, 2011 at the JBL Reyes Hall of the IBP

    Bilding in Pasig Cit and was aended

    b some 70 legal aid lawers from IBP

    chapters in the Naonal Capital Region.

    The MCLE-credited seminar inclded

    video presentaons and was aimed at

    promong nowledge of Repblic Act

    9851, increase understanding on the

    applicaon of IHL and InternaonalCriminal Law and raise awareness on the

    role of ICRC and the Red Cross and Red

    Crescent Movement in IHL.

    ICRC Legal Adviser A. Evecar

    Crz-Ferrer lectred on Internaonal

    Hmanitarian Law while ICRC Legal Ocer

    A. Jere Michael Sison discssed the

    acvies of the ICRC in implemenng IHL.

    Meanwhile, IBP NCLA Deputy Director

    A. Rosalie J. de la Crz discssed the

    key features of RA 9851.

    Established in 1863, the ICRC is a

    hmanitarian, netral and imparal

    organizaon whose exclsivel hmanitarian

    mission is to assist and protect vicms of

    armed conict and other sitaons of

    violence. Its aim is to prevent hman

    sering b promong and strengtheninginternaonal hmanitarian law and

    niversal hmanitarian principles.

    As gardian of IHL, the ICRC reminds

    pares to a conict of their obligaon

    under the IHL and contributes to its


    The ICRC endeavors to enhance the

    knowledge and understanding of IHL

    among government athories, the armed

    forces and civil societ. While the ICRC

    aspires to be the point of reference on IHL,

    it is not involved in criminal prosecon of

    IHL violators.


    By: Atty. Rosalie J. de la Cruz


    BROADCASTINGS CARE-AVANBy: Atty. Rosalie J. de la Cruz

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  • 8/13/2019 The Bar Tribune 20th HOD Special Issue


    It rained the night before, bt that didnt dampen the spirits of

    the parcipants in the ver rst IBP Fn Rn held September 11,

    2011 at SM Mall of Asia, icing o the celebraon of Naonal Law


    Special gest Senator Francis Escdero set the mood for a happ,

    lighthearted event when he hmored the parcipants, composed

    mostl of amater rnners: those who cant pla, displa; those

    who cant perform, japorm!

    Shedding o formal cortroom are, IBP members tricled intothe registraon des that was set p in one of the open paring

    lots of the mall beside Manila Ba.

    The Snda morning snshine matched the rnners colorfl

    rnning gear, onto which were pasted ocial nmber bibs. The

    Central Lzon chapter, led b Gov. Olivia Jacoba, came in niform

    bright pink t-shirts.

    Preparaons for the event, chaired b A. Dominic Solis,

    Governor for Greater Manila, and A. Ador Tolenno, former

    Governor for Sothern Lzon, began onl three wees before, and

    it was remarable that some 500 rnners showed p, thans to

    ocial noces, email, press annoncements, word of moth and


    Wearing bib no. 1, IBP President Roan Libarios welcomed and

    thaned the rnners and gests for spporng the event, which

    was organized to raise fnds for the IBP OFW Legal Aid program,

    hence the event sb-tle katpaRuN para sa OFW (flllment

    for OFWs). The sb-tle was coined b Assistant Naonal Treasrer

    A. Vic Loanzon.

    Aside from Senator Escdero, gests inclded Cort Administrator

    and Spreme Cort Spoesperson Jose Midas Marqez, PAGCOR

    President & Chief Operang Ocer Jorge Sarmiento andCatandanes Representave Cesar Sarmiento. OFW NGO Migrante

    Internaonal came in fll force, led b Chairman Gar Marnez

    and Secretary General Gina Esguerra.

    Adding glamor to the event was the parcipaon of winners

    in the recent Miss Earth beat pageant: Athena Imperial, Miss

    Philippines Earth; Mriel Orais, Miss Philippines Water; and

    Tarhata Rico, Miss Philippines Eco-Torism.

    The parcipants ran in ve separate events, with medals awarded

    to the top three nishers in each event.

    Emcee A. Ador Tolenno conclded the ceremonies with an

    earl invitaon to IBP Fn Rn 2012.


    they came, ran andwalked, and had fun

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    Our Road Map

    THIS MORNING, as I stand before this hallowed chamber, let

    me begin with an honest confession. I confess that I am deepl

    awed, honored and hmbled b this rare privilege of being

    sworn into oce before the disngished members of this

    agst bod whose collecve word, once promlgated, is the

    law of the land.

    As I tae m oath of oce before this highest cort of the land,

    let me also pa tribte to the fonding fathers of IBP lie the great

    Jose W. Diono, who waged a long, hard and historic campaign,

    spanning over four decades, in the halls of Congress and the

    Spreme Cort to bring into life an integrated Philippine bar.

    Today, as I accept the responsibility of leadership, Ialso rearm the arcles of faith of or fonding fathers for

    an integrated bar commied to the three-fold mission of

    elevang the standard of the legal profession, promong the

    administraon of jsce and enabling the Bar to discharge

    its pblic responsibilit more eecvel. In short, a bar that

    lives p to the standards of competence, integrit and pblic


    On behalf of the 20th IBP Board of Governors and Ocers,

    let me share this renewal of faith and resolve to bild an IBP

    that lives up to the ideals of our founding fathers and worthy of

    our support, respect, and trust.

    I believe that the dening moment has come for the IBP.

    Barel two ears ago, the IBP was roced b conict and division.

    At that me, the term of the old board expired bt there was no

    incoming Board discharging its fncon, no President, no EVP,

    not even a Governor from IBPs nine regions. To head o the

    crisis, the Spreme Cort had to step and install a caretaer.

    De to the pending elecon controversies, onl six of the

    nine IBP governors managed to tae their oath. Bt a ear later,

    the Spreme Cort pt to rest the controversies, sstained the

    elecon of the three Governors and called for special elecon

    for the EVP, who will assme the Presidenc. And to that special

    elecon, I owe m mandate toda. In the secret ballong, all

    the Governors re-armed m previos mandate as EVP, this

    me casng a nanimos vote, withot a single opposion orabstenon. I consider the nanimos mandate as a vote for

    healing and unity in the IBP.

    Trl, the crisis has proved to be a dening moment, a life-

    changing tonic for unity and growth. To those who doubt the

    resilienc of the IBP and the wisdom of the Spreme Cort in

    handling the leadership crisis, the answer lies in what the IBP

    has become toda. Res ipsa loqitor.

    In this ears naonal convenon in Sbic, the IBP posted

    the biggest trnot of parcipants in its recent, if not enre,

    histor. In this ears elecons for IBP Governors, the IBP also

    carved ot a record of zero elecon protest or controvers.

    Except for Western Visaas where the elecon did not psh

    throgh, the electoral exercises in all regions earned complete

    acceptance and withot even a whimper of controvers,

    shering in a smooth transion and transfer of responsibilies

    that enabled the newly-elected Governors to hit the ground

    rnning. Jst this ear also, the IBP won the internaonal bid

    to host the pcoming 23rd Conference of the Presidents of Law

    Associaons in Asia-Pacic, which pts the IBP bac on trac in

    the internaonal bar leadership.

    Ths, despite the intramrals in the recent past, we ndcomfort in the thoght that what tried to destro s has even

    strengthened s. Toda, the IBP appears to be in a mch beer

    shape. Bt I mst also confess that in spite of the recent gains,

    the IBP remains saddled b a crisis which deserves to be seriosl

    addressed, if we are to give jsce to its fonding ideals.

    Let me be more specic and to the point. The IBP connes

    to be saddled b a lingering and danng crisis of relevance.

    There is a serios disconnect between the IBP and its members

    and staeholders. To man lawers, the IBP is associated merel

    with IBP des, MCLE Compliance Cercate, and nothing more,

    except probabl when the face charges before the Commission

    on Bar Discipline.

    At a glance

    THE FIRST 5 Naonal Center for Legal Resorce and IBP Caseboo

    to mae the IBP the informaon exchange hb of the

    Philippine legal commnit.

    Naonal Board of Accreditaon to accord honoric stats

    to legal praconers who have earned a reptaon for

    competence and integrit.

    Commission on Integrit and Bar Discipline for pro-

    acve promoon of integrit as its mandate and thespeed resolon of cases as top priorit.

    Peer Assistance Program to provide spport sstems for

    the members of the legal profession.

    Naonal Center for Legal Aid to reorient legal aid

    services in order to meet new priories sch as OFWs,

    hman tracing and extrajdicial illings.

    PLUS 2 Amendments to the IBP B-Laws, parclarl those

    involving electoral reforms.

    New road maps that aim to declog cort docets, inclding

    the overhal of exisng trial procedres and acve

    promoon of alternave dispte resolon methods.

    Inaugural Address of IBP President Roan I. Libarios

    during the Oath-taking of the IBP National President and Board of Governors for 2011-2013

    July 19, 2011, Supreme Court, Manila

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    T B T

    Toda, more than ever, there is a compelling need to bridge

    this great divide. As the new President, I am commied to

    address this lingering crisis of relevance. The challenge is to

    revitalize and reengineer the IBP b instng strctral and

    polic reforms to mae it more aned to its mandate of service

    to the legal profession and the jsce sstem.

    In consltaon with the new Board and ocers, I have

    craed a ve-point reform agenda, some of which wold reqireamendments of IBP B-laws and the approval b this Cort. Ma

    I therefore beg or ind indlgence to please bear with me as

    I present or 5-point reform agenda designed to revitalize the

    IBP and bring it to a new level of relevance in the service of the

    legal profession and the staeholders of or jsce sstem.

    On top of the reform agenda is the creaon of an IBP

    naonal legal resorce center that will lanch and cataplt

    the IBP as the preeminent informaon exchange hb of the

    Philippine legal commnit. The Center will address and cater

    to the needs of the members of the legal commnit in this fast-

    exploding informaon age for eas access to legal materials,

    research and networking as well as for latest legal products,solons and services.

    As its agship project, the Center will hose and manage

    a state of the art online and interacve plaorm to be nown

    as the IBP Caseboo, which will mae the IBP the most

    poplar online informaon hb for lawers. The plaorm

    will featre a sper e-librar of legal materials, informaon

    pdates, e-prole of lawers and private messaging, sbject

    to privac rights and log-in restricons. It will also featre on-

    line pament of IBP des and sbscripons, on-line tracing of

    MCLE credits, and on-line pblishing of legal materials.

    From the online database, IBP net citizens ma also bild

    and cstomize their own personal librar, calendar, contacts

    and platform for information exchange on the web, inclding

    digital filing of pleadings, once athorized b the rles. The

    entire sstem, inclding the sper e-librar, will be bilt at

    no cost to the IBP and will have its soft-launch by October

    this year.

    As the informaon hb, the Center will also handle the

    IBP Jornal, newsleer and other pblicaons; maintain and

    pgrade the exisng IBP Website; and assemble a networ of

    otside sorces for research and informaon, inclding from

    Bar associaons worldwide. As a reslt, the Center will also

    strengthen IBPs capabilit to come p with sond posions

    on relevant legal and social isses, and engage in meaningfl

    advocacy and policy debates, thereby enhancing its relevanceand potenal contribon to societ itself.

    Second, the establishment nder the IBP of a naonal

    board of accreditaon. Its tas is two-fold. One, to idenf

    specialt areas in the pracce of law and accredit lawers who

    have acquired enhanced level of skills in that specialty area,

    thereby providing valuable guide to clients, the public and the

    legal commnit. Two, to accord honoric stats to acve legal

    praconers who have earned reptaon for competence

    and integrit. Sch honoric recognion will hopefll create

    a conter-cltre, inspiring lawers to sc to the ideals of

    competence and integrit in law pracce to earn the badge of

    honor aer a nmber of ears.

    Third, the transformaon of the Commission on Bar Discipline

    (CBD) into a Commission on Integrit and Bar Discipline (CIBD) to

    inclde the promoon of integrit as its main mandate. Ths, it

    ma engage in pro-acve integrit-bilding and an-corrpon

    programs among lawers, inclding basic prevenon corses

    to retrain aornes from becoming chronic violators of ethical

    rles. Together with strctral reforms, the Commission and the

    IBP Board will also sbmit to the Spreme Cort mch-neededprocedral and polic reforms in bar discipline cases to address

    docet congeson and elevate performance and standard in the

    speed administraon of jsce.

    Forth, the establishment of a peer assistance program

    nder the Oce of the IBP General Consel to provide spport

    sstems for members of the legal profession. The program will

    cover services to lawers related to career orientaon and

    development, conning job and career opportnies, welfare

    and insrance benets, stress and health management and

    rehabilitaon, and direct legal assistance in cases where IBP

    members end p being vicms of violent crimes.

    Fih, the raonalizaon of the IBP naonal legal aid brefocsing its priories and resorces. The new thrst is to elevate

    or legal aid oce into a naonal spport center focsed and

    aned to serving the needs for capabilit bilding, monitoring

    and case assistance of the 85 legal aid chapters naonwide.

    To maximize its contribon, the naonal legal aid oce will

    reorient its services to meet new priories where it can leverage

    on its strength, sch as the ever expanding millions of OFWs,

    the contrs modern da heroes who are oen vicms of

    abses and violaons of legal rights. To address their plight, the

    IBP will lanch a comprehensive OFW Legal Assistance Program

    to inclde conselling, representaon, and seng p of help

    hotlines for OFWs and their families as well as legal diplomac

    and advocac, here and abroad, to promote awareness of basic

    legal rights of Filipino migrant worers.

    On top of the 5-point agenda, we shall also complete the

    nnished bsiness on amendments to or B-Laws, parclarl

    those involving electoral reforms, if onl to strengthen the IBP

    as it marches on to its 40th ear of existence. And in line with

    or mandate to promote the administraon of jsce, we shall

    give priorit spport to new road maps to declog cort docets,

    inclding the overhal of exisng trial procedres and acve

    promoon of alternave dispte resolon methods.

    As I close, allow me to enter m nal plea for and on behalf

    of the new IBP Board of Governors and Ocers. As the IBP

    enters its 40th ear dring or watch, the me is ripe to taea major leap of faith. We now that the path to strctral and

    polic reform is narrow, long, painfl and diclt. Bt as long

    as we can sta nited and sc to the core vales of the IBP as

    or North Star, we can navigate with adacit the adversies

    that lie ahead.

    Ths, as we begin this challenging jorne to the high seas

    of reform and renewal, ma I as everone, fellow brothers and

    sisters in the legal profession and the disngished members of

    this agst chamber, please sta with s and eep or faith in

    the IBP. Together, we can beat the odds, realize or vision and

    mae a dierence.

    Than o and good morning.

  • 8/13/2019 The Bar Tribune 20th HOD Special Issue




    Chairman of the IBP Board of Governors

    He was formerly Governor of Eastern Mindanao

    Region and served as Executive Vice President from

    2009 to 2011. He was also former editor-in-chief of

    the IBP Journal. Atty. Libarios also served the Houseof Representatives as Congressman for Agusan del

    Norte. He is the present Chairman of the Presidents of

    Law Associations in Asia-Pacic (POLA).


    Governor for Northern Luzon

    Governor Habawel served as President of Ifugao

    Chapter (1985-1987; 1987-1989).

    He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics

    from De La Salle Univesity in 1977, with honors. He

    graduated from the University of the Philippines Collegeof Law in 1981. He took and passed the Bar n 1981

    and began private practice at PECABAR (Ponce Enrile Reyes & Manalastas),

    where he once served as its Managing Partner. At present, he is Senior Law

    Partner and Head of Litigation.


    Governor for Central Luzon

    She was Deputy Governor for Central Luzon for two

    terms and was past president of IBP Nueva Ecija

    Chapter. She earned her Bachelor of Laws degreein 1961 from the University of Santo Tomas Faculty

    of Civil Law. She draws attention to her brood of 11

    children, formidable achievement for an accomplished

    lawyer like her. Governor Jacoba was a Charter President of Soroptimist

    International Club of Metro Cabanatuan (2008-2010) where under her watch was

    launched the House of Hope project. House of Hope is a civic project dedicatedto helping women and girls who are victims of physical and other forms of abuse.

    The project won rst place during the Soroptomist International of the Americas

    Convention in California (2010), besting projects from 19 other nalist countries.


    Governor for Greater Manila

    The youngest ever Governor in the IBP BOG served

    the IBP as Assistant National Secretary (2008-2009),

    Commissioner of Bar Discipline (2011) and Director,

    Quezon City Chapter (2007-2009). He earned hisBachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy from the

    University of the Philippines in Diliman, where he also

    earned his Bachelor of Laws degree in 2000.Governor Solis is a Partner at

    Orfanel Alambra Limwan & Solis Law Ofces.


    Governor for Southern Luzon

    He served as past president of IBP Quezon Chapter and

    of the Tiaong Jaycees. He was also past regional vice

    president for Southern Tagalog of the Philippine Jaycees.He earned his Bachelor of Laws degree from Ateneo de

    Manila University and passed the Bar in 1964. Governor

    Joyas is the founding Partner of Joyas Dauz Garcia &

    Mendoza Law Ofces. He is a Professor of Law and is

    an accredited MCLE Lecturer.


    Governor for Bicolandia

    She was Past President of the Sorsogon Chapter and

    has served as RTC Executive Judge.

    Tita Lee, as Atty. Gerona-Romeo wants to be

    called, comes from a family of lawyers. Her father

    MEET THE 20TH IBP BOARD OF GOVERNORSwas a judge; an older brother sat as an RTC judge in Pasig and also

    served as Governor of Bicolandia; a younger sister presides at an RTC

    Branch in Iriga; and a younger brother is a practicing lawyer.

    Atty. Gerona-Romeo nished her basic, secondary and undergraduate studies

    at the University of the Philippines in Diliman and obtained her Bachelor ofLaws degree from Ateneo de Manila. She holds a Masters degree in Public and

    Business Management from De La Salle University and a Masters degree in

    National Security Administration from the National Defense College, graduating

    with high distinction. She is the recipient of an award for judicial excellence

    from the Society for Judicial Excellence. Atty. Gerona-Romeo is a member ofthe New York State Bar.


    Governor for Eastern Visayas

    He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in History

    from the University of the Philippines and nishedhis Bachelor of Laws degree at Ateneo de Manila

    University. He is president of IBP Southern Leyte

    Chapter. Governor Enage practices law and founded

    his own law rm.


    Governor for Western Visayas

    Atty Fortunato, a holdover member of the previous

    Board, was born on December 26, 1972 in

    Odiongan, Romblon. He earned his Bachelor of

    Laws degree from Manuel L. Quezon University asa working student. Without the benefit of a formal

    bar review, Governor Fotunato took and passed the

    Bar in 1999.

    Governor Fortunato is a Solo Legal Practitioner. He teaches law subjects atRomblon State University where he also serves as its Legal Counsel. His stint as

    Governor for Western Visayas is his second, having served in the same capacity

    during the 2009-2011 term.


    Governor for Eastern Mindanao

    A past president of IBP Davao del Sur Chapter(2007-2009), Atty. Torreon earned his Bachelor of Arts

    degree in Political Science from the University of the

    Philippines in Cebu in 1991 and nished his Bachelor

    of Laws degree at the Ateneo de Davao, where he was

    a Deans lister. He is currently Dean of Cor Jesu LawSchool in Davao del Sur.

    He holds a Master of Laws degree from San Beda College of Law and qualied

    for scholarship for a second Master of Laws degree on International Humanitarian

    Law in Nalsar University of Law, Hyderabad, India.

    He was admitted to the Bar in 1998 and founded his own law rm. He is amember of the Faculty of the Ateneo de Davao College of Law. He is presently a

    Director of the Rotary Club of Davao.


    Governor for Western Mindanao

    He served as President of Lanao del Norte Chapter


    A former seminarian, Atty. Opay earned his Bachelor

    of Laws degree from Colegio de San Jose-Recoletos

    in Cebu. He founded his own law rm, Opay andAssociates, and practices law in Lanao del Norte

    and Siquijor.

    Atty. Opay is the Past Master of the Glicerio A. Lim Sr. Memorial Lodge 222 of theFree and Accepted Masons of the Philippines.

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    T B T

    ROAN I. LIBARIOSNaonal Pesident

    ATTY. LIBARIOS is the incmbent

    Naonal President of the Integrated

    Bar of the Philippines (IBP). He was

    elected to the post b a nanimos

    vote of all the IBP Regional Governors

    who had previosl elected him

    Execve Vice President. Before

    serving as IBP Execve Vice President, A. Libarios was IBP

    Governor of Eastern Mindanao and Editor-in-Chief of the IBP


    A. Libarios was formerl Vice-Governor and Congressman

    of his home province of Agsan del Norte. In Congress, he served

    as a Member of the Prosecon Impeachment Panel in the 2001

    trial of former President Joseph Estrada. He was also a member

    of the Peace Panel of the Government of the Repblic of the

    Philippines and of the Invesgang Panel on the Hong kong

    Torist Bs Traged (2010).

    A. Libarios is presentl chairman, Presidents of Law

    Associaons in Asia-Pacic (POLA); Philippine Contr Concilor,

    LAWASIA; member of the American Bar Associaon (ABA) and

    lead convenor of the Legal Networ for Trthfl Elecons (LENTE).

    He is Founder/Managing Partner of LIBRA Law.

    A. Libarios earned his Polical Science and Law degrees

    from the universit of the Philippines, where he was once Editor-

    in-Chief of the stdent newspaper, the Philippine Collegian. A.

    Libarios is married and has two children.

    NASSER A. MAROHOMSALICAcng Naonal Secetay


    Governor for Western Mindanao in

    2009-2011. He is a graduate of the

    University of the Philippines College

    of Law (1981). He was appointedb President Fidel V. Ramos as

    Commissioner of the Commission on

    Hman Rights in 1994, serving nl


    Born in Lanao del Sr, A. Marohomsalic previosl served as

    Commissioner-at-Large of the Regional Consltave Commission

    for Mslim Mindanao in 1988. A prolic writer and a een polical

    observer, he wrote the grond-breaing boo Aristocrats of the

    Mala Race: A Histor of the Bangsa Moro in the Philippines,

    published in 2001.

    His service to the IBP is eqall prolic. He served as the IBP

    Governor for Western Mindanao from 2009 to 2011, while also

    serving as the Chairman of the IBP Commiee on Hman Rights

    I B P N A T I O N A L O F F I C E R S

    in 2011. He has been a member of the Board of Editors of the IBP

    Journal since 2007.

    As a Special Assistant to the Secretar of Foreign Aairs

    from 1989 to 1992, A. Marohomsalic was a member of several

    Special Missions to various states in the Middle East. In year 2000,

    he was awarded a std tor on grassroots democrac in the

    united States b the u.S. State Department. He is also crrentl

    a consltant of the Naonal ulama Conference of the Philippines

    and is a soght-aer speaer on varios isses aecng Mslim



    ATTY. SI SON GO obtained her Bachelor

    of Arts and Bachelor of Laws degrees

    from the universit of the Philippines.

    She is presently a line partner at the

    Romlo Mabanta Benaventra Saoc

    & De Los Angeles Law Oces.

    A. Sison Go was the President

    of the Philippine Bar Associaon from

    2010 to 2011. She was President of the University of the Philippines

    Women Lawers Circle (u.P. WILOCI) from 2002 to 2004. She

    is presentl a Trstee (since 2007) of the Law Associaon for

    Asia and Pacic (LAWASIA Philippines). She was also a Director,

    from 1997 to 1999, of the Federacion Internacional De Abogadas


    A. Sison Go served the IBP as Assistant Naonal Treasrer

    from 1995 to 2011. A leading member of the IBP Manila IV

    (Conrado V. Sanchez) Chapter, she has held varios posions in

    this chapter connosl from 1991 to the present.

    She connes to be an acve member of the Asean Law

    Associaon (ALA), the Women Lawers Associaon of the

    Philippines (WLAP), the Immigraon Lawers Associaon of the

    Philippines (ILAP) and the Academ of American and Internaonal

    Law Almni Associaon, Philippine branch. She was named one

    of the Otstanding Scholascan Almnae Awardee dring the St.Scholascas College Manila Centennial Celebraon in 2006.

    ATTY. JOSE V. CABRERANaonal Execuve Diecto fo



    has the disncon of carring on a

    tradion of service and commitment to

    the Integrated Bar of the Philippines.

    The former IBP Governor for Bicolandia

    (2009-2011) and former president

    of the Catandanes Chapter is the prod son of A. Brno

  • 8/13/2019 The Bar Tribune 20th HOD Special Issue



    Sabeniano Cabrera, who himself was IBP Governor for Bicolandia

    in 1995-1997.

    A. Cabrera is a cered pblic accontant who nished

    his accountancy degree with honors, eventually pursuing his law

    stdies at the Lcem of the Philippines College of Law.

    Dring his term as IBP Governor, A. Cabrera chaired the

    IBP Commiee on Legislaon and aended hearings in Congress

    in behalf of the IBP. A. Cabrera was also a consltant for the

    Naonal Hosing Athorit.

    Otside of law pracce, A. Cabrera conts badminton and

    tennis as his interests.

    A. Cabrera is involved in a nmber of advocacies, inclding

    environmental awareness and protecon, IBP involvement

    in naonal isses, IBPs constonal independence, and

    constonal amendments liming the Jdicial and Bar Concils

    role in lling vacancies in the Spreme Cort. A. Cabrera is a

    member of the Philippine Bar Associaon.

    ROLAND B. INTINGExecuve Diecto fo Adinistaon

    Convenon Diecto, 20th House ofDelegates

    A. Inng is a prod son of Tagbilaran

    City, Bohol, having obtained his

    Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of

    Laws degrees from Divine Word

    College (now Hol Name universit) in

    Tagbilaran. He is the son of the late Venancio P. Inng, Tagbilaran

    Cits rst Maor.

    A noted law praconer, A. Inng was a professor of law

    in the Divine Word College of Law. An acve pillar of the IBP, he

    was the Governor for Eastern Visaas from 2009 to 2011 while

    serving concrrentl as the Chairman of the IBP Commiee onBar Discipline.

    From 1997 to 2001, A. Inng was the Naonal Secretar

    of the IBP and previosl served as the IBP Assistant Naonal

    Secretar from 1995 to 1997. In Jne 30, 1997, he was awarded

    the Presidenal Disngished Service Award b the IBP and in

    Jne 30, 2001 was conferred the Presidenal Plaqe of Merit


    In 1981, A. Inng was named as a Grop Std Exchange

    Scholar to California, u.S.A. b Rotar Internaonal. In 1991,

    he was named the uSIA Internaonal Exchange Visitor to the

    united States. A. Inng became an Honorar Cizen of the Cit

    of Oxnard in California on March 30, 1981 and of the State of

    Nebraska, U.S.A. on April 11, 1991.

    ROSARIO T. SETIAS-REYESNaonal Diecto fo Legal Aid

    A. Seas-Rees nished her law

    studies at the University of Santo

    Tomas, where she also completed her

    Bachelor of Arts degree (Cm Lade).

    A seasoned trial lawer, A. Seas-

    Rees specializes in corporate law.

    A. Seas-Rees has wored

    in varios well-nown nancial and baning instons in the

    country. She has served as consultant of the Bangko Sentral ng

    Pilipinas and was Vice-President of the Ban Lawers Organizaon

    of the Philippines. She has also served as Treasrer of the Women

    Trial Lawers Organizaon of the Philippines and Secretar

    General of the Legal Networ for Trthfl Elecons (LENTE).

    Atty. Setias-Reyes has been the IBP National Director for

    Legal Aid since 2007. She is presently the President of the

    IBP Manila II Chapter; President of the Manila Benevolence

    Lions Clb; and a Cabinet Secretar of Lions Clb International

    (District 301-A1).

    ALICIA A. RISOS-VIDALDiecto, Pee Assistance Poga

    A. Risos-Vidal is a Senior Partner of

    the Morales Rojas and Risos-Vidal Law

    Oces. She is presentl a Professor

    of Law at the University of the East

    College of Law and was past president

    of the University of the East Law

    Almni, Inc. She is a Governor of theVangard of the Philippine Conston and is presentl Secretar

    of the IBP Manila I Chapter.

    A. Risos-Vidal completed a Cercate Corse on

    Internaonal Law from the Academ of American and Internaonal

    Law, Southwestern Methodist University in Texas, U.S.A. in 2007.

    She was the IBP Governor for Greater Manila from 2005 to 2007.

    From 2007 to 2011, she served as the Naonal Director for Bar

    Discipline of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines. She also served

    in the Department of Jsce for several ears.

    In 2011, A. Risos-Vidal was given a Dangal ng Pilipinas

    award b Consmers Choice annal awards for legal and socio-

    civic aairs. She is a member and/or ocer of the following:

    Philippine Bar Associaon (PBA), Women Lawers Associaon ofthe Philippines (WLAP), Vangard of the Philippine Conston,

    PHILCONSA, LAWASIA, kapihan sa Clb Filipino, Inc., Las Pinas

    Classic Lions Club, Lions Presidents League of the Philippines,

    Technical Woring Grop on Small Claims Cort, Sb-Commiee

    on Revision on Notarial Rles and Sb-Screening Commiee

    of the Societ for Jdicial Excellence of the Spreme Cort.

    Last Jne 3, 2011, she was indcted as Treasrer of the of the

    Federaon of Asia-Pacic Womens Associaon-Philippines.

    A. Risos-Vidal is a reglar co-host of veteran broadcaster

    Ton Calvento in his show Hssa Para sa Lahat, aired over

    DWIZ 882 AM radio.

    PACIFICO A. AGABINGeneal Counsel

    A. Agabin hails from Badoc, Ilocos

    Norte. He obtained his Bachelor

    of Laws from the universit of the

    Philippines in 1960, and his Master

    of Laws and Doctor of Laws (J.S.D.)

    from yale Law School in 1965. He is

    currently a professor at the Philippine

    Jdicial Academ and the u.P. College of Law.

    A. Agabin was Dean of the u.P. College of Law from 1989

    to 1995 and Dean of the Lcem of the Philippines College of Law

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    T B T

    from 2004 to 2009. Recognized as one of the contrs leading

    appellate ligators, he was awarded b the u.P. Law Almni

    Associaon in 1996 as Most Otstanding Law Almns.

    A prolic writer and legal scholar, A. Agabin was awarded

    b the Manila Crics Circle as the 1997 Naonal Boo of the

    year Awardee in law for his boo unconstonal Essas. A.

    Agabin has recentl lanched his latest boos, Meszo: The

    Stor of the Philippine Legal Sstem and The Polical Spreme


    A. Agabin is a member of the Phi kappa Phi Internaonal

    Honor Society.

    DENNIS B. FUNAAcng Naonal Diecto fo Ba


    A. Fna was former Dept Director

    of the Commission on Bar Discipline.

    He also served as CBD commissioner

    from 2002 to 2011. He is a gradate

    of the San Beda College of Law. Heobtained his pre-law degree (Bachelor

    of Science in Commerce, major in Mareng) from De La Salle

    universit. A. Fna is the Managing Partner of his Orgas-

    based law rm Fna Balaan Fortes Galandines and Villagonzalo

    Law Oces.

    A. Fna is a professor of law at the De La Salle universit

    College of Law and regularly lectures under the Mandatory

    Conning Legal Edcaon (MCLE) program. He has wrien a

    nmber of boos, inclding: Internaonal Law (2009), The

    Law on the Administrave Accontabilit of Pblic Ocers

    (2007), Legal and Jdicial Ethics (2009), Copright Law of the

    Philippines (2011), Canons of Stattor Constrcon (2011),

    and Trademar Law of the Philippines (2011).A. Fna was a scholar of the Internaonal Bar Associaon

    (Commiee on Intellectal Propert and Bsiness Law) dring its

    Biennial Conference in New Delhi, India in 1997; and a scholar of

    the Associaon for Overseas Technical Scholarships for a corse

    on Industrial Property in Tokyo, Japan in 1999.

    A. Fna headed the Philippine Government delegaon to

    the 7th Session of the WIPO Commiee of Experts on a Possible

    Protocol to the Berne Convenon in Geneva, Switzerland, 1996

    and dring the WIPO-Asia Pacic Conference on New Technolog

    and Enforcement of Copright in Indonesia 1995.

    MERLIN M. MAGALLONAEdito-in-Chief, IBP Jounal

    Atty. Magallona is a professorial

    lecturer at the University of the

    Philippines College of Law. He was

    Dean of the u.P. College of Law from

    1995 to 1999. Atty. Magallona was a

    Visiting Fellow at Oxford universit in

    1969 and Visiting Research Fellow at

    the Gradate School of International Development in Nagoa

    universit in 1994. In 1999, he was nominated b the Jdicial

    and Bar Council to the position of Associate Justice of the

    Spreme Cort.

    A. Magallona was an undersecretar in the Department of

    Foreign Aairs from 2001 to 2002 and a member of the Spreme

    Cort Commiee on Legal Edcaon from 1999 to 2003.

    Recognized as one of the contrs foremost athories on

    Internaonal Law, A. Magallona has represented the Repblic

    of the Philippines as consel before the Internaonal Cort of

    Jsce. He was inclded in the list of experts in Hman Rights in

    the united Naons Hman Rights Commission. He was a member

    of the arbitral tribnal in the Internaonal Cort of Arbitraon

    of the Internaonal Chamber of Commerce in Paris, France from

    1999 to 2000. He represented the Philippines in the working

    grop of the uN Diplomac Conference on the Establishment

    of an Internaonal Criminal Cort in Rome in 1998 and headed

    the Philippine delegaon to the meeng of the ICC Preparator

    Commiee in 2002.

    VICTORIA V. LOANZONAssistant Naonal Teasue

    A. Loanzon majored in Sociolog at

    the former Marnoll College (nowMiriam College), gradang cum laude

    in 1975. She subsequently earned

    a Master of Arts degree in Urban-

    Regional Planning from the universit

    of the Philippines in 1977. She was a

    member of the Order of the Prple Feather, the academic honor

    society of the University of the Philippines College of Law, where

    she obtained her Bachelor of Laws in 1987.

    A. Loanzon is a lectrer at the Spreme Corts Mandator

    Conning Legal Edcaon program. She is also a professorial

    lecturer at the Faculty of Civil Law of the University of Santo

    Tomas, the universit of the East College of Law and the Far

    Eastern universit Instte of Law.As a lawer and licensed Environmental Planner, A. Loanzon

    has lent her experse to varios strategic government and non-

    government projects in the Philippines and overseas. She has also

    wored in the legislave and execve branches of government,

    inclding the Oce of the President, the Oce of the Speaer of

    the Hose of Representaves and the Oce of the Qezon Cit

    Maor. In the IBP, A. Loanzon is concrrentl President of the

    Qezon Cit Chapter. She is also Assistant Naonal Secretar of

    the Asean Law Associaon and Director at LAWASIA Philippines.

    A. Loanzon is a member of varios professional

    organizaons, inclding the Philippine Bar Associaon, the

    Immigraon Lawers Associaon of the Philippines (ILAP), the

    Intellectal Propert Aornes of the Philippines (IPAP), theu.P. Womens Lawers Circle (WILOCI), the Philippine Instte

    of Environmental Planners (PIEP) and the u.P. Law Almni

    Associaon, Inc.

    RODOLFO G. URBIZTONDODeputy Geneal Counsel

    A. urbiztondo is a gradate of the

    College of Law of the University of the

    Philippines, where he also obtained

    his Bachelor of Arts degree, Magna

    Cum Laude. He is presentl a member

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    She is a heritage conservaon lawer and former

    Commissioner for Cltral Heritage. she gained pblic aenon

    for her sccessfl defense of Magdalo ocer and fgive Capt.

    Nicanor Faeldon and the Scot Rangers and Marine Ocers of

    the 2006 Fort Bonifacio stando.

    A. Angeless career combines advocac, ligaon and

    conservaon wor.

    PATRICIA-ANN T. PRODIGALIDADAssistant Naonal Secetay

    A. Prodigalidad gradated from

    the University of the Philippines College

    of Law, cum laude. She obtained her

    Master of Laws degree from Harvard

    University School of Law. She was

    admied to the Bar in 1997.

    A. Prodigalidad is a partner

    at the Angara Abello Concepcion Regala & Crz Law Oces

    (ACCRALAW), specializing, among others, in baning, investments,

    secries, ligaon, intellectal propert and alternave dispteresolon.

    A. Prodigalidad is a member of the Women Lawers Circle

    (WILOCI) and the Federacion Internaonal de Abogadas (FIDA).

    of the Mandator Conning Legal Edcaon (MCLE) Governing

    Board and of the Legal Edcaon Board.

    A. urbiztondo is a professorial lectrer at the u.P. Law

    Center. He served the Philippine government as Assistant Solicitor

    General, rering in 2006. A consistent stdent scholar, A.

    urbiztondo was Chancellor of the Order of the Prple Feather, an

    academic honor organizaon in uP. He was the recipient of varios

    foreign std grants inclding a std grant on Internaonal Labor

    Relaons at the universit of San Francisco, Comparave Law at

    the universit of Texas, and Program of Instrcons for Lawers

    at Harvard Law School. He is also a gradate of the Academ of

    American & Internaonal Law and a scholar of the Soth Western

    Legal Fondaon.


    A. Angeles gradated from the

    University of the Philippines College

    of Law in 1997 and was admied

    to the bar in 1998. She is also thecoordinator and spokesperson of IBP

    Impeachment Watch.

    IBP Dept General Consel A. Rodolfo G. urbiztondo (sixth from le) poses with parcipants to the exchange

    std program held October 2011 in Berlin, German, tled Craing a Modern Criminal Code for the Philippines.

    The program is a joint ndertaing of the Hans Seidel Fondaon and the Department of Jsce.

    Left to right: Administrator Manuel G. Co of the Parole and Probation Administration; Atty Persida R. Acosta, Chief of the Public Attorneys

    Ofce (PAO); Mr. Paul G. Schafer, Hans Siedel Foundation Resident Representative for the Philippines; Assistant Secretary Geronimo L.

    Sy of the Department of Justice; Atty. Oscar B. Bernardo, representing the Philippine Association of Law Schools; Atty. Urbiztondo; Chief

    Parole Ofcer Atty. Girlie F. Yulores-Dimaculangan of the Board of Pardons and Parole; Atty. Eduardo Victor J. Valdez, Esq. from the Ofce

    of Senator Chiz Escudero; Prosecutor Feliciano A. Aspi, Ofce of the City Prosecutor of Makati; and Atty. Eleanor Agnes F. Abellar, Ofce of

    the Chairman, Committee on Justice of the House of Representatives.

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    T B T



    Governor Solis is also the incmbentGovernor for Greater Manila.


    Governor Joyas is also the Governor for

    Sothern Lzon and an old hand in the

    IBP, having held varios posts in his home




    A. Miclat is the immediate past

    Governor for Central Lzon and past

    president of the Tarlac Chapter.



    Jsce Elepao is a former SC Cort





    Governor Habawel is the incmbent

    Governor for Northern Lzon.



    A. Tamano is the Dean of the Liceode Cagayan in Cagayan de Oro City and

    is a partner in kapnan Tamano Javier &

    Associates Law Oces.



    A. Caosa, a former President of IBP

    Cagaan Chapter, is a long me advocate

    of environmental protecon.



    A. Marohomsalic is also the AcngNaonal Secretar of the IBP. He was the

    immediate past Governor for Western

    Mindanao and was also formerl a

    commissioner of the Commission on

    Hman Rights.



    A. Pe is a senior partner of the Romlo

    Mabanta Buenaventura Sayoc & De Los

    Angeles Law Oces and is Dean of the

    College of Law of the Palawan State




    Governor Velasco-Jacoba is the crrent

    Governor for Central Lzon and has

    previously served the IBP in various




    A. Sanago is a former IBP Governor for

    Sothern Lzon and is Managing Partner

    of the Sanago Sarte and Associates Law




    A. Loanzon also holds the post of

    Assistant Naonal Treasrer of the IBP

    and is the incmbent President of the IBP

    Qezon Cit Chapter.



    A. Valdecantos is former commisioner of

    the Professional Reglaons Commission

    is also the former head of the Asset

    Privazaon Trst.


    A. Maramba is the immediate past

    Governor of Greater Manila Region.



    Governor Gerona-Romeo is also the

    incmbent Governor for IBP Bicolandia.



    A. Diono is the Dean of the De La Salle

    University College of Law.



    A. Amador Z. Tolenno, Jr. is a formerGovernor for IBP Sothern Lzon and is

    an acve Rotarian.

    ATTY. VICTOR C. FERNANDEZChairman, Tas Force on killings of Lawers

    and Journalists

    A. Fernandez was a former Directorof the IBP Commission on Bar Discipline.He was also the former Ombdsman for

    Northern Lzon.

    ATTY. CYNTHIA ROXAS DEL CASTILLOChairman, Commiee on Naonal Bar


    A. Del Casllo is a Partner at RomloMabanta Buenaventura Sayoc & De Los

    Angeles Law Oces and a former Dean of

    the Ateneo Law School.

    ATTY. PATRICIA ANN T. PRODIGALIDADChairman, Commiee on Law Pracce


    A. Prodigalidad is a partner at the ACCRA

    Law Oces.



    A. Hilba was formerl research fellow atthe Max Planc Comparave Instte forComparave Pblic Law and Internaonal

    Law and former associate solicitor at theOce of the Solicitor General.

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    A. Villadolid received his Bachelor of Arts degree from

    the University of the Philippines and Bachelor of Laws

    degree from the Ateneo de Manila universit. His gradateedcaon incldes a Master of Laws degree from the

    George Washington universit School of Law and training

    at the Environmental Law Instte in Washington D.C.

    A. Villadolid also nderwent fellowship training nder

    the aspices of the united States-Asia Environmental

    Partnership (uS-AEP) Exchange Program, Instte of

    Internaonal Edcaon. He is a Partner at the Angara Bello

    Concepcion Regala & Crz Law Oces.

    JOSE I. DE LA RAMA, JR.Coissione

    A. de la Rama nished his law stdies at Far Eastern

    universit and his baning and nance degree from the

    University of the East. He was President of the IBP Bulacan

    Chapter from 2005 to 2007. Dring his presidenc, the

    Bulacan Chapter was given the Most Outstanding Chapter

    award dring the Naonal Convenon of Lawers held in

    Cagaan de Oro. A. de la Rama is crrentl prsing his

    Master of Laws degree at the universit of Santo Tomas.

    In 2003, he was chosen as the Most Otstanding Law



    Praconer in the Province of Blacan. He is presentl

    the Chief Execve Ocer of the Marcelo H. del Pilar Law

    Fondaon, Inc. and Chairman of the kaparang kaagapa

    sa kanlaran ng Baan (kAAkBAy) Mlprpose Cooperave

    in Calmpit, Blacan.


    A. Cachapero hails from Ilocos Sr. He obtained his

    Bachelor of Laws degree from the universit of Santo Tomas

    in 1986 and too p his Masters in Bsiness Administraon

    (MBA) at Colegio de San Jan de Letran in 1982. In 2008,

    A. Cachapero was awarded the Hwarang Ama for Law

    & Jdiciar. A. Cachapero was President of the IBP Ilocos

    Sr Chapter from 2007 to 2009.

    ROMUALDO A. DIN, JR.Coissione

    Att. Din earned his Bachelor of Laws from the universit

    of Santo Tomas. He was President of the IBP Manila III

    Chapter from 1992 to 1995, 1998 to 2001 and 2003

    to 2005. He is a Vice President of the Vangard of

    the Philippine Constitution, Inc., and President of the

    Metro Manila Trial Lawyers Association. He is an active

    member of the International Bar Association, ASEAN

    THE COmmISSION ON BAr DISCIPLINE CBD of the Integated Ba of the Philippines is tasked to invesgate

    and subit ecoendaons on disciplinay chages against ebes of the ba pusuant to rule 139-B

    (Disbaent and Discipline of Aoneys) of the rules of Cout. It handles appoxiately 1,000 to 1,200

    adinistave disciplinay cases evey yea.

    The invesgang Coissione subits his invesgaon epot to the IBP Boad of Govenos which

    in tun subits its ecoendaons to the Supee Cout. All Coissiones of the Coission on Ba

    Discipline ae appointees of the IBP pesident. The pesent cop of Coissiones coes fo vaied elds

    of specializaon in the legal pofession, binging into the CBD a ich ix of expeiences deived fo thei

    especve aeas of copetence: the acadee, govenent sevice, business and copoate law, local

    govenent, the judiciay, public sevice and oe. meet the pesent CBD Coissiones:

  • 8/13/2019 The Bar Tribune 20th HOD Special Issue


    T B T

    Law Association, Law Asia Bar, World Association of

    Lawyers, National Bar Association and the Catholic

    Lawyers League. Atty. Din was awarded the Presidential

    Plaque of Appreciation by the Integrated Bar of the

    Philippines in 1998.

    MARIO V. ANDRESCoissione

    Atty. Andres obtained his Bachelor of Arts in Political

    Science and his Bachelor of Laws from the universit of