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The attached document is an original document issued

by Legal Registry LLC

Legal registry llc 1300 Pennsylvania ave. nw #190-626

Washington, dc 20004


Legal Registry LLC registered & licensed to do business by the District of Columbia as a digital data

repository, with both public and private attributes, do hereby CERTIFY that the NOTICE attached hereto

was published at


Dated this the 19th day of August, 2019.

Notice of Unregistered Claim - The Sovereign people, by the Grace of God Page 1 of 17

Let it be known by all men and their PERSONS that the American people, sovereigns

by the Grace of God, their names written in the Book of the Tree of Life, Beneficiaries

in original jurisdiction now coming as Grantor/Settlor of the trust now created with

NOTICE of Unregistered Claim, of priority equitable right, title and interest in the

res of the 1933 New Deal Public Trust, including all assets, attributes, derivatives

and transmutations thereof, administrated under a provisional military occupational

force under a Paper Occupation by the consent of the people. The sovereign people

have returned to redeem their property and herein provide NOTICE of the

Immediate Termination of the Bailment Agreement/Paper Occupation for the

release and return of the property to the true owners, the beneficiaries in original


The Claimants are beneficiaries in original jurisdiction, the One Consciousness having

a human experience; The sons and daughters of the Almighty Ever Living Creator

(the one source of all creation), seed of Abraham’s seed, joint heirs according to the

promise whereby the Lord granted “dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the

fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping

thing that creepeth upon the earth; (Genesis 1:26).”

The Claimants are alien to yet tenants on the land called earth, overseers and

stewards by express grant of the Lord, to whom alone We/They owe homage and

allegiance. The Lord has proclaimed: “Now therefore ye are no more strangers and

foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God; Ephesians

(Ch. 2 v 19).” “We are not of the bondswoman, but of the free; Galatians (Ch 4 v


The Claimants reside in the physical body, transient domiciles, a ‘man,’ en esse, moto

proprio; Living sentient beings, inspired by the Creator and acting on their own

impulse having all of the rights of a sovereign, a king. As grantees and beneficiaries

of the original grant, We/They over stand and have been granted dominion over all

things, including all legal fictions of the world of commerce. Our Creator has never

Notice of Unregistered Claim - The Sovereign people, by the Grace of God Page 2 of 17

granted Us authority to animate or make use of an artificial limited liability “LEGAL

PERSON”, to escape or limit our liability at any place or on any plane under a

subjugated carnal theory of limited liability. We shall be fully responsible for Our

private person’s engagement in this fictional world of commerce.

Claimants have denounced, withdrawn, revoked and made void any/all form of

commercial status, assumed and/or presumed that has been forced upon Us/Them

by deceit, fraud or otherwise. We/They have further denounced, withdrawn, revoked

and made void all acts and/or actions which have been assumed and/or presumed

to constitute Our voluntary consent to waive Our beneficial status in original

jurisdiction for that of some inferior status and jurisdiction, for fraud failing full


The Claimants do promise and pledge to be above reproach and to fully embrace the

traits of honor and integrity. We/They shall at all times resist arrogance, violence,

greed and excess choosing rather to be hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled,

upright, disciplined, equitable and at peace with the world. We/They accept full

accountability for our words, deeds and actions. In all decisions I/We shall be always

mindful of the 7th generation and the best and highest good of the divine estate.

I/We acknowledge and accept that We are joint tenants on the land having a divine

right of use of an undivided portion of the whole yet bear a responsibility to the


The Claimant’s Creator is their signet and their authority as sovereigns and

beneficiaries in original jurisdiction.

The Property Claimed – The Trust Res

The Original Feudal Grant- Trust: “In the beginning God created the heavens and

the earth." Genesis 1:264. “Furthermore, God said, Let us make man according to

our likeness and let them have rule over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the

Notice of Unregistered Claim - The Sovereign people, by the Grace of God Page 3 of 17

heaven, and over the beasts, and over all the earth, and over everything that

creepeth upon the earth.”

David wrote, (Psalms 24:1-2) “The earth is the Lord's, and all that therein is, the

world, and they that dwell therein; {2} for he founded it upon the seas and

established it upon the floods." (Leviticus 25:23) The land must not be sold to be cut

off from the family, because the land is mine and ye be but strangers and sojourners

with me.

It is clear that the Lord created the heavens and the earth and that although He

granted man dominion over His creation, he retained ownership. The Lord is the

Grantor having granted the earth to man, the Beneficiary and Grantee. Yet He

makes it clear that we are but strangers and sojourners suggesting a guest in the

lands of our creator relationship in the nature of a trust.

The property consists of the beneficial right, title and interest in the divine estate

which can be defined as an equal yet undivided portion of the whole as defined above.

Each and every man has been granted dominion over all the earth. That is our divine

inheritance, as Grantees and Beneficiaries, granted us by the Lord/the Divine

Creator. As Beneficiaries the people/’Man’ hold all right, title and interest as the

original owner.

The Original Trust

In Matthew 16:18 we see: ‘And I say also unto thee, thou art Peter, and upon this

rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell will not overcome it. 19 I will give

unto thee the keys of the kingdom and whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth shall

be bound in heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in


Peter received the keys of the kingdom of heaven, earth, as a servant, steward and

Trustee. He was not given dominion over man, nor was ownership over the divine

Notice of Unregistered Claim - The Sovereign people, by the Grace of God Page 4 of 17

estate conveyed to him. Peter became a servant and steward over the Lord’s

creation. Peter became the primary Trustee, a servant of the servants of God.

When the Christ gave Peter the keys to the Kingdom he conferred the authority of

the Divine Creator, as a trustee, on Peter. Peter had full authority, after the Divine

Creator, to instill decisions that no one could revoke. “Whatever you bind on earth

will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

Peter had full authority to govern, permit and prohibit on legal and religious

matters. This authority has been passed from Peter to each successor pope in turn.

Each successor became a servant of the servants of our almighty Creator, ‘Man’, the

beneficiaries in original jurisdiction.

Equity sees the Beneficiary as the True Owner of the Property

Abstract of Title – Chain of Title

In the year 1213 pope Innocent martialed a great deal of the estate under one legal

title in the Holy Alliance 1213. Pope Innocent became a feudal lord over the estate

which he held in trust granting administrative authority over the British Kingdom

back to King John in the exchange.

The Grant of the Treaty of Paris of 1783

The Treaty of Paris of 1783 the king declared the American colonies free and

independent, but stopped short of conveying ownership over the land as the king

had no authority to convey land owned by the pope under the Holy Alliance1213

and thus was a mere grant of administrative authority over a feudal kingdom held

in trust by the successor to Peter.

America is administrated today under the parent corporation named The United

States executing the administration via a conglomerate of corporate STATES,

DISTRICTS, CITIES and AGENCIES for and on behalf of the beneficiaries in original

jurisdiction. The various constitutions of The United States, et al declare the

Notice of Unregistered Claim - The Sovereign people, by the Grace of God Page 5 of 17

sovereignty shall remain with the people thereby protecting the rights of the

beneficial owners of the land known as America.

The people’s right, title and interest in the divine estate has been Pledged to the

United States via the 1933 New Deal as a solution to the national emergency of the

day and is conveyed to the United States soon after their birth into the world. The

conveyance is evidenced by the issue of the Certificate of Live Birth, a Certificate of

Authority. The Congress of the United States has stated that the Pledge became a

mortgage on the property and labor of the people establishing in fact that the

conveyance did not convey ownership but only the usufruct. The people remain the

beneficial owners having the right, title and interest in the property as the true

owner, the Divine Creator.

‘Termination of Bailment Agreement and Dissolution of the Public Trust’

“The matter at hand is a sovereign claim for the redemption of the property of the American

people from and dissolution of the public trust under the authority and seal of the Divine


There was no physical invasion of America in 1933 as FDR took the oath of office of the

president of the United States. FDR’s New Deal conveyed the property of the American people

into a public trust whose authority comes under the Trading With the Enemy Act rather

than the U.S. Constitution.

FDR’s New Deal is considered to be a ‘paper’ occupation having taken control over the

property of the American people without the need of an invasion. In accordance with the

Laws of Belligerent Occupation the sovereign authority did not change hands but remains in

the hands of the people.

A paper occupation, unlike an occupation via invasion, awaits the return of the sovereign to

claim the return of his property. The people consented to the conveyance of their property

to the public trust and can at any time revoke and terminate the bailment agreement for

fraud and/or mis-use of the trust. The termination of the bailment agreement, the Pledge,

Notice of Unregistered Claim - The Sovereign people, by the Grace of God Page 6 of 17

is final when the people decree it to be terminated. The people have so decreed. The Bailment

Agreement is terminated. No adjudication required. In His name, IT IS DONE!”

Equity acts in personam on persons

Defendant, Steven Terner Mnuchin, Custodian of the Alien Property

Steven Terner Mnuchin, the Custodian of the Alien Property, is the Trustee of the

1933 New Deal Public Trust. The Custodian of the Alien Property has been endowed

with the authority of a common law trustee and as such must come to the table in

personum in his full unlimited liability to provide a full equitable remedy to the


The rights of the individual are not derived from governmental agencies, either

municipal, state, or federal, or even from the Constitution. They exist inherently in

every man, by endowment of the Creator, and are merely reaffirmed in the

Constitution, and restricted only to the extent that they have been voluntarily

delegated by the citizenship to the agencies of government. The people's rights are

not derived from the government, but the government's authority comes from the

people. The Constitution but states again these rights already existing, and when

legislative encroachment by the nation, state, or municipality invade these original

and permanent rights, it is the duty of the courts to so declare, and to afford the

necessary relief.

“The word sovereign”, says J.S. Roucek and others, “entered the vocabulary of

political theory from the feudal order, wherein it designated a relationship between

persons. The term sovereign had been applicable to any feudal overlord with

authority over subjects in his own dominion” which gave rise to the theory of the

divine right of kings. As Beneficiaries in original jurisdiction the people owe fealty to

their Creator, their one and only sovereign, while maintaining their divine right as

kings to rule over their own kingdom.

Notice of Unregistered Claim - The Sovereign people, by the Grace of God Page 7 of 17

When Jesus gave Peter the Keys to the Kingdom the original trust was established.

The Keeper of the Keys is a servant of the servants of God and as such is a trustee.

The servants of God, the people, are the Grantees and Beneficiaries of the original

trust and thus retain their sovereign authority and dominion over their personal

kingdom. As trustee, the Keeper of the Keys to the Kingdom has a fiduciary duty to

enforce God’s will and His Grant to man of dominion over all things.

The people’s sovereign authority and their divine right of self-rule are grants from

God that pre-date and over stand the original trust, the world of legal fictions and

the world of commerce. Speyer defined his sovereignty in 1193 thus: "I am born in

a rank which recognizes no superior but God, to whom alone I am responsible for

my actions"

God did not grant dominion over all things to ONE man nor a group of men, but

rather to all men suggesting that every man is a king of his own kingdom, a

sovereign, ruling by the divine right of kings.

The constitution for the United States acknowledged the people’s sovereign authority

declaring that the sovereign authority remains with the people thereby confirming

that sovereignty has always resided in the people.

Sovereignty rests with the people, therefore, the full rights of a sovereign would

seem self-evident inalienable rights with a responsibility (social contract?) to harm


“Sovereignty is that power which is neither temporary nor delegated, nor subject to

particular rules which it cannot alter, not answerable to any other power over

earth”. -Pollock

“Sovereignty is the supreme will of the state”. -Willoughby The State being the

condition of a person or thing, as with respect to circumstances or attributes: a state

Notice of Unregistered Claim - The Sovereign people, by the Grace of God Page 8 of 17

of health,” state of mind, physical state, natural state or a state of Being. The right

of a sovereign to rule as set forth by the theory that holds that the sovereign receives

the right to rule directly from God’s grant to man of dominion over all things as a

divine right of kings and not from the people.

The divine right of kings, divine right, or God's mandate is a political and religious

doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch/sovereign is

subject to no earthly authority, deriving the right to rule directly from the will of

God. The king is thus not subject to the will of his people, the aristocracy, or any

other estate or legal fiction creation within the realm. It implies that only God can

judge an unjust king and that any attempt to depose, dethrone or restrict his powers

runs contrary to the will of God and may constitute a sacrilegious act. It is often

expressed in the phrase "by the Grace of God", attached to the titles of a reigning


The Declaration of Independence in 1776 described Americans as “one people” who

had the right “to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal

station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them.” The founding

fathers acknowledged the people as the sovereigns and their right to stand in their

separate and equal stations, as sovereigns and kings over their own kingdom as

granted by God.

Sovereignty contains four aspects including:

1) The rights and power over a territory: The beneficiary in original jurisdiction

holds an equal yet undivided portion of the whole of the divine estate. This

equal yet undivided portion of the whole, although transient, is the sovereign’s

kingdom over which he holds all of the rights and power;

2) Responsibility and accountability over a population: The sovereign owes a duty

to protect the population of his kingdom. The mother and father owe a

Notice of Unregistered Claim - The Sovereign people, by the Grace of God Page 9 of 17

fiduciary duty to their Creator and to their child as a member of the

population of their kingdom. The sovereign authority granted man by God

carried with it the responsibility to be a good steward with a social contract

to harm nothing, meaning, the sovereign shall not trespass on the sovereign

rights of others.

3) General and specific authorities: The king has a right to establish the rules of

his kingdom (household) and to delegate authority; and,

4) Recognition by other sovereign states: Every sovereign has the inalienable right

to be recognized by other sovereign states.

Sovereignty is absolute and unlimited. The sovereign is entitled to do whatsoever he

likes. Sovereignty is subject to none. Sovereignty is the life and soul of the state and

it cannot be alienated without destroying the state itself. Lieber has very aptly

remarked in this connection: “Sovereignty can no more be alienated than a tree can

alienate its right to sprout or a man can transfer his life or personality to another

without self-destruction”.

Sovereignty is imprescriptibly. If the sovereign does not exercise his sovereignty for a

certain period of time, it does not lead to the destruction of sovereignty. It lasts as

long as the state lasts. Sovereignty is absolute and unlimited. “If sovereignty is not

absolute, no state exists. If sovereignty is divided, more than one state exists”. Gettell,

“Sovereignty is that power which is neither temporary nor delegated, nor subject to

particular rules which it cannot alter, not answerable to any other power over

earth”. -Pollock

The sovereign is all comprehensive and the sovereign power is universally applicable.

Sovereignty makes no exception and grants no exemption to anyone. It grants

exemptions only in the case of foreign embassies and diplomatic representatives of

foreign countries on the reciprocal basis. This does not in any way restrict the

Notice of Unregistered Claim - The Sovereign people, by the Grace of God Page 10 of 17

sovereignty of the state in the legal sense. The state can abolish and withdraw the

diplomatic privileges granted to foreigners.

Sovereignty is inalienable. The sovereign cannot part with its sovereignty. In other

words, we can say that the sovereign does not remain the sovereign or the sovereign

state, if he or the state transfers his or its sovereignty to any other person or any

other state. The sovereignty remains with the people!

Sovereignty is exclusive. There cannot be two sovereigns in one independent state. If

the two sovereigns exist in a state, the unity of that state will be destroyed. There

cannot exist another sovereign state within the existing sovereign state.

The Vatican has defined the Beast of the Bible as,

“An entity who has taken its authority to such an extreme as to supplant its


According to Roman juristic theory the people were supposed, by the fiction of some

illusionary social compact with their rulers, to have surrendered to their keeping and

management, entirely and irrevocably, all of their rights, powers, privileges and


Locke, philosopher of the Revolution of 1688 and of the Declaration of Independence,

thought the pre-civic state was equality and freedom, rather than war; and that

then individuals were endowed with certain natural rights, but that for the better

preservation and enjoyment of these rights every individual entered into a compact

with the rest of the group by which he surrendered the exercise of a part of his

natural rights for the protection and preservation of his remaining rights by a

government to be instituted by the State. But, since the members of the group still

retained many of their natural rights, neither the State nor the government

instituted by it had an unlimited power over them, and if a government transcended

its authority the people regained the whole of their natural liberty, a part of which

Notice of Unregistered Claim - The Sovereign people, by the Grace of God Page 11 of 17

they had surrendered conditionally, and they (instead of the State) could institute

a new government.

Who, then, in the United States is sovereign? It is the people. The people, not as

Rousseau suggested without determinate forms for the exercise of sovereignty; not

as citizens of the United States nor as citizens of the various states: but the whole

people as organized in government to express and adjust their will either directly or

through representatives. At the present time, the people of the United States are

politically organized under constitutions in a dual form of government. This is an

accident. But the people are not an accident. They could change or abolish both their

dual form of government and their constitutions. Even the clause in Article V, which

provides that "No state without its consent shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in

the Senate," could probably be amended though some state should not consent. At

any rate, while there is no right to revolution, after a revolution has been

accomplished it is legal and a new constitution established thereby is legal. This power

of revolution substantiates the doctrine that the people are sovereign, and shows

that neither the states nor the Constitution is sovereign." At the present time, the

sovereign powers of the people are exercised by the various organs of government,

through the joint action of the state and federal governments. Again, these organs

of government are an accident. They are not sovereign. The people could change

their Constitution and exercise their sovereignty in some other way, as through the

initiative and referendum. The people have made the states and the nation artificial

personalities to which the name State is given. They have created no artificial

personality to correspond with the people as a whole viewed as a political unit. But

this is of no importance. Sovereignty does not depend upon personality any more

than personality depends upon sovereignty. Willoughby agrees that governmental

organs are not sovereign. By the same argument the states and the nation are not

sovereign. Both are like individuals before the law. Otherwise the Constitution would

not recognize rights, privileges and immunities of individuals against the states and

Notice of Unregistered Claim - The Sovereign people, by the Grace of God Page 12 of 17

nation. Just as the colonies were not sovereign, though given almost complete

autonomy, because the mother country still had the power of control, so neither the

nation nor the states are sovereign because the people have the power of control.

Legislatures, executives and courts, consequently, are simply agents of the people to

exercise certain sovereign powers for them, and they are ultimately responsible to

the people. The states and the nation are but personalities created by the people, as

they have created other artificial personalities, to perfect their political organization,

but they are only manifestations of sovereignty and are not superior to their creator.

Constitutions are only further parts of the scheme of social control which the people

have set up for the guidance and regulation of their agents, and to define and limit

the manifestations of sovereignty. But the people of the United States Are the

effective social forces. All power resides in them. It is they, who through their agents

in states and nation delimit personal liberty by social control, and who through their

constitutions protect it against social control; but they can make and unmake

constitutions, states and agents. They are sovereign.

Cooley Says: "The theory of our political, system is that the ultimate sovereignty is

in the people, from whom springs all legitimate authority. The people of the Union

created a national Constitution and conferred upon it powers of sovereignty over

certain subjects, and the people of each state created a State government to exercise

the remaining powers of sovereignty so far as they were disposed to allow them to

be exercised at all. * * *" Von Holst says "The government of a republic does not exist

in its own right * * *. The source of all its power is the people* * *. Hence the

Constitution represented the right of petition as a right independent of and existing

before it * * *. The Constitution did not make the State a republic, but the republican

people had given themselves this Constitution, and the right of petition is the only

possible means corresponding to that end. * * *

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The People indeed, are sovereign; but the people are not the aggregate of all

individuals as such, to say nothing of a group of individuals constituted at pleasure,

and of any desirable magnitude, but the population in its political organization."

Briggs states: “In the United States the proper subject of sovereignty is the people,

taken in the sense of the constitutionally qualified electorate, save in so far as they

have delegated certain of these attributes to government, state or national."

#1 The Social Contract – Imaginary Construct of Man

Social contract arguments typically posit that individuals have consented, either

explicitly or tacitly, to surrender some of their freedoms and submit to the authority

(of the ruler, or to the decision of a majority) in exchange for protection of their

remaining rights or maintenance of the social order. The starting point for most

social contract theories is an examination of the human condition absent of any

political order (termed the "state of nature" by Thomas Hobbes). In this condition,

individuals' actions are bound only by their personal power and conscience. From

this shared starting point, social contract theorists seek to demonstrate why a

rational individual would voluntarily consent to give up their natural freedom to

obtain the benefits of political order. It was posited that in the absence of political

order and law, everyone would have unlimited natural freedoms, including the "right

to all things" and thus the freedom to plunder, rape and murder; there would be an

endless "war of all against all."

The true sovereign, operating under their divine right of kings by the original grant

of dominion over all things, also must accept the fiduciary duty to harm no one and

their oath of fealty to be a good steward. The Sovereign authority granted by God

is not a license to pillage and plunder, nor rape nor murder. Sovereignty, by the

grace of God, respects all other sovereigns. He understands that we are all

beneficiaries in original jurisdiction, each with an equal yet undivided portion of the

Notice of Unregistered Claim - The Sovereign people, by the Grace of God Page 14 of 17

whole. Each a divine sovereign by the grace of God, owing fealty to our Creator to

be a good steward.

The self-evident social contract to “Harm no one” has been expanded, by the state,

to such an extreme as to systematically encroach on the sovereign rights and

authority of the beneficiaries. The State has used the illusionary, malleable and ever-

expanding social contract to transform their delegated authority into the full-blown

sovereign authority over the people. An entity cannot grant itself power or authority

in excess of that granted them. To do so is a usurpation of power and authority and

void. This social contract is a trespass on the people’s inalienable rights, enforcing

civil rights for the protection of the legal fiction PUBLIC over inalienable rights,

effectively stripping the people of their inalienable rights as sovereigns. The United

States has covertly exceeded its delegated authority to such an extreme as to

supplant its creator, the sovereign American people, in violation of divine law.

The sovereign’s divine right to self-governance is married to the self-evident social

contract to harm no one and the fealty owed their Creator to be a good steward.

The sovereign people have consented to no surrender of sovereignty in the delegation

of responsibilities and their associated grant of authority. The sovereignty remains

with the people, the beneficiaries in original jurisdiction.

The delegation of authority does not require a surrender of sovereign authority in

the exchange. When Jesus gave Peter the Keys to the Kingdom it did not diminish

the Lord’s claim nor authority, but simply authorized Peter to act on the Lord’s

behalf. So it is with the delegation of authority by the people does not diminish their

claim or authority as sovereigns.

Equity sees the beneficiary as the true owner

“The people of the State do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies which serve

them. The people, in delegating authority, do not give their public servants the right

Notice of Unregistered Claim - The Sovereign people, by the Grace of God Page 15 of 17

to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to

know. The people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain control over

the instruments they have created.”

#2 Weaponization of the corporations against the people

Today we see the weaponization of the corporations against the beneficiaries. Google,

Facebook and Twitter, CNN, FOX, etc., to name a few, are private corporations who

operate under a grant and license issued by the people’s delegated agents within the

various states. The Grantee operating under the state issued grant and/or license to

an entity, issued under their delegated authority, is an extension or franchise of that

delegated authority, and comes with a fiduciary duty to the trust and an oath of

fealty to the beneficiaries.

These corporations use of censorship against the beneficiaries to interfere with the

election process, the forwarding of false narratives and/or to foment insurrection

and civil conflict is contrary to their grant and license and constitute war against

the beneficiaries.

The internet is the creation of the United States military established and developed

with trust resources and are thus assets of the trust. Those who use the internet do

so by the grace of the sovereign, are subservient to and owe an oath of fealty to the

sovereign. The courts have declared that corporations are PERSONS enjoying the

rights thereof, yet the corporation can never be sovereign for the sovereign is the

source of the law while the corporation is a construct of the law and subservient to

man and man’s law. Corporations, licensed by the state, are public servants owing

fealty to the people as the sovereign authority and source of the law.

Escheat Seize the property back to the king/sovereign

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We have established the feudal relationship that began in the beginning wherein God

granted man dominion over all things. We have established the chain of title for the

property through the feudal grants to the Vatican via the Keys of Saint Peter in 63

AD to the Holy Alliance 1213 conveyance of property to the pope and the subsequent

grant back to the King, to the Treaty of Paris/Treaty of Peace wherein the founding

fathers were issued a papal grant to administrate America.

The Constitution is a feudal agreement authorizing the establishment of an

administrative body and identifies the people as the sovereign, and thus the lord. It

established the power and authority to be granted/delegated to the vassal state as

well as the limitations and responsibilities of the vassal/United States.

We see the feudal escheat firmly seated within the abandonment and eminent

domain statutes of every state. The military draft is a feudal construct. The

homeowner is identified on the mortgage and deed as Tenants rather than owners.

The feudal structure remains deeply imbedded into America and the global

geopolitical structure.

The right of the sovereign to escheat/cease the property back to the king/sovereign

to be regranted to a more acceptable vassal is well established. The corporations

operate by the grace of the sovereign and are therefore subservient to and owe

obedience to the sovereign. The corporations today operate under grant and license

issued by the state and are an extension of the sanctioning vassal state with each

owing a fiduciary duty to the trust and the beneficiaries thereof to operate in the

best interest of the trust and for the benefit of the beneficiaries.

If and when it has been determined that a corporation has been, or is being

weaponized against the sovereign people, the people have an absolute right to

withdraw said grant and license and/or to exercise their absolute sovereign right of

escheat, to seize the corporation and return it to the control of the sovereign to be

regranted to a more acceptable vassal.

#3 The United States, via its military and intelligence agencies, is withholding

technology that rightfully belongs to the beneficiaries having been developed and/or

Notice of Unregistered Claim - The Sovereign people, by the Grace of God Page 17 of 17

acquired with trust resources and against the credit of the American people. The

United States has taken the protective label of “For the National Security” to such

an extreme, to not only exploit the people, but to maintain and expand their usurped

sovereign power and control over the beneficiaries constituting a trespass on the

inalienable rights of the sovereign people.

By the authority of the Divine Creator, the American people, sovereigns by the Grace

of God, do hereby Notice all men and their PERSONS, of the priority unregistered

equitable claim on the Divine Estate, Earth, and all of its assets, attributes,

derivatives and transmutations thereof without exception.

In His name IT IS DONE!

The Divine Creator is our signet and seal