The Animal Shelter Script

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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Transcript of The Animal Shelter Script

Teen Lab Two Week – The Animal Shelter

The Animal Shelter


MAYA: The twin sister of Jackie. She yearns for attention from her parents and always looks out for opportunities to get it.

JACKIE: The twin sister of Maya. She always tries to “won-up” her and always tries to be better. She is dating Arnold.

ARNOLD: An outgoing sporty boy dating Jackie. He secretly loves Maya, her twin sister.

EMMA: A teenage rebel who is looking to find herself. She is a foster child secretly living at the animal shelter.

JESSICA: A girl who has run away from home due to sadness, abuse, and depression.

HARRISON: A boy who tries to help everyone else, when he can’t even figure out how to help himself.


Teen Lab Two Week – The Animal Shelter

The stage opens to an animal shelter called “LA Animals” or as nicknamed, theL.A.A. There are six kids, all holding a stuffed animal.


This poor dog has gotten no attention his entire life, always coming second to the non injured dogs. He never makes much noise and always accepts his poor fate. If only he could expect more and stand up for himself. Too bad animals aren’t smart enough to do that.

JACKIEThis poor cat has everything she could wish for, until one day, everything changed. She had to drop her life for something and it may have ruined it. If only she could think about her actions instead of being insanely impulsive. Too bad animals aren’t smart enough to do that.

ARNOLDThis poor bunny rabbit has gotten something very good, but wanted something different. The owner thought he was ungrateful, and he got nothing. If only he could’ve thought through things more carefully and planned things better. Too bad animals aren’t smart enough to do that.

EMMAThis poor bunny rabbit has no good background. Basically was born and left to die. If only she could realize the good things in life. Then maybe she wouldn’t always be alone. Too bad animals aren’t smart enough to do that.

JESSICAThis poor cat was abused her entire life, but was never saved or rescued, no one came to get her, so she had to leave on her own. She learned independence but was very lost. If only she had higher standards, she would get better stakes. Too bad animals aren’t smart enough to do that.

HARRISONThis poor dog always gives love to everyone and is a real sweetheart, but never cares for himself, always worrying about others, he forgets who else to worry about. If only he was more confident in his actions. Too bad animals aren’t smart enough to do that.


HARRISONWhat’s wrong Maya?

MAYAIt’s nothing.

HARRISONWhat’s upsetting you?


Teen Lab Two Week – The Animal Shelter

MAYAWhy would you think I’m upset?

HARRISONI can see your upset because you don’t even want to walk your favorite dog. You can tell me anything, you know. I am your friend.

MAYAYeah, sure. Nothing’s wrong. I swear.

(The lights go on MAYA for monologue.)

MAYA (cont’d)I lie so much. Everything is wrong but how could I tell Harrison? I barely know him. We just met at training day. But I mean, Jackie always gets the guy, she always gets the grades; she is always better than me. I wonder why I can’t get the guy and the looks and everything just for once. I really hope one day I can, but what will I do until then, stay here working at an animal shelter? Don’t get me wrong, I love working here, but not when Jackie’s around. I’ve spent my entire life in HER shadow. When is it my turn? Thinking about it, I sound like a spoiled brat. But honestly I just don’t always want to be second best, it isn’t fun knowing that your parents like your twin sister better than they like you, knowing any guy would go for your twin sister in a heartbeat, but would never go for you. A teacher would give her an “A+” when you tried so hard to get an “A”. But she doesn’t care not at all.

(The lights restore.)

HARRISONWhy don’t you take a break? I’ll take your shift over if you’d like.

MAYAThanks Harrison, but I’m fine.

HARRISONAre you sure? You know if you need anything…

MAYAI know, I know.

HARRISONWhy don’t you want my advice?

MAYANo offense, but you’re the new kid. I don’t know if I trust you yet.

HARRISONFine. Oh, there’s your sister with Arnold.

MAYAMaybe I’ll take you up on that break actually.


Teen Lab Two Week – The Animal Shelter

(MAYA exits as ARNOLD and JACKIE come on.)JACKIE

I have to go.

ARNOLDWhy are you mad at me?

JACKIEWhy would you think I’m mad at you?

ARNOLDYou’ve been giving me the cold shoulder all day. What’s wrong?

JACKIEIt’s nothing. Just forget it.


JACKIEJust drop it!


(We go into monologue mode)

The truth is, I don’t really like Jackie. I like her sister. I mean, she’s amazing and in my opinion Jackie doesn’t have the same creativity that Maya has. But I couldn’t break up with Jackie. We are already in too deep to break up. 8 months we’ve been dating. 7 months I’ve liked Maya. But if I broke up with Jackie, no girl would date me, Jackie is ideal: popular, pretty, popular, but that’s about it. She’s friends with everyone. So ten minutes after breaking up with her, my rep would be in the garbage. I know, I know, I sound really shallow right now. But Jackie’s starting to rub off on me.

(We go back into regular mode.)

Why don’t I go get you something to eat? Are you hungry? Thirsty? Are you on your special time of the month or something? I can get you advil?

JACKIENo! I just need time to think and not be suffocated for once.

ARNOLDFine. I’ll leave, but tell me when you want to forgive me for whatever I did.

(ARNOLD exits.)

HARRISONIs something bothering you Jackie?



Teen Lab Two Week – The Animal Shelter

No, of course not. (We go to monologue mode.)

JACKIE (cont’d)Okay. About 3 weeks ago, Arnold and I went to this crazy party. Alcohol, drugs, all the normal things you’d expect at a high school party. Well, we went back to his house, and his parents were on vacation. Things got pretty heated and we started making out. One thing led to another and…I missed my period. I don’t know what I’m going to tell him. He has so much trouble walking the dogs here. How can he be able to take care of a baby with me? How will I be able to tell my family? I don’t want to disappoint them, but how can I hide it from them? There is one solution but…no, it’s morally wrong. No…I can’t do that. No…I can’t take the life of a living being!!

(We go out of monologue mode.)

JACKIE (cont’d)I’m completely fine. Why do men always assume that we have to have a reason to be mad? Why do they always badger us with questions? Stop getting into everyone’s business, Harrison.

HARRISONFine! Jeez, you must be on that time of the month again or something!

JACKIEWhy does everyone think that when a girl is mad they are on their period?

(JACKIE runs off. JESSICA enters crying.)

HARRISONHey, Jessica. What’s wrong? It seems like everyone is in a bad mood today.

JESSICAI finally did it.


JESSICAI ran away from home.

HARRISONWhy would you do that?

JESSICAWell, because…It’s no use…why would I tell all my personal information to you? No offense, but I hardly know you, you’re still the new guy.

(Monologue mode.)

HARRISONThat’s me: the new guy. That’s all I’ll ever be. I started volunteering at the animal shelter because I like to help. Why won’t they let me help? I give good advice. They don’t trust me yet. Luckily, I have no problems so I can focus on helping animals and peers. Everyone gets so annoyed with


Teen Lab Two Week – The Animal Shelter

HARRISON (cont’d)

me. It always happens, I try to help people but no one wants my help. So why do I take their crap? Why do I help everyone else when they do nothing but put me down in return? Make me feel unwelcome. I don’t need to help them. And I won’t. Not anymore.

(Monologue mode ends.)

HARRISON (cont’d)Fine. If you don’t want my help, I won’t give it to you. I’m leaving.

JESSICAWhere are you going?

HARRISONTo my break. I deserve one after covering all of your guys’ shifts all day.

(HARRISON exits as EMMA walks on.)

EMMAWhy some glum little miss perfect?

JESSICAGet away from me Emma.

EMMAWhy, so you can run home to mommy and daddy?

JESSICAJust go away!

EMMACalm down. You’re acting like a freak. Oh, but that’s the usual. The weird part is that you aren’t trying to get all the attention from everyone as usual – you pretty little rich girl.

JESSICALeave me alone!

EMMAWhat’s your problem?

(Monologue mode.)

JESSICAThe truth is, my mommy and daddy aren’t there for me. They abuse me mentally and physically. I haven’t ever told anyone and today, my dad was hitting me and my mom was calling me worthless so I left, took a bag of stuff and left. The problem is that I have nowhere else to go…except here. The animal shelter is the only place I feel safe and loved. I relate to a lot of the animals here and the other volunteer workers are very nice…for the most part. I know why Emma is always being so mean to me. She’s jealous, but I won’t let her see me sweat, or cry, or bleed.


Teen Lab Two Week – The Animal Shelter

JESSICA (cont’d)She isn’t in charge of me. Neither are my parents. No one is in charge of me, because I am taking charge for once in my life.

(Monologue mode ends.)

I have to go, but before I leave I just want to say that I have total control of my life and I’m not letting you or anyone else take it from me!

EMMAGood to know. Now get out of my face.

(JESSICA exits. Monologue mode.)

EMMA (cont’d)Look, I may seem like your classic bad to the bone rebel, but I’m actually a lot more than that. I’m surprisingly smart and I really like math but I have no time to do anything because I committed a crime that I’m legally not supposed to tell anyone and I need community service. This place gives out free lunches and is close to home. Whatever home is. I don’t mind animals. But I do mind when people cross me. You mess with me, I’ll mess you up. I don’t have time to give you a detailed ballad of my depressing life. So just puzzle the pieces together, smart one.

(Monologue mode ends.)


(ARNOLD and HARRISON are talking. ARNOLD is pacing back andforth and HARRISON is examining a stain on his t-shirt.)

ARNOLDI’m in kind of in a funk.


ARNOLDAnd I need some advice.




ARNOLDYes, you!!!


Teen Lab Two Week – The Animal Shelter

HARRISONBut why me? I’m just the new guy.

ARNOLDI hear you give good advice. And I could use some.

HARRISONYou mean you actually trust me?

ARNOLDWhy wouldn’t I? You’re my friend.

HARRISONOk. Well, what’s your problem?

ARNOLDLook, dating Jackie has been a great time, but I like someone else, someone new, someone very similar to her.


ARNOLDIt doesn’t matter. I just need to know how to break up with her, gently.

HARRISONEasy. Just tell her that you still want to be friends and that you like her, but you don’t like-like her, and things like that. Say things she wants to hear, works every time. Not that I’ve had to use it a lot, though. Never mind. Good luck!

ARNOLDThanks, man!

HARRISONNo problem!

(Jackie enters.)There she is. Remember what I said. Say sweet things that she wants to hear.


(HARRISON exits and ARNOLD goes over to JACKIE.)





Teen Lab Two Week – The Animal Shelter

We need to talk.

JACKIEYou first.

ARNOLDLook, Jackie. Dating you has been great. But I’m really going through a rough time right now finding myself. I think we should take a little break while we figure things out, maybe see other people. But I hope we can still be friends!


ARNOLDNow what did you need to say?

(Monologue mode.)

JACKIE Well, I guess I have nothing to say now except…screw you Arnold. I gave you 8 months, I put out for you. You took my heart. And the only thing I have left from you is this baby. And it’s only half yours. So, why should I bother to keep it? He broke up with me; it should be his!!!

(Monologue mode ends.)

JACKIE (cont’d)I have to go but I hope you know that sweet words and “I hope we can still be friends”, doesn’t prevent me from getting mad. Go get a pin and pop your big ego, Arnold, because I never want to see you again.

(JACKIE storms off and MAYA enters.)

MAYAWhat just happened? I heard yelling and saw Jackie storm out the door.

ARNOLDWe broke up.

MAYAJust give her time. She’s mad but she’ll come around and you two will get back together.

ARNOLDActually…I broke up with her.

MAYAOh…no wonder she’s mad. No one has ever broken up with her before. Nothing bad has literally EVER happened to her before.

(under her breath)Finally.



Teen Lab Two Week – The Animal Shelter

Look, I get what you’re saying, but I think she’s upset over something else.

MAYAOh, well I can talk to her if you’d like.

ARNOLDGet her to simmer down a little? You’d do that?

MAYAOf course! I mean, I am her twin sister. Who better to talk to her?

(Monologue mode.)

MAYA (cont’d)Her twin sister; that’s all I am. Until now! Something bad happened to miss perfect, so the good things will come to me now! Her spotlight has been taken away and given right to me! I have a chance to do something big, get people to like me…but what should I do?

(Back to normal.)

I have ideas, Arnold. Thanks for telling me. I’ll help you out.

(She kisses him on the cheek and exits.)

(ARNOLD gets wide eyes and runs off.)


(EMMA is onstage taking care of a dog. JESSICA comes on.)

EMMAOh hey. It’s little miss liberal.

JESSICAShut up, Emma!

EMMAOr what? You’ll go all rich girl diva on me again? Or will you take another moving yet stupid stand. What are you fighting for this time? Animal marriage rights?

JESSICAYou don’t know anything about me, Emma.

EMMAOh really? I know that you ran away from home.

JESSICAHow do you know that?

EMMAI saw your stuff here last night.


Teen Lab Two Week – The Animal Shelter

JESSICAWhy were you here at night? The shelter closes at 3:30.

EMMAWhy does it matter?

JESSICAWhy won’t you answer my question?

EMMAWhat is this? An interrogation?

EMMA (cont’d)Look, I live here too, that’s honestly the only reason I picked this place for community service, it’s a good place to live. I mean, it’s an animal shelter.

JESSICAHow long have you been staying here?

EMMALong enough. And don’t worry. I won’t rat on you if you don’t rat on me. But I do have one question.


EMMAWhy did you do it?


EMMARun away from home?

JESSICABecause I needed to.

EMMAWhy? You’re parents are filthy rich and you have a huge house.

JESSICAWhy do you care?

EMMAI’m a curious person.

JESSICAWell, maybe a little too curious if you ask me.



Teen Lab Two Week – The Animal Shelter

Why won’t you tell me?

JESSICAFine. Things just weren’t working out at home. I needed to be somewhere else. Why do you live here?

EMMAMy foster parents hate me. They don’t want me around and I don’t want to be around, so this is a win-win for both of us.

JESSICAI’ve never heard of anyone doing that before.

EMMAActually, it’s pretty common nowadays.

JESSICAOh, that’s unfortunate.

EMMANot really. What is unfortunate is the lousy foster parents they have.

JESSICADid they…beat you?

EMMAOf course not, I said lousy not abusive maniacs.

JESSICAOh, just wondering.

EMMAHey, you’re shirt looks weird. You need one shoulder showing.

(She pulls down on her shirt to see a big black spot. JESSICAquickly pulls it up.)

EMMA (cont’d)What was that?

JESSICANothing. I have to go.


(She runs offstage.)



Teen Lab Two Week – The Animal Shelter

(JACKIE is sitting on a couch at a therapy session.)

JACKIEThank you for letting me come in on such short notice. I can’t find any good therapists in town. Things have been pretty bad. I’m pregnant.

(long pause)He broke up with me and now I can’t expect him to do anything with the baby. He won’t even care so why should I even tell him?

(pause)I know he needs to know, but what if there isn’t any baby.

(long pause)I talked to a doctor and I don’t even need parent permission, it’s all my decision and no one will ever even know it happened.

(long pause)Stop being so negative. It’ll all be fine. As long as I cover my tracks, no one will ever find out.

(long pause)Yes I’m absolutely sure this is what I want. And besides, what other choice do I have? I’m going through with this and that is final. I don’t care who supports me or not. It’s my body and I’ll do what I want with it.

(long pause)I understand what you are saying but I need to go take care of things. It was nice talking to you.

(JACKIE exits and MAYA takes her place.)

MAYAShe finally messed up, doc! I finally have my chance to be a star! It’s my turn! She doesn’t have a star boyfriend, she doesn’t have her popularity!

(long pause)I don’t think she has anything else happening. Why? Do you know something?

(long pause)Why should I talk to her? All she does is put me down and make me feel like I’m not a part of the family and I’m just a pest who happened to share a womb with her for nine months. I bet you she was even mean to me in the womb!

(long pause)You aren’t understanding. This is an opportunity for me to shine. And I deserve it. So you can be cheering for me or not. I couldn’t care less.

(long pause)I get that you always have to be the good guy but can’t I just live my life for once? Get a boyfriend, be popular, wear makeup, have a real social life! Or are you too concerned that my sister is going through some horrible crisis and I can’t live a good life because of it?

(long pause)I understand exactly what you are saying. But I regret even coming here. You’re like a fortune cookie or a broken record. You just repeat mindless crap!

(long pause)Fine. I’m sorry. That you have a stupid job and are taking it all out on me.

(long pause)You know, you give horrible advice. Goodbye.

(MAYA leaves and ARNOLD enters.)


Teen Lab Two Week – The Animal Shelter

ARNOLDI’m in love with her!!

(long pause)Her name is Maya and she is the best ever. Sadly, I dated her sister and we had a bad breakup.

(long pause)I haven’t noticed anything different about Jackie. Why?

(long pause)Knowing Jackie, she’ll already be back on the dating game real soon, and so will I. So I don’t need to worry about her getting jealous or it messing up her sister friendship with Maya. And anyway they aren’t that close.

(long pause)I know that because they always talk bad about each other. If you knew them, you would understand exactly what I am saying.

(long pause)Don’t be all spiritual. You don’t know what goes on inside my head.

(long pause)Why did I pay for this therapy?

(long pause)I…I know it’s free, I meant pay my time in therapy. See, if you could read my mind, you’d know what I mean!

(long pause)You’re no help at all, I’d get better advice from a computer. See you later.

(ARNOLD leaves and EMMA takes his place.)

EMMAI don’t get why I have to come here.

(long pause)Yes, I understand that what I did was morally wrong. But give me a break. I’m not going to end up in hell for shoplifting.

(long pause)And usually I get away with it if it weren’t for people like you being snitches. I bet you tell every single patient what I say to you.

(long pause)God dammit, you sound like an infomercial.

(long pause)My parents? They hate me. Worst foster parents out there.

(long pause)My real parents? I don’t know, they never liked me that much. And one day when I was eight years old they dropped me off at school and never picked me up. So Child Protective Services had to. Their vans are real crap for the stuff they do.

(long pause)Look, I don’t like to talk about this, I didn’t decide to come here, it’s court ordered.

(long pause)Don’t tell me you enjoy listening to everyone’s problems. Well, you’re a problem of mine, so I’m going to leave. My time is up anyway. Lucky me.

(EMMA leaves being replaced by HARRISON.)


Teen Lab Two Week – The Animal Shelter

HARRISONIt’s nice to see you.

(long pause)Yes, I’m adjusting very well to the new town. I’ve made some new friends down at the animal shelter.

(long pause)They seem really nice, but I don’t like how they take advantage of me.

(long pause)I give them this great advice, but they either don’t take it or they don’t appreciate it. And I never get anything in return.

(long pause)I know I shouldn’t expect anything but I think they should at least thank me. I come from a pretty lousy past, so I would like some good friends to start a new life with.

(long pause)Any girls? No, well one, but she’d never go for me, she’s a rebel and I’m a nerd. Her name is Emma. She works at the animal shelter with me.

(long pause)Thank you, that’s very flattering, but no offense, I’d like to hear that from someone my own age, not a thirty something year old who has a dead end job.

(long pause)I’m sorry! I’ll leave! Someone woke up on the wrong side of the trailer park.

(HARRISON leaves being replaced by JESSICA.)


(long pause.)I don’t feel comfortable spilling my secrets to a stranger.

(long pause)Things are fine. Great. Excellent. May I go home now?

(long pause)Look, I’ve dealt with abusive authority figures before and unless you want me to run away from you too, you better stop pressuring me to answer useless questions that make me feel uncomfortable!!

(long pause)Forget what I said. I just want to go home.

(long pause)I don’t want to talk about it.

(long pause)Stop asking questions.

(long pause)LEAVE ME ALONE!!

(long pause)I know that you only care about me, but honestly, I don’t care about telling you anything, you are a creep who enjoys listening to other peoples problems when really, you have deep problems of your own that you are only trying to avoid!

(Lights go black.)


Teen Lab Two Week – The Animal Shelter


(Lights come up to JACKIE and MAYA talking.)

MAYAYou need to walk one of the dogs.

JACKIEWhich one?

MAYAAny of them, I’ll walk the others.

JACKIEYou want me to choose just one?

MAYAYeah, don’t worry the other ones won’t get offended.

JACKIEOh, I know.

MAYAWhat’s up with you? You’ve been acting really strange lately. Are you on drugs?

JACKIEI’m pregnant.


JACKIEI know, I was going to get an abortion, but I just couldn’t go through with it. I was too scared.

MAYAHave you told mom and dad yet?

JACKIENo of course not!


JACKIENo, you’re the only one who knows! Besides my therapist.

MAYAAre you kidding me? You told this information to a random stranger? How could you be so stupid, Jackie?


Teen Lab Two Week – The Animal Shelter

(ARNOLD enters.)

ARNOLDWhat information? Is there something I need to know?

MAYAYeah, Jackie. Is there something he needs to know?

MAYA (cont’d)I’ll just be leaving now.

(MAYA exits.)

ARNOLDEven though we broke up, you can still tell me anything, Jackie.

JACKIEIt’s nothing don’t worry about it.

ARNOLDAre you sure?

JACKIEYes, I’m positive.

ARNOLDRemember how I said we can still be friends?


ARNOLDThe opportunity is still open.

JACKIEThank you but I have too much on my mind right now.


(monologue mode)

Honestly, I don’t want to be her friend. I’m just being polite. I mean, no ex’s are really friends, just friendly, or don’t hate each other. It’s going to be hard for her not to hate me if I start dating her sister. I’m planning on asking Maya out soon. I don’t know when but I do know that it will be very special, so she won’t say no. I get why Jackie is all bummed out, I mean how could she resist this?

(monologue mode ends)



Teen Lab Two Week – The Animal Shelter

I’m pregnant.

(monologue mode)JACKIE (cont’d)

There, I said it. I told him, why wont he say anything? He’s probably still in shock. I was when I first found out. I hope he hasn’t already made plans to be with another girl, because no girl will date him if he doesn’t help me support this baby. I’ll make sure of it.

ARNOLDMy heart dropped. My brain stopped. I couldn’t stop thinking “this isn’t real life”. But it’s all too real. I am in pain from this. How could I have not noticed? She has been acting different and I didn’t even suspect a thing. What the hell am I going to do?

(monologue mode ends.)

Congratulations. Is it a boy or a girl?

JACKIEI don’t know yet, but before you say anything else, answer me one thing: are you going to help me support him or her? Or are you going to drop the baby just like you dropped me?

ARNOLDI…have to go.

(ARNOLD runs off.)

(JACKIE exits.)


(EMMA and JESSICA enter.)

JESSICALook it’s none of your business.

EMMAI know you were abused. That’s why you ran away.

JESSICAYou’re so wrong.

(monologue mode)

She’s so right. I was abused and I’ve been gone for 3 days now and my parents haven’t even bothered to look for me or contact the police or anything. I didn’t even leave a note; I just snuck out the front door. I know they can’t help abusing me. They are overworked alcoholics. But they could’ve done something. Join AA, get therapy, even put me up for adoption. Anything is better than their abuse. ANYTHING!!

(monologue mode ends)


Teen Lab Two Week – The Animal Shelter

JESSICA (cont’d)And even if you were right, why do you care? It’s not like we’re friends or anything.

EMMAI know, but…just forget it.

(monologue mode)

EMMA (cont’d)I understand why you don’t want to be my friend. I’m rude, annoying, and have a serious attitude. And a criminal history. I’m working on it OK? I know what it’s like to be abused. It sucks. And I joke about it now but it’s still a seriously messed up thing. Even though we aren’t friends, I still care about you and I don’t want you to get hurt.

(monologue mode)

I have to go feed the animals. We’re at an animal shelter, not in an episode of gossip girl, remember? Now, get to work.

JESSICAYou’re not the boss of me.

EMMAI never said I was, but if you don’t get to work, I’ll get your boss.

JESSICAAnd I’ll tell her where you are living.

EMMAAnd I’ll do the same.

(JESSICA sighs.)

JESSICAIt’s no use.


JESSICANo use not being friends and fighting. We play the same game, why not be on the same team. Friends?

EMMAFriends. Now let’s go feed the starving animals.

(They exit.)


Teen Lab Two Week – The Animal Shelter

SCENE SEVEN(HARRISON is onstage alone.)

HARRISONEverything in this world is so cliché. I feel like everything everyone does have been done before several time. Everything repeats itself again, and again, and again until it has lost its meaning completely. So why does this happen? Media, my friends. Everyone follows the media when really, the media is full of crap. The internet, television, everything. What’s up with all the new media making the world cliché? Now I know that I sound very cliché to even talk about this but it is something I would like to bring attention to. That’s why I am working at the animal shelter, to get away from the media and spend time with intelligent life form: animals. They seem dumb because they can’t talk but it is quite the opposite. They keep their feelings and emotions deep inside so no one can steal their brilliance. Have you ever heard the saying “you can see a person’s soul through their eyes”. It’s true. Human or animal. It’s very true. I can tell what the animals are thinking. No I’m not an animal whisperer. I can tell what they want. It’s very convenient working here. I can also tell what my fellow volunteer workers are thinking: they all have their problems, they just don’t know what to do with them. Throw it away? Or tell the world? Keep it inside? Or let it out? It’s a very difficult choice to make, so most people avoid it.

(MAYA enters.)

MAYAWhat are you doing Harrison? You need to be working! Now get to work or I’ll tell the boss that no one is working these days.

(to herself)So much drama in a stinking animal shelter.

HARRISONMaya, can I ask you a question.


HARRISONWhy are you so mad?

MAYAHaven’t I told you to get out of my business before?

HARRISONI just want to help.

MAYAYou can help by leaving me alone!!!

(MAYA exits.)



Teen Lab Two Week – The Animal Shelter

(Everyone is in a meeting.)MAYA

Well, I assume you all know why you are here.

EMMANo, we don’t.

MAYAWell, as the president of volunteer workers here, I think I should bring up the fact that there has been some drama happening here at the shelter.

ARNOLDLike what?

MAYAIrrelevant. I do think that all the drama is distracting us from our work.


MAYAWe have all been slacking off, not working together, not caring for the animals properly.

JESSICACan I interject?


HARRISONLet her talk.

MAYAFine, go ahead. I hope this is important.

JESSICAWorking here has been great, it’s been fun, it’s been amazing. I’ve made some good friends. I’ve also learned a lot about the animals…and myself.

EMMAWhile this is an animal shelter and we are all volunteer workers…

JESSICAMost of us.

EMMAThis is also a place to meet new people.

HARRISONAnd find out more about our peers.


Teen Lab Two Week – The Animal Shelter

ARNOLDConnect with new people.

JACKIEAnd help each other through our problems.

JESSICAThat is what the animal shelter is all about.

(monologue mode)

I’ve changed so much. I went from a helpless runaway to a completely new person. I went from loving the animal shelter to loving everything about it. It’s not a volunteer job to me anymore, it’s a home. Everyone here is my family and the animals are my saviors. I connect with animals and people I never thought I would connect with.

EMMAI’ve changed so much. I went from a weird rebel to a friend. I don’t want to be mean anymore or mysterious, I just want to be. Volunteering here has gone from court ordered to looking forward to coming. I will really miss this place once I leave when the community service is done. Luckily me and Jessica talked to social service workers and we both live in a really awesome foster home now…together.

HARRISONI’ve changed so much. I went from the nosy boy, to a helping hand. I love helping other people and being here at the animal shelter has helped me realize that. Even though I’m new, I’m accepted. And that makes me happy here. Not regretting ever volunteering. I started volunteering to make friends. But now it’s about so much more to me.

ARNOLDI’ve changed so much. I went from the popular jock to an authority figure, a superhero, a dad. I can’t wait to have a child because of this animal shelter. I’m going to be a much better dad than mine was to me. I won’t give up on this child. No matter what. And while I’m scared of the future, I am no longer looking back on the past.

JACKIEI’ve changed so much. I know you think it’s because of the pregnancy but it’s not. That’s only part of it. There is so much more to it. I have thrived in my own way because of the animal shelter. Even though I am nervous about telling my family, my other family already knows and accepts me for it…my family at the animal shelter.

MAYAI’ve changed so much. My outlook on life is different. I now see my sister as an equal, not as a threat. I try to use my bossiness for good, like the animal shelter. All I want to do is help the poor animals, and myself. That is what the animal shelter is all about. And being here has brought six entirely different personalities all together into one big animal shelter.

(Monologue mode ends.)


Teen Lab Two Week – The Animal Shelter

EMMAYou guys, even though we have all had realizations, there is some unfinished business in this drama animal shelter.

HARRISONYeah, like why have Jackie and Arnold been acting so weird?

MAYA(looks at Jackie)

They broke up.JESSICA

Aww, that’s a shame.

EMMAYeah, they were the power couple of this shelter.

JACKIENo, that’s not what it is.

ARNOLDYes, it is.

JACKIEThat’s only part of it.

HARRISONWhat’s the other part?

JACKIEI’m pregnant.

EMMANo wonder, you’ve been getting so big.

JACKIEI’m only 1 month in and already noticeable?

ARNOLDWhile we are revealing things, I thought I should say something too…

MAYAWhat is it?

ARNOLDThat I think we should get a raise.

JESSICAWe don’t get paid, it’s volunteer work.



Teen Lab Two Week – The Animal Shelter

Right, stupid me. HARRISON

I just want to say that you are all so cliché. You’re all the typical high school kids with typical high school drama and I wish you guys treated me better and took my great advice.


HARRISONYeah, but no one else. Just because I’m the new kid, doesn’t mean I’m not smart enough for you guys. I wish you knew that.

JESSICAWe understand.

EMMAWe’ve all been the new kid before.

ARNOLDAnd I think you are officially part of us now.

MAYAAll for one…

ALLAnd one for all!

JESSICAWait, what will we all done when we’ve graduated. When we’re all off on our separate ways. When we leave this place behind. What will happen to us?

MAYAWell, no matter what we do or where we go we will always be friends.

(everyone exits except for ARNOLD and MAYA starts to exit.)


ARNOLDMaya! Wait!

MAYAWhat is it?

ARNOLDThere is something I need to tell you.

MAYAWhat is it?



Teen Lab Two Week – The Animal Shelter

I love you.MAYA

Arnold, my sister is pregnant with your baby. How can you love me?

ARNOLDHow can I not? You’re perfect!

MAYAI care about my sister and you too, so for your own good, I’m going to forget that you said that and we can go on like we always do…friends…future in laws maybe. In laws. That’s all we’d ever be. Please get that through your head.

(MAYA starts to exit)


MAYAWhat now?

(ARNOLD kisses her. Blackout.)