The ancient necronomicon james k. campbell jr.

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A synthesis of SIMON & LOVECRAFT.

Transcript of The ancient necronomicon james k. campbell jr.

“The Ancient Necronomicon”

By: James K. Campbell Jr.

Table of Contents

1. To Make the Bowl of Tiamat2. The Incantation of the Four Demon Queens3. The Conjuration IA ADU EN I4. Concerning the Gate of IAK SAKKAK5. The Conjuration of the Fire God6. The Preliminary Invocation of the Calling of the Lost Dead of Cutha7. A How-To Guide For The Urilia Text8. The Urilia Text9. A Forbidden Spell of the Ancient Ones

Chapter One

To Make the Bowl of Tiamat

1.) First, you will need to get a clean bowl.2.) After that, make place the sign of Cauda Draconis on the right side and

Caput Draconis on the left side.

Caput Draconis Cauda Draconis

3.) On the inside of the bowl, put the seal at the beginning of the Urilia Text as that is Tiamat’s sign.

4.) Then say the spell at the beginning of the Urilia Text. That is the initiation spell and the dedication spell for the bowl of Tiamat.

Chapter Two

The Incantation of the Four Demon Queens

1. Hold the dagger in the air and say the following spell:

NINKHARSAG, Queen of Demons, Remember!

NINKASZI, the Horned Queen, Remember!

Lady SHAKUGUKU, Queen of the Cauldron, Remember!

NINNGHIZHIDDA, Queen of the Magick Wand, Remember!

Four Demon Queens of the Underworld, I invoke thee hear and now!

Come and guard this temple of the ancients!

As I will it, so mote it be!

Chapter Three

The Conjuration IA ADU EN I
















E! E! E!







Chapter Four

Opening the Gate of IAK SAKKAK


Greetings! I am happy to converse with you once again. Many of you, who have obtained this document, may have learned of its existence, by way of the Simon Necronomicon GateWalkers Page. I do appreciate your support and hope that this blog has been of value to you.

One of the greatest mysteries concerning the Simon Necronomicon, if not the greatest, is the Urilla Text. Many people that I have encountered who work with the Grimoire have often wondered why the Urilla Text, even appears in the Simon Necronomicon at all?  In order to answer this question and some of the many others that arise when the subject of the Urilla Text comes up, we should first examine the place of the Ancient Ones in the Simon Necronomicon Tradition.

Interestingly, the first time that the term Ancient One appears in the Simon Necronomicon, is in reference to Aleister Crowley to whom the book is dedicated:

“For he believed himself to be the incarnation of a god, an Ancient One, the vehicle of a New Age of Man’s history, the Aeon of Horus, displacing the old Age of Osiris.”

From the above quote, we are able to ascertain that an Ancient One is an individual who invests in themselves as their own deity. If Aleister Crowley, to whom the Simon Necronomicon is dedicated to, is described as an Ancient One, then the Rites contained within the Simon Necronomicon would eventually lead the Initiate to eventually become just that. The term Ancient One appears again in the introductory section of the Simon Necronomicon entitled; The Mythos and the Magick. It is within this section that we read the following words:

“Basically, there are two “sets” of gods in the mythos : the Elder Gods, about whom not much is revealed, save that they are a stellar Race that occasionally comes to the rescue of man, and which corresponds to the Christian “Light”; and the Ancient Ones, about which much is told, sometimes in great detail, who correspond to “Darkness”. These latter are the Evil Gods who wish nothing but ill for the Race of Man, and who constantly strive to break into our world through a Gate or Door that leads from the Outside, In…….,There are certain people, among us, who are devotees of the Ancient Ones, and who try to open the Gate, so that this evidently repulsive organization may once again rule the Earth. Chief among these is Cthulhu, typified as a Sea Monster, dwelling in the Great Deep, a sort of primeval Ocean; a Being that Lovecraft collaborator August Derleth wrongly calls a “water elemental”.

I find it extremely interesting that the Ancient Ones are not presently ruling the world, but have ruled the world at one time. This is a very fascinating point because the world that we live in today is quite horrific, and people often look for wisdom amongst ancient teachings. In the

Greater Mysteries, the time period that the Ancient Ones ruled would seem to apply to the “Golden Age.” If this is the case, then the ruling class that exits now have allowed the world to get to a place of turmoil, while yet appearing to “save” man occasionally so that man can work for him. Also we find in the above quote the following:

“These latter are the Evil Gods who wish nothing but ill for the Race of Man, and who constantly strive to break into our world through a Gate or Door that leads from the Outside, In”

These so-called “evil gods” are said to have an urgent need to come in through a ‘gate.’ This is the same gate that is described by the Mad Arab in his First Testimony:

“These are the signs carved upon the grey stone, that was the Gate to the Outside:

This would mean then that the workings of the Necronomicon lead the Initiate to the Ancient Rites of worship. Yet there are many who get confused about the parable itself and immediately side with the so-called “good guys” without ever taking into consideration that , much of this is a parable. The Mad Arab walked with the Ancient Ones himself, yet he describes his work in secret. We can discover this by comparing two passages that appear in the text:

“Therefore, set thy face towards the ultimate goal and strive ever onward to the furthest reaches of the stars, though it mean thine own death; for such a death is as a sacrifice to the Gods, and pleasing, that they will not forget their people.”

The above passage appears in a section called the Zonei and Their Attributes, wherein we see a description of the end result of GateWalking, which is death or transformation. We find similar words in the Magan Text:

“To nourish the fiends of TIAMATAnd the Blood of the weakest hereIs libation unto TIAMATQueen of the GhoulsWreaker of PainAnd to invoke herThe Red Water of LifeNeed be split on a stoneThe stone struck with a swordThat hath slain eleven menSacrifices to HUBURSo that the Strike ringeth outAnd call TIAMAT from Her slumberFrom her sleep in the CavernsOf the Earth.And none may dare entreat further

for to invoke Death is to utterthe final prayer.”

This “death” is not a literal death, but a transformation into something that cannot be grasped by human experience. Yet we leave our former identification to be remade by the gods and become a deity unto ourselves. I found an interesting website called Cthulhumud. It can be accessed through the following link: Although this site describes an rpg game, the description it gave of Tiamat is quite interesting in view of our discussion:

“It is said that when Earth’s mild gods bargained with Nyarlathotep, Tiamat was among those who resisted the terms of submission to the will of that Herald of the Outer Gods. When Earth’s mild gods stood proud and independent, Tiamat was regarded as a fertility goddess and source of life on Earth; after her attempts to resist the gods who accepted Nyarlathotep’s offer, Tiamat came to represent conflict, rebellion, and, upon her betrayal and murder at the hands of Marduk, death and unnatural life beyond death.

The cults of Tiamat have, at different times, embraced philosophies of life, immortality, resurrection, fertility, evolution, revolution, conflict, war, and death. Currently, the Church of Tiamat claims that all of humanity have directly descended from Tiamat, and as her children they latently share such divine abilities and powers associated with her as the ability to persist beyond death in an altered state of life, and the power to change form at will in much the same way Tiamat was said to have changed herself into a terrible monster in her fight against Marduk; thus, sects of the Church of Tiamat have been associated with vampire and ghoul cults, and a number of adepts in the mysteries of Tiamat have been attributed with astounding and terrifying powers over their physical forms, while others have demonstrated the ability to profoundly alter the shapes and courses of the Dreamlands.

Aeons of conditioning by agents of the Cult of Marduk have projected upon human memory of Tiamat an aura of menace and evil which many of her worshippers have rejected; among her followers Tiamat has been attributed with a desire to protect and preserve mankind, to strengthen them and open doors to triumph and mastery over those ancient malevolent beings who wait for humanity in the Empty Places among the stars. Tiamat is also said to have a violent hatred of Nyarlathotep, Nyarlathotep’s allies and his Outer Gods, and all their sinister designs on Earth and its inhabitants.

Tiamat has been known to appear to mortals at times in dreams or strange half-recognized memories in several shapes and forms; occasionally in the ghostly, spectral, or even corporeal form of a young woman of noble and subtly foreign appearance; it is said that when angered or troubled she has revealed herself as a terrible worm-like monster or dragon; some horrifically ancient texts have described her as a vast comet which speaks from out of Earth’s night sky in a multitude of voices, while accounts from dreamers who claim to have explored the waking Solar System in their dreams describe an unnerving living world of ice and protoplasm in the darkness of space where hordes of dimly remembered living things lay in its icy depths in frozen slumber and dream of the many times they have visited the Earth in its dim past bearing the name Tiamat, harvesting what has grown on that world and sowing the

primal substance of a new generation of life, dreaming and waiting for the time of their return…. “

The energies of the Gate of Tiamat are indeed vital for true transformation. This is where those who follow the Elder Gods ONLY can get trapped into the realm of confusion. See if the GateWalket  has gotten to the level of completing the initiations up to the gate of Anu and does not proceed into the realms of the Ancient Ones, the energy becomes stale and still. The Mad Arab describes this how this can happen in his Second Testimony:

“Remember thy life is in running water, and not in still water, for the latter is the breeding place of the LILITU”

The water that the Mad Arab is referring to is that of life-force. A stagnation occurs when the GateWalker only travels within the circles of the so-called “light” for they learn nothing that can evolve self, but become drunk in illusion. In order to keep among running water the GateWalker must come to a certain perception, which can only be perceived by those who have walked the Gate of Self (Tiamat). Notice what the Mad Arab states in his Second Testimony:

“Know that TIAMAT seeks ever to rise to the stars, and when the Upper is united to the Lower, then a new Age will come of Earth, and the Serpent shall be made whole, and the Waters will be as One, when on high the heavens had not been named.”

The above passage ends in the same manner that the Magan Text begins, which shows us that these workings concern themselves with immortality. In order for the waters to be one, the Initiate must venture beyond the realm of the Elder Gods and back to the source that existed before them. Notice the following words as they appear in the Magan Text:

“When on High the Heavens had not been named,The Earth had not been named,And Naught existed but the Seas of ABSU,The Ancient One,And MUMMU TIAMAT, the Ancient OneWho bore them all,Their Waters as One Water.”

The Mad Arab quotes the same statement in his Second Testimony, as we have seen in the quotes above. When read with the eye of understanding, the Magan Text describes how the creation rebelled against the creator. Think about it. What the reader may find interesting here, is that even in Christian doctrine, when read correctly, we can see the same thing. The creation rebelling against the creator. Yet what is most amazing is that ‘the Race from beyond the Stars’ are the creators. This is why in Christian Mythology the Fall of man occurs at the same time God rested. Yet the creation can be made to serve the creator once again, when one unites with the Mother Goddess Tiamat once again, and then the war will be over. This is further proven by the Invocation of the Tiamat Gate in itself:

“I receive the Sun at night and the Moon by day.I AM the receiver of the sacrifice of the Wanderers.”

The above passage mentions something very interesting, in regards to receiving the ‘sacrifice of the Wanderers.’ The Wanderers are the planets of course. Yet if one has not learned the art of receiving the Sun at night and the Moon by day, they will eventually die. When one receives the Sun by night and the Moon by day, they are able to absorb a higher form of “chi” energy into their being, which reverses the aging process. The Mad Arab in his First Testimony describes the opening of the Gate of IAK SAKKAK, which is another term for Yog-Sothoth. H.P. Lovecraft gives us the following description of this God:

“Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth. He knows where the Old Ones broke through of old, and where They shall break through again. He knows where They have trod earth’s fields, and where They still tread them, and why no one can behold Them as They tread.—H. P. Lovecraft, “The Dunwich Horror”

This would place Yog-Sothoth or IAK SAKKAKK among the workings of the Three Negative Veils of Existence. This was witnessed by the Mad Arab in his First Testimony. Notice what is stated:

“The chanting of the priests, for I knew them now to be the servants of some hidden Power, became much louder and very nearly hysterical.IA! IA! ZI AZAG!IA! IA!! ZI AZKAK!IA! IA! KUTULU ZI KUR!IA!”

The term AZKAK is another way of saying IAK SAKKAKK. Dan Clare gives is the following definition of IAK SAKKAKK, at the following website

“YOG-SOTHOTH, Iak-Sakkak: A whirling mass of gelatinousspheres, Yog-Sothoth is the entity who is “keeper of the gateand the key”. In simple terms, evoking his powers allows one to travel   great distnaces in spirit and body. Some believethat his name is derivative of Set or Seth.”

It is apparent that the Invocation of IAK SAKKAKK gives the Initiate insight into the deeper realms where, he or she, is destined to master the elements and powers of clairvoyance, leading one to immortality.. The powers of the Ancient Ones, is well defined by the Mad Arab. These attributes come are made evident in our working within the Gates of the Ancient Ones.

“Before that time, I must put down here all that I can concerning the horrors that stalk Without, and which lie in wait at the door of every man, for this is the ancient arcana that has

been handed down of old, but which has been forgotten by all but a few men, the worshippers of the Ancient Ones (may their names be blotted out!).”

Here the Mad Arab informs us that the “Necronomicon” is indeed a book representing the Rites of the Ancient Ones, or the ancient arcane.

“have found the Gate that leads to the Outside, by which the Ancient Ones, who ever seek entrance to our world, keep eternal watch. I have smelled the vapours of that Ancient One, Queen of the Outside, whose name is writ in the terrible MAGAN text, the testament of some dead civilisation whose priests, seeking power, swing open the dread, evil Gate for an hour past the time, and were consumed.”

The above passage lets us know that the “war” between the Elder Gods and the Ancient Ones is completely fictional.  For the Gate to the Outside is said to be watched by the “Elder Gods.”

“From the Blood of KINGU he fashioned Man.He constructed Watchtowers for the Elder GodsFixing their astral bodies as constellationsThat they may watch the Gate of ABSUThe Gate of TIAMAT they watchThe Gate of KINGU they overseeThe Gate whose Guardian is IAK SAKKAK they bind.”

I will get further into the term Ancient Ones and what it means to the Necronomicon Tradition. Now in comparison, as we examine the two passages that appear above, we see in one that tit is said that the Ancient Ones are the Watchers of the Gate, whereas in the Magan Text, the Elder Gods are said to be the Watchers of the Gate. Other passages also show us that the work of the Mad Arab is designed to lead the Initiate into the Rites of the Ancient Ones. One distinct facet of the Ancient One worship is found in the Mad Arab’s Second Testimony:

And they cause madness, for they call AZAGTHOTH. And these Spirits come upon the Wind, and some upon the Earth, crawling. And no oil, no powder, suffices to save a man from this inquity, save that exorcisms handed down and recited by the able Priest. And they work by the Moon, and not by the Sun, and by older planets than the Chaldaens were aware. And in cords, they tie knows, and each is a spell. And if these knots be found, they may be untied, and the cords burnt, and the spell shall be broken, as it is written”

In the above passafe it should be noted that the Ancient Ones are said specifically to work by the “moon” and not the Sun. Interestingly, there are no rituals in the Simon Necronomicon that are solar. The most clear evidence concerning the Simon Necronomicon  and itssecretly functioning as a Book of the Ancient Ones is found in the description of the Book of Calling:

“THIS is the Book of the Ceremonies of Calling, handed down since the time the Elder Gods walked the Earth, Conquerors of the Ancient Ones.This is the Book of NINNGHIZHIDDA, Horned Serpent, the Lady of the Magick Wand.This is the Book of NINAXAKUDDU, The Queen, Mistress of the Incantations.

This is the Book of ASALLUXI, the King, the Lord of Magick.This is the Book of AZAG, the Enchanter.This is the Book of EGURA, the Dark Waters of ABSU, Realm of ERESHKIGAL, Queen of Death.This is the Book of the Ministers of Knowledge, FIRIK and PIRIK, the Demon of the Snake-Entwined Magick Wand and theDemon of the Thunderbolt, Protectors of the Arcane Faith, the Most Secret Knowledge, to be hidden from those not of us,from the uninitiated.This is the Book of ASARU, the Eye on the Throne.This is the book of USHUMGALLUM, Mighty Dragon, born of HUBUR, of the Battle Against the Elder Gods.This is the Book of ENDUKUGGA and NINDUKUGGA, Male and Female Monsters of the Abyss, of the Claws likeDaggers and the Wings of Darkness.This is further the Book of NAMMTAR, Chief among the Magicians of ERESHKIGAL.This is the Book of the Seven Demons of the Ignited Spheres, of the Seven Demons of the Flame.This is the Book of the Priest, who governeth the Works of Fire!”

Amazingly, none of these entitlies listed above are among the Elder Gods. Thus the Ritual of Calling is a working of the Ancient Ones. We will next discuss what the Bowl of Tiamat is.

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

The Preliminary Invocation of the Calling of the Lost Dead of Cutha

Chapter Seven

A How-To Guide for the Urilia Text

1. Take the bowl of Tiamat from its resting place in your temple and set it on your altar.

2. Say the conjuration of the Fire God.3. Hold out your dagger and say the conjuration of the four demon Queens.4. Open the Gate of Ganzir using the Preliminary Invocation of the Calling of

the Lost Dead of Cutha.

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

A Forbidden Spell of the Ancient Ones