The Alamo gave the Texans a reason to fight the war against the Mexicans. In the early 1800s...

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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Transcript of The Alamo gave the Texans a reason to fight the war against the Mexicans. In the early 1800s...



By; Betina Julien.

The Alamo The Alamo gave the Texans a reason to fight the war against the Mexicans. In the early 1800s American farmers looked deeply in at the all-exclusive Texas. People that wanted to go to Texas moved there for one reason, and that was cotton. After the Texans won their independence a lot of Americans moved there to Texas.

San JacintoAfter Texans won the war Texas became a Lone Star Republic state. Also Texas got added to the United states. Also the Texas government encouraged immigration and offered the settlers free land.

Sutter's mill

In the 1849s more than 80,000 people moved to California for the gold rush. We would visit the Sutter's mill where people was looking for gold. A lot of people move there because they knew that they had a

chance of finding gold, even though a lot of people didn’t find gold.

Willamette Valley People went to the Willamette valley for better land and climate.The geography of the Willamette valley was that the soil was fertile, the temperature was mild all year round.The rainfall was plentiful, early farmers that went their found fine farmland in the valley. We can go visit the dense forests that covered the coastal mountain range.The Willamette valley in the Oregon attracted people to move their to the west because of the fertile soil they had their and it was a chance of better life.

Rio Grande Valley

We had fought the war with the Mexicans at the Rio Grande valley. We wanted the southwest region of the United States so we fought in the war for those lands. And that attracted all of the other Americans to the southwest region.

Santa Fe

Everybody was interested in finding the trade routes. So a lot of people moved to the Santé Fe.

Fort MandanLewis and Clark went on their journey to try to find a trade route to the Pacific Ocean. Along the Fort Mandan they found a lady named Sacagawea who guided the way for them on the journey.