The Age of Napoleon

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Chapter 18.3. The Age of Napoleon. Essential Question. Discuss how and why nationalism spread as a result of the French Revolution. The Rise of Napoleon. 1799 – 1815 “I am the revolution.” Brings the French Revolution to an end Yet at same time, product of the revolution. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Age of Napoleon

The Age of NapoleonChapter 18.3

Essential Question

Discuss how and why nationalism spread as a result of the French Revolution.

The Rise of Napoleon

1799 – 1815 “I am the

revolution.” Brings the French

Revolution to an end

Yet at same time, product of the revolution

History of Napoleon

Educated in French military schools Commissioned as a lieutenant in the

French army in 1785 In 1792, becomes a captain In 1794, becomes brigadier general

by the Committee of Public Safety Napoleon wins several campaigns for

France throughout Italy

Napoleon Wins confidence of his

men with energy, charm, and ability to make quick decisions

Keen intelligence, ease with words, enabled him to influence people and win their support

1797 – returns to France as a conquering hero

Coup d’ etat

(KOO day-TAH) – sudden overthrow of the government is led by a successful and popular general Napoleon Bonaparte

Directory is toppled and Napoleon seizes power

New government – the consulate – was proclaimed

Napoleon becomes first consul – controls entire government

Consul and Emperor 1802, Napoleon becomes consul for life 1804, crowns himself Emperor Napoleon I

Napoleon’s Domestic Policies Republican liberty was destroyed by

Napoleon’s takeover of power Napoleon sought to make peace with

the Catholic Church by restoring church to bring stability

1801 – made agreement with Pope to recognize Catholicism as religion of majority

Pope, in return, did not ask for lands back that the government had earlier taken

Napoleonic Code 7 codes of Law Most important code called the Civil Code

or Napoleonic Code Recognized the equality of all citizens

before the law The right of an individual to choose a profession Religious toleration Abolition of serfdom and feudalism Undid rights to divorce easily Undid rights of daughters to inherit property

A New Bureaucracy

Napoleon developed a powerful, centralized administrative machine

Promotion was based on ability, not rank or nobility as before

A new aristocracy was based on merit in the state service – not bloodline

Shut down 60 of 73 newspapers

Napoleon’s Empire

From 1807 – 1812, Napoleon was master of most of Europe

Empire had three major parts The French Empire Dependent states (Spain, Holland, Italy,

the Swiss Republic, other German states) Allied states (those defeated by

Napoleon and forced to join his struggle against Britain. These included Prussia, Austria, Russia and Sweden.)

Napoleon’s Empire. By 1812, Napoleon directly ruled or controlled most of Europe

Britain’s Survival

As long as Great Britain had a strong navy, it was almost invulnerable to military attack

Napoleon could not stop Britain from trading with other countries

Nationalism Nationalism- the unique cultural identity of a

people based on common language, religion, and national symbols

Nationalism was another factor in the defeat of Napoleon

The defeat of countries brought on their feelings of nationalism.

Two ways: French hated as oppressors by those they defeated French mirrored nationalism and what a nation in

arms could do

The Fall of Napoleon

Russians refused to remain in the Continental System

Left Napoleon no choice but to invade Russia

June 1812 – Grand army of 600,000 men enter Russia

Russia’s army retreats for miles and miles pulling Napoleon’s army farther in to Russia

Russia’s army burns their own villages to keep Napoleon from finding food

The Fall of Napoleon, cont.Battle of Borodino – Napoleon

wins with a costly and indecisive victory

Grand Army arrives in Moscow finding city ablaze

Napoleon abandons Moscow and starts the “Great Retreat”

Terrible winter conditions Less than 40,000 arrive back in

Poland in 1813.

Napoleon Defeated

Click icon to add pictureThe Crossing of the BeresinaBy January Suchodolsky shows Napoleon’s grand army in full retreat from Russia.

Military Disaster

Other European states rise up and attack the crippled French army

Paris is captured in March 1814 Napoleon is sent to exile on the

island of Elba. Bourbon monarchy restored to

France Louis XVIII becomes King

Final Defeat

Napoleon grows bored on island King has little support Slips back into France Troops shout “Vive l’Empereur!”

(Long live the emperor!) Napoleon makes triumphal entry into

Paris on March 20, 1815. Napoleon raises army to attack

nearest forces in Belgium.

Battle of Waterloo June 18, 1815 Napoleon meets a combined British and

Prussian army under the Duke of Wellington and suffers a bloody defeat.

Napoleon gets exiled to St. Helena Island off of Africa.