The Age of Discovery Portugal Takes the Lead. What lead to European Exploration it the 15 th...

Post on 18-Jan-2018

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What lead to European Exploration it the 15 th Century? Economics – The most important reason was the desire for wealth. Europeans traders were getting wealthy on trade with Asia. The trade of luxury goods like spices, silk, gems, was controlled by Muslim traders who sold to Italians. The Italians then sold to other Europeans at very high prices. The other European countries resented the Italian monopoly and looked for an all water route to Asia to bypass the overland routes controlled by the Italians and Muslims.

Transcript of The Age of Discovery Portugal Takes the Lead. What lead to European Exploration it the 15 th...

The Age of Discovery Portugal Takes the Lead What lead to European Exploration it the 15 th Century? The Renaissance It set the stage for European exploration. It is impossible to separate the two. European exploration grew out of the Renaissance spirit of adventure, curiosity, learning, and admiration of human achievement. What lead to European Exploration it the 15 th Century? Economics The most important reason was the desire for wealth. Europeans traders were getting wealthy on trade with Asia. The trade of luxury goods like spices, silk, gems, was controlled by Muslim traders who sold to Italians. The Italians then sold to other Europeans at very high prices. The other European countries resented the Italian monopoly and looked for an all water route to Asia to bypass the overland routes controlled by the Italians and Muslims. What lead to European Exploration it the 15 th Century? The Desire to Spread Christianity Europeans wanted to continue to fight the spread of Islam, and bring Christianity to non-Christians in Asia Claim New Lands European powers wanted to start settlements and trading posts. Portugals Location Geography Determines Destiny Portugals location on the western most tip of the Iberian Peninsula, had a major impact on its history. Its larger, more powerful neighbor, Spain bordered it on the North and East, cutting off the overland routes to the rest of Europe To the South was Africa and to theWest was a vast stretch of unknown ocean. With that laying in front of them, it was inevitable that the Portuguese would go to sea. Coast of Portugal Prince Henry the Navigator Strong Government Support Prince Henry the Navigator, son of the King of Portugal. Became interested in overseas exploration during a war in North Africa, where he saw great wealth and riches from Asia. He was determined to find a water route to Asia and get riches and spread Christianity. Founded a navigation school in It had the best mapmakers, instrument makers, ship builders, scientists, and sea captains in Europe. Location of the Navigation School Portuguese Use of Technology 1.Caravels new ship design of the 1400s were sturdier than previous ships. They were about 65 feet long. 2. Lateen sails These triangular sails adapted from Arab boats, made it possible to sail against the wind. 3. Astrolabe Another Arabic invention, allowed navigators to determine their Latitude north or south of the equator by taking a sighting off a star. (Calculating longitude was still a problem due to the need to accurately calculate time.) 4. Magnetic Compass Invented by the Chinese about 220 B.C., it had just been recently adopted in Europe As a navigational device. The Caravel An English Caravel A Brazilian Caravel The Espirito Santo A Portuguese Caravel The Boa Esperanca An Astrolabe A Simple Astrolabe Using an Astrolabe Amerigo Vespucci using an Astrolabe Caravels with an Astrolabe Portuguese are the First to Reach the East Portuguese sailors begin to sail down the west coast of Africa Bartholomew Diaz 1487 reaches the Cape of Good Hope, the Southern tip of Africa Vasco da Gama rounded Africa and reached India. He returned with a cargo valued at 60 times the cost of his voyage! Bartholomew Diaz Vasco De Gama Pedro Alvares Cabral In 1500, Cabral is leading a 13 ship fleet to India from Portugal, when he goes off course, and discovers Brazil. Cabral