The african mobile telecom market 2013 2023

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Transcript of The african mobile telecom market 2013 2023

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The African Mobile Telecom Market 2013-2023

Contents 1. Executive Summary

1.1 African Telecoms Growth

1.2 Benefits of This Report

1.3 Who is This Report For?

1.4 Methodology

1.5 Total African Mobile Subscription Forecast 2013-2023

1.6 Total African Mobile Subscription Forecast by Device Type 2013-2023

1.7 Regional African Mobile Subscription Forecast 2013-2023

2. Introduction to the African Mobile Market 2.1 African Mobile Market Structure Overview

2.2 African Countries - Market Definition

2.2.1 African Regions - Market Definition

2.3 African Mobile Broadband Market

2.4 Spectrum Development

2.4.1 Potential Economic Impact of Mobile Broadband Availability

2.5 Taxation: Potential Mobile Uptake Barrier

3. African Mobile Forecasts 2013-2023 3.1 Total African Mobile Subscriptions Forecast 2013-2023

3.2 African Population Growth and Mobile Penetration Forecast 2013-2023

3.3 African Mobile Technology 2013

3.3.1 Alcatel Lucent providing 4G Infrastructure in Ghana

3.3.2 African Mobile Technology Market Share Forecast 2013-2023

3.4 Total African Mobile Subscriptions Forecast by Device Type 2013-2023

3.4.1 African Smartphone Subscription Forecast 2013-2023

3.4.2 African Feature Phone Subscription Forecast 2013-2023

3.4.3 African Tablet/MID Subscription Forecast 2013-2023

3.5 Total African Mobile Operator Revenue Forecast 2013-2023

3.5.1 Total African Mobile Operator Revenue Forecast by Service Type 2013-2023

4. Regional African Mobile Market Forecasts 2013-2023 4.1 Regional African Mobile Market by Subscriptions 2013 – 2018

4.2 Regional African Mobile Market by Mobile Penetration 2013

4.3 Regional African Mobile Subscriber Market Share 2013 – 2023

Contents 4.4 East African Mobile Forecasts 2013-2023

4.4.1 Kenyan Mobile Subscriptions Dip as SIM Cards Deactivated

4.4.2 East African Mobile Subscriber Forecasts 2013-2023

4.4.3 East African Mobile Subscriber Forecasts by Device Type 2013-2023 East African Smartphone Subscriber Forecasts 2013-2023 East African Feature Phone Subscriber Forecasts 2013-2023 East African Tablet/MID Subscriber Forecasts 2013-2023

4.4.5 East African Mobile Subscription by Country 2013

4.5 Central African Mobile Forecasts 2013-2023

4.5.1 Democratic Republic of Congo leads with Greatest Number of Mobile Subscriptions

4.5.2 Central African Mobile Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023

4.5.3 Central African Mobile Subscription Forecasts by Device Type 2013-2023 Central African Smartphone Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023 Central African Feature Phone Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023 Central African Tablet/MID Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023

4.5.4 Central African Mobile Subscription by Country 2013

4.6 North African Mobile Forecasts 2013-2023

4.6.1 Egyptian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Sets Mobile and Internet


4.6.2 North African Mobile Subscriber Forecasts 2013-2023

4.6.3 North African Mobile Subscriber Forecasts by Device Type 2013-2023 North African Smartphone Subscriber Forecasts 2013-2023 North African Feature Phone Subscriber Forecasts 2013-2023 North African Tablet/MID Subscriber Forecasts 2013-2023

4.6.4 North African Mobile Subscription by Country 2013

4.7 Southern African Mobile Forecasts 2013-2023

4.7.1 South African Company to Manufacture Handsets Specifically for African Market

4.7.2 Southern African Mobile Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023

4.7.3 Southern African Mobile Subscription Forecasts by Device Type 2013-2023 Southern African Smartphone Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023 Southern African Feature Phone Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023 Southern African Tablet/MID Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023

4.7.4 Southern African Mobile Subscription by Country 2013

4.8 Western African Mobile Forecasts 2013-2023

4.8.1 Will Smartphone Penetration in Western Africa to Lead to App Revolution?

4.8.2 Western African Mobile Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023

4.8.3 Western African Mobile Subscription Forecasts by Device Type

Contents 2013-2023 Western African Smartphone Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023 Western African Feature Phone Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023 Western African Tablet/MID Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023

4.8.4 Western African Mobile Subscription by Country 2013

4.9 Regional African Total Mobile Operator Revenue Forecasts 2013-2023

4.9.1 Regional African Mobile Operator Revenue Forecasts for Voice Services 2013-2023

4.9.2 Regional African Mobile Operator Revenue Forecasts for Data and Non-Voice Services


4.10 Regional African mPayment Market Forecasts 2013-2023

4.10.1 The Kenyan mPayment Market: An Anomaly and Benchmark in

the African Continent M-Pesa’s Abounding Success Kenyan mPayment Market Forecast 2013-2023 Kenyan mPayment User Forecast 2013-2023

4.10.2 The Nigerian mPayment Market Nigerian National mPayment Market Forecast 2013-2023 Nigerian National mPayment User Forecast 2013-2023

5. Complete National African Mobile Market Analysis 2013

6. SWOT Analysis of the African Mobile Market 2013-2023

7. Expert Opinion 7.1 MTN Group

7.1.1 Which Factors are Driving the African Mobile Market?

7.1.2 What Factors are Restraining the African Mobile Market?

7.1.3 What Trends are you Seeing in the African Mobile Market?

7.1.4 Will Feature Phones Decline in the African Mobile Market?

7.1.5 The Important of Price for Services and Handsets

7.1.6 Expected Growth Rates in the African Tablet Market?

7.1.7 How Does the African Mobile Market Differ from Mobile Market in Developed Nations?

7.1.8 The Ratio of Prepaid vs.Postpaid Mobile Subscribers. Will this Change?

7.1.4 Will Feature Phones Decline in the African Mobile Market?

7.1.9 Which Mobile Services do you Expect to See Rapid Growth With?

Contents 7.1.10 When Will LTE/4G Services see Widespread Uptake?

7.1.11 How Will Penetration Rates Develop in the Next Decade?

8. Leading Companies in the African Mobile Market 8.1 Leading African Mobile Company Scorecard 2013

8.2 MTN Company Overview

8.2.1 South African Regulatory Changes Crippling Mobile Market?

8.2.2 MTN Group Regional African Operations

8.3 Vodafone Company Overview

8.3.1 Vodafone to Expand African Enterprise Offerings

8.4 Orange Company Overview

8.4.1 Orange to bring M-Banking to Africa?

8.5 Mobinil Company Overview

8.5 Mobinil Network and Coverage 2013

8.6 Vodacom Company Overview

8.6.1 Vodacom to Triumph in Low Cost Smartphone Market?

8.7 Etisalat Company Overview

8.7.1 Etisalat Losing African Market Share?

8.8 Glo Mobile Company Overview

8.8.1 Glo Mobile Strategies

8.9 Ethio Telecom Company Overview

8.9.1 Ethio Telecom No Longer Under France Telecoms Management

8.9.2 Ethio Telecom Targets 3G High Speed Internet Market

8.10 Airtel Africa Company Overview

8.10.1 Airtel Africa Changing Strategies to Combat MTN

8.11 Safaricom Company Overview

8.11.1 Safaricom and M-PESA

8.12 Tigo Company Overview

8.12.1 Tigo African Strategy

8.13 Djezzy Company Overview

8.13.1 Djezzy African Strategy

8.14 Maroc Telecom Company Overview

8.14.1 Maroc Telecom Growing Subscribers, Dropping Revenues

8.15 Zain Company Overview

8.15.1 Zain’s Presence in Africa

8.16 Mobilis Company Overview

Contents 8.16.1 Mobilis Bid in 3G Auction

8.17 Cell-C Company Overview

8.17 Cell-C Pricing Strategies

8.18 Nedjma Company Overview

8.18.1 Nedjma’s Vision and Strategy 8.19 Unitel Angola Company Overview

8.19.1 Unitel Angola and Huawei Partner with Ministry of Education for E-Net Internet Expansion

8.20 Inwi Company Overview

8.20.1 Segmentation Strategy the Key to Inwi’s Success?

8.21 Other Leading Companies in the African Mobile Market

9. Conclusions and Recommendations for Success in the African Mobile

Market 9.1 Reduce the Cost of Mobile and Broadband

9.2 Support Collaboration between Governments and the Private Sector

9.3 Encourage Ecommerce

9.4 Total African Mobile Subscription Forecast 2013-2023

9.5 Total African Mobile Subscription Forecast by Device Type 2013-2023

9.6 Regional African Mobile Subscription Forecast 2013-2023

10. Glossary

Contents List of Charts Chart 3.2: Total African Mobile Subscriptions Forecast 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %)

Chart 3.4: African Population Growth Forecast 2013-2023 (Billions, AGR %)

Chart 3.5: African Population Vs. Mobile Subscriptions Forecast 2013-2023 (Millions)

Chart 3.7: African Mobile Penetration Forecast 2013-2023 (%)

Chart 3.8: African Mobile Technology Market Share 2013 (%)

Chart 3.9: African Mobile Technology Market Share 2018 (%)

Chart 3.10: African Mobile Technology Market Share 2023 (%)

Chart 3.12: African Mobile Subscription Forecast by Device Type 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %,


Chart 3.13: African Smartphone Subscription Forecast 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %)

Chart 3.15: African Feature Phone Subscription Forecast 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %)

Chart 3.17: African Tablet/MID Subscription Forecast 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %)

Chart 3.19: Total African Mobile Operator Revenue Forecast 2013-2023 ($ Billions, AGR %)

Chart 3.20: Total African Mobile Operator Revenue Forecast by Service Type 2013-2023 ($


Chart 4.2: Regional African Mobile Market by Subscriptions 2013 (Millions)

Chart 4.4: Regional African Mobile Market by Mobile Penetration 2013 (%)

Chart 4.6: Regional African Mobile Subscriber Market Share 2013 -2023 (%)

Chart 4.8: Regional African Mobile Subscriber Market Share 2013 (%)

Chart 4.9: Regional African Mobile Subscriber Market Share 2018 (%)

Chart 4.10: Regional African Mobile Subscriber Market Share 2023 (%)

Chart 4.11: East African Mobile Subscriber Forecast 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %)

Chart 4.14: East African Smartphone Subscriber Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %)

Chart 4.16: East African Feature Phone Subscriber Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %)

Chart 4.18: East African Tablet/MID Subscriber Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %)

Chart 4.21: East Africa Mobile Subscriptions by Country 2013 (Millions)

Chart 4.22: East Africa Mobile Penetration by Country 2013 (%)

Chart 4.23: Central African Mobile Subscriber Forecast 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %)

Chart 4.26: Central African Smartphone Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %)

Chart 4.28: Central African Feature Phone Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %)

Chart 4.30: Central African Tablet/MID Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %)

Chart 4.33: Central African Mobile Subscriptions by Country 2013 (Millions)

Chart 4.34: Central African Mobile Penetration by Country 2013 (%)

Chart 4.35: North African Mobile Subscriber Forecast 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %)

Chart 4.38: North African Smartphone Subscriber Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %)

Chart 4.40: North African Feature Phone Subscriber Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %)

Contents Chart 4.42: North African Tablet/MID Subscriber Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %)

Chart 4.45: North African Mobile Subscriptions by Country 2013 (Millions)

Chart 4.46: North African Mobile Penetration by Country 2013 (%)

Chart 4.47: Southern African Mobile Subscription Forecast 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %)

Chart 4.50: Southern African Smartphone Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %)

Chart 4.52: Southern African Feature Phone Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %)

Chart 4.54: Southern African Tablet/MID Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %)

Chart 4.57: Southern African Mobile Subscriptions by Country 2013 (Millions)

Chart 4.58: Southern African Mobile Penetration by Country 2013 (%)

Chart 4.59: West Africa Mobile Subscription 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %)

Chart 4.62: Western African Smartphone Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %)

Chart 4.64: Western African Feature Phone Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %)

Chart 4.66: Western African Tablet/MID Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %)

Chart 4.69: Western Africa Mobile Subscriptions by Country 2013 (Millions)

Chart 4.70: Western Africa Mobile Penetration by Country 2013 (%)

Chart 4.71: Regional African Total Mobile Operator Revenue Forecasts 2013-2023 ($ Billions)

Chart 4.73: Regional African Total Mobile Operator Revenue Forecasts 2013-2023 ($ Billions)

Chart 4.75: Regional African Mobile Operator Revenue Forecasts for Data and Non-Voice Services

2013-2023 ($ Billions)

Chart 4.77: Kenyan mPayment Transaction Value Forecast 2013-2023 ($ Billion, AGR %)

Chart 4.79: Kenyan mPayment Revenue Forecast 2013-2023 ($ Billion, AGR %)

Chart 4.81: Kenyan mPayment Cumulative User Forecast 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %)

Chart 4.83: Nigerian mPayment Transaction Value Forecast 2013-2023 ($ Billion, AGR %)

Chart 4.85: Nigerian mPayment Revenue Forecast 2013-2023 ($ Billion, AGR %)

Chart 4.87: Nigerian mPayment Cumulative User Forecast 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %)

Chart 8.2: Leading 20 Companies Market Share 2013 (% share)

List of Tables Table 1.1: Total African Mobile Subscription Forecast 2013, 2018, 2023 (Millions, CAGR %)

Table 1.2: Total African Mobile Subscription Forecast by Device Type 2013, 2018, 2023 (Millions,


Table 1.3: Regional African Mobile Subscription Forecast 2013, 2018, 2023 (Millions, CAGR %)

Table 2.2: List of African Countries

Table 2.3: List of African Countries by Region

Table 3.1: Total African Mobile Subscriptions Forecast 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %, CAGR %)

Table 3.3: African Population Growth Forecast 2013-2023 (Billions, AGR %, CAGR %)

Contents Table 3.6: African Population Vs. Mobile Subscriptions Vs. Mobile Penetration Forecast 2013-2023

(Billions, Millions, %)

Table 3.11: African Mobile Subscription Forecast by Device Type 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %,


Table 3.14: African Smartphone Subscription Forecast 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %, CAGR %)

Table 3.16: African Feature Phone Subscription Forecast 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %, CAGR %)

Table 3.18: African Tablet/MID Subscription Forecast 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %, CAGR %)

Table 3.20: Total African Mobile Operator Revenue Forecast 2013-2023 ($ Billions, AGR %, CAGR


Table 3.21: Total African Mobile Operator Revenue Forecast by Service Type 2013-2023 ($

Billions, AGR %, CAGR %)

Table 4.1: Regional African Mobile Subscriber Forecast 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %, CAGR %)

Table 4.3: Regional African Mobile Market by Subscriptions 2013 (Millions)

Table 4.5: Regional African Mobile Market by Mobile Penetration 2013 (%)

Table 4.7: Regional African Mobile Subscriber Market Share 2013 - 2023 (%)

Table 4.12: East African Mobile Subscriber Forecast 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %, CAGR %)

Table 4.13: East African Mobile Subscriber Forecasts by Device Type 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR

%, CAGR %)

Table 4.15: East African Smartphone Subscriber Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %, CAGR


Table 4.17: East African Feature Phone Subscriber Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %, CAGR


Table 4.19: East African Tablet/MID Subscriber Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %, CAGR %)

Table 4.20: East African Mobile Subscriptions by Country 2013 (Country, Population, Subscription,


Table 4.24: Central African Mobile Subscriber Forecast 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %, CAGR %)

Table 4.25: Central African Mobile Subscriber Forecasts by Device Type 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR

%, CAGR %)

Table 4.27: Central African Smartphone Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %,


Table 4.29: Central African Feature Phone Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %,


Table 4.31: Central African Tablet/MID Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %,


Table 4.32: Central African Mobile Subscriptions by Country 2013 (Country, Population,

Subscription, Penetration)

Table 4.36: North African Mobile Subscriber Forecast 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %, CAGR %)

Contents Table 4.37: North African Mobile Subscriber Forecasts by Device Type 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR

%, CAGR %)

Table 4.39: North African Smartphone Subscriber Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %, CAGR


Table 4.41: North African Feature Phone Subscriber Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %,


Table 4.43: North African Tablet/MID Subscriber Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %, CAGR


Table 4.44: North African Mobile Subscriptions by Country 2013 (Country, Population,

Subscription, Penetration)

Table 4.48: Southern African Mobile Subscription Forecast 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %, CAGR %)

Table 4.49: Southern African Mobile Subscriber Forecasts by Device Type 2013-2023 (Millions,

AGR %, CAGR %)

Table 4.51: Southern African Smartphone Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %,


Table 4.53: Southern African Feature Phone Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %,


Table 4.55: Southern African Tablet/MID Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %,


Table 4.56: Southern African Mobile Subscription by Country 2013 (Country, Population,

Subscription, Penetration)

Table 4.60: West Africa Mobile Subscription 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %, CAGR %)

Table 4.61: Western African Mobile Subscriber Forecasts by Device Type 2013-2023 (Millions,

AGR %, CAGR %)

Table 4.63: Western African Smartphone Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %,


Table 4.65: Western African Feature Phone Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %,


Table 4.67: Western African Tablet/MID Subscription Forecasts 2013-2023 (Millions, AGR %,


Table 4.68: Western African Mobile Subscription by Country 2013 (Country, Population,

Subscription, Penetration)

Table 4.72: Regional African Total Mobile Operator Revenue Forecasts 2013-2023 ($ Billions,

AGR %, CAGR %)

Table 4.74: Regional African Total Mobile Operator Revenue Forecasts 2013-2023 ($ Billions.

AGR %, CAGR %)

Contents Table 4.76: Regional African Mobile Operator Revenue Forecasts for Data and Non-Voice

Services 2013-2023 ($ Billions, AGR %, CAGR %)

Table 4.78: Kenyan mPayment Transaction Value Forecast 2013-2023 ($ Billion, AGR %)

Table 4.80: Kenyan mPayment Revenue Forecast 2013-2023 ($ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %,


Table 4.82: Kenyan mPayment Cumulative User Forecast 2013-2023 (million, AGR %, CAGR %,


Table 4.84: Nigerian mPayment Transaction Value Forecast 2013-2023 ($ Billion, AGR %, CAGR

%, Cumulative)

Table 4.86: Nigerian mPayment Revenue Forecast 2013-2023 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR %,


Table 4.88: Nigerian mPayment Cumulative User Forecast 2013-2023 (million, AGR %, CAGR %,


Table 5.1: Complete National African Mobile Market Analysis 2013 (Population, Subscriptions,

Penetration %, Operators)

Table 6.1: SWOT Analysis of the African Mobile Market 2013-2023

Table 8.1: Leading 20 African Mobile Telecom Companies 2013 (Market Ranking, Total Revenue,

Market Share %)

Table 8.3: MTN Group Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, African Market Share %, HQ,

Contact, Website)

Table 8.4: MTN African Operations 2013 (Country, Operator Brand)

Table 8.5: Vodafone Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, African Market Share %, HQ,

Contact, Website)

Table 8.6: Vodafone African Operations 2013

Table 8.7: Orange Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Market, % Revenue

From Market, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)

Table 8.8: Mobinil Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, African Market Share %, HQ,

Contact, Website)

Table 8.9: Vodacom Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, African Market Share %, HQ,

Contact, Website)

Table 8.10: Etisalat Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, African Market Share %, HQ,

Contact, Website)

Table 8.11: Glo Mobile Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, African Market Share %, HQ,

Contact, Website)

Table 8.12: Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, African Market Share %, HQ, Contact,


Contents Table 8.13: Airtel Africa Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, African Market Share %, HQ,

Contact, Website)

Table 8.14: Airtel Africa Regional Operation 2013

Table 8.15: Safaricom Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, African Market Share %, HQ,

Contact, Website)

Table 8.16: Tigo Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, African Market Share %, HQ, Contact,


Table 8.17: Djezzy Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, African Market Share %, HQ,

Contact, Website)

Table 8.18: Maroc Telecom Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, African Market Share %,

HQ, Contact, Website)

Table 8.19: Zain Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, African Market Share %, HQ, Contact,


Table 8.20: Mobilis Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, African Market Share %, HQ,

Contact, Website)

Table 8.21: Cell-C Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, African Market Share %, HQ,

Contact, Website)

Table 8.22: Nedjma Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, African Market Share %, HQ,

Contact, Website)

Table 8.23: Nedjma’s Strategy 2013

Table 8.24: Unitel Angola Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, African Market Share %, HQ,

Contact, Website)

Table 8.25: Inwi Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, African Market Share %, HQ, Contact,


Table 8.26: Other Leading Companies in the African Mobile Market 2013

List of Figures Figure 2.1 African Market Structure Overview

Contents Companies Mentioned 3C Telecommunications



Airtel Africa

Airtel Kenya

Airtel Seychelles Ltd

Al Madar







Be Mobile

Benson Informatics

Bharti Airtel

Botswana Mascom

Cable and Wireless (Seychelles) Ltd


Cell C






Commercial Bank of Africa

Comores Telecom

Comoro Gulf Holding


CV Movel




Econet Ezi-Cel



Contents Equateur Telecom Congo



Ethio Telecom



Etisalat Misr



Expresso Telecom



Geni holding


Ghana Telecom

Glo Gateway

Glo Mobile

Global Telecom

Globalcom (Glo Mobile)


Golis Telecom Somalia




Haatif Telecom

Hello Mobile

Hormuud Telecom









Lanun Securitas SA


Contents Libercom




Lonestar Cell

Maroc Telecom







Millicom (Tigo)

Mobile Café




Movicel Telecomunicações, S.A.




MTH Ghana


MTN Group

MTN Bissau

MTN Congo


Multilinks Telkom







Oger Telecoms South Africa



Contents One Touch


Orange Business Services

Orange Moov

Orange RDC

Orange Uganda


Portugal Telecom,


Red Bull Mobile

Rural Netco






Seemahale Telecoms









Sotelma Malitel




Surfline Communications Ltd.

Telcom Mobile


Telecel Centrafrique

Telecel Faso

Telecom Egypt


Telkom Kenya

Contents Telkom Mobile


Temlma Mobile






TTCL Mobile


Tunisie Telecom


Unitel Angola

Unitel S.A.

UT Mobile


Virgin Mobile





Vodacom Lesotho


Vodafone Egypt

Vodafone Global Enterprise (VGE)


Wataniya Telecom



Zain Africa BV



Contents Organisations Mentioned Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK)

Egyptian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (ICT)

Kenya ICT Board

Ministry of Education (Angola)

Regulatory Authority for Post and Telecommunications (ARPT)

The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA)

Page 61

The African Mobile Telecom Market 2013-2023

4.5.3 Central African Mobile Subscription Forecasts by Device Type

2013-2023 Below in Table 4.25 are the forecasted mobile subscriptions for Central Africa by device type from


2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Smartphones 10.1 15.4 20.0 26.2 32.6 38.3 44.4 50.0 55.7 60.0 64.7

AGR % 52.5 29.9 31.0 24.4 17.5 15.9 12.6 11.4 7.7 7.8

CAGR % 2013-18 30.6 CAGR %

2018-23 11.1

CAGR % 2013-23 20.4

Feature Phones 48.1 45.6 44.1 40.1 35.7 31.0 25.6 19.7 14.2 8.9 3.1

AGR % -5.2 -3.3 -9.1 -11 -13.2 -17.4 -23.1 -27.9 -37.3 -65.2

CAGR % 2013-18 -8.4 CAGR %

2018-23 -36.9

CAGR % 2013-23 -24

Tablets/ MIDs 1.7 3.2 4.8 6.6 9.3 12.2 15.4 19.7 24.5 29.5 34.9

AGR % 88.2 50.0 37.5 40.9 31.2 26.2 27.9 24.4 20.4 18.3

CAGR % 2013-18 48.3 CAGR %

2018-23 23.4

CAGR % 2013-23 35.3

Regional Total 59.9 64.2 68.9 72.9 77.7 81.6 85.4 89.3 94.4 98.4 102.6

AGR % 7.2 7.3 5.8 6.6 5.0 4.7 4.6 5.7 4.2 4.3

CAGR % 2013-18 6.4 CAGR %

2018-23 4.7

CAGR % 2013-23 5.5

Source: visiongain, 2013

Table 4.25: Central African Mobile Subscriber Forecasts by Device Type 2013-

2023 (Millions, AGR %, CAGR %)

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The African Mobile Telecom Market 2013-2023

Source: visiongain, 2013

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Revenue ($ bn) 0.35 0.48 0.9 1.08 1.36 1.66 1.88 2.25 2.6 2.92 3.14

AGR (%) - 35.6 86.1 20.2 26.2 22.2 13.3 19.7 15.6 12.3 7.5

Cumulative 18.6

CAGR (%) 2013-18 58.9 CAGR (%)

2018-23 22.8

CAGR (%) 2013-23 36.2

Source: visiongain, 2013

Chart 4.79: Kenyan mPayment Revenue Forecast 2013-2023 ($ Billion, AGR %)

Table 4.80: Kenyan mPayment Revenue Forecast 2013-2023 ($ Billion, AGR %,

CAGR %, Cumulative)

Page 117

The African Mobile Telecom Market 2013-2023

7. Expert Opinion ____

7.1 MTN Group We interviewed MTN Group of South Africa in November 2013 and we thank them for their

contribution to our market study. MTN Group is the leading mobile telecoms provider in Africa as

reflected in the leading companies section.

7.1.1 Which Factors are Driving the African Mobile Market? Visiongain: What is driving the current African mobile market?

MTN Group: Over a decade ago, the traditional voice services was the driver, today however, the

needs of customers have shifted to broader digital offerings.

Our business going forward is about digital services. We have to become very good at developing

and rolling out data services or services that drive data traffic.

Hence the need for MTN to refresh its vision and mission and refine its strategic objectives.

The new vision “to lead the delivery of a bold new digital world to our customers” and the mission

“to make our customers’ lives a whole lot brighter” reflect our future ambitions – what we want to

become and how we want to engage with our customers.

We see the Digital World as universal access to digital products which change the way we live our

lives for the better.

At the core of this is smartphone technology, social media, advertising, e-Commerce, Cloud

services and Content delivery.

7.1.2 What Factors are Restraining the African Mobile Market? Visiongain: What is restraining the current African mobile market?

MTN Group: Competition and regulatory pressure, significant capital investment requirements and

the growth of OTT players – internet-based alternatives to traditional telephony services.

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The African Mobile Telecom Market 2013-2023

8.2 MTN Company Overview

2012 Total company revenue $bn $14.9bn African market share % 5.5% Headquarters ROODEPOORT, South Africa IR Contact Website

Source: visiongain, 2013

MTN Group is a South Africa-based multinational mobile telecommunications company, operating

in many African, European and Middle Eastern countries. MTN's competition in South Africa

includes Vodacom, Cell C, Virgin Mobile and 8ta.

8.2.1 South African Regulatory Changes Crippling Mobile Market?

In Q4 2013 shares of South African mobile operators Vodacom Group and MTN Group fell sharply

after the telecoms regulator, The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA),

said it planned to cut by 75% the fees they can charge rivals to use their network. The South

African government is facing elections next year, and is trying to reduce call costs that are above

the average on the continent.

The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) said on Friday after the

market closed that it planned to cut so-called mobile termination rates (MTR) to 10 South African

cents by 2016, from 40 cents now. The fixed-line termination rate - the amount mobile phone

companies pay for calls to landlines - will remain unchanged.


8.2.2 MTN Group Regional African Operations See Table 8.4 below for a detailed summary of the MTN Group’s regional African Operations.

Table 8.3: MTN Group Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, African Market Share %, HQ, Contact, Website)