The ABC Review Strategy by Blend

Post on 30-Oct-2014

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If you own or manage a local business; an orthodontist, retail outlet or hotel, you know just how important it is to get positive testimonials and reviews from real customers on third party review sites like Google+ Local, Yelp and Judy's book etc. More people are searching online and on mobile devices than ever before for products and services saving themselves time and money from visiting countless locations to find the products and services they are looking for. These motivated buyers visit third party review sites to find out what others are expressing about your business and often make up their minds whether or not you will get their business on other people’s reviews. Great online testimonials and reviews also act as great touch points for consumers to find you and to be drawn into your sales funnel as they also rank highly in Search Engine Result Pages (SERP’s) like Google, Bing & Yahoo. With that being said, there has been a lot of talk and confusion of late relating to online reviews and how to get them ethically and organically without them disappearing over night, or simply not appearing at all on Google + Local at all. We have addressed this subject to clarify any misconceptions and avoid any possible penalties. Read our Slide share 'The ABC Review Strategy' and go get more online reviews for your business!

Transcript of The ABC Review Strategy by Blend


ABC  Review  Strategy                      Blend  Local  Search  Marketing  Ltd                  Tel:  +44  203  114  5119  

Are  You  Loosing  Reviews?  Fed  up  of  Google’s  Ever  Changing  Guidelines?  Don’t  Worry  Help  is  at  Hand!  




Gaining  Reviews  Using  iPads,  VPN’s  or  Wi-­‐Fi?  

We  have  noticed  as  of  late  there  have  been  a  lot  of  questions  relating  to  reviews  gathered  in  the  office,  directly  post  treatment,  with  many  disappearing  within  a  few  days,  or  simply  not  appearing  at  all  on  Google  +  Local.  

With  this  in  mind,  we  have  addressed  the  subject  to  clarify  any  misconceptions  and  avoid  any  possible  penalties.  

With  a  growing  trend  in  mediums  being  used  such  as  iPads  and  smart  phones  in  offices,  there  has  been  a  direct  correlation  in  the  number  of  reviews  being  filtered  out  by  Google  and  other  review  websites  alike.  This  hasn’t  happened  my  coincidence.  



Review  sites,  especially  Google  +  Local  and  Yelp  from  our  experiences,  really  are  taking  no  prisoners  when  it  comes  to  filtering  out  reviews.  It  could  be  conceived  as  being  slightly  draconian  in  nature,  but  they  are  willing  to  lay  the  law  down  in  order  to  keep  their  sites  ‘spam’  free.    


ABC  Review  Strategy                      Blend  Local  Search  Marketing  Ltd                  Tel:  +44  203  114  5119  

We  understand  that  90%  of  the  time  there  was  no  genuine  intention  to  commit  any  foul  play,  it  was  simply  not  being  aware  of  their  often  grey  guidelines;  however  we  are  faced  with  having  to  play  to  their  rules  if  we  are  to  succeed  online,  there  is  no  other  way.    



Why  can’t  you  use  the  office  iPads?      


Whilst  it’s  not  prohibited  in  any  formal  guidelines,  the  likelihood  of  the  review  sticking  is  quite  low.  The  reason  being  that  your  iPad  is  generally  connected  to  your  office  Wi-­‐Fi  that  has  a  unique  IP  (Internet  Provider)  address.  Constant  reviews  from  the  same  IP  will  instantly  flag  up  the  Google  spam  filters  and  no  doubt  ban  your  review.  


What  about  using  3G  or  4G  on  the  iPads  to  bypass  the  Wi-­‐Fi  problem?  

Although  it’s  still  uncertain  to  what  degree  Google  can  track  the  MAC  serial  number  (the  unique  iPad  serial  number),  we  would  strongly  advise  against  this,  as  its  very  uncertain  territory,  and  there  probably  is  not  a  short  cut  that  you  have  considered  that  Google  haven’t  J  


How  about  using  a  VPN  (Virtual  Private  Network)  

Not  a  good  idea,  the  truth  of  the  matter  is  there  is  no  sustainable  way  of  gaming  Google.  It  would  look  unnatural  to  have  reviews  with  no  local  IP  address  by  using  a  virtual  private  network  (VPN).  

In  essence  we  need  to  keep  reviews  looking  as  natural  as  possible:  Independent  IP  and  an  independent  mobile  device/  MAC  serial  number.  No  short  cuts  I’m  afraid!  




ABC  Review  Strategy                      Blend  Local  Search  Marketing  Ltd                  Tel:  +44  203  114  5119  

I  don’t  do  any  of  the  above  why  am  I  still  losing  reviews????  

Fresh  Google  Accounts  

Reviews  from  newly  formed  Gmail  accounts  (a  pre  requisite  for  leaving  a  review  on  Google  +  Local)  are  generally  discarded  by  Google  making  the  whole  process  rather  fruitless.    

Consider  directing  customers  to  alternative  review  sites  (Yelp,  City  Search  and  Judy’s  Book  etc.)  they  may  currently  use  if  they  don’t  

currently  have  a  Gmail  account.    

This  will  create  a  healthy  mix  of  reviews  from  numerous  sources.  (Please  note  that  reviews  from  third  party  review  sites  do  help  in  boosting  your  Google  +  Local  ranking).  We  would  recommend  you  have  a  nice  50/50  split  between  Google  reviews  and  third  party  review  site  reviews.  


Best  Practises  for  Reviews  

• Let  them  be  natural!  We  come  across  many  sites  that  never  dip  below  5  star  reviews,  whilst  we  have  no  doubt  you  probably  carry  out  a  sterling  job,  it’s  doesn’t  seem  credible  to  a  customer  or  Google  that  you  never  dip  below  excellent.  What  we’re  trying  to  say  is  let  customers  be  completely  honest  in  what  they  write;  every  review  doesn’t  have  to  be  completely  amazing  for  your  business  to  still  feature  well.      

• Reply  to  your  reviews!    It’s  often  overlooked  once  the  review  is  posted,  and  it  certainly  won’t  do  your  business  any  harm,  especially  if  you  have  any  bad  reviews,  but  don’t  forget  those  positive  ones  too.    

• Don’t  cut  and  paste  reviews!  Taking  a  review  from  Google  +  Local  and  pasting  it  onto  your  website  or  other  third  party  review  sites  can  land  you  in  hot  water.  Your  original  Google  review  will  almost  certainly  disappear.  Consider  using  a  screen  shot  as  an  alternative  (use  ‘Jing’  to  do  this)    

• Don’t  panic!  Even  if  you  have  not  infringed  with  any  of  Google’s  guidelines,  you  will  see  reviews  occasionally  disappear  for  no  apparent  reason.  Be  patient  as  from  experience  they  often  pop  back  up  a  few  weeks  later.    

• Don’t  keyword  stuff  or  write  essays!    Reviews  with  forced  keywords  or  that  are  purposely  really  long  will  do  you  know  favours.  We  find  that  a  nice  honest  paragraph  will  suffice.    

• Never  post  on  behalf  of  your  clients!  Clients  must  always  post  the  review  themselves  gone  are  the  days  of  perfumed  letters.    


ABC  Review  Strategy                      Blend  Local  Search  Marketing  Ltd                  Tel:  +44  203  114  5119  

• Don’t  offer  incentives!  Although  Google  have  by  setting  up  kiosks  in  a  shopping  centre  in  return  for  various  Google  goodies,  it’s  very  much  a  case  of  do  as  we  say,  not  as  they  do.  Any  form  of  compensation  for  a  review  is  currently  strictly  prohibited.  Asking  for  a  review  is  fine;  just  don’t  bribe  your  customers  into  doing  so.    

• No  direct  link  if  possible.  We  know  this  is  no  easy  feat,  but  if  possible  try  not  to  give  a  direct  link  to  your  Google+  page.  The  reason  being  is  that  Google  can  ascertain  the  previous  website  your  users  were  viewing  before  they  reached  your  Google+  Local  page.  It  can  be  seen  as  forced  if  they  visit  your  Google+  Local  page  directly.  

A  little  trick  ;)  A  business  can  review  other  businesses,  so  use  it  to  your  advantage!  Give  and  get  reviews  from  colleagues,  associations  and  suppliers.  


Fear  Not  Solutions  Are  At  Hand    

Below  are  3  methods  that  can  safeguard  your  hard  earned  reviews.  

The  ABC  review  method,  ‘cos  it’s  easy  as  123!  



Given  that  reviews  from  third  party  review  sites  such  as  Yelp,  Yellow  Pages,  City  Search,  etc.  Are  performing  well  independently  in  Google’s  search  results,  and  additionally  boost  your  Google+  Local  ranking,  we  would  advise  to  try  out  the  “ABC”  review  method.  

The  whole  principle  is  to  give  your  customers  numerous  review  options;  you  can  use  the  ‘ABC  Review  Hand-­‐outs’  we  have  designed  to  do  so.  You  not  only  increase  the  chances  of  gaining  a  review,  but  the  likelihood  is  said  customers  will  have  some  previous  “review  history”  from  having  reviewed  other  businesses  on  another  occasion.  You  can  simply  give  the  handouts  to  your  customers  when  they  leave  the  office,  or  send  them  in  the  form  of  a  mailshot  or  newsletter.  

The  end  result  will  be  more  reviews  from  numerous  unique  local  IP  addresses  in  your  area  spread  evenly  over  different  review  platforms,  which  will  in  turn  boost  your  presence  online.    


ABC  Review  Strategy                      Blend  Local  Search  Marketing  Ltd                  Tel:  +44  203  114  5119  

Contact  us  here  to  order  your  pack  of  5  ‘ABC  Review  Hand-­‐outs’.  


Website  Badges  

A  Review  This  Biz  box  will  be  designed  and  incorporated  onto  your  website,  see  screenshot  below:  


Courtesy  of  


Customers  Smart  Phones    

So  we  can’t  get  reviews  from  the  office’s  iPads  and  smart  phones,  but  we  can  from  the  customers!    

Give  them  a  nice  cup  of  coffee,  tea  and  a  healthy  muffin,  sit  them  down  and  let  them  review  away.    

 Disclaimer:  This  is  in  no  way  a  bribe,  just  a  goodwill  gesture  ;  )  


ABC  Review  Strategy                      Blend  Local  Search  Marketing  Ltd                  Tel:  +44  203  114  5119  


Users  will  need  to  have  the  Google+  Local  application  on  their  smart  phone,  see  below.  (It’s  free  and  takes  seconds  to  install).  



On  a  final  note  take  into  consideration  that  the  rules  change  all  the  time,  what’s  working  or  is  within  the  guidelines  today  but  not  be  tomorrow,  so  it’s  well  worth  keeping  up  to  speed  with  all  the  latest  developments.  

If  you  have  any  further  questions,  would  like  to  order  your  personalised  website  ‘Review  This  Biz’  box  or  custom  hand-­‐outs,  please  contact  us  by  email  or  visit  or  blog:­‐to-­‐get-­‐more-­‐local-­‐online-­‐reviews-­‐for-­‐your-­‐business-­‐that-­‐stick/    





Blend Local Search Marketing Ltd Overseas House, 66-68 High Road, Bushey Heath, Hertfordshire, WD23 1GG

Phone: +44 203 114 5119