The 7-Day Body Transformation Plan by Emerald Essentials

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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description The 7-Day Body Transformation by EMERALD ESSENTIALS Jump start your efforts to achieve life-long weight management and ultimate wellness! Great testimonials are coming in about The 7-Day Body Transformation Program. In fact, the average fat loss being reported is between 5 and 8 pounds in just 7 days. However, the benefits of this program goes far beyond the desired fat loss. Did you know that by simply removing toxins from your body, it becomes much easier to shed fat and naturally fight disease? It's true. Our body will naturally surround any toxins and impurities with fat in an attempt to safe-guard your organs. So … it makes simple sense that you must get rid of the toxins to end an on-going battle. Our 7-Day Body Transformation Program is designed to both, nourish your body and help remove toxins - positively effecting the quality of your life and your fight against degenerative disease. This simple, yet effective program will "reset your body," then you will be able to concentrate on maintenance for years to come. Emerald Essentials' science-backed nutritional products provide you with the foundational whole food nutrition that your body needs for health and longevity. It's often these small changes in our nutritional intake that can result in profound improvement to your personal wellness and longevity. What's needed to complete a 7-Day Program for one person? 1) DESIRE - DECISION and ACTION on your part! 2) 2 Canisters of Action Whey Protein 3) 1 Bottle of Emerald Sea Vegetables 4) "Healthy Snacks" as outlined in the program Learn more and/or order product @

Transcript of The 7-Day Body Transformation Plan by Emerald Essentials

The 7 Day

Body Transformation


Jump start your efforts to achieve life-long

weight management and ultimate wellness.

What’s The Difference Between These Two Bodies?

The average American diet is so void of nutrition that most people simply cannot understand what it feels like to be fully nourished and clean on the inside. The so called "weight loss industry" has been banking billions of dollars a year since the 1980's. Yet, more Americans are overweight now than ever before. Almost every fad diet out there is little more than a clever "marketing scheme" designed to take your money and keep you coming back for more. If you're like most people, you've tried them all, and nothing seems to work!

The Obesity Epidemic

If you feel you are fighting a "losing battle", you are not alone. Currently, 184 million Americans are overweight, 77 million of those are clinically obese. Each year over 300,000 deaths are related to obesity, and all of these figures continue to rise at an alarming rate. The average American diet is so void of nutrition that most people simply cannot understand what it feels like to be fully nourished and clean on the inside. The so called "weight loss industry" has been banking billions of dollars a year since the 1980's. Yet, more Americans are overweight now than ever before. Almost every fad diet out there is little more than a clever "marketing scheme" designed to take your money and keep you coming back for more. If you're like most people, you've tried them all, and nothing seems to work! Now it's time to find out the truth! This article is dedicated to you, your health, and your happiness. It is designed to untangle the many "myths" about weight loss and to help you understand how your body really works.

This is the WHOLE TRUTH about weight loss and wellness.

No More Counting Calories, Fat Grams or Points No More Starvation Plans No More Drugs, Chemicals, or Harsh Stimulants No More Complicated Plans That Require Hours of Study

The WHOLE truth is a simple and perfect plan the way nature intended.

It’s Not Completely Your Fault Don't simply blame yourself for lack of will power or discipline. The American food supply is largely to blame. Your grocery store is overflowing with processed "foodless" foods and sugar laden "lifeless" drinks. The fast food industry offers you little more than doses of high fat, super-sized meals containing dangerous trans-fats, and far more calories than your body needs. Over the past 20 years our food supply has become a massive selection of processed foods. The average grocery store carries over 50,000 products, 90% of which are processed foods. Processed foods are foods which have been chemically processed and are laden with artificial flavors, artificial colors, artificial sweeteners, and chemical preservatives. Multi-million dollar advertising campaigns have conditioned us to focus on the packaging, as opposed to what's inside. Beautiful artwork on cardboard boxes, tin cans, and plastic bottles lures us to believe that processed foods are healthy and that eating them is normal. The result? Your body's nutritional system has become clogged, confused, and locked into fat-storing mode. If you're like most people, you have tried it all, but nothing seems to work. The truth? Your body's own built-in survival system can render any fad diet utterly useless within a matter of hours.

Enough Is Enough! We've been through decades of "low fat", "low sugar", and “low carb” diets. We've seen every type of exercise machine imaginable. Billions of dollars have been spent on pills, drugs, scams, useless exercise equipment, and surgeries, yet obesity rates continue to spin out of control.

Emotional suffering may be one of the most painful parts of obesity. American society emphasizes physical appearance and often equates attractiveness with slimness, especially for women. Such messages make overweight people feel unattractive. Many people think that obese individuals are gluttonous and lazy although this is usually not true. As a result, obese people often face prejudice or discrimination in the job market, at school, and in social situations. Feelings of rejection, shame or depression are common. Millions will unknowingly guide their children down the same path to a life of obesity and obesity related diseases. So why are so many people literally digging their graves with their forks? The time has come for the truth to be told. The answer is not in any single pill or capsule, it's not just strenuous exercise, and it's definitely not a "fad" diet. The only true and permanent solution to weight loss is a permanent lifestyle change...period. But how? The answer is that you must “FEEL” the benefits of change quickly. Once you believe, you’re willpower and determination become supercharged!

Does Your Body Need A Tune-Up? The human body is like a very complex engine. Like any engine, if the body does not receive the proper fuel, it becomes "sluggish". One of the first signs is a lack of energy. It's like a car running on cheap gas that needs a tune up. It will still get you from point A to point B, but it cuts out all the time, the engine runs rough, it doesn't have a lot of power, and it's hard to start in the morning. But, if you treat that car to quality gas and a professional tune up, there's a huge difference - a night and day difference!

The Whole Truth Your body needs whole food fuel that is dense in proteins, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, phyto-nutrients, and living enzymes. Your body needs all of those nutrients and it needs them every single day in their natural whole food form (non-denatured) to function properly. Before healthy and permanent weight loss is even possible, proper nutrition must be established. We call this Foundational Nutrition™. The commercial industry of so-called nutritional supplements and pre-packaged meals have become the accepted norm for nutrition in our society. We've been conditioned to believe that a few synthetically produced pills a day offer the same benefit as a healthy diet, but common sense and the latest research tell us something different. "The thousands of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals in whole foods act synergistically together to create a more powerful effect...producing a result which cannot be recreated by supplements", says Jeff Prince, Vice President of Education at the American Institute for Cancer Research. Over the past century nutrition experts have gained a fuller appreciation of the need for a whole food plant-based diet. Research began to show in the 1970s that certain patterns of eating were influencing illnesses. By the 1980's they found that populations eating more fruits, vegetables and high-fiber foods experienced lower rates of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Also by that time, discoveries had been made that newly discovered phytochemicals and certain vitamins and minerals acted as antioxidants to prevent chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Needless to say, these so called revelations sent shock waves through the scientific community. "This study was a turning point in the nutrition field, especially when multiple studies kept confirming that supplements didn't work at preventing cancers and heart disease", says David Klurfeld, national program leader for human nutrition at the USDA's Agricultural Research Service. "People think that we can pull out the fiber, pull out the antioxidants, but research does not back that up. Study after study says you gain the most benefit from whole foods."

For example, vitamin C that comes from a whole food like oranges, is in the complex, integral form that your body needs. Real vitamin C is part of a living food. Living foods generate life. Dead foods generate disease. If you start reading labels, you will quickly find that what's marketed as vitamin C is really a chemical form of ascorbic ac-id. Vitamin C pills and products "fortified" with vitamin C really contain ascorbic acid. Synthetic vitamin C is merely a "chemical copy" of the natural ascorbic acid that occurs in whole foods. If you photo copy a $10 bill, it may look like the real thing, but you can't spend it. This "chemical copy" is nowhere close to the real, naturally occurring Vitamin C. It is mass produced from cornstarch derivatives and sulfuric acid. Synthetic supplements are exactly that - "synthetic" meaning fake. The only real vitamins and nutrients come from whole foods. Real vitamins are only necessary in minute quantities on a daily basis. Whole food nutrients are the only source of pure, complex nutrition in the integral and synergistic working form that your body can recognize. When was the last time your body got real nutrition from whole foods and clean water for an entire day, week, or month? If you are like most people, you would have to honestly say it's been a while. When we have less energy, we are not as active as we should be. When we are less active, we burn fewer calories and gain weight. We take the elevator instead of the stairs. We watch TV instead of taking a walk, and we order pizza instead of preparing healthy meals. With the proper whole food nutrition and water you can see a night and day difference within a matter of days. Let us show you how good you'll feel and how much energy you can have just by giving your body the natural fuel it was designed to use. Just give us 7 days to show you how good true nourishment can feel!

“On Ramp” To A New Lifestyle - Let’s Get Started! Our simple approach to weight management, health, and wellness is based on eating all natural sources of whole foods, drinking water, and getting more activity. If you replace the processed "foodless" foods and sug-ar laden "lifeless" drinks with whole foods and water, your body will instantly come alive! You will begin to crave whole foods the way you used to crave burgers, fries, sodas, chips, and candy. This change in cravings and tastes will then become your "on ramp" to a new lifestyle. Healthy habits will be driven by your own desires. You will want and crave the whole foods that your body needs. You will be able to eat foods that you love and to eat them all day long! With whole foods, you can eat all day long! In fact, we recommend eating a healthy source of nourishment and hydration at least every 2-3 hours from morning until night. By eating smaller meals and snacks throughout the day, you will have lots of energy, you will feel great, you will feel satisfied, and because you are not stretching your stomach, it will begin to shrink back to its normal size. This is a very important part. When your stomach is the correct size, it will communicate the signal of being satisfied to your brain much stronger and much quicker than before.

“It is amazing how alive your body becomes and how it thanks you for giving it food that was created for us to eat naturally. As of this date, I am down 21 pounds and my hubby is down 18 pounds. We will be on this forever!" Patti "The one thing that had the greatest impact on me being able to make this change to eating better - with quality rather than quantity being my focus - was that one evening after work when my 13 yr old son made the comment "Dad, since you have been on this program, you aren’t as grumpy as you normally are". This hit me right in my heart and made me realize the eating habits that I changed were having a dramatic, positive impact on my life and my loved ones!" Rodney “I absolutely love it, and I've lost about 16 lbs along with a few percentage points of body fat. The inflammation in my joints is next to gone, my skin is radiant and my energy level is very high. I have almost completely changed my eating to raw and organic foods and love it.” M. Gladden

7-Day New Creation Plan

Give Your Body a Complete System REBOOT!

Give Your Body a Nutritional Holiday!

Day Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack Dinner Snack


1 Action Whey

Shake* 4 Emerald Sea

Capsules 8 - 12 oz Water

Snack* 8-12oz


1 Action Whey

Shake* 4 Emerald Sea

Capsules 8 - 12 oz Water

Snack* 8-12oz


1 Action Whey

Shake* 4 Emerald Sea

Capsules 8 - 12 oz Water

Snack* 8-12oz water


1 Action Whey

Shake* 4 Emerald Sea

Capsules 8 - 12 oz Water

Snack* 8-12oz


1 Action Whey

Shake* 4 Emerald Sea

Capsules 8 - 12 oz Water

Snack* 8-12oz


1 Action Whey

Shake* 4 Emerald Sea

Capsules 8 - 12 oz Water

Snack* 8-12oz water


1 Action Whey

Shake* 4 Emerald Sea

Capsules 8 - 12 oz Water

Snack* 8-12oz


1 Action Whey

Shake* 4 Emerald Sea

Capsules 8 - 12 oz Water

Snack* 8-12oz


1 Action Whey

Shake* 4 Emerald Sea

Capsules 8 - 12 oz Water

Snack* 8-12oz water


1 Action Whey

Shake* 4 Emerald Sea

Capsules 8 - 12 oz Water

Snack* 8-12oz


1 Action Whey

Shake* 4 Emerald Sea

Capsules 8 - 12 oz Water

Snack* 8-12oz


1 Action Whey

Shake* 4 Emerald Sea

Capsules 8 - 12 oz Water

Snack* 8-12oz water


1 Action Whey

Shake* 4 Emerald Sea

Capsules 8 - 12 oz Water

Snack* 8-12oz


1 Action Whey

Shake* 4 Emerald Sea

Capsules 8 - 12 oz Water

Snack* 8-12oz


1 Action Whey

Shake* 4 Emerald Sea

Capsules 8 - 12 oz Water

Snack* 8-12oz water


1 Action Whey

Shake* 4 Emerald Sea

Capsules 8 - 12 oz Water

Snack* 8-12oz


1 Action Whey

Shake* 4 Emerald Sea

Capsules 8 - 12 oz Water

Snack* 8-12oz


1 Action Whey

Shake* 4 Emerald Sea

Capsules 8 - 12 oz Water

Snack* 8-12oz water


1 Action Whey

Shake* 4 Emerald Sea

Capsules 8 - 12 oz Water

Snack* 8-12oz


1 Action Whey

Shake* 4 Emerald Sea

Capsules 8 - 12 oz Water

Snack* 8-12oz


1 Action Whey

Shake* 4 Emerald Sea

Capsules 8 - 12 oz Water

Snack* 8-12oz water

*Choose from the “Joy of Variety” list.

Joy of Variety List

Action Whey™ Shakes

Enjoy any of our delicious recipe ideas for your Action Whey shakes:

Optional Shake Ingredients: Oats – Add a ¼ cup of plain oats for an extra filling nutritious shake with added fiber. Yogurt or Kefir – Add 1-2 tablespoons of unsweetened yogurt or kefir for additional digestion and cleansing benefits.

Snacks Enjoy any of the following snack ideas to keep your body nutritiously fueled throughout the day. 1 Whole – Apple, Pear, Orange, Peach, Banana, Kiwi, or Plum 1 Handful – Blueberries, Grapes, or Strawberries 1 Cup – Broccoli, Cauliflower, Celery or Carrots with Olive Oil Dip (1 Tbsp. olive oil with a dash of seasoning salt to taste) 1 Small Salad – Handful of fresh leafy greens drizzled with 1 Tbsp. Olive Oil Dip or 1Tbs olive oil with choice of vinegar. 1 Cup – Herbal tea of choice sweetened with 1 teaspoon of raw honey. 2 Tbsp. – Raw Almonds, Cashews, Brazil nuts or Sunflower seeds 1 Serving – Action Whey Pudding recipe

Avoid eating the same snack twice in the same day. All fruits, vegetables and nuts should be raw and certified organic when possible.

Helpful Hints: Slow Down: Eat your snacks and drink your shakes slowly. Take time to enjoy and savor the flavor. You will find the shakes and snacks to be much more enjoyable, more filling, and longer lasting. Drink Water: Always keep a glass of water nearby in between your snacks and shakes. If you experience a hunger pang or craving, enjoy a few gulps of fresh water. This is especially helpful during the first few days as your body and habits are adjusting.

What to Expect: Every BODY is different. While your individual experience may vary, the following guidelines will prepare you for your own individual transfor-mation process. DAY 1: The first day or two may be a challenge as you get used to a new way of nourishing your body. As the pure whole food nutrition and proper hydration take effect, your body will begin the process of releasing more stored toxins. Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day. DAY 2: As toxins begin to leave your body you may feel some side effects. This is a good thing! Sit down, relax, drink water and the side effects will soon pass. For some, taking a walk helps while for others lying down and resting helps. Try both approaches and see what works best for you, if needed. DAY 3: If you’ve had moments of feeling rough today, it will probably peak and be gone in the morning. Eat plenty of food, drink lots of water, and take a walk or get some rest. DAY 4: By day four, most people are “on fire” with excitement! They feel great, pain free, and full of energy. They notice their appetite decreasing and their energy levels increasing. Don’t be surprised as smaller and smaller portions fill you up and satisfy you completely. Your pH is balancing and every cell in your body is enjoying this whole food nutrition with proper hydration.

DAY 5 – 7: You’re in the zone! You start to see excess pounds of fat begin to melt off as you enter a phase of weight loss momentum. You will likely already notice some improvements in your problem areas of fat storage. We recommend staying in the zone and going all the way! Be done with it once and for all. A new life awaits you ahead. You can keep the momentum going by following the 7 simple truths taught in “The WHOLE Truth: Weight Loss and Wellness” by Adrian Goad. The concepts taught in this natural approach to Foundational Nutrition™ will help pave the road for a healthier and happier life. Please remember to always consult your physician before making any dietary or lifestyle changes.

The Power Shot 1 Full Scoop Action Whey 4 oz cold water Stir, Blend, or Shake

Action Malt Shop Milk Shake 1 Full Scoop Action Whey 5-6 oz cold milk* or dairy substitute* Stir, Blend, or Shake

Pro-Tein Pudding 1 Full Scoop Action Whey 1/4 cup cold milk* Stir briskly with a fork Chill in refrigerator for 1 hour

Banana Blitz 1 Full Scoop Action Whey 4 oz cold water ( or 5-6 oz milk*) 1/2 Banana* Optional: Sprinkle of Nutmeg or Cinnamon Blend *Try it also with 1 Tablespoon of Coconut Oil

Action Whey™ Serving Suggestions

* Organic Preferred.

Nutty Nanner 1 Full Scoop Action Whey 4 oz cold water ( or 5-6 oz milk*) 1/2 Banana* 1 Tbsp Peanut Butter* Blend

Smooth Berry 1 Full Scoop Action Whey 4 oz cold water ( or 5-6 oz milk*) 1/4 cup Blueberries* 1/4 cup Strawberries* Blend

Peanut Butter Cup 1 Full Scoop Action Whey 4 oz cold water ( or 5-6 oz milk*) 1-2 Tbsp Peanut Butter* Blend

Orange Dreamsicle 1 Full Scoop Vanilla Action Whey 4 oz milk* or dairy substitute* 4 oz Orange juice Blend or Shake

Action Whey™ Serving Suggestions

* Organic Preferred.