THE 30 DAY PCOS WEEK 3 MEAL PLANDay... · WEEK 3 Food for thought USING FOOD AS MEDICINE This week...

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Transcript of THE 30 DAY PCOS WEEK 3 MEAL PLANDay... · WEEK 3 Food for thought USING FOOD AS MEDICINE This week...




HOSTED BY KYM CAMPBELLFrom Beat PCOS & Smart Fertility Choices

Welcome 2


This week is a big one as you’ll be focusing on trying a new repertoire

of dinner recipes.

I’ve also thrown a new breakfast recipe in here too and this one is even better nutritionally than the Flax Seed and Almond Meal Porridge.

I’ve tried to make these recipes fit within your budget by letting you decide which cuts of meat to get. From a health perspective, the quality (coming from grass fed sources like we discussed in last week’s “Food For Thought”) is more important than the cut.

Just as another heads-up, it’s worth being prepared for a relatively expensive shop again. It’s an unfortunate reality that unless you want to eat liver and cabbage for every meal, buying fresh meat and vegetables is generally more expensive than less healthy processed foods. This is where we need to consider the nutritional value of food and its positive affect on our PCOS as well as just comparing the price tag.

You might be spending a little more to eat well, but you’ll also be getting a lot more health and happiness for your buck. Eventually you’ll start saving on other things too such as doctor bills and medication. We’re using food as medicine here so you need to keep this in mind when doing your shopping.


K 3


This week’s meal plan has you eating one of my best PCOS breakfast

discoveries – Chia Seed Porridge. Chia seeds are one of the healthiest foods on the planet because they:

• Have massive amounts of nutrients per calorie.

• Are loaded with antioxidants.

• Are really high in fiber.

• Are high in protein.

• Contain lots of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Chia Seed Porridge is also one of the quickest and easiest breakfasts I’ve come across making it a great staple for the 30 Day Challenge.


Salmon is one of the most highly recommended dishes that almost

all health professionals can agree is great for both our physical and mental wellbeing. Although I know it can be expensive I couldn’t NOT include at least one meal of salmon during the Challenge since this cold water fish is high in several nutrients that many of us don’t get enough of (omega-3- fatty acids, iodine, vitamin D and more).

While wild caught is the most superior in terms of both health and the environment, some salmon farmers elect to follow higher environmental standards to satisfy consumer demand for more sustainable aquaculture practices.

If you live in the United States, I recommend you check out for a detailed description of “Best Choice” and “Good Alternative” sources of salmon. For Canadians there is, for those of you in the UK, is a great site, while here in Australia we have

For those of you in other places in the world, if you search for the words “sustainable seafood guide”, you should be able to find clear guidance on the most suitable sources of seafood in your country.

Why I’ve included Salmon 3


As I explain in my Beat PCOS Dessert Cookbook, when you

need a little sweetness in your baking or cooking, my suggestion is to use brown rice syrup (also known as rice malt syrup, or just rice syrup) rather than any other source of sugar – yes even the “natural ones” like honey, maple syrup, and coconut sugar, which are just as bad for you.

This is because brown rice syrup is almost entirely made from glucose sugars and is completely fructose free. While you still don’t want to be having large quantities of brown rice syrup for restoring a healthy hormone balance, when occasionally consumed as part of a meal, and in the small quantities that I prescribe, brown rice syrup can be a practical tool in any PCOS friendly diet.

My recommended sugar replacement 4

Where to find ingredients 5


As I mentioned last week, I recently spent some time figuring out the

best places online to buy the less common ingredients in the meal plans. Hopefully this will make things as easy as possible for you.

If you’re looking for an online store that can supply most of the main ingredients you’ll need all in the one convenient place, the best options that I’ve found are to buy pantry stuff from Amazon and to get your meats from US Wellness Meats (they also ship to Canada).

If you’re lucky enough to have Amazon Fresh available in your area, then you can also get your produce from there without having to leave home! To use this service, you’ll need an Amazon Prime account but I am pretty sure that you can do a free 30 day trial of both Amazon Prime and Amazon Fresh which can get you through the 30 Day Challenge.

Click here for my list of recommended Week 3 ingredients and where to find them.

Sugar Hacks 6

Your week 3 meal planMeal Prep Breakfast Dinner

SUNDAYPrepare Chia Seed Porridge for the week (see recipe)

Veggie Scramble

Roast Beef with Vegetables

MONDAY None Chia Seed Porridge

Beef and Vegetable Curry

TUESDAYPrepare the crock pot (slow cooker) in the evening or on Wednesday morning

Chia Seed Porridge

Salmon with Mustard Sauce and Baby Spinach

WEDNESDAYPut crock pot (slow cooker) on in the morning

Chia Seed Porridge

Slow Cooked Beef with Bok Choy and Sweet Potato

THURSDAY NoneFlax Seed and Almond Meal Porridge

Slow Cooked Beef with Bok Choy and Sweet Potato

FRIDAYMarinate chicken wings in the morning

Veggie Scramble

Garlic Ginger Chicken Wings with Broccoli

SATURDAYSoak quinoa overnight in water (see Week 4 meal plan)

Steak and Eggs

Lettuce Wrap Burgers

Your meal plan 6


PES Recipes

Your week 3 meal plan recipes

Snacks 8

This recipe is the same as the one I gave you last week. It’s for one person so make sure to multiply the

quantities given if you plan on feeding more people.

• 1 or 2 fresh sausages or sausage patties [around 7 oz (200g) in total]. These should be gluten free, sugar free, and preferably from grass fed sources like the ones I recommend here.

• 2 pastured eggs.• 1-2 tablespoons

unsweetened almond milk.

• ¼ red bell pepper, diced.

• ⅛ red onion, diced.• 1 cup baby spinach

[about a BIG handful].

• 1 large tomato, diced.• ½ an avocado. • 1 teaspoon butter.• Celtic sea salt or

Himalayan rock salt and ground black pepper to taste.

Veggie Scramble servINGS = 1 Prep time = 10 mins Total time = 15 mins


Veggie Scramble 8


1. Cook your sausage/s either in a fry pan with some butter, or throw it in a pot of boiling water for 5-10 minutes if it’s still frozen or you’re in a hurry.

2. Beat your eggs together with almond milk, add salt and pepper, then set aside.

3. Sauté the red onion and bell pepper in butter until soft, then add the spinach and egg, and scramble together until cooked.

4. Serve veggie scramble with avocado and tomato on top.

Snacks 9Veggie Scramble 9

The idea here is to prepare your Chia Seed Porridge on Sunday evening, so that you can just grab it and go during your busy mid-week mornings. This recipe makes

enough porridge for one person to have three breakfasts so remember to multiply the quantities given if you plan on feeding more people.

Note that the consistency of this porridge is quite different to oat porridge, especially after it has been refrigerated and mixed with coconut milk. So don’t be put off if you find it’s not what you expected. Chia seeds also have a bit of a strange texture if you haven’t had them before but once you try it, you’ll see that this recipe is golden!

The almonds and coconut yogurt are optional but they definitely make it taste really nice.

Chia Seed Porridge

Chia Seed Porridge 10

• ½ cup blueberries, mashed.

• ¾ cup chia seeds (white chia seeds look more appetizing in my opinion).

• 2 ½ cups full-fat coconut milk

• ½ lemon, juiced.• 1 small green apple,


• 1 teaspoon Ceylon Cinnamon.

• ½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract.

Sunday Night Ingredients

servINGS = 3 Prep time = 10 mins Total time = 10 mins

InstructionsOn the Day Ingredients (Optional)• 2 tablespoons almonds.• 3 tablespoons low sugar, full-fat

coconut yogurt.

1. Add the grated apple and mashed berries to a large re-sealable container.

2. Mix the remaining ingredients into the container and refrigerate.

3. When you’re ready for breakfast, scoop out 1/3 of the porridge mix and serve with coarsely chopped almonds and coconut yogurt.

Chia Seed Porridge 11

Porridge 12

Hopefully you will have prepared your dry ingredients at the start of Week 2, so all you need to do this week to make your Flax Seed and Almond Meal Porridge is to

mix in the wet ingredients, the same as you did last week.If you want to get creative with this recipe, try adding an egg and a teaspoon of baking powder to the ingredients listed below (leaving out the boiling water) and turn this porridge into a PCOS friendly waffle. It tastes especially delicious with some butter and blueberries on top.

Flax Seed and Almond Meal PorridgeservINGS = 1 Prep time = 5 mins Total time = 5 mins

1. Scoop out about ½ cup of dry ingredients from your pre-mixed container. Add butter, and boiling water, stirring occasionally for at least 2 minutes. Add your blueberries and unsweetened almond milk.

2. If you need more flavor, experiment with adding more butter or salt to taste.

This quantity of wet ingredients is enough for 1 breakfast for one person. You will need to add these ingredients each morning to your pre-mixed dry ingredients when you want to make porridge.

• 1 tablespoon butter.

• 1/3 cup boiling water.

• ¼ cup unsweetened almond milk.

• ½ cup blueberries.

• 2 tablespoons coarsely chopped almonds (optional)

InstructionsWet Ingredients

Porridge 13

This recipe is that same as last weeks. Hope you’re finding this one to be a winner? Again, really try and pay attention to your hunger and cravings after you’ve enjoyed

this breakfast and see if you can tell the difference compared to the other meals.

Remember that this recipe is for one person so please make sure to multiply the quantities for more people.

Steak and Eggs

Steak and Eggs 14

• 2 pastured eggs.•6 oz (170 g) steak [cut

of your choice].• 3 cups baby spinach

[the rest of your 10oz (280g) bag].

• 1 large tomato, cut into quarters.

• ½ an avocado.• 1 teaspoon virgin

coconut oil.• 2 teaspoons butter.• ¼ lemon, juiced.• Celtic sea salt or

Himalayan salt and ground black pepper.


servINGS = 1 Prep time = 5 mins Total time = 15 mins


1. Heat up your fry pan until hot. Add coconut oil, and fry the steak at a high temperature until seared. Flip the steak (once only), searing the other side for a minute or so, then lower the temperature until cooked to your liking. Set aside [steak tastes best once it’s had 5 – 10 minutes to rest on a plate].

2. While the steak is cooking, prepare your avocado, tomato and lemon.

3. Fry your eggs in butter (or scramble them if you prefer) and add to the plate with your steak.

4. Fry your generous serving of spinach in butter and lemon, add it to your plate and you’re done!

5. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Steak and Eggs 15

Roast Beef 16

What better way to celebrate the weekend than a Sunday night roast? This traditional meal will be a great hit with the family or guests, and it also makes

Monday night’s dinner a super easy one.

This recipe is for one person, so please make sure to multiple the quantities for more people. The idea is to cook enough beef to have for two meals: half tonight, and the rest in tomorrow night’s curry. We’re also going to take this opportunity to cook enough sweet potato for both the curry, and to have with Tuesday night’s salmon.

• Beef [choose your preferred cut] containing approximately 14 oz (400 g) of meat. You’ll need to allow extra for bone if you go with a leg roast.

The idea is to get about 5 oz (140 g) of COOKED meat per person per meal remembering that we’re making enough for two meals, and that cooked meat is only about 70% the weight of raw meat.

• 9 oz (255g) sweet potato, peeled and cut into disks approximately 1” (25 mm) thick.

• 2 carrots, peeled and cut into 2” (50 mm) lengths.

Roast Beef with Vegetables Prep time = 30 mins Total time = 1.5 hrs



Roasting meat is really easy to do moderately well, but takes some practice to get really good at so don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get it 100% perfect the first time you try this. This recipe should get you most of the way for most cuts of beef, but don’t be afraid to look for more advice online if you’re unsure.

All ovens are slightly different and although I’ve given you guidelines below, a meat thermometer is a great tool to help know when your roast is done, especially if you want to get it perfect the first time. For “medium” you want to get to 150ºF (65ºC) on the inside, so aim for a little below this if you like it a bit rarer, or take it up to 170ºF (75ºC) to have it “well done”.

1. Preheat oven to 350ºF (180ºC).

2. Place your onion rings in a roasting dish with some rosemary on top.

3. Put your beef on top of the onions and rosemary and rub with salt, pepper, lemon juice (⅛ lemon) and 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

4. [Optional] make small incisions into the meat and push half slices of garlic cloves into the slit. You can also add rosemary into the incisions if you like or just sprinkle some on top of the meat. If this seems like too much hassle, just put the whole garlic cloves into the roasting dish (skin on if you like) along with the onions – they’ll come out delicious.

5. Put your roast in the oven and bake (see “Roasting Times” below for guidelines on cooking times).

6. Make sure to check the internal temperature 10-15 minutes early with your meat thermometer, to avoid over-cooking.

• 1 bell pepper, cut into quarters.

• 3 cups baby spinach [this is about one third of a 10 oz (280 g) bag].

• ½ onion, cut into thick rings

• ¼ lemon, juiced.• 2 garlic cloves, cut into

halves [optional].• 3 sprigs fresh

rosemary.• 2 tablespoons extra

virgin olive oil.

• ¼ cup beef stock.• 1 tablespoon butter.• 1 teaspoon corn

starch/flour.• Celtic sea salt or

Himalayan rock salt.

Ingredients Continued

Roast Beef 17

Instructions Continued

7. Rub your remaining vegetables with salt and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Place these in the roasting dish when you think you have around 45 minutes of roasting time left to go. If you’re cooking for one, you can put all the vegetables in with the meat at the start.

8. Once your meat is cooked, take it out of the oven and let it sit on a plate for 10-20 minutes as this will help make it juicier.

9. Remove the vegetables from the roasting dish and while the meat is resting, make the gravy:

a. Remove some of the excess fat left floating on the top of the roasting dish.

b. Mix ¼ cup of beef stock with a teaspoon of corn starch/flour. Add to the roasting dish and place over your stove top on high.

c. Stir the gravy for 5-10 minutes until it thickens getting any bits that have stuck to the roasting dish.

d. Note: If your gravy doesn’t thicken, you might need to add a little more corn starch/flour. If it’s too thick, then add a little more stock.

10. Once your gravy is ready, quickly cook up the baby spinach using a tablespoon of butter and a little lemon juice.

11. Slice the roasted meat across the grain and serve about 5 oz (140 g) of cooked meat per person along with half your roast vegetables, one third of the sweet potato, and all of the baby spinach.

12. Remember that you want to save one third of the cooked sweet potato in a separate container for Tuesday night. Also put half of the roast beef, and half of the remaining vegetables away in the refrigerator for tomorrow.

Roasting TimesIf you like your beef “medium” most people recommend that you roast for around 25 minutes for every pound (450 g) at 350ºF (180ºC). If you’re cooking for one, I’d give it about 30 minutes, and legs usually need about an hour and a half on average. For a better estimate, don’t be afraid to ask your butcher (or your mom).

Roast Beef 18

Snacks 19

You will have spent a fair bit of time in the kitchen yesterday making the Sunday roast, but it will pay off tonight when

you make this beef curry in just a few minutes.

Remember that this recipe is for one person so please make sure to multiply the quantities for more people.

• 5 oz (140 g) cooked left over beef from last night, chopped.

• Left over roast vegetables from last night, chopped.

• 1 bunch bok choy or similar leafy green vegetable, chopped.

• 1 cup full-fat coconut milk.

• Your choice of curry powder or paste.

• Cilantro/coriander [optional].

• Celtic sea salt or Himalayan rock salt.

Beef and Vegetable Curry servINGS = 1 Prep time = 5 mins Total time = 10 mins


Beef Curry 19


1. Heat up the bok choy, beef, and left over vegetables in a wok, fry pan, or saucepan along with the coconut milk, curry, and salt to taste. Stir and simmer for a few minutes.

2. That’s it! Serve in a bowl with some cilantro (coriander) if you feel like being fancy.

Salmon with Mustard Sauce 20

• 7 oz (200 g) piece of wild fillet salmon, skin on.

• 2 oz (55 g) leftover roast sweet potato from Sunday night’s roast, chopped.

• 3 cups baby spinach [this is about one third of a 10 oz (280 g) bag].

• ¼ lemon, juiced.• 1 teaspoon virgin

coconut oil. • 1 teaspoon butter.• Celtic sea salt or

Himalayan rock salt and ground black pepper.

• ¼ lemon, juiced.• 1 tablespoon Dijon

mustard.• ½ tablespoon

whole-grain mustard.• 1 tablespoon extra

virgin olive oil.

This recipe is for one person so please make sure to multiply the quantities for more people.

Salmon with Mustard Sauce and Baby Spinach

servINGS = 1 Prep time = 5 mins Total time = 20 mins

Main Ingredients Mustard Sauce Ingredients


1. Mix together the mustard sauce ingredients and set aside.

2. Fry the salmon over medium-high heat in coconut oil, skin side down until golden brown and slightly charred (about 4-5 minutes).

3. Add the leftover roast sweet potato to the fry pan to reheat it.

4. Flip the salmon once and cook for a further 3-4 minutes. Salmon is best served a little pink in the center so no need to overdo it.

5. Once the salmon is cooked, quickly sauté the baby spinach in a little butter and lemon, and serve with the salmon and mustard sauce.

Salmon with Mustard Sauce 21

This is another great dish for busy mid-week dinners. You can either prepare the meal first thing in the morning, or if you can make space in your refrigerator,

you can put it together the evening before and then you just need to switch on the crock-pot (slow cooker) in the morning.

I have written this recipe assuming you have a crock-pot because when I asked on the Challenge Facebook group, almost every single respondent said they had one. Please accept my sincere apologies if you don’t have one. If you’re home for the day you can make this meal with a casserole dish or substitute this recipe for another one that I have provided for this week. Just make sure to update your shopping list to reflect the changes.

This recipe is enough for one person to have two dinners (I want you to cook enough for two nights to save you time) so if you’re cooking for others, make sure to multiply the quantities. Note that the serving of bok choy is for one meal, so you’ll need the same amount again on the next night which I have allowed for in your shopping list.

Slow Cooked Beef with Bok Choy and Sweet Potato servINGS = 2

Prep time = 15 mins Total time = 4.5 hrs

Slow Cooked Beef 22



1. Cut the beef into large chunks approximately 2 inches (50 mm) cubed [no need to cut up short ribs, or shin meat however] and put in the crock-pot (slow cooker).

2. Add the onions, carrot, and sweet potato.

3. Add all the other ingredients (except the butter and the bok choy). You can refrigerate the whole dish until the morning if you’re getting it ready in the evening.

4. Slow cook on high for at least 4 hours, or if that isn’t convenient, you can put it on low for 8-10 hours until you get home.

5. When you’re ready to serve, quickly stir fry your bok choy in a little butter or if you want to make things really easy, add it to the crock pot for 3 minutes at the end.

6. If you reheat the second serving of this meal using a microwave or on a stove top, you can add raw chopped boy choy in with the stew and it will be cooked by the time the meat is re-heated.

• 14 oz (400 g) stewing beef [choose your preferred cut]. The best cuts for this recipe are short ribs, chuck, blade, shin and brisket. My favorite is short ribs if you can find them!

• 9 oz (255g) sweet potato, peeled and chopped into 1” (25mm) cubes.

• ½ onion, diced.• 1 carrot, peeled and chopped.• 2 tablespoons gluten free soy sauce

(or tamari sauce).• 2 whole star anise [optional but

much better with this flavorful ingredient].

• 3 garlic cloves, crushed and diced.• ¼ cup rice wine vinegar.• 1 cup beef stock.• 2 bunches of bok choy (per meal),

chopped.• 1 teaspoon butter.

Slow Cooked Beef 23

This is one of my favorite dinners because it’s so quick and it tastes fantastic. If you have time in the morning, I recommend putting the marinade together with the

chicken wings so that the marinade has the day to really soak into the chicken wings. Then all you have to do when you get home from work is put them in the oven.

Remember that this recipe is for one person so please make sure to multiply the quantities for more people.

Garlic Ginger Chicken Wings with Broccoli servINGS = 1 Prep time = 20 mins Total time = 45 mins

Garlic Ginger Chicken Wings 24

• 13 oz (370 g) raw chicken wings.

• 2 garlic cloves, crushed and diced.

• 1 tablespoon fresh ginger, finely chopped or grated.

• 3 tablespoons gluten free soy sauce (or tamari sauce).

• 1 tablespoon brown rice syrup (also called rice malt syrup) [optional]

• ½ head broccoli, chopped.

• ¼ cup raw cashew nuts.• 1 teaspoon butter.• ¼ lemon, juiced.


Recipe Name 25


1. Make the marinade by adding the garlic and ginger to a large bowl along with 2 tablespoons of soy (or tamari) sauce, and the brown rice syrup. Set aside about a ¼ of the garlic to cook with the broccoli.

2. Cut the chicken wings into pieces and mix into the marinade. If you can’t be bothered cutting the wings up, then don’t worry, they will still come out great as whole wings.

3. [Optional] If you have time, let the wings marinate for 20 minutes or longer (all day is best).

4. Preheat the oven to 350ºF (180ºC) and bake the wings for 25-30 minutes. Note: If you stick a sheet of foil, or parchment (baking) paper on the bottom of the roasting dish it will make cleaning up much easier.

5. When the wings are almost ready, fry the garlic in butter briefly before mixing in the broccoli with a few tablespoons of water and the juice from a lemon quarter.

6. When the broccoli is starting to soften, mix in a tablespoon of soy (or tamari) sauce along with raw cashew nuts and cook for another minute or so.

7. Serve the broccoli and wings when they’re both ready. Cilantro (coriander) goes great with this meal if you have any left from earlier in the week.

Garlic Ginger Chicken Wings 25

Snacks 26

This is a fun recipe for the weekends, which goes well for lunch or dinner. Since tomorrow is the first day, of Week 4, where

lunch will be included in the challenge for the first time, I have set the quantities in the beef patty ingredients so you’ll have enough for dinner on Saturday, and lunch on Sunday. The quantities for the other ingredients are just for one meal though so you’ll need to prepare the same amount both days.

Please also remember that this recipe is for one person so please make sure to multiply the quantities for more people.

• 14 oz (400g) ground beef (mince).

• 1 tablespoon virgin coconut oil.

• ½ tablespoon extra

virgin olive oil• 1 teaspoon garlic

powder.• 1 teaspoon Italian


• Celtic sea salt or Himalayan rock salt and ground black pepper.

Lettuce Wrap Burgers servINGS = 2 Prep time = 15 mins Total time = 20 mins

Beef Patty Ingredients

Lettuce Wrap Burgers 26


Other Ingredients


• 2-3 Romaine (Cos) lettuce leaves.

• 2 dill pickles, sliced (should contain NO sugar).

• ½ tomato, sliced.

• ½ avocado, sliced.

• ⅛ red onion, sliced thinly.

• 1 tablespoon of coconut yogurt [optional].

• ¼ garlic clove, crushed and diced.

Snacks 27Lettuce Wrap Burgers 27

1. For the beef patty, mix ingredients together thoroughly in a bowl. Form mixture into 4 patties with your hands and set aside.

2. Fry the patties in coconut oil for 4-5 minutes on each side until done.

3. While the patties are cooking, prepare your tomato, onion, pickles, and avocado. If you have any leftover bell pepper or baby spinach from earlier in the week you might want to consider adding this into your burger too?

4. Make a delicious PCOS friendly condiment for your burgers by mixing a ¼ clove of crushed garlic with 1 tablespoon of coconut yogurt. Alternatively, you can use Dijon mustard or mayonnaise. I suggest you avoid using ketchup as a general rule as most commercial ketchup products are full of sugar.

5. Build yourself two lettuce wrap burgers per meal using at least two or three lettuce leaves and enjoy!


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