The 15-Minute Sales Workout

Post on 30-Mar-2016

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For sales managers and future sales managers, "The 15-Minute Sales Workout" is an incredible program featuring 52 weeks of highly effective sales training "workouts" proven to: Improve Confidence and Competence, Increase Client Acquisition and Customer Retention, and Produce More Consistent Sales Results.

Transcript of The 15-Minute Sales Workout

“You'll Perform Better and More Efficiently

and Reap the Rewards that Follow!”Changing Times Call for New Measures in Sales Training and

the 15-Minute Sales Workout™ Delivers

• Improved Confidence and Competence• Increased Client Acquisition and Customer Retention

•  More Consistent Sales Results

December 15, 2011From the Desk of Scott Frothingham

As a business coach, every day I see sales teams struggling to hit goal and sales managers so overloaded that they don't have time or resources to train their team to maximize results.

Sales managers in all size businesses have told me again and again that there is a great need for customized sales training ... but ... there's a problem ...

The "UGLY TRUTH" is that the typical options for sales training just aren'tcutting it with today's lean and mean sales organizations.


Ugly Truth #1From  expensive sales training companies to business books and trade publications, there are a variety of structured programs available that teach skills. However, they are often generic and so structured that they are difficult to customize to the specific needs of a particular sales force or to the style of a particular sales manager.


Ugly Truth #2Taking a salesperson off the street for a 1 or 2 day seminar not only cuts down the actual selling time that salesperson has, but intensive "event" training like this tends to quickly "wear off".   Yes, they enjoy the course and leave energized with great intentions and a list of things to do differently when they get

back at work. But they come back to two days’ worth of unanswered e-mails and voice-mail messages, paperwork and proposal deadlines to meet. Before they even get a chance to stop and think about the training, a couple of weeks have passed by ... and the opportunity for change and improvement has been lost.


Ugly Truth #3Training involving outside speakers, online products, DVD's and audio are not only large, complicated, unwieldy and expensive, but also they position someone outside the company as the “expert” … and conducting individualized follow-up, if available, generally incurs large additional fees. 


Ugly Truth #4Formal training is often led by someone who is out-of-touch with today's selling environment ... they've been behind the podium, not on the street. Even if the information is good, salespeople tune out the training.


A simple solution is to have the sales managerdevelop training for his or her team,

but who has the time?

Directing and managing salespeople is immensely time-intensive. Recruiting, hiring and firing sales personnel requires more time than ever before. Even with greater portability and flexibility of communications and immediate access to databases and contact management programs, the job of juggling customers, customer lists and leads demands increasingly more attention and time. Add to that customer service issues and client contact and it’s a wonder a sales manager can be proactive toward any long-term project such as customized staff training. The majority of sales managers indicate that skills training is imperative to their success and that they would initiate more education with their salespeople if they had a quicker, simpler and less expensive means of effective training.

"Changing Times Call forNew Measures in Sales Training and

the 15-Minute Sales Workout™ Delivers!"

 The 15-Minute Sales Workout is a collection of 52 simple, effective, and easy-to-customize seminars that have been developed to eliminate these frustrations. Now a busy sales manager can position him or herself as the training expert with a customized, skill-sharpening

training program that takes minimal time to prepare and execute. And the 15-Minute Workout is incredibly effective.

The workbook is designed to engage the participant in both passive and active roles with essential skills training

The materials are designed to lock in key points by involving the participant on a multi-sensory level (sight and sound)

By training in small batches, more is retained ... just like in fitness training, you're better off training 1/2 hour a day 3 days a week for a month than having a monthly 6 hour session.

The workbook includes subtle clues and guidance for interaction and deeper thought for a higher level of acceptance, understanding and adoption of the skills

Each workout demands a commitment to use the skills 

Yes, it can be entertaining, but this is a real "workout"designed to train and to improve execution in the field.


"As an educator, I have found these 15-Minute Sales Workout mini-seminars unique in how they engage salespeople in an interactive process of skills training that ties concepts to performance in the field."

Pete Reader, ChairDepartment of Communication

Seton Hall University

Never has it been so easy to

• Improve Confidence and Competence• Increase Client Acquisition and Customer Retention

• Produce More Consistent Sales Results

Sales training is a process - not an event, and now you have the ability to prepare and execute on-going weekly sales training in a fraction of the time it's taken in the past. Just about everything has been done for you!

"It’s a real time saver. It would easily take an hour or more to prep a session that The 15-Minute Sales Workout provides in minutes."

Eric HenryCM Partners

"Great turn-key training system, perfect for rookies and a great refresher for pros, guaranteed to pay for itself with one new sale."


Which of These Frustrating Sales Training Problems

Do You Most Want to Solve?Too Busy?There's only one of you, and you've got a lot of other demands on your time. With the 15-Minute Sales Workout, you can streamline this incredibly important (frustrating and time-consuming) responsibility.

Tight Budget? No Budget? Overcome budget restraints with a low-cost, high-value resource: The 15-Minute Sales Workout.   Need to Look Good? There's always a lot at stake when you're responsible for your company’s sales. Your people (and your boss) look to you for professionalism and leadership. Here's your chance to shine -- with The 15-

Minute Sales Workout. 

No Staff? Wouldn't it be nice to have someone on staff you could turn this over to and know it would be done correctly? If not, The 15-Minute Sales Workout is your best solution.

 Feeling Pressured by a Deadline? No doubt you've got a lot of other responsibilities, too. Eliminate the time pressures, frustrations and headaches now with The15-Minute Sales Workout.

     Lack of Creativity? You've got a lot of talents and strengths but everyone sometimes needs a reliable resource to jumpstart their creativity. The 15-Minute Sales Workout will be your inspiration.  

   Inexperienced? Never had to train and educate a sales team before? The 15-Minute Sales Workout lets you tap into the experience of the developer of hundreds of successful training programs, seminars and retreats. 

       Your Boss Has High Expectations? Your level of success reflects on your boss, too, and that can create a lot of pressure on you to come through. Make it easy on yourself and get The 15-Minute Sales Workout. 

   You Absolutely Must Succeed? Simply put, there's a lot riding on this and you've got several reasons why you must succeed at a high level. You can't go wrong by ordering the The 15-Minute Sales Workout. 


“Out of all the sales motivational tapes and sessions I have experienced, the 15 Minute Sales Workout is without question the best investment I have ever made.  For the price of one good training session you get a full year’s worth of quality education and motivation.”

Randy CogarCogar Printing, Inc.


"Instantly Download the Complete Set of

52 highly Effective, Totally ScriptedSales Training Seminars, Now!"


  Equip and Empower Your Sales Teamwith the Essential Back-to-Basics Selling Skillsof the Weekly 15-Minute Sales WorkoutTo yield consistent sales results you need ongoing sales training, not just a quick fix; real improvement requires a process. And, that’s what you get with the 15-Minute Sales Workout: a system designed to equip you and your team with practical selling skills and proven tactics to close more sales.  Invest today.

The 15-Minute Sales Workout is designed to:  

sharpen the sales skills of people who sell for a living  save a sales manager time in customizing sales training  

position the sales manager as a training “expert”  

Your 15-Minute Workout Contains52 Fully Scripted Mini-Seminars.

This system is designed to introduce or polish basic skills and is divided into four fundamental skill sets: Sales Skills, Communication Skills, Time Management and Personal Growth.

Each of these categories has a number of specific topics, each broken into a seven step, 15-minute mini-seminar “workout” featuring a seminar leader script and a seminar participant worksheet.

These mini-seminars are designed with flexibility in mind and are easily customized to a specific sales team, management style, product, service, competitive situation and marketplace.

15-Minute Workout Titles Include: 7 Time Traps7 Big Sales Mistakes7 Ways to Ask Questions Effectively7 Steps to Qualify a Prospect7 Biggest Buying Fears of People with Whom Salespeople Deal7 Basic Negotiation Tactics7 Steps to Selling Value7 Ways We Communicate Nonverbally7 Ways to Use the Telephone More Effectively7 Ways to Protect Yourself from Interruptions7 Traits of Successful Salespeople7 Ways to Handle Criticism7 Ways to Resolve Disagreements7 Pieces of Information to Gather While Cold Calling7 Prospecting Sources7 Ways to Get Around a Screener7 Strategies for Getting People to Listen to You7 Techniques to Become a Better Listener7 Ways to Make Your Letters More Persuasive7 Ways to Increase Efficiency7 Ways to Prevent Procrastination7 Characteristics of Effective Goals7 Steps for Stress Reduction7 Networking Strategies7 Biggest Service Worries of People Who Deal with Salespeople7 Ways to Build Credibility with a Client

... and that’s just ½ of the 52 mini-seminar workouts covering365 strategies and tactics essential to be successful in


"So, What's All This Gonna Cost Me?"Typically, those 1-day seminars -- in which you join a whole bunch of other companies for group training -- can set you back upwards $249 per person.

You're going to pay near that for The 15-Minute Sales Workout.

You're not going to pay $200 or even $150.

Given this economy and the fact that I want to give you such a great value that you buy more of our products and recommend to your friends, family and business colleages, you not even going to pay $100.

For today, 12/15/111 , you'll invest only $97 for all fifty-two 15-Minute Workout mini-seminars.  

Over a Year’s Worth of Weekly Sales Training for Less than 2-bucks a week!You won’t find any similar product that will give you a better return on investment than

the 15-Minute Sales Workout! 


But Wait! That's Not All!When you purchase the 15-Minute Sales Workout today,

you recieve a BONUS of 8 additionalhighly effective, totally scripted mini-seminars.

That's 15% more content for no additional investmentfor a total of 60 weeks of training to

• Improve Confidence and Competence• Increase Client Acquisition and Customer Retention

• Produce More Consistent Sales Results

Get 60 Weeks of Effective Sales Training for $97!What are you waiting for?

Bottom of Form

"A very powerful program with very little 'fluff'; The 15-Minute Sales Workout can be immediately added to your sales arsenal.

Andre HollisTiger International Advisors

"The material contained in this program is valuable for both novice and seasoned selling professionals. The proven tactics are easy to understand and should provide a boost to your efforts to generate sales revenue ."

Neville R. Waters IIIThe Waters Group  

“Your Investment Is Secured With My 100% Iron-Clad Money Back Guarantee!”



I understand it's hard to decide to make a purchase, expecially for a product you can't physically touch and see, so I want to make you an offer you can't refuse:

Try the 15-Minute Sales Workout for 60 days. If you aren't 100% happy, just let me know and I'll refund every penny you paid! I'm taking all the risk,so you don't have to!

Why such a flexible and laid back guarantee? First of all, because we have such a high satisfaction rate, that we get virtually no refund requests. But more

importantly, because I want to keep you happy. You, as a long-term customer, are far more important to me than your money is. I've got money; I can replace any money I lose. But, I can't replace YOU!


Nothing could be easier than getting started with the The 15-Minute Sales Workout right now. Just click on the orange "Buy It Now" button below to purchase this incredible product, and after you enter your payment details you will receive it immediately!

To Your Success, 


 PS. Think about it ... for less than $2 each week you'll have all the benefits of over a year's worth of highly effective, fully scripted sales

training seminars that will sharpen sales skills, save time and position you as the expert.   You spend more than that for a large coffee at the corner cafe ... is it too much to invest in your business success?   PPS.  I forgot to mention, but I intend to take The 15-Minute Sales   Workout  offer off the market after we sell 1,000 copies. Why? In order to ensure exclusivity. You’ve made an investment – and it’s up to me to protect it. So ACT NOW – and gain the advantage over your competition.