The 13 Colonies New England, Middle, and Southern.

Post on 16-Jan-2016

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Transcript of The 13 Colonies New England, Middle, and Southern.

The 13 ColoniesThe 13 ColoniesNew England, Middle, and Southern

New England

Protestant Reformation

Pilgrims at Plymouth Colony

Massachusetts Bay Colony


Rhode Island

Massachusetts Bay Colony

John Winthrop-led Puritans to Mass. Bay & became 1st governor (assembly)

Puritans (Persecution)

Witch Trials - 1692

Anne Hutchinson - questioned minister’s teachings fled to RI

Town meetings- discuss issues & vote


Thomas Hooker - said governor had too much power & wanted to limit govt.

Wrote Fundamental Orders of Conn:1. vote to all men who were prop owners 2. limited governor’s power (rep govt)

Rhode Island

Began by Roger Williams- spoke out against the leaders in Mass. Bay (too much power)

Based on religious tolerance(let others practice their religion)

Separation of church and state

Middle Colonies

New York (New Netherlands)

Proprietary colony

cash crop

cultural diversity

Pennsylvania - Quakers

New York/New Netherland

Settled as a trading center (furs-beavers) - religious freedom

Settled by the Dutch- taken by the English w/ little fight

New Jersey developed out of NY as a proprietary colony give land - receive payment


Settled by William Penn - Quaker - Protestant reformers who believed that all people were equal, no war

Protestants, Catholics, Jews flocked here

Southern Colonies


Cash crop




Slave codes


rise of plantations -indigo, tobacco, cotton

Slaves needed for plantations


Catholic settlement by Lord Baltimore built for religious freedom

Act of Toleration- religious freedom for all Christians


James Oglethorpe settled it as a place where debtors could make a fresh start

Slave codes

treated enslaved Africans as property not as human being

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