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The Spark: The 28-Day Breakthrough Plan for Losing Weight, Getting Fit, and Transforming Your Life by Chris Downie, Founder, CEO, and Motivation Expert

The SparkPeople Cookbook: Love Your Food, Lose the Weight, by Chef Meg Galvin, World Master Chef and Healthy Cooking Expert at with Stepfanie Romine, editor of


28-Day Bootcamp with Coach Nicole

The Spark: Fit, Firm, & Fired Up, with Coach Nicole

SparkPeople Cardio Blast, with Coach Nicole

Copyright © 2012 by SparkPeople, Inc.

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Author: Samantha Donohue

Editor: Stepfanie Romine

Copy editor: Melinda Hershey

Cover design: Brian Franklin

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Table of Contents Tips for Making Healthy School Lunches Kids Will Actually Eat

Thinking Outside the Lunchbox

Planning a Healthy Lunch

Building a Balanced Lunch

Presentation Counts

Tips to Help Teens and Tweens Pack Healthier Lunches

7 Moms Share Their Best Healthy Lunch Advice

The 25-Day Healthy Lunch Meal Plan

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Bonus Meal Ideas

Buying Lunch

50 Healthy, Easy Recipes

Sides and Sweets

Black Bean Spread

Chef Meg's Hummus

Choco-Almond Butter

Chocolate Covered Pretzels

Creamy Fat Free Herb Dressing

Deviled Eggs

"Fried" Cheese Sticks

No Added Sugar Pumpkin-Apple Butter

Slow Cooker Strawberry-Rhubarb Conserve

Tomato Soup

Whole Grains

Better Berry Muffins

Blueberry Flax Seed Muffins

Easy Whole Wheat Flatbread

Maple-Almond Butter Granola

Raspberry-Lemon Scones

Simple Quinoa and Vegetables

Whole Wheat Couscous with Spinach and Squash

Whole-Wheat Pita Chips

Whole Wheat Pretzels

Zucchini Muffins

Veggies and Fruit

Carrot-Cranberry Salad

Creamy Watermelon Salad

Fruit Kebabs with Coconut Yogurt

Garden Potato Salad

Roasted Vegetables with Pineapple

Healthy, Fruity Breakfast Hand Tarts

Layered Greek Dip

Pumpkin Dip

Spicy Baked Sweet Potato Fries

Tangy Broccoli Slaw

Main Dishes for "Leftover" Lunches

Best Chicken Soup

Better than Takeout Chicken Fried Rice

BLT-Potato 'Nachos'

Cheeseburger Soup

Chicken Satay with Vegetables

Chili Con Carne

Curried Chicken Pitas

Empty the Pantry Stew

Loaded Potato Soup

Mini Taco Cups

Nutty Noodles

Slow Cooker Beef Roast with Vegetables

Slow Cooker Buffalo Chicken Soup

Slow Cooker Vegetarian Chili

Spicy Nutty Chicken Nuggets

Spring Rolls

Super Speedy Sausage Rolls

Taco Soup

Turkey Bacon Breakfast Rolls

Veggie Chicken Stir Fry

Bonus: 25 Healthy, Tasty After-School Snack Ideas

Also from

The School Lunch Dilemma

It's lunchtime at the office and you're hungry. Your morning has been stressful, and your

co-workers are pooling their money for some fried take-out from the local burger

joint. You decline their invitation (even though comfort food sounds particularly

comforting right now) and instead sit down with the healthy lunch you brought from

home, complete with whole grains, lean proteins, raw vegetables, and lots of water. You

know you have an afternoon full of meetings, phone calls, and errands, and the fiber

and vitamins will carry you through your to-do list valiantly.

Congratulations! You made a decision that will benefit your energy levels and your long-

term health.

Do you think you would have made the same decision in the lunch line in the second


Kids in school face complicated lunchtime decisions on a daily basis. The decision to

buy or to pack is only the beginning. On the way to the lunchroom, the hallways are

lined with vending machines selling soda, chips and candy. The kids in the lunchroom

flock toward the a la carte counter, where they can buy French fries, hot dogs, and

sugary drinks. And don't forget about the added factor of peer pressure, which

complicates this decision even more.

These days, academic competition starts early, and standardized tests are more

important than ever. Our kids are working hard. Class time is more structured, so it

shouldn't come as a surprise that students look to lunch as an opportunity to recharge

and refuel both physically and emotionally.

In their most vulnerable and engaged moments, are we supporting our kids with healthy

food choices that match their individual needs? Unfortunately, many of us have, at one

time or another, defaulted to what the food industry advertises to our kids or sells to our

local school lunch program. Jamie Oliver, a crusader for healthy school lunches, often

says that "children who are fed better, do better." Recent research supports this notion.

To see for myself, I visited my children several times during lunch last school year.

During the lunch hour, I observed students--including my kids--rushing through their

meals as quickly as possible to get to the playground. I watched lunch workers trying

hard to make sure that students, especially the little ones, were finishing their lunch

before running outside. They also guided each student getting a hot lunch through the

fruits and vegetables line to select something they liked. For those who brought a lunch,

they didn't have anyone asking, "Are you going to eat that apple?" Despite the workers'

efforts, I saw a lot of food tossed into the trash on the way to and from lunch, especially

by older kids. I noticed very few students trying a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Almost everyone chose the canned fruit in syrup.

What a child eats for lunch at school not only influences their energy levels in math

class, but also sets the stage for adult eating habits. Too many wrong decisions can be

a recipe for a nutritional disaster. But if you use lunchtime decision-making as a

teachable moment, you can help your child learn to make nutritionally sensible

decisions. Whether your child chooses to pack or to buy, here's what you both need to

know about lunchtime nutrition.

Tips for Making Healthy School Lunches Kids Will Actually Eat

Breakfast might be the most important meal of the day, but lunch runs a close second.

Studies have shown that children who eat a well-balanced lunch often do better in

school and are more alert. It can be difficult enough to get your child to eat right when

you're there to monitor what he or she eats. But in the cafeteria, where the temptations

of pizza, vending machines and other unhealthy snacks await, you have to up your

game to get kids to actually eat what you've packed.

To help you provide healthy lunches for your family, SparkPeople's sister site,, has asked members and experts for tips and advice on packing kids'


First of all, remember that it's not your lunch. If you pack broccoli and your son hates it,

he won't eat it. Let your kids weigh in on what they want to pack in their lunches, and

offer them a few healthy choices so they feel like they're in control.

Save Money and Pack Smart

Though you might be tempted by their convenience and kid-friendly sizes, avoid pre-packaged, processed foods for your kids' lunches. They're expensive and loaded with sodium and preservatives.

Think outside the lunchbox. Did your kids love last night's roasted chicken and vegetables? Pack some in a thermos for them to eat the next day. Pack leftover meatballs into a whole-grain hotdog bun for a lunchtime sandwich. Mix leftover rice and vegetables and top with chunks of pork or chicken.

There's no rule that lunch has to include a sandwich, chips and a cookie. Try a tasting plate of chicken chunks or deli turkey roll-ups with a handful of grapes and carrots with a small container of low-fat dressing. Finger foods are usually a hit with kids.

Be safe. Pack lunches properly to ensure food safety and freshness. Invest in a reusable ice-pack, a thermos to hold warm foods and a variety of different sized containers. Include a cloth napkin and reusable utensils to cut down on waste. Remind your child to always wash her hands before she eats.

More Mom-Tested Tips

Here's what community team members are doing to make lunch fun, tasty

and healthy for their kids.

LISAMARIE55 uses a thermos for both warm and cold food items. Pasta salad with

diced tomatoes, cucumber, cheese and carrots, with an olive oil-based dressing, is a

great lunch. In the winter, put veggie soup in the thermos. To sneak in extra vegetables,

add shredded veggies (zucchini, carrots or celery) to tuna or chicken salad.

JAKE_ADAMSMOMMY likes to pack string cheese, grapes, carrot sticks, and cheese-

and-cracker sandwiches that her kids can put together themselves.

COOKIECHRISTIAN likes to keep lunchtime fun with the following ideas: bagel

sandwiches, celery sticks filled with peanut butter or cream cheese, carrot sticks,

cucumber, "trees" (cauliflower and broccoli) with ranch dressing, frozen tubes of yogurt

(they thaw by lunch), dried fruits, black olives, fruit kabobs with pineapple, melon, and

berries, chips and cheese or bean dip, guacamole and pico de gallo for kids to

assemble themselves.

LUV4MY3BOYS likes to include as many food groups as possible in her sons' lunches.

She fills celery with peanut butter and raisins and uses a cookie cutter to make heart-

shaped peanut butter sandwiches. She chooses whole-grain bread, natural peanut

butter, and all-fruit preserves. For something sweet, she includes yogurt and granola

with fresh fruit, apples dipped in peanut butter, homemade oatmeal raisin cookies, and

trail mix.

KIMMER322 loves cutting up fresh fruits such as pears, bananas, apples and grapes

and tossing them with vanilla yogurt.

TAMMYBEE5 likes to pack sliced carrots, cucumbers and fruit salad.

Tip: Use whole-wheat flatbreads to make kid-size sandwiches.

Thinking Outside the Lunchbox

Although a packed lunch can be a healthy alternative to cafeteria food, making sure all those required vitamins and minerals also squeeze into that brown bag can be a challenge. Just as the hot lunch counter may be laden with unhealthy foods, so may a poorly-packed lunch. Whether your child wants to pack lunch every day or just on "mystery meat Mondays," there are a few things to consider when he or she forgoes the cafeteria fare. Make It Nutritious To ensure that your child has ample fuel to power through those long classes, make sure he or she is eating a wide variety of foods from the major food groups. Use the "Plate" method (which replaced the Food Guide Pyramid in 2011) as a guide to make sure you're covering all the bases. Here are some additional tips on making lunchtime nutritious:

Choose whole-wheat bread instead of white. Whole grains are loaded with nutrients and fiber, while their refined counterparts are lacking. To make sure your bread is whole-wheat, check the label. The first ingredient should be whole wheat, not just wheat flour. If your child is used to the refined version, try switching to a hybrid variety first, which contains some whole grains mixed with refined flour.

Don't skip fruits and vegetables. Many kids are partial to fruits, but vegetables are important, too. Include peanut butter or ranch dressing as a dip for carrots, celery, or cherry tomatoes. Add finely-minced kale and zucchini to soups or stews, where it may sneak past your detective. For fruit, fresh is best. If you must use canned (it may be time-saving and cheaper), make sure it is preserved in fruit juice, not syrup.

Include protein for sustained energy. Besides lean meats, good protein sources include nuts, cheese, and beans. Some easy-to-pack examples include cheese cubes, almond butter (like peanut butter, but made with almonds instead), trail mix, hummus, and mock-meat deli slices (found in the natural foods section of your local grocery).

Add calcium. Include milk money or pack calcium-enriched orange juice, soymilk, or rice milk.

Avoid soda and other sweetened drinks. Water and 100% fruit juices are better choices.

Make it Delicious Even if you did pack a cottage-cheese-stuffed bell pepper and a bran muffin, that doesn't necessarily mean that it made its way to your child's tummy. This lunch might please your palate, but younger taste buds aren't generally so adventurous. And if they don't like it, they probably won't eat it—especially if you're not around. The best way to ensure that lunch ends up where it should is to recruit some help when packing it. Research shows kids enjoy food more if they've helped in its preparation. Besides letting them chop and bag, there are many ways to get them involved:

Let your child choose what to pack. If you're afraid to let her choose what goes in the box for fear it will consist entirely of junk food, let her choose between a few different approved items.

Create a menu. Work with your child to come up with a list of foods he'd be happy to see in his lunchbox. Categorize them into food groups, and let your child pick an item from each group to pack. This way they have guidelines AND a choice. Keep a running list of ideas (yours and your child's), so that you can liven up the menu periodically.

Don't overlook last night's dinner. Did your child really love the veggie pizza you had for dinner last night? Leftovers save time and make a great lunch.

Respect individual tastes. If you're packing for multiple children, keep in mind that what works for one may not work for another.

Allow periodic splurges. If you've got a die-hard chocoholic on your hands, allow the occasional treat, as long as he or she is eating healthy most of the time.

Take the work out of lunch. Some schools give kids as little as 20 minutes to eat lunch, so peel, chop, seed, and spread in advance. They'll be more likely to eat that juicy orange if it's already peeled.

Only pack foods that have passed the test. If your child has never tried nori rolls, don't pack them until they gain approval.

Discuss the other leftovers. If you pack the carrot sticks and your child tosses them, no one benefits. Make sure that your child is actually eating her entire lunch—if not, then don't pack so much. Ask her to bring home the leftovers so you can modify portion sizes next time.

Make it Safe No matter how nutritious and delicious your child's lunch may be, it could cause her harm if it is not prepared and stored according to food safety guidelines. To ensure that your child's egg salad sandwich is Staphylococcus-free, follow these guidelines.

Always wash your hands (and your child's if he's helping!) prior to handling food.

Make sure all preparation surfaces are clean to avoid cross-contamination.

If you are cooking food that will be eaten cold, allow enough time to chill it thoroughly prior to packing.

If you are packing your child's lunch in a reusable bag or box, make sure it has been washed in warm, soapy water after each use.

Keep perishable food out of the "danger zone". Harmful bacteria multiply quickly between the temperatures of 40°F and 140°F.

To keep cold foods cold, refrigerate lunches until you're ready to walk out the door, and include an ice pack with perishable items.

To keep hot foods hot, fill an insulated thermos with boiling water and let stand five minutes. While you are waiting, bring the food to a boil, empty the thermos, and then pour in the hot food. Keep it closed until lunchtime to keep it safe.

Some foods that don't require an ice pack include fruits, vegetables, trail mix, breads, hard cheeses, canned foods (as long as they are consumed immediately upon opening), nut butters, jelly, mustard, and pickles.

Planning a Healthy Lunch

Although packing lunches may take a little more time than handing your kids a fistful

of cash as they dart out the front door, it is also an opportunity to teach nutrition and

planning skills and to connect with your kids. Research shows that kids who eat

healthfully throughout childhood are more likely to be healthy adults, and packing a

healthy lunch is yet another way to promote this behavior.

We moms are busy, no doubt about it. While I admit that I aspire to make the fun

lunchtime creations I see on Pinterest and blogs, I rarely have the time between my job,

three kids (with food allergies and dietary restrictions) and a husband, plus my own

healthy habits. It can be difficult to strike a balance between making lunch fun for kids

while keeping it quick and easy for parents, but you can make it work.

My #1 tip? Talk about the lunch menu.

On our drive home from taekwondo or ballet, I ask my husband and the kids what

sounds good for lunch next week. If they need ideas, I'll ask them what they liked on the

hot lunch menu at school last week, and we'll brainstorm ways to make it healthier at

home. I also ask what they saw in their friend's lunches that they liked. Then we talk

about what's locally grown and in season here in California to make our final choices for

the week. It's amazing what we can accomplish together--when Mom can get help in the

decision-making process, everything runs more smoothly.

Here are some tips to help with the planning and preparation:

Keep a printout of the "MyPlate" graphic from the USDA on your fridge. Write in the

items you have on hand from each food group. Let the kids circle what they want.

Once a week, cut up fresh fruits and veggies and store them in glass or plastic

containers. This makes it easy to grab items quickly when preparing lunch.

Create a daily menu where your child can circle their favorites. My children made one

that we use for sandwiches that includes choices for bread, meats or other protein,

cheese or other dairy, and toppings. They like to circle what they want for the day and

turn it in to the chef (aka Mom).

Know your child. Introducing new foods is challenging enough when you're around. If

you have a picky eater, chances are they aren't going to eat broccoli without coaxing

just because you pack it in their lunchbox.

Building a Balanced Lunch

Include something from each food group, but be creative. Here are some tips for

creating a well-balanced meal. (All servings are for children ages 6-12.)

Whole grains

5 servings per day

1 serving=

1 slice bread

1 oz cereal

1/2 English muffin, bun or bagel

1 (7-inch) tortilla

1 small muffin

1/2 cup of pasta, rice, grits or hot cereal

Always choose whole-grain or whole-wheat bread. If your kids won't eat the crusts, that's OK--trim them off. It's more important that they're eating the sandwich.

Toss air-popped popcorn with cinnamon and sugar for a sweet treat, or sprinkle on some Parmesan cheese. It's a great whole-grain snack.

Spread brown-rice cakes with peanut butter, all-fruit spread or light cream cheese.

Whole-grain crackers that are low in fat and high in fiber are a good substitute for bread for little mouths. Kids love the crunch. Send a few pieces of cheese so kids can create their own mini sandwiches.

Make whole-wheat versions of your family's favorite quick breads and muffins.

Make large batches of cookies--oatmeal raisin is a good choice--and freeze them. You can take one from the freezer and put it in your child's lunch box. It will thaw by lunchtime.

Instead of bread, try a whole-wheat tortilla for a sandwich. Roll one up with low-sodium deli meat, cheese and honey mustard.

Whole-wheat pretzel sticks are crunchy and fun for kids. Make sure the version you buy lists "whole wheat flour" as a primary ingredient.


2-3 servings per day

1 serving of fruit =

1/2 cup 100% juice

1 medium fruit

1 cup berries

1/2 cup canned (packed in water or juice)

1/4 cup dried (no sugar added)

Use what's fresh and in season. Seasonal fruit tastes better and is also cheaper.

Make fruit easy for kids to eat. Segment oranges and core apples and pears (squeeze lemon juice over them to keep them from turning brown). Cut up large pieces of fruit into smaller pieces.

Offer dried fruit like raisins, cherries or cranberries.

Buy 100% real fruit leathers or roll-ups.

When buying canned fruit, make sure it's packed in 100% fruit juice rather than syrup.

Instead of jams and jellies, make a peanut butter sandwich with banana slices, raisins or berries.

Offer a handful of seedless grapes in a bag with a wet paper towel for sticky hands. (The wet paper towel also comes in handy after eating an orange.)

Make a fruit smoothie and store it in a thermos. Add a handful of spinach for an extra serving of veggies. Your kids will never know. (Make the smoothie at night

and freeze. It will be nice and slushy by lunchtime.)


3-4 servings per day

1 serving=

1/2 cup no-salt-added 100% juice

1/2 cup cooked

1 cup raw

1 cup greens

Cut raw veggies into bite-sized pieces and serve them with a dip. In addition to ranch, try peanut butter or another nut butter, pesto, salsa, hummus or guacamole--whatever your kids will eat.

Add shredded vegetables to sandwiches and soup.

Try mixing chopped broccoli or cauliflower with brown rice and a bit of cheese for a healthy casserole.


2-3 servings per day

1 serving=

1 cup skim or 1% milk

1 cup yogurt

1 oz cheese

1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese, pudding or frozen yogurt

Either provide money for your child to buy milk, or include a small carton of shelf-stable milk in every lunch.

String cheese or a few cubes of cheese are a great way for kids to get calcium and protein.

Freeze a small container of cottage cheese or yogurt. Add it to your child's lunchbox and it will be thawed by lunch.

Instead of paying for flavored yogurt, add your kids' favorite all-fruit spread, chopped fruit or a drizzle of honey or maple syrup to the yogurt.

Try topping cottage cheese with chopped tomatoes or pineapple chunks.

If your child will only drink chocolate milk, allow it. It's better than drinking no milk at all.


Children (ages 6-12) need 2–2.5 servings of lean protein per day.

1 serving=

2-3 oz cooked lean meat or fish

1 egg

2 Tbsp nut butters

1/4 cup nuts or seeds

1/2 cup beans or peas

If your child isn't a fan of meat, that's OK. There are plenty of ways to get protein into his or her lunch. It's very important to include protein because it will help keep your child fuller longer. As long as your child is old enough to eat nuts and there are no allergen concerns, experiment with various forms of nut butter. Beyond peanut, there's cashew, almond, sunflower, soynut and even hazelnut butter.

Eggs are another great source of protein. Include a hard-boiled egg (peel it first) or a couple of deviled eggs (made with low-fat mayo).

If your kids are fans of tuna, egg or chicken salad, sneak some veggies into it. Minced carrots, celery, zucchini and even cucumbers mix well. In addition to regular sandwiches, these salads make great dippers for whole-grain crackers and raw veggies.

Hummus or black bean dip is full of filling fiber and protein. Like the salads mentioned above, it's great in sandwiches or as a dip.

Disguise protein as a treat by mixing nuts with dried fruit and just a few chocolate chips for an easy trail mix.

DIY Lunch Ideas Kids love to assemble their own lunches and it gives them ownership in the process.

However, the supermarket varieties of assemble-it-yourself lunches are loaded with salt,

sugar, and fat. Skip the plastic boxes and make your own! Use small re-sealable plastic

containers for each ingredient or look for multi-compartment containers at your



o Whole-grain English muffin, split

o Shredded low-fat mozzarella cheese

o Pizza sauce

o Sliced olives

Turkey Sandwich

o Whole-grain crackers or mini rice cakes

o Lean turkey, cut into fun shapes with cookie cutters or sliced in quarters

o Sliced cheese, cut into fun shapes with cookie cutters or sliced in quarters

Nutty Apple Sandwich

o Graham crackers

o Peanut butter

o Apple slices

Greek Lunchbox

o Whole-Wheat Pita Chips

o Hummus

o Carrot, celery, cucumber sticks

o Feta cheese or chopped olives

o Cherry tomatoes, cut in half

Yogurt Parfait

o Plain or vanilla Greek yogurt

o 1 teaspoon of no-sugar-added strawberry fruit spread

o 1/2 cup sliced strawberries or any fruit

o Granola or graham crackers

Chicken Delight

o Sliced chicken breast

o Ranch dipping sauce

o Carrot/celery sticks

o Whole-wheat pita, cut into wedges

Lettuce-wrapped chicken

o Chef Meg's Chicken Salad

o Iceberg lettuce leaves

o Chopped peanuts

o Shredded carrots

o Peanut sauce for dunking

Presentation Counts

Though we like to tell our kids that beauty is only skin deep and to never judge a book

by its cover, the same doesn't hold true with food--especially new food. For kids,

presentation is as important as taste.

A fun experiment is to put a new food in front of your kids. Watch them and don't

interfere. They're likely to first look, then smell, then touch and inspect further. It's a

normal response to be suspicious of whatever we put into our mouths. Use that to your

advantage. Instead of preparing the same boring sandwich, we've gathered ideas to

make lunch staples fun and exciting.

Lunch on a Stick

Rainbow Fruit Kebabs with Coconut Yogurt

Cobb Salad Kebab (ham, romaine, boiled egg, bacon chunks, Cheddar cheese

chunks, and halved cherry tomatoes)

Rainbow Veggie Kebabs (halved cherry tomatoes, sliced carrots, yellow

peppers, cucumbers, and olives) with ranch dipping sauce

Chicken Satay (cubed chicken, cucumber, and pineapple) with peanut dipping


Sandwich on a stick (cubed whole-grain bread, cheese, lean meats, halved

cherry tomatoes, and pickles)

BLT on a Stick (bacon chunks, romaine, halved cherry tomatoes, and

mozzarella cheese or avocado treated with lemon juice) with ranch dipping sauce

Wrap It Up

Wraps and pinwheels are fun for kids to eat. There are a variety of wrapper choices, but

my favorites are whole-wheat tortillas and rice paper. We also make "sandwich sushi"

by rolling a slice of bread flat, trimming the crusts and piling on the toppings before

rolling and slicing.

Whether you choose tortillas, rice paper wraps, or "sushi" bread, here are some fun


Chicken salad made with green apples, carrots and cucumbers

Egg salad with celery, carrots, and a ranch based sauce

Peanut butter, a whole banana and honey, plus more chopped nuts

Strawberry all-fruit spread and cream cheese

Kate's Lunch Rollups

Chef Meg's Spring Rolls

You can leave the wraps whole or cut into bite-size pieces. (You might need to use a

toothpick to secure them.)

Shape Up Your Sandwich

Cookie cutters and shaped bread tubes (if you bake your own bread) are another easy

way to make lunchtime fun.

Pick cookie cutters and food colors that correspond to an event, season or holiday. You

can even create sandwiches based on your child's current interests. Shaped bread

tubes come in stars, flowers and hearts. Choose one day of the week to bake the bread

and enjoy these cute sandwiches throughout the week.

Use miniature cookie cutters to create a variety of shapes. Cookie cutters work best

with cheese and sandwiches made with spreads (i.e. tuna or chicken salad).

Dips and Spreads

Kids love to dunk, dip, and douse their food with sauces and spreads. If you're

struggling to get kids to eat fruits and veggies, these ideas are a big help!

Homemade Ranch: Greek yogurt mixed with ranch season mix

Creamy Fat-Free Herb Dressing

Peanut butter thinned with a little water or honey

Natural peanut butter with Greek yogurt

Chef Meg's Hummus

Creamy salsa: Mix equal parts mild salsa with low-fat cream cheese, cottage

cheese or Greek yogurt

Honey mustard, homemade or bottled, thinned with a bit of Greek yogurt if


All-fruit spreads:

o Slow-Cooker Strawberry-Rhubarb Conserve or

o Chef Meg's No-Added-Sugar Pumpkin-Apple Butter

o Chef Meg's Pumpkin Dip

A Sweet Ending

Don't forget something sweet in your child's lunchbox. Only you will know that these

ideas are healthy as well as nutritious!

Better Berry Muffins

Blueberry Flax Seed Muffins

Choco-Almond Butter

Chocolate Covered Pretzels

Blueberry Flax Seed Muffins

Maple-Almond Butter Granola

Raspberry-Lemon Scones

Zucchini Muffins

A couple of times a week, surprise your child with a small treat. Try:

Mini versions of your favorite homemade cookies or bars

100-calorie snack packs of cookies or cakes

2 chocolate kisses or 1 bite-size candy bar

Homemade "Hot Lunch"

Thermoses are back in style, and they've come a long way in terms of size, color, and

ability to keep food warm. Try serving one of these kid-friendly recipes for dinner, then

pack the leftovers in a thermos the next day. To keep food extra hot, add boiling water

to the thermos, let it sit while you reheat the food, then dump out the water and add the

soup or stew. For cold food, add ice water and let sit for a few minutes. Don't forget to

include a fork or spoon, and cut any large chunks into bite-size pieces. (Food must be

stored at either below 40°F or above 140°F in order to prevent illness-causing bacteria.)

Cheeseburger Soup

Best Chicken Soup

Baked Potato Soup

Chili Con Carne

Slow-Cooker Beef Roast with Vegetables

Skinny Cheese Fondue (use veggie sticks, apple slices, whole grain crackers to dip)

Grab-and-Go Lunches

We all have days when there's not a moment to breathe, let alone plan and pack

lunches. That's why we've gathered our best quick and easy lunch ideas for the

challenging days when it feels like there is simply no time.

Low-sodium turkey jerky, a low-fat cheese stick, pretzels and an apple

Peanut butter and jelly on whole wheat bread with a banana. Send money for

milk to round out the meal.

Hard-boiled egg, bagel and carrot sticks

Cottage cheese cups, salsa and whole grain pita chips

Trail mix lunch: Grab a few handfuls of any combo of peanuts, pretzels, raisins,

pumpkin seeds, chocolate chips or M&M's, yogurt-covered raisins, soy nuts,

chopped dried fruit, dried peas. (It's certainly not a lunch we recommend daily,

but in a pinch, it does pack in some nutrition.)

Snacks Become Lunch

Combine a couple of these snacks to create an easy lunch that's perfect for picky eaters.

Celery sticks with peanut butter and several raisins on top

Rice cakes with peanut butter (good for a protein punch)

Low-fat cheese cubes

Hard-boiled eggs

Deviled egg (wrapped in plastic wrap)

Fruit and yogurt cup (add in some fresh fruits or nuts for a boost)

Trail mix

Nuts or nut mix (stick to just a handful)

Vegetable sticks with a little packet of dip (low-fat salad dressing packets found in salad bars work as easy-to-pack dip)

Broccoli or cauliflower bites

Half of a turkey or tuna sandwich on whole-wheat bread

Cucumber slices (lightly salted or with fat-free Italian dressing)

Yogurt and granola

Leftover chicken or turkey slices (great to eat cold)

Healthy fiber-rich or grain cereal (great to eat dry from a baggie)

Pickles (wrapped in foil or plastic wrap)

Box of raisins or other dried fruit

Half a large whole-wheat bagel with light cream cheese

Apples, bananas, oranges (any fruit works; these are naturally portable)

Mixed berries (these freeze well in plastic bags)

Whole-wheat crackers and low-fat string cheese

Grapes in a baggie

Fruit smoothie in a thermos

Tuna and cottage cheese in mini containers


Don't forget to pack a drink or money for milk at school. Here are some of our favorite

lunchtime thirst quenchers:

Non-fat or low-fat dairy milk

100% fruit juice

Teas (peppermint or berry)

Naturally-flavored waters (add cut strawberries, halved grapes, sliced lemon, or

sliced cucumber)

Natural orange juice: Pack an orange and a straw. Push the straw into the

orange and squeeze out the juice.

Water in a reusable bottle

Choosing a Lunch Box--and What Goes with It

Lunch Box: Choose one that's washable. Bacteria levels can be unsafe when lunch

boxes are not washed often. Clean at least once a week and use vinegar or baking

soda to help remove unwanted odors.

Choose one that's not too big or too small. I made the mistake of ordering a lunch box

that was too small one year. My son had trouble packing everything back up after lunch,

and there was never enough room. Make sure that your lunch box is big enough to hold

any reusable containers, plus food, beverage and snack items. (Don't forget to label all

lunch boxes, containers and water bottles. That way, even if the kids forget them, they'll

be easier to track down in the lost and found.)

Be safe. Find a container with no BPA, lead, vinyl or PVC. I also prefer insulated bags

to keep the food I prepare in the morning safe to consume at lunchtime. Find a reusable

ice pack to include.

Water bottle: Choose one that is easy to clean, that doesn't leak, and that has no loose

parts that could be lost.

Thermos: Choose a size that's appropriate for your child. You can likely err on the

smaller side, as most kids won't eat more than a cup of any food. Be sure it has a tight

seal, and test it to make sure it keeps food at a safe temperature.

Cupcake liners: Paper or reusable silicone cupcake liners are a fun way to keep food

separate. Use both standard and mini-size liners. Silicone baking cups come in a variety

of sizes and colors, and they are easy to clean and reuse.

Food Containers: Containers come in all shapes and sizes. Think about what kinds of

food your children will be eating to pick the appropriate size and shape. Make sure all

items you purchase will fit in the lunch box. Look for containers with no BPA, lead, vinyl

or PVC.

Many companies now make a Japanese "bento"-style lunch box where each food item

has a different section. They come in a variety of sizes suitable for kids' appetites.

Utensils: Make sure to include a fork, kid-safe knife, and spoon. Here are some other

items that will add to the fun:




Hygiene supplies: Keep these in your kids' lunch bags to keep germs away.

Hand sanitizer

Wet wipes


Wet paper towel in a plastic bag.

Notes of encouragement and funny jokes

If you buy a metal lunchbox, paint the inside of the lid with chalkboard paint. It's a great

place to include notes of encouragement.

Create and print address-size labels with notes of encouragement or keep a pack of

colorful post-it notes to leave fun messages.

Some fun note ideas:

Make it a great day.

Live the dream.

You Rock!

You can do this.

Don't forget your smile.

You are special.

You are loved.

Include a joke or something that would make your children laugh.

Tips to Help Teens and Tweens Pack Healthier Lunches

SparkPeople's healthy cooking expert Chef Meg Galvin has three teenage boys, so she

knows a thing or two about packing healthy lunches without stress or fuss. Here are

some of her tips to make meal-planning easy for teens and tweens:

Hold a family meeting on Friday for the next week's menu choices. That way you

can hit the farmers markets or supermarket on the weekend to get the freshest


Post a menu selection on the fridge or use a wipe-off board to post the choices

for the day/week.

Purchase some clear glass or plastic storage containers so that kids can see

what's inside (Isn't it funny how kids get selective blindness when they open the


Label all containers with the items that are inside.

Organize the refrigerator and pantry so that items the kids will need are at their

eye level and items needed for meals are stored together.

Make life easy for you. Reuse leftovers from last night's dinner as much as

possible, and rely on "low-cook" recipes.

Don't forget about yourself! These meal ideas make great lunches for moms and

dads, too.

Chicken Taco Bowls: Chop green-leaf lettuce and toss with shredded cheddar cheese,

black beans, salsa, and leftover cubed chicken. Put each serving in a separate

container and stack together in the fridge.

Chicken Penne Salad: Combine cooked whole-wheat pasta and leftover cubed chicken

with a basic salad dressing. Place shredded and diced vegetables, drained and rinsed

canned beans, and shredded cheese in storage containers so kids can customize their


Loaded Baked Potatoes: Bake (or microwave) big batches of potatoes or sweet

potatoes at night. Pair with drained and rinsed white or red kidney beans, shredded

cheese, chopped broccoli, cubed chicken, and light sour cream.

Flatbread Veggie Sandwiches: Place any leftover vegetables from dinner in clear

containers with a bag of reduced-fat shredded cheese, some whole-wheat flatbread,

and a package of lean deli meat nearby. Kids can build the sandwiches and eat them

cold or warm (by microwaving for 30 seconds if their school has microwaves).

English muffin pizzas: Keep a bag of whole-grain English muffins in the bread box, plus

a bag of shredded cheese and a jar of sauce in the fridge. Chop up a bunch of veggies

the kids like and place them nearby, along with cooked chicken or turkey pepperoni.

The kids can build their own pizzas.

Fun pasta: Cook up a box of small pasta in a fun shape, such as stars or the alphabet.

Puree a jar of chunky veggie sauce and a few handfuls of fresh spinach, then add to the

pasta. Add ground turkey seasoned with Italian spices, and this will replace favorite

canned pasta.

Souped-up Smoothies: Over the weekend, make a batch of your favorite granola and

store in a clear container on the countertop. Stock the freezer with all kinds of frozen

fruit: blueberries, strawberries, diced mango, sliced peaches, or cubed cantaloupe.

Stock your refrigerator with plain Greek yogurt and skim milk, and the kids can make

healthy "milkshakes" topped with granola for a quick meal on the go (store in a thermos

until lunchtime).

Savory stuffed waffles: Over the weekend, make an extra batch of waffles stuffed with

lean meats. Fill the bottom of the griddle with half the amount of recommended batter,

then 2 ounces of turkey or ham, and top with remaining batter. Cook, cool, then freeze

in plastic bags. Let thaw overnight in the fridge.

Remember, when all else fails, there's always the good old' PB&J with milk!

7 Moms Share Their Best Healthy Lunch Advice

We asked members for their advice on getting kids excited about eating healthy

lunches. Here's what worked for them:

Besides having her choose and help prepare the food, I've done two things that

have made a difference. First, I try to be the best role model possible in my own

choices (usually eating what she eats). Second, I printed out the USDA's Food

Plate, and taught her about it.

"As she makes her choices, we use the groupings on the Food Plate to guide

what she eats next. For example: '"You've already had fruit and enough protein,

but you need bread and dairy," results in a bowl of Cheerios and milk. This gives

her freedom, but also guides her to healthy choices. MIMAWELIZABETH

We make lunch fun by packing it in a bento box (Japanese-style lunch box), and

everything in it is bite sized: generally a portion of protein, a portion of brown rice or

whole wheat pasta, two portions of vegetables, and one portion of fruit. We utilize tiny

cutters to cut vegetables into cute shapes; the object is to create a beautiful and

healthful lunch. My kids rarely eat sandwiches -- they think sandwiches are for vacation!

Making it appealing in appearance really helps -- and the more colors, the better!


We make PB&J roll ups, which are simply peanut butter and jelly spread on a

whole wheat tortilla, rolled up, and cut into pieces. I also ask them to make

choices: "Would you like cut up apples with cinnamon, or applesauce, or


Pack healthy dips for carrot strips, and make a home-made trail mix with the kids

to get them involved.

I've told both my kids I prefer them to pack because I don't think the lunches are

as healthy at school as they should be -- and if they are, I know my kids aren't

eating the veggies as the side dish. I don't give them the choice to eat poorly.


Make a menu they can choose from. Cut out pictures of different items for the menu and

you can rotate what can be chosen each week. Then have them choose from the

pictures what they want. Doing this you can decide how many items from one food

group they will take.

My kids like to use tortilla shells to make “sandwiches.” They will spread peanut butter

and jelly on one and roll it up to eat. Or they may use a couple of pieces of lunch meat

and cheese to roll up. Our youngest will spread peanut butter, slice up a banana, and

add some raisins. Sometimes I purchase a large bag of the small ones just from them to

use like this. This gives them something different than bread all of the time.


My son will try anything called "pizza" or "noodles." I've taken to having a make-

our-own-pizza night once a week (it's a bit cheaper, too). He's eaten chicken

fajita pizza with peppers, onions, and tomatoes, sausage pizza with peppers and

onions, and Hawaiian pizza with onions and pineapple. You can control how

much of the toppings go on so that they get more veggies and less meat and

cheese. Leftover pizza could also make for a good packed lunch for school.


I also believe in letting kids make their own choices, but you have to start young. Since

she was very little, I always told her, you need to have a vegetable or fruit at every

meal, but you get to pick which one. So now she is old enough that it is just habit for

her. We always have a variety of fruit and vegetables at home, and my daughter gets to

pick. So for instance, today I had cherries, plums and apples at home. I asked her which

one she wanted in her lunch. She chose a plum. Basically for the other things, she gets

to choose between certain things, such as string cheese or yogurt, or tuna sandwich

versus turkey sandwich. -CORAL-

I like to plan out lunches the night before so that my son gets to choose what he

eats. I tell him his options, he makes his choices and if he comes home from

school and didn't eat something, he has to give me 10 extra minutes of

homework or reading and no video games. Works like a charm! Just make sure

that you have a variety of fruits/veggies so they don't get bored! TISTEN23

The 25-Day Healthy Lunch Meal Plan

Just add a healthy beverage, and these meals are ready to go!

Meal Codes:

Veg: Vegetarian

DF: Dairy-free

GF: Gluten-free

NF: Nut-free

Week 1

Monday: The Cowboy/Cowgirl Lunch (veg)

Pack Cowboy Caviar or Black Bean and Corn Salsa with whole-grain or baked tortilla

chips and shredded cheese.

Add on 1/2 cup grapes and 1 granola bar.

Tuesday: Chicken "Sushi" Sandwich Rolls

Roll out a slice of whole-wheat bread and trim off the crusts. Spread with chicken salad,

then roll and slice into pinwheels.

Pack with apple slices sprinkled with cinnamon and honey whole wheat pretzel sticks.

Wednesday: DIY Pizza

Pack a split whole-wheat English muffin in a sandwich bag along with small containers

of tomato sauce, low-fat shredded cheese, and a few slices of turkey pepperoni or

chunks of low-fat sausage.

Serve with pepper slices and a cup of unsweetened applesauce

Tip: Add pureed spinach to the pizza sauce to sneak in more veggies.

Thursday: Banana Dog (veg)

Spread all-natural peanut butter on a whole-wheat hot dog bun. Place a whole banana

in the middle and drizzle with a small amount of honey. Sprinkle with cinnamon if


Include celery or carrots sticks--both are great with peanut butter.

Add a serving of yogurt, too.

For a treat, skip the honey and add some mini chocolate chips.

Tip: Freeze individual tubs of yogurt (or small reusable containers), and they'll thaw by


Friday: Mini DIY Turkey Sandwich (GF)

Pack mini rice cakes (or crackers), low-fat sliced cheese, and lean turkey for your child

to build mini sandwiches. Serve with apple slices.

Add popcorn sprinkled with Parmesan cheese.

Bonus: Cut the cheese and turkey into fun shapes with a mini cookie cutter. Use the

"scraps" for a morning omelet.

Week 2:

Monday: Yogurt Sundae (GF/Veg)

In a medium re-sealable container, layer plain or flavored yogurt along with fresh

berries, honey, and granola.

Include graham crackers on the side.

Tip: Freeze the container, and it will thaw by lunchtime.

Tuesday: Hawaiian Chicken (GF)

Pair baked chicken tenders with cubed pineapple.

Add on shelled edamame and all-natural fruit leather.

Don't forget the peanut or teriyaki dipping sauce!

Wednesday: Pasta Salad (NF)

Mix cooked whole-wheat pasta with a variety of finely-chopped veggies (like broccoli,

cherry tomatoes, sundried tomatoes, red peppers, carrots, celery, green onion, or

chopped olives), diced chicken breast, black beans, or shredded cheese. Mix with light

vinaigrette (or ranch dressing if that's what your children prefer).

Pack some grapes for a serving of fruit.

Tip: Use this "recipe" as a guide to create infinite variations. Pair pasta with a protein, 1-

2 veggies, and a sauce (Think: pesto, teriyaki, or even good old tomato sauce).

Thursday: Trail Mix Lunch

Oh, no--we overslept! Not to worry. Grab lunch and GO!

Mix together about two handfuls of nuts, seeds, dried fruits, pretzels or mini whole-grain

crackers. Include a few small treats such as mini marshmallows, chocolate chips or

M&Ms. Pair with lean low-sodium turkey jerky or a cheese stick.

Friday: Chips and Chili (GF)

Pack leftover or canned chili in a thermos. Serve with corn chips and shredded cheese

or sour cream. My kids love to dip the chips in the chili.

This goes great with mini cups of mandarin oranges.

Tip: Double the batch of chili for dinner. You'll have leftovers for lunch, and you can also

freeze individual portions for lunches on busy days.

Week 3

Monday: Greek Feast (Veg)

Pair single-serving hummus cups (or homemade) with veggie sticks like carrots, celery,

peppers, and cucumber. Add Easy Whole-Wheat Flatbread (or use store-bought

bread), plus pitted olives and a cheese stick. Crunchy veggie chips also go great with

this lunch.

Tip: Kids not adventurous? Swap for ranch or dill dip made with Greek yogurt, and add

pickle slices instead of olives.

Tuesday: Egg Salad Sandwich

Prepare your favorite egg salad recipe and spread on whole-grain bread. Add a few

spinach leaves to the sandwich. Cut into triangles for fun.

Serve with carrot sticks and Greek yogurt ranch dip.

For fun: Sneak in a chocolate kiss for a surprise.

Wednesday: Sandwich on a Stick

Thread lean ham slices, cubed cheese, cherry tomatoes, pickles, cubed whole-grain

bread, and spinach on a skewer.

Include a slice of Zucchini Carrot Cake.

Note: For little mouths, you can use lollipop sticks (available at craft stores).

Thursday: Sweet Mango Roll (GF)

Wrap up chopped spinach, mango, chicken breast strips, shredded carrots and

cucumber inside a rice paper wrapper or whole-wheat tortilla. Dunk into low-sodium

teriyaki or Coach Nicole's Tasty Peanut Sauce.

Serve with cinnamon-apple rice cakes.

Tip: Try shredding or finely chopping veggies to make them harder to remove from

dishes. We've found that if it's not worth the trouble of removing them, kids are more

likely to eat them!

Friday: TGIF Treat

Spread chocolate hazelnut butter (or your favorite chocolate nut butter) on a whole

wheat tortilla. Add sliced bananas, fold over, and cut into wedges.

Add a cheese stick and some cucumber slices with dip.

For fun: Include a note about how excited you are for the weekend's family activities.

Week 4

Monday: Peanut Butter Rice Cake (GF)

Pack a brown-rice cake with a side of all-natural peanut butter mixed with Greek yogurt.

Add fresh sliced apples or blueberries.

Include a serving of popcorn, carrot sticks or celery, and a box of raisins.

Tip: If your kids don't like peanut butter, serve with applesauce and raisins and a

cheese stick for protein.

Tuesday: Egg-cellent Lunch (Veg)

Another "oh, no, we're late" lunch: Pair a peeled hard-boiled egg with cheese cubes and

whole-grain crackers. Pack a side of fruit salad, too.

Tip: If you know you're going to be busy, take some help from the supermarket. Buy

fruit salad and sliced veggies from the salad bar.

Wednesday: Finger Foods (Veg)

Pack cherry tomatoes, carrot slices, yellow peppers, cooked broccoli, and boiled

potatoes (try purple or red ones). Add ranch dip for dunking.

Pair with a Blueberry Flax Seed Muffin or a fruit strip.

Tip: If you have extra dressing packets you've collected from takeout salads, this is a

great use for them.

Thursday: Turkey Roll-Ups

Spread lean turkey slices with mustard and sprinkle on low-fat cheese, then roll up.

Pair with celery sticks stuffed with peanut butter and cinnamon, or raisins and pretzel


Tip: Swap turkey, roast beef, or veggie "deli slices" for the turkey, if you prefer.

Friday: Nacho Bar

Pack corn chips, chopped chicken or beef, low-fat shredded cheese, black beans, and

mild salsa in small containers.

Add a chewy Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie for a Friday treat.

TGIF Surprise: Put a photo of the family pet or your child with his or her friends in the

bottom of the lunchbox for a smile-inducing surprise.

Bonus Meal Ideas

Crunchy Tuna Salad Wrap

Prepare your favorite tuna salad recipe and add broccoli slaw for added crunch. Wrap in

a whole-wheat tortilla.

Pair with a pudding cup.

Tip: Add a pinch of curry powder to change up your tuna salad.

Fruitier PB& J (Veg)

Swap traditional jam for all-fruit spread or sliced berries or grapes. Cut the sandwich

into fun shapes!

Mini Burgers

If you're having burgers for dinner, make a few extra tiny ones. Pack two mini burgers

atop cocktail bread (or a quartered slice of bread) with cheese and all the trimmings.

Add baked potato chips and watermelon.

Quick Quinoa (GF, DF, Veg)

Mix 1/2 cup of cooked quinoa with chopped bell peppers, tomatoes, white kidney beans,

cucumbers, and your favorite salad dressing.

Pack with an apple and a flavored rice cake.

PB&P Pita

This take on a PB&J is great for fall. Mix canned pumpkin with brown sugar and

pumpkin pie spice to taste, then spread inside a pita with peanut butter. Slice into


Serve with strawberry yogurt and a banana.


Mix cooked pasta (small stars or letters are fun) with tomato sauce, finely chopped

veggies, and ground beef. Heat and pack in a thermos.

Serve with shredded cheese for topping and a cup of peaches.

Pizza Rolls

Spread out store-bought bread dough and top with lean pepperoni or ham, low-fat

shredded cheese, and chopped veggies. Roll up, slice and bake according to package

directions. Pack with a side of sauce and pear slices.

Sorta Twice-Baked Potato

Microwave a small white or sweet potato until soft, then scoop out the inside and mix

with chopped green onions (optional), shredded low-fat cheese, chopped bacon, and a

little milk if need be. Heat until warm, then pack in a thermos.

Serve with blueberries and yogurt.

Chicken Noodle Soup

Pack homemade or canned chicken noodle soup in a thermos. Add a whole-grain roll or

whole-grain crackers and orange slices.

Buying Lunch

Current reports on the state of school lunches are disconcerting. According to the

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), "menus in most school

lunch programs are too high in saturated fat and cholesterol and too low in fiber-

and nutrient-rich fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes." PCRM states,

"Major changes are needed to protect the health of our nation's youth and to

reverse the growing trends of obesity and chronic disease among children and

teens." To compound the problem, many schools operate school stores, where

the students can buy fast food meals (shipped in daily from national fast-food

chains), instant soup-in-a-cup (with a day's worth of sodium at no extra charge),

and of course, candy and chips. These stores act as competitors to the school

lunch programs, offering even less healthy alternatives.

The good news is that schools all over the country are voluntarily modifying their

menus to include healthier options. In Madison County, Alabama, students returned

from summer break to find many changes in the cafeteria, including smaller portions,

more whole grains, and low-fat milk options, all aimed at reducing the state's

growing obesity epidemic. In Berkeley, California, cafeterias are sourcing their

ingredients from local organic farms, increasing the foods' nutritional content as well

as boosting the local economy and supporting sustainable agriculture. And in

Crystal, Minnesota, one school excluded fast-food vendors from the school

store. While reports like this are encouraging to parents, these trends vary state-by-

state and school-by-school.

Here's what you can do to help your child choose a healthy lunch when they're


1. Feed them breakfast. If their stomach is growling in homeroom, they'll be more likely to load up at the vending machines. If you don't have time to feed them a home-cooked breakfast, try natural peanut butter on a whole-wheat bagel and an apple, or a smoothie with soymilk, frozen bananas and peanut butter.

2. Talk to your child about vending machine, a la carte, and school store choices. Help them to realize that it's ok to like fast food, but that doesn't

mean it should be an everyday treat.

3. Lead by example. This may be the most effective way to teach anyone anything, albeit the most difficult. The next time you're out to eat with your child, explain why you choose to order the garden burger instead of the hamburger with cheese, or the chicken salad instead of the fried chicken. Kids are sponges—use it to your (and their) advantage.

Discuss the cafeteria menu with your child, preferably before you're rushing out

the door in the morning. You can help them learn which options are healthier and

talk about the importance of fruits and vegetables. If they don't like what's on the

menu, then they'll have time to pack instead.

50 Healthy, Easy Recipes

Sides and Sweets

Black Bean Spread

This versatile spread can be used as a dip, filling for burritos, or as a boost of protein for quesadillas.

Minutes to Prepare 5 Minutes to Cook 1 Number of Servings 4 Tips Try this: In a whole wheat wrap with broccoli slaw On a rice cake Slathered on an ear of grill corn With baked tortilla chips or veggies Ingredients 1 1/2 cups cooked black beans* 1 shallot, about 2 tablespoons, quartered

1/2 bunch cilantro, about 3/4 cup 1 Serrano pepper, stem and seeds removed 1 clove garlic 1 teaspoon cumin seed 2 limes, zested and juiced 1/4 cup tomato sauce *Note: Warm beans will puree more easily. If you use canned beans, drain and rinse them until no bubbles appear in the water, then microwave for one minute and proceed with the recipe. 1 1/2 cup cooked beans=about 1 14.5-ounce can Directions Place all ingredients in a food processor and puree until smooth. Cover and refrigerate. Serve immediately or refrigerate for up to five days. Serving Size: Makes four 1/2 cup servings Amount Per Serving Calories 101.4 Total Fat 0.5 g Cholesterol 0.0 mg Sodium 157.4 mg Total Carbs 17.6 g Dietary Fiber 5.8 g Protein 5.8 g

Chef Meg's Hummus

Start with this simple but flavorful recipe, then add in anything you'd like! Try it with fresh herbs like chives, cilantro, rosemary, or thyme. Minutes to Prepare 5 Number of Servings 8 Tips For extra creamy hummus, heat the beans in the microwave for 30 seconds before blending. To cut the fat from this recipe, I left out the olive oil and swapped half the tahini for white beans. Drizzle with good olive oil just before serving, if desired. (Calories not included.) Ingredients 1 (14.5-ounce) can chickpeas, drained and rinsed 1/2 cup white kidney beans, drained and rinsed 2 cloves garlic 1 tablespoon tahini 1/4 cup lemon or lime juice 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar 1/4 teaspoon paprika 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper Directions Puree all ingredients in a blender or food processor. Slowly add water one tablespoon at a time (up to 1/2 cup) until the hummus reaches your desired consistency. Serving Size: Makes 2 cups; 1/4 cup per serving Amount Per Serving Calories 65.2 Total Fat

1.8 g Cholesterol 0.0 mg Sodium 128.4 mg Total Carbs 11.2 g Dietary Fiber 2.9 g Protein 3.6 g

Choco-Almond Butter

My friend challenged me to create something to cure his Nutella addiction. This recipe was just the ticket! No hydrogenated oils, fewer calories, less fat--and more fiber and protein! You could make this with hazelnuts and it would be more like Nutella--or any other nut you like. Minutes to Prepare 10 Minutes to Cook 10 Number of Servings 16 Tips Ingredients 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips 1 cup almonds Directions Roast almonds: Either bake at 350 degrees F for 5 minutes or microwave for 1 minute on high. (I recommend the oven.) While still warm, place almonds in a food processor and process for five minutes, stopping occasionally to scrape down the sides of the bowl. Once the almonds have the consistency of almond butter, add the chocolate chips and process until thoroughly combined. Each serving is one rounded tablespoon. Amount Per Serving Calories 101.6 Total Fat 7.6 g Cholesterol 0.0 mg Sodium

1.2 mg Total Carbs 8.4 g Dietary Fiber 1.7 g Protein 2.3 g

Chocolate Covered Pretzels

Large hard pretzels are drizzled in chocolate for a decadent treat! Minutes to Prepare 10 Minutes to Cook 5 Number of Servings 12 Tips Ingredients 12 large whole wheat pretzels 1 cup dark chocolate chips waxed paper Directions Melt chocolate in microwave for about 2 minutes, stirring every 30 seconds or so. Dip top half of pretzel in chocolate and place on waxed paper. Repeat with all 12 pretzels. Place in refrigerator to cool. Makes 12 servings. Number of Servings: 12 Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user SP_STEPF. Amount Per Serving Calories 169.7 Total Fat 4.9 g Cholesterol 0.0 mg Sodium 59.1 mg Total Carbs 31.9 g

Dietary Fiber 3.0 g Protein 3.7 g

Creamy Fat Free Herb Dressing

Use this to dress your salad or as a dipping sauce for cut vegetables. Don't like cilantro? No problem, just swap it out for Italian parsley or dill. Minutes to Prepare 5 Minutes to Cook 0 Number of Servings 12 Tips If you don't have a food processor or blender, chop the cilantro and green onions by hand and blend with remaining ingredients using a fork. Save time: Don't pick off each leaf by hand. Use a chef's knife and make short horizontal strokes along the base of the leaves and they'll come right off. Ingredients 1/2 cup chopped cilantro leaves 2 green onions, white and green parts juice of 1 lemon (3-4 tablespoons) 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 6 ounces nonfat Greek yogurt Directions Place all ingredients except the yogurt in a small food processor or blender and pulse to chop. Add the yogurt and pulse to combine. Refrigerate for up to five days and serve cold. Serving Size: Makes 3/4 cup, one tablespoon per serving Amount Per Serving Calories 8.8 Total Fat

0.0 g Cholesterol 0.0 mg Sodium 5.4 mg Total Carbs 1.1 g Dietary Fiber 0.1 g Protein 1.3 g

Deviled Eggs

Chef Meg lightened up a picnic and potluck favorite! Her secret ingredient (shh, don't tell!) is pickle juice. Minutes to Prepare 5 Number of Servings 6 Ingredients 6 large hard-boiled eggs 3 tablespoons fat free mayonnaise 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 1/4 teaspoons black pepper 1 teaspoon dill pickle, chopped fine 1 teaspoon pickle juice 1 tablespoon celery, chopped fine 1 tablespoon parsley, chopped Directions Cut each egg in half and remove yolks, placing them in a large bowl. Using a fork, mash the yolks until they are small, uniform, and granular. Then add the remaining ingredients. Stir to combine, and scoop or pipe with a piping bag back in to egg halves. Enjoy! Number of Servings: 6 Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user CHEF_MEG. Amount Per Serving Calories 84.8 Total Fat 5.5 g Cholesterol 212.8 mg

Sodium 155.7 mg Total Carbs 1.7 g Dietary Fiber 0.2 g Protein 6.4 g

"Fried" Cheese Sticks

Fried cheese is one of those foods that's so good and yet so bad for you! Chef Meg cut the grease and used a light string cheese to recreate this pub favorite. Minutes to Prepare 3 Minutes to Cook 10 Number of Servings 4 Ingredients 4 light string cheese sticks 1 tablespoon flour 1 cup panko (Japanese bread crumbs) 1/2 cup egg substitute (or 2 egg whites) 1 1/2 tablespoons no salt Italian seasoning

Directions Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Spray a baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray. Pour the flour onto a small plate. Cut the cheese sticks in half. Roll each cheese stick in the flour. Place breadcrumbs and Italian herb blend in a small container with a lid or zipper-top bag; set aside. Pour egg substitute into a shallow dish. Using one hand, roll the floured cheese sticks in the egg mixture. One at a time, using your other (dry) hand, transfer the cheese sticks to the bread crumb mixture and shake to coat. Using the dry hand, remove from the crumb mixture and place on the baking pan. Continue until all cheese sticks are breaded. Spritz each cheese stick with cooking spray. Bake for 10 minutes or until cheese is bubbly and melted. If desired, dunk these cheese sticks in low-sodium tomato sauce (calories not included). Makes 4 two-stick servings. Number of Servings: 4

Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user CHEF_MEG. Amount Per Serving Calories 151.8 Total Fat 2.8 g Cholesterol 10.6 mg Sodium 365.0 mg Total Carbs 13.8 g Dietary Fiber 0.6 g Protein 15.7 g

No Added Sugar Pumpkin-Apple Butter

I love this spread this over whole wheat toast for breakfast with nut butter or to thicken my fall soups. My son Josh loves it with bananas. You won't believe I didn't add any sugar! Minutes to Prepare 5 Minutes to Cook 30 Number of Servings 24 Tips Ingredients 1 (29-ounce) can pumpkin puree or fresh steamed pumpkin 1 cup apple cider 1 tablespoon pumpkin pie spice 1 Granny Smith apple, peeled and diced Directions Give away small canning jars of pumpkin butter as gifts. Due to the low acid in the pumpkin, it is not suitable for canning. Place a label on the jar with the date made. Note that it will keep in the refrigerator for one week or up to three months in the freezer. Be sure to use pumpkin puree, not pumpkin pie mix, which contains spices and sugar. -- Place all ingredients in a lidded saucepan. Cover and simmer over moderate heat for 10 minutes. Remove the lid and cook for an additional 20 minutes. Stir frequently, as the mixture gets quite thick. Puree with an immersion blender or in a food processor. Pour into canning jars or sealed containers. Refrigerate until chilled. Makes 3 cups, 2 tablespoons per serving. Amount Per Serving

Calories 19.9 Total Fat 0.2 g Cholesterol 0.0 mg Sodium 1.8 mg Total Carbs 4.9 g Dietary Fiber 1.2 g Protein 0.4 g

Slow Cooker Strawberry-Rhubarb Conserve

It looks like jam, but it's bursting with whole fruit and thick enough to eat with a fork. Serve over pork roast, on top of yogurt or cottage cheese, or on your morning toast. Minutes to Prepare 5 Minutes to Cook 120 Number of Servings 12 Tips Ingredients 4 pints fresh strawberries, washed and hulled 4 stalks rhubarb**, sliced in half lengthwise then chopped into 1/2 inch pieces 2 lemons, zested* and segmented 1/4 cup brown sugar mint sprigs for garnish * Use a vegetable peeler or paring knife to remove long strips of zest. ** Caution: Do not consume the green leaves of the rhubarb. They are not edible and will make you quite sick! Directions Add all ingredients except the mint to a slow cooker, stir to combine, and cook on low for two hours. Serve warm or chilled. Garnish with mint sprigs, if desired Store covered in refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. Serving Size: Makes 1 quart; 1/3 cup per serving Amount Per Serving Calories 52.8 Total Fat

0.5 g Cholesterol 0.0 mg Sodium 3.8 mg Total Carbs 13.9 g Dietary Fiber 3.2 g Protein 0.7 g

Tomato Soup

This tomato soup is so rich and thick you'll swear it's laden with cream and butter. Nope! The trick to this recipe is really good tomatoes. Don't try to use mealy, pale supermarket tomatoes. The soup will be bland. Minutes to Prepare 10 Minutes to Cook 20 Number of Servings 8 Ingredients 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 yellow or white onion, chopped 3 cloves garlic, minced 2 pounds tomatoes, de-seeded, chopped 1/4 teaspoons red pepper flakes 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1/2 teaspoon thyme, dried 4 oz. bread, crust removed (about 4 small slices) 12 ounces chicken or vegetable stock 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar black pepper to taste 1/2 cup croutons (optional) 2 tablespoons blue cheese crumbles (optional) Directions Top this with a bit of blue cheese (nutrition not included) for a real pop of flavor. At less than 100 calories a serving, you can afford to add some fun toppings to this soup. Chef Meg used chicken stock because she had a homemade version on hand. You can easily make this a vegetarian (and vegan) soup by using vegetable stock. NOTE: This is a rare case where you need to use white bread rather than wheat or whole-grain. If you do only have whole-grain bread in your house, congratulations! You can use that bread, but be sure to remove the crusts. Serve this with--what else?--a grilled cheese sandwich. Choose low-fat cheese and really good whole-grain bread.

Heat oil in a stock pot or tall saucepan. Add onion and garlic; sauté for 5 minutes. Add tomatoes and stir to combine. Add pepper, sugar, thyme and bread to mixture; cook for 3 minutes. With an immersion blender or food processor, blend the mixture. If using an immersion blender, take care not to splatter tomatoes all over yourself! (This is why you need a tall pan.) Slowly add stock to mixture and combine. Simmer for 10 minutes. Add vinegar during last two minutes. Makes 8 one cup servings. Number of Servings: 8 Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user CHEF_MEG. Amount Per Serving Calories 98.9 Total Fat 4.1 g Cholesterol 0.0 mg Sodium 212.0 mg Total Carbs 13.9 g Dietary Fiber 1.5 g Protein 2.5 g

Whole Grains

Better Berry Muffins

Raspberry, strawberry, blueberry, blackberry--choose any berry you want. You can't go wrong with these healthy, tasty muffins. Minutes to Prepare 15 Minutes to Cook 15 Number of Servings 12 Ingredients 1 tablespoon flax seeds 1 cup berries 1 cup quick oats 1 cup low-fat buttermilk 1 cup whole wheat flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoons

baking soda 1 teaspoon salt 1 whole egg 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce 3/4 c brown sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Directions Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Spray muffin pans with nonstick spray or line with paper liners. Use a clean coffee grinder to roughly grind the flax seeds, trying not to process them into a mealy texture. (You can use pre-ground flax if that's what you have on hand.) Hull (remove the leaves) and chop the strawberries. In a small bowl, combine the oats and buttermilk, and let stand at room temperature for five minutes. In a medium bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. In a large bowl, use a handheld mixer to beat the egg, applesauce, and brown sugar for 3 minutes at medium speed. Add the vanilla and combine. Blend in the oat-buttermilk mixture. Stir in the flour mixture just to combine. Try not to overwork the

mixture. Fold in the strawberries. Fill muffin cups 3/4 full and top with a sprinkle of flax seed. Bake 15 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Amount Per Serving Calories 137.1 Total Fat 1.6 g Cholesterol 16.2 mg Sodium 320.5 mg Total Carbs 37.3 g Dietary Fiber 3.3 g Protein 3.6 g

Blueberry Flax Seed Muffins

These healthful muffins freeze well! Low-fat buttermilk and applesauce help lower the fat in these, and the whole-wheat flour and flax seed add fiber. Minutes to Prepare 10 Minutes to Cook 15 Number of Servings 12 Ingredients 1 tablespoon flax seeds 1 cup blueberries 1 cup quick oats 1 cup low-fat buttermilk 1 cup whole wheat flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoons baking soda 1/4 teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon salt 1 whole egg 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce 3/4 c brown sugar Directions Preheat oven to 375°F. Spray muffin pans with nonstick spray or line with paper liners. Use a clean coffee grinder to roughly grind the flax seeds, trying not to process them into a mealy texture. (You can use pre-ground flax if that's what you have on hand.) Wash and dry the blueberries. In a small bowl, combine the oats and buttermilk, and let stand at room temperature for five minutes. In a medium bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt; mix with a fork to blend and set aside. In a large bowl and using a hand mixer, beat the egg, applesauce, brown sugar at medium speed for 3 minutes. Blend in the oat-buttermilk mixture. Stir in the flour mixture only to combine, try not to overwork the mixture. Fold in the blueberries. Fill muffin cups 3/4 full and top with a sprinkle of flax seed. Bake 15 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Number of Servings: 12 Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user CHEF_MEG.

Amount Per Serving Calories 139.1 Total Fat 1.5 g Cholesterol 18.5 mg Sodium 320.2 mg Total Carbs 33.1 g Dietary Fiber 3.3 g Protein 3.7 g

Easy Whole Wheat Flatbread

Chewy, homemade flatbread makes any meal seem special. Use in place of pitas, bread, or crackers! Minutes to Prepare 35 Minutes to Cook 4 Number of Servings 6 Tips No need for special mixing equipment. Your hands will work just fine. Slowly incorporate the yogurt. If you herbs are full of moisture you may only need 1/2 cup yogurt. The dough should just pull together and release from your hands. Ingredients 1 cup whole wheat flour, plus 1 tablespoon for dusting the cutting board 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley 3/4 cup fat-free Greek yogurt Directions Combine the flour, baking powder, salt, and parsley in a medium mixing bowl. Add 1/4 cup yogurt at a time, mixing until the dough is smooth. Wrap the dough in plastic and let rest for 30 minutes to an hour. Divide the dough into six equal portions. Heat a large nonstick skillet or a griddle over medium-high heat. Using a rolling pin, flatten each dough ball until it's about 6 inches in diameter. (Dust the dough and your work surface with flour as needed.) Transfer the dough to the griddle one piece at a time, then cook for one to two minutes per side, flipping to the second side when you start to see the dough rise. Repeat with the remaining dough balls. Serve immediately or let cool, wrap in two layers of plastic and freeze for up to three months. Makes 6 flatbreads. Serving Size: 1 flatbread per person using 2 ounces of dough.

Amount Per Serving Calories 84.5 Total Fat 0.7 g Cholesterol 0.0 mg Sodium 107.6 mg Total Carbs 15.9 g Dietary Fiber 2.9 g Protein 5.4 g

Maple-Almond Butter Granola

Granola is incredibly affordable when you make it yourself. This recipe combines some of my favorite ingredients: maple syrup, almond butter and seeds! Minutes to Prepare 5 Minutes to Cook 30 Number of Servings 15 Tips Ingredients 1/2 cup maple syrup 1/4 cup coconut oil 1/4 cup almond butter 1 tablespoon cinnamon (or more if you prefer your granola to have a stronger cinnamon flavor) 2 1/2 c. rolled oats 1/4 cup ground flax 1/4 cup chia seeds 1/2 cup chopped nuts/seeds (almonds, walnuts, pepitas) 1/4 cup unsweetened coconut 1/2 cup mixed dried fruit (cranberries, blueberries, raisins) liberal sprinkle coarse salt Directions Mix maple syrup, coconut oil and almond butter together. If your coconut oil is at room temperature, you might need to melt it first. Mix oats, coconut, and cinnamon together, then add to wet ingredients. Pour onto a baking sheet in an even layer. (I use a silicone baking sheet liner, but you can coat the pan with nonstick cooking spray if you prefer.) Bake at 300 degrees for about 30-40 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes. I like my granola to be somewhat "raw." Immediately upon removing the granola from the oven, add the chia, flax, seeds/nuts and dried fruit. (The fruit swells and gets sticky in the oven, and raw nuts/seeds retain more of their nutrition.) Add a sprinkle of kosher salt and toss well. The salt really brings out the sweetness and other flavors. Makes 15 1/4-cup servings!

Number of Servings: 15 Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user SP_STEPF. Amount Per Serving Calories 197.5 Total Fat 11.0 g Cholesterol 0.0 mg Sodium 80.1 mg Total Carbs 31.3 g Dietary Fiber 5.3 g Protein 4.0 g

Raspberry-Lemon Scones

Scones are perfect for weekend house guests, hostess gifts, or picnics. Traditionally made with loads of butter and cream, mine use far less butter--and whole-grain flour. Minutes to Prepare 10 Minutes to Cook 20 Number of Servings 12 Tips Sprinkle a tablespoon of raw sugar on top of the scones for added crunch and sweetness. Ingredients 4 tablespoons unsalted butter 1/3 cup sugar 2 eggs, beaten 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 cup evaporated nonfat milk zest of 1 lemon 3 cups white whole wheat flour 1 tablespoon baking powder 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 1/4 cups frozen raspberries Directions Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone liner. Using an electric mixer, cream the butter in a mixing bowl for 3 minutes. Slowly add the sugar and mix for 2 more minutes. Scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl to make sure all the sugar and butter have mixed thoroughly. Mix in the eggs, then add the vanilla, evaporated milk, and lemon zest.

Sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt. Add the dry ingredients to the wet and mix just until combined. Gently stir in the raspberries. Turn the dough onto the lined baking pan. Form into an 8-inch circle and cut into 12 equal wedges. Separate the wedges and allow 1/2 inch space between each one. Bake for 20-25 minutes until the tops are lightly browned. Enjoy warm or cooled. Serving Size: Makes 12 scones. Amount Per Serving Calories 180.3 Total Fat 5.3 g Cholesterol 41.5 mg Sodium 187.4 mg Total Carbs 30.1 g Dietary Fiber 4.9 g Protein 5.7 g

Simple Quinoa and Vegetables

This protein-rich vegetarian recipe is simple to make and tasty to eat! Minutes to Prepare 5 Minutes to Cook 12 Number of Servings 4 Ingredients 1 cup quinoa 2 c water 4 medium carrots 1 zucchini 8 spears of fresh asparagus 1 tablespoon rice wine vinegar 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 teaspoon fresh thyme, leaves removed from stem black pepper to taste Directions Place water in a small covered saucepan. Bring to a boil. Add quinoa and stir. Reduce heat to a simmer and replace lid. Simmer for 11-12 minutes, or until water is absorbed. Using a "Y" shaped peeler, peel the carrots and zucchini into strips. Snap the woody ends off the asparagus. Cut the asparagus into 2-inch sections. Steam the vegetables for 3-4 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the vinaigrette. Place the vinegar and thyme in a small bowl, then whisk in the oil. Once the quinoa is cooked, fluff it with a fork. Place 1/2 cup of quinoa on each plate. Arrange a quarter of the vegetables over the quinoa and top with about 2 teaspoons of the vinaigrette. EDITOR'S NOTE: Because quinoa is a seed, it contains more fat and calories than a similar volume of rice or another grain. Number of Servings: 4 Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user CHEF_MEG. Amount Per Serving

Calories 292.9 Total Fat 15.2 g Cholesterol 0.0 mg Sodium 44.6 mg Total Carbs 60.2 g Dietary Fiber 7.6 g Protein 11.6 g

Whole Wheat Couscous with Spinach and Squash

A double-hitter: Each portion has almost two servings of vegetables. Minutes to Prepare 15 Minutes to Cook 30 Number of Servings 6 Ingredients 8 shallots, halved 1 butternut squash, about 3 pounds in weight, peeled and cut into 1/2 inch cubes 1 cup whole wheat Israeli (pearl) couscous 6 ounces spinach 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar 1 teaspoon rosemary, dried 1 1/2 teaspoons thyme, dried 1/4 cup Parmesan, shredded Directions Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Prepare a sheet pan with nonstick cooking spray or use a silicone baking liner. Place the shallots and the squash on the pan, and roast for 30 minutes, or until the shallots start to color and squash is just tender. While the vegetables are roasting, prepare the couscous. Bring 1 1/4 cups of water to boil in a large saucepan, add couscous and stir. Cover, then reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. (Keep a close eye on the water level in the pan to make sure you don't burn the couscous.) Once the couscous is cooked, turn off the heat, then add the roasted vegetables, spices, vinegar, and spinach. The spinach will steam from the heat of the couscous. Take the pan off the burner and stir in the cheese. Makes 6 one cup servings Number of Servings: 6 Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user CHEF_MEG.

Amount Per Serving Calories 228.4 Total Fat 2.1 g Cholesterol 3.3 mg Sodium 117.7 mg Total Carbs 47.6 g Dietary Fiber 10.4 g Protein 8.6 g

Whole-Wheat Pita Chips

Who needs deep-fried chips, when pitas crisp up so perfectly with minimal added oil? Pair these with hummus or as a crunchy side to your Greek salad. Minutes to Prepare 2 Minutes to Cook 10 Number of Servings 8 Ingredients 4 whole wheat pitas olive oil cooking spray Optional seasonings: garlic powder oregano Parmesan cheese ground cumin black pepper cinnamon and sugar Directions Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Arrange the pita triangles on a baking sheet and spritz on the olive oil cooking spray. Sprinkle on your seasonings, if you're using any. Bake the pitas for 4 minutes, flip and spray again. Bake 2-3 more minutes. Allow to cool on a wire rack before eating. Serving Size: Serving size=1/2 pita, or 4 chips Amount Per Serving Calories 100.0 Total Fat 2.5 g Cholesterol 0.0 mg

Sodium 170.2 mg Total Carbs 17.6 g Dietary Fiber 2.4 g Protein 3.1 g

Whole Wheat Pretzels

You and your family will love these super easy pretzels. The dough only needs 5 minutes to rest so from start to finish, this snack is ready in a flash. Minutes to Prepare 15 Minutes to Cook 18 Number of Servings 12 Ingredients 2 1/4 teaspoons instant quick rise yeast 2 tablespoons honey 1 1/2 cups warm water 105 to 110 degrees F 2 1/4 cups whole wheat flour 2 1/4 cups white flour 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons canola oil 1 tablespoon baking soda 1/4 cup egg substitute Directions You and your family will love these super easy pretzels. The dough only needs 5 minutes to rest so from start to finish, this snack is ready in a flash. Traditional soft pretzels contain a large amount of canola oil and butter toppings with a heaping dash of salt. Not these! I used only 2 tablespoons of oil in the recipe and spread egg substitute over the dough just before baking for a shiny low calorie and fat crust. I did find white whole wheat flour at the grocery store. It packs all the nutrients but omits the dark whole wheat color that can scream “healthy” to some kids. Yeast does not last forever. Check the expiration date on the package to make sure the yeast is still ready to do some work and make the dough rise. -- Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Combine the yeast, honey and warm water in a small bowl. Stir and set aside for 5 minutes. (Instant yeast does not need to "bloom," but this step will tell you if your yeast is working before you add all the flour.) The yeast mixture should begin to foam after 5 minutes. Meanwhile, combine the flours, salt and oil in a large mixing bowl or in the bowl of a stand mixer. Add the yeast mixture to the flour and mix on low speed with a dough hook or by hand for 5 minutes. If you're working the dough by hand, move the dough to the counter once the flour is incorporated, then knead with the heel of your hands.

The dough should be smooth not sticky. If not, add one tablespoon of whole wheat flour at a time until it is no longer sticky. Coat a large mixing bowl with nonstick cooking spray. Place the dough in the bowl and turn it so it is entirely coated with the nonstick spray. Cover the bowl with a kitchen towel or plastic wrap and place in a warm spot (75-80 degrees F) for 5 minutes. Cover two sheet pans with parchment paper or coat with nonstick cooking spray. Place a quart of water in a large saucepan. Bring it to a simmer, add the baking soda, and turn off the heat. Cut the dough into 12 equal pieces. Roll one piece of dough at a time into a snake shape, rolling from the center of the dough out. Dip each dough "snake" into the baking soda mixture then place on a sheet pan and form into the shape of your choice. Brush the dough with egg substitute. Repeat with the remaining pieces of dough, then bake 15-18 minutes until golden brown. If desired, sprinkle on coarse kosher salt before baking. (Sodium levels not included in the nutrition info.) Makes 12 pretzels, one pretzel per serving. Amount Per Serving Calories 194.1 Total Fat 2.9 g Cholesterol 0.1 mg Sodium 518.6 mg Total Carbs 36.6 g Dietary Fiber 2.9 g Protein 5.9 g

Zucchini Muffins

This is a great recipe for summer, when you have a surplus of zucchini in the garden. Double or triple the batch and freeze them for quick and healthy breakfasts. Minutes to Prepare 7 Minutes to Cook 20 Number of Servings 18 Ingredients 1 1/2 cup zucchini, grated 1 1/2 cup rolled oats (not instant) 1 1/2 cup whole wheat flour 2 teaspoons baking soda 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon 1/4 teaspoons nutmeg 1/2 cup honey 1/4 cup pineapple juice concentrate 1 teaspoon vanilla 3/4 c applesauce, unsweetened 8 ounces crushed pineapple, drained 2 egg whites 6 dried apricots, finely chopped 1/4 cup pecans, chopped 2 tablespoons flax meal Directions Preheat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit. Coat two muffin pans with nonstick cooking spray. Grate zucchini and place in paper towels or cotton cloth; squeeze to remove moisture. In a mixing bowl combine oats, flour, baking soda, cream of tartar, and spices. In a separate bowl combine honey, applesauce, drained pineapple, apricots, vanilla, and pineapple juice. Stir in egg whites. Combine the wet mixture with the dry; stir only until combined. Portion out 18 muffins in the prepared tins. Combine pecans with flax meal; top each muffin with 1/2 teaspoon of mixture. Bake for 20 minutes. Number of Servings: 18

Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user CHEF_MEG. Amount Per Serving Calories 127.7 Total Fat 2.1 g Cholesterol 0.0 mg Sodium 149.0 mg Total Carbs 30.2 g Dietary Fiber 3.7 g Protein 3.3 g

Veggies and Fruit

Carrot-Cranberry Salad

Kid prepared and approved! I am always looking for a salad that my kids can make and then devour. This is a winner for kids and moms. Minutes to Prepare 10 Number of Servings 4 Ingredients 1/4 cup dried cranberries, soaked in hot water for 10 minutes to plump 10 ounce package shredded carrots (about 4 cups) 2 navel oranges, zested, peeled and fruit segments removed (watch a video to learn how) 2 teaspoons ginger, grated 3 tablespoons white wine vinegar NOTE: use jarred ginger to save time Directions Instead of adding a sugary dressing, I chose sweet oranges for the base and a garnish of dried cranberries. This salad is better if prepared early in the morning or the night before. As it sits, the carrots soak up the dressing and added ginger. It gives the kids something to help with for Thanksgiving dinner. Bring dried fruit back to life when using it in recipes. Chefs call it maceration. Simply place the dried fruit in a bowl and cover with hot water. Allow the fruit to soften in the water for 10 minutes. Drain the liquid and proceed with recipe. --- Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Cover and refrigerate for at least an hour. Stir before serving. Serves 4: one cup per serving Amount Per Serving Calories 86.8 Total Fat 0.3 g

Cholesterol 0.0 mg Sodium 49.1 mg Total Carbs 21.6 g Dietary Fiber 4.1 g Protein 1.3 g

Creamy Watermelon Salad

Watermelon is a favorite summer dessert, but it makes a lovely salad, too. Here, creamy citrus dressing pairs with the sweet melon and crunchy celery. Minutes to Prepare 15 Number of Servings 8 Tips Use sweet Vidalia onions and fennel to change up the recipe. Ingredients Dressing: 1 lemon, zested and juiced (use one teaspoon) 1 lime zested and juiced (use one tablespoon) 1/2 bunch cilantro or 1 bunch parsley, leaves only, chopped 1/2 cup fat-free Greek yogurt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper Salad: 5-6 cups seedless watermelon, cubed* 2 stalks celery, sliced 1 red onion, thinly sliced 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 2 tablespoons feta cheese, crumbled * If you can find a "personal" size watermelon, that's the perfect size for this recipe. Directions Whisk together the dressing ingredients in a small bowl. Toss together all the salad ingredients with the dressing. Serve chilled. Keep the salad and dressing separate until just before serving if you make this dish ahead. Serving Size: Makes 8 cups, one cup per serving. Amount Per Serving

Calories 51.8 Total Fat 1.0 g Cholesterol 2.2 mg Sodium 43.4 mg Total Carbs 9.3 g Dietary Fiber 1.0 g Protein 2.5 g

Fruit Kebabs with Coconut Yogurt

Serve these fruit kebabs at your next party. Minutes to Prepare 15 Number of Servings 20 Ingredients 1 1/2 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt 1 1/2 tablespoons flaked coconut 1 1/2 tablespoons reduced-sugar orange marmalade various fruits: melon, pineapple, apples, pears, blackberries, strawberries, kiwis, etc. NOTE: If using pear or apple, toss the cut fruit with lemon juice to prevent browning! Directions Combine the yogurt, coconut and marmalade; cover and chill. Thread fruits alternately onto 20 (6-inch) wooden skewers. Serve kebabs with coconut dip on the side. Serves 20: 1 skewer with 1 tablespoon of yogurt Number of Servings: 20 Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user CHEF_MEG. Amount Per Serving Calories 42.0 (varies) Total Fat 0.5 g Cholesterol 0.8 mg Sodium 13.2 mg

Total Carbs 9.7 g Dietary Fiber 1.2 g Protein 0.9 g

Garden Potato Salad

Low-fat cottage cheese is the secret to the dressing in this delicious low fat and saturated fat, low cholesterol, low sodium mixture of vegetables and herbs. Minutes to Prepare 20 Minutes to Cook 20 Number of Servings 0 Ingredients

3 lb. (about 6 large) potatoes, boiled in jackets, peeled and cut into 1/2" cubes

1 cup chopped celery

1/2 cup sliced green onion

2 tablespoons chopped parsley

1 cup low-fat cottage cheese

3/4 cup skim milk

3 tablespoons lemon juice

2 tablespoons cider vinegar

1/2 teaspoon celery seed

1/2 teaspoon dill

1/2 teaspoon dry mustard

1/2 teaspoon white pepper

Directions In a large bowl, place potatoes, celery, green onion, and parsley. Meanwhile, in a blender or food processor, blend cottage cheese, milk, lemon juice, vinegar, celery seed, dill weed, dry mustard, and white pepper until smooth. Chill for 1 hour. Pour chilled cottage cheese mixture over vegetables; mix well. Chill at least 30 minutes before serving.

Yield: 10 servings Serving Size: 1/2 cup Amount Per Serving Calories 108.7 Total Fat 0.3 g Cholesterol 0.6 mg Sodium 64.1 mg Total Carbs 23.9 g Dietary Fiber 2.8 g Protein 4.2 g

Roasted Vegetables with Pineapple

These tasty roasted vegetables can be cooked on the grill or roasted in the oven! The pineapple adds a wonderful sweetness to the vegetables. This recipe is easily modified to include your favorite vegetables or spices. Minutes to Prepare 5 Minutes to Cook 25 Number of Servings 6 Ingredients 1 cup diced potato (peeled or unpeeled) 1 cup chopped bell pepper (any color) 1 cup chopped raw mushrooms 1 medium onion, chopped 1 cup cherry tomatoes 1 can pineapple chunks in natural juices 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 teaspoons chopped garlic 1 1/2 teaspoons cayenne pepper (optional) 1 1/2 teaspoons garlic powder (optional) 1 1/2 teaspoons onion powder (optional) salt (to taste) pepper (to taste) **Different vegetables and spices can be substituted based on preference and availability** Directions Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

Chop the vegetables into similar sized chunks. Place all ingredients in a large bowl. Mix thoroughly, then drain any liquid. Place vegetables in greased roasting pan. Bake for 25 minutes, stirring halfway through.

Number of Servings: 6 Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user HONEYLEA. Amount Per Serving Calories 135.2 Total Fat

7.2 g Cholesterol 0.0 mg Sodium 406.6 mg Total Carbs 17.1 g Dietary Fiber 2.7 g Protein 2.2 g

Healthy, Fruity Breakfast Hand Tarts

Ditch the toaster pastry. They're loaded with sugar and fat--and not much else. My hand tarts are full of fruit, and if you make them ahead of time your kids can grab them and go. Minutes to Prepare 10 Minutes to Cook 20 Number of Servings 6 Tips Reheat tarts in 400 degree oven for 8-10 minutes or in a toaster oven for 4 minutes. Tarts can be made ahead and served at room temperature. The almond meal helps absorb excess moisture in each tart. You can grind almonds in a clean coffee grinder if you don't have almond meal. Ingredients 1 tablespoon reduced-fat butter blend 4 Granny Smith apples, unpeeled and diced into 1/4 inch cubes 2 figs, diced into small cubes (optional)* 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 2 tablespoons almond meal (or ground almonds) 8 sheets whole-wheat phyllo dough, thawed * You can swap two tablespoons chopped raisins for the figs. Directions Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Place a large sauté pan over medium heat. Add the butter to the hot pan, then add the diced apples and sauté for 3-4 minutes, until soft and fragrant. Add the cinnamon, almond meal, and figs, stir to combine, and remove from heat. Unfold the phyllo dough onto a flat surface and cover with a damp cloth. Working with one sheet at a time, layer four sheets on top of one another, spraying each layer with a generous layer of nonstick cooking spray. (You'll repeat these steps after you make half of the tarts. The phyllo will dry out if you try to work with all eight sheets at once.) Slice the stacked sheets into 3 equal rectangles. Spoon 1/2 cup of filling mixture down the center of each rectangle, leaving space at the top and bottom. Fold the bottom of the phyllo up to form a "cuff," and then fold up the pastry into a rectangle. (You'll fold the pastry up two more times.)

Spray each tart with nonstick cooking spray and place on a baking sheet lined with a silicone baking mat or parchment paper. Bake until the dough is light brown in color (15 minutes fresh or 18 minutes frozen). Place uncooked tarts in sealed bags and freeze for up to 3 months. Caution! Allow to cool slightly before serving to small children, as the filling can be hot. Serving Size: Makes 6 tarts, one per serving Amount Per Serving Calories 175.4 Total Fat 5.3 g Cholesterol 2.5 mg Sodium 139.7 mg Total Carbs 32.7 g Dietary Fiber 4.1 g Protein 2.5 g

Layered Greek Dip

I combined all my favorite Greek ingredients, layered them in a dish and created a dip that's a hit at parties or family game night. Pair it with homemade or store-bought pita chips. Minutes to Prepare 8 Number of Servings 8 Tips Serve this over a bed of dark leafy greens for a light summer supper. Pair with Greek-spiced grilled meats. Ingredients 1 cup hummus 1 batch Chef Meg's Cucumber Raita 2 cups arugula, chopped 8 black olives, pitted and chopped 2 tablespoons feta cheese, crumbled 3 sprigs mint, chopped Want to add more layers? Chop up any of these: roasted red peppers fresh tomatoes red onions pepperoncini whole chickpeas roasted garlic Directions To assemble the dip, use a glass bowl with straight sides. Spread the hummus in the bottom, then add the chopped arugula, raita, olives, feta and mint. You can make everything ahead of time, but don't layer the dip until just before you're ready to eat or the cucumbers will make the dip watery. Serving Size: Makes 8 servings, 1/2 cup per serving Amount Per Serving Calories 103.2 Total Fat 6.7 g

Cholesterol 6.9 mg Sodium 296.0 mg Total Carbs 9.1 g Dietary Fiber 1.2 g Protein 3.4 g

Pumpkin Dip

Try this dip on a toasted whole-wheat bagel at breakfast or with apple slices or whole-grain crackers for a snack. It's even good with carrots. Minutes to Prepare 5 Number of Servings 16 Ingredients 1 cup 1% milk fat cottage cheese 8 ounces Neufchatel cheese, softened 1/2 cup pumpkin puree 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice Directions Combine all ingredients in a food processor. Process until mixture is smooth. Transfer to a container and chill. Store in the refrigerator for up to one week. Makes 2 cups 2 tablespoons per serving Number of Servings: 16 Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user CHEF_MEG. Amount Per Serving Calories 31.7 Total Fat 1.7 g Cholesterol 5.8 mg Sodium 88.3 mg Total Carbs 1.6 g Dietary Fiber 0.2 g

Protein 2.4 g

Spicy Baked Sweet Potato Fries

A healthy alternative to an American favorite. Minutes to Prepare 5 Minutes to Cook 15 Number of Servings 4 Ingredients

2 medium sweet potatoes, washed and cut (lengthwise) into strips (1/3 inch on each side)

1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil

1 teaspoon ground cumin

1/2 teaspoon chili powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon onion powder

Directions Line cookie sheet with aluminum foil or parchment paper. Preheat oven to 450° F. In a small mixing bowl, combine all ingredients. Mix to evenly coat potato strips. Place potato strips on lined cookie sheet (allow space between individual strips for even cooking). Bake for 15 minutes (or until potatoes become crispy) turning strips every 5 to 7 minutes (or as needed). Makes 4 servings.

Amount Per Serving Calories 117.6 Total Fat 5.5 g Cholesterol 0.0 mg Sodium 152.4 mg Total Carbs 16.4 g Dietary Fiber 2.1 g Protein 1.2 g

Tangy Broccoli Slaw

Tahini replaces mayonnaise for a creamy texture and adds a tangy flavor, plus some fiber, protein, and calcium. Minutes to Prepare 7 Number of Servings 5 Ingredients 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon tahini 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 2 cloves garlic, smashed and chopped 1 teaspoon low-sodium soy sauce 1 tablespoon warm water 4 clementines 1 bag (12 ounces) broccoli slaw Directions Prepare the sauce. Whisking together the tahini, vinegar, garlic, soy sauce and water in a large bowl. Zest two of the oranges into the sauce, and stir to combine. Cut one clementine in half, and squeeze the juice into the sauce. Peel and segment the other three clementines and add to the sauce, along with the broccoli slaw. Stir to combine. Cover and chill for one hour before serving. Serving Size: 5 one cup servings Number of Servings: 5 Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user CHEF_MEG. Amount Per Serving Calories 76.4 Total Fat 2.3 g Cholesterol 0.0 mg Sodium

27.9 mg Total Carbs 12.3 g Dietary Fiber 3.2 g Protein 3.0 g

Main Dishes for "Leftover" Lunches

Best Chicken Soup

You're getting multiple meals from this versatile chicken soup recipe. That's why we need two sets of vegetables: one set cut into a large dice for the stock part of the soup that you'll use for another meal, and a second chopped into a small dice for the soup. Minutes to Prepare 10 Minutes to Cook 90 Number of Servings 12 Ingredients Stock: 1 white or yellow onion, chopped into a large dice 2 stalks celery, chopped into a large dice 2 carrots, chopped into a large dice 3 pound whole chicken, skin removed 1 gallon cold water 1 bay leaf 1 teaspoon black peppercorns Soup: 2 carrots, cut into ribbons with a vegetable peeler 1 onion, diced fine 2 stalks celery, diced fine 4 ounces whole wheat pasta (cooked) 1 teaspoon thyme, dried 1/2 teaspoon oregano, dried 1 teaspoon basil, dried (optional) salt and pepper to taste Directions Remove the skin from the chicken. Place the whole chicken in a large stock pot or saucepan that will hold at least one gallon of cold water. Add the diced onion, celery, and carrots to the stock pot. Pour one gallon of cold water over the mixture and add the bay leaf and peppercorns. Bring the mixture to a boil and then immediately reduce to a simmer. Allow the mixture to simmer for 45 minutes. Place a strainer over another large saucepan and strain the hot chicken mixture. Strain the mixture a second time into the first pot using a coffee filter or cheesecloth. Reserve one quart of the stock for the freezer, and use the remaining for the soup. (Allow stock to cool to room temperature before freezing.) In one of the stock pots, heat the oil and add the second batch of vegetables cut into the small dice. Sweat vegetables over low moderate heat for 5 to 8 minutes. While the vegetables are sweating,

pull all the meat off the bones of the chicken. Add the pasta, dried seasonings, and the pulled chicken meat to the pot simmer for an additional 10 minutes. Recipe yields 3 quarts: 12 one cup servings Number of Servings: 12 Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user CHEF_MEG. Amount Per Serving Calories 138.8 Total Fat 2.1 g Cholesterol 49.7 mg Sodium 80.4 mg Total Carbs 13.0 g Dietary Fiber 2.5 g Protein 17.5 g

Better than Takeout Chicken Fried Rice

The original version of this Chinese favorite has 542 calories and 13 grams of fat, plus half a day's worth of sodium. Chef Meg's version is much healthier, packed with veggies, and ready in less time than it would take you to order takeout! Minutes to Prepare 10 Minutes to Cook 30 Number of Servings 4 Tips In a rush? Grab pre-cut veggies from the salad bar, a carton of egg whites, and heat-and-serve brown rice. Combine with leftover chicken, and dinner's ready in 15 minutes! Ingredients 12 ounces boneless chicken breast, diced into 1/2 inch cubes 1 cup sliced mushrooms 1 small onion, sliced into thin strips 1 cup shredded carrots 1 cup chopped broccoli 1 garlic clove, chopped 1 teaspoon ginger, chopped 1 tablespoon chili garlic sauce 2 cups cooked brown rice 1/2 cup egg whites (or 4 egg whites or 3 whole eggs) Directions Mix the garlic sauce with 1/4 cup water and set aside. Heat a wok or large sauté pan over medium heat, then remove from heat just to coat with nonstick cooking spray. Add chicken, heat until cooked, about 5 minutes. Place the cooked chicken in a large bowl and set aside. Add the onions, mushrooms, and carrots to the pan or wok, turn the heat to high, and cook for 2 minutes. Add the broccoli, garlic, and ginger, and cook for additional 2 minutes. Add the garlic sauce and water to the vegetables, stir to combine, and remove from heat. Pour the vegetables and sauce on top of the chicken and set aside. Spray the pan once more with nonstick cooking spray, and add egg whites. Cook over high heat, stirring constantly, until eggs have almost set. Add the rice, stir to combine, then add the chicken and vegetables. Cook another two minutes, until the eggs have fully cooked.

Amount Per Serving Calories 171.7 Total Fat 1.5 g Cholesterol 49.3 mg Sodium 134.9 mg Total Carbs 13.5 g Dietary Fiber 2.5 g Protein 25.5 g

BLT-Potato 'Nachos' On menus at pubs and casual restaurants, I've noticed a twist on nachos: potato chips in place of tortilla chips. Sometimes called "Irish nachos," most versions are fried, but not mine! Minutes to Prepare 10 Minutes to Cook 25 Number of Servings 4 Ingredients 1 pound fingerling potatoes, cut into 1/4-inch slices 4 strips turkey bacon 1/2 cup canned diced tomatoes, drained 3 ounces fat-free Greek yogurt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 1/2 cup grape tomatoes, halved 1/2 cup part-skim mozzarella cheese, shredded 1/2 head green leaf lettuce, shredded Directions Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Place the potato slices between two silicone baking mats or pieces of parchment paper on a sheet pan. Place the bacon on a second sheet pan. Bake the potatoes for 15 minutes. Remove the top sheet of parchment and bake another 5 minutes, until potatoes are golden brown. Bake the bacon until crispy (about 10 minutes), allow to cool slightly and chop. To prepare the tomato sauce, place the drained tomatoes in a food processor, then add the yogurt and pepper. Pulse a couple of times to combine. Increase the oven temperature to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Coat a baking dish with nonstick pan spray. (I used a 9-inch round pan.) Spread the cooked potatoes in a single layer on the pan. Sprinkle on the bacon and cheese. Bake until cheese is melted, about 5 minutes. Top with the tomatoes, sauce and lettuce. Serves 4 as a small meal; 8 as an appetizer.

Number of Servings: 4 Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user CHEF_MEG. Amount Per Serving Calories 180.5 Total Fat 4.0 g Cholesterol 22.3 mg Sodium 308.5 mg Total Carbs 23.3 g Dietary Fiber 2.2 g Protein 13.0 g

Cheeseburger Soup

Cheeseburger soup was not one of the recipes that I prepared in culinary school at Le Cordon Bleu. I took one look at the ingredient list (1/2 pound processed cheese!) and the nutrition info (almost 1/2 day's worth of salt in every serving), and I knew I had to make this over. You could eat a McDonald's cheeseburger and small fries for just about the same amount of calories! Minutes to Prepare 5 Minutes to Cook 25 Number of Servings 4 Ingredients 8 ounces extra lean ground beef (95/5) 2 teaspoons canola oil 1 large onion, diced 3 large carrots, diced 2 ribs celery, diced 1/2 teaspoon paprika 1/2 teaspoon black pepper pinch cayenne pepper 1 tablespoon whole wheat flour 4 cups homemade chicken stock (or no-sodium stock) 1 Russet potato, peeled and diced 3/4 cup shredded reduced-fat sharp Cheddar cheese 1/4 cup reduced-fat evaporated milk 1/4 cup shredded lettuce 2 Roma tomatoes, diced Directions Brown ground beef and set aside. Place a medium saucepan over moderate heat. Add the oil, then add the onions, carrots and celery. Cook the vegetables over moderate low heat for 10 minutes, then add the spices and cook another two minutes, stirring often. Slowly add the stock, stir and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove the soup from heat and puree using an immersion blender or a food processor. Return the soup to the saucepan, add the potato, and simmer for 10 minutes. Add the cheese, beef, and evaporated milk; cook another 2 minutes. Ladle one heaping cup into bowls, and top with the lettuce and tomato.

Serving Size: 4 one cup servings Amount Per Serving Calories 196.6 Total Fat 4.8 g Cholesterol 30.0 mg Sodium 72.5 mg Total Carbs 19.3 g Dietary Fiber 3.6 g Protein 14.4 g

Chicken Satay with Vegetables

Chef Meg lowered the fat and calories in this member-submitted recipe, which contains two servings of cooked vegetables per portion! Minutes to Prepare 15 Minutes to Cook 15 Number of Servings 6 Ingredients Marinade: 1 tablespoon coconut milk 1 tablespoon brown sugar 2 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce 2 cloves garlic, chopped 1 teaspoon cumin 1 lemon, juiced Sauce: 1/4 cup natural, no salt added peanut butter 1 lemon, juiced 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes 1 tablespoon hot curry paste (use mild if you don't like much heat) 3 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce 1 tablespoon light coconut milk 1/2-3/4 c water Vegetables and Chicken: 16 ounces chicken breast, boneless and skinless, diced into 3/4 inch cubes 1 tablespoon peanut oil 2 c carrots, shredded 1 onion, sliced 1 cup mushrooms, sliced 1 cup broccoli florets 1 cup sugar snap peas 1 red bell pepper, sliced Directions Prepare marinade by placing all ingredients in a glass dish. Toss diced chicken into the dish and coat in the marinade. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes or overnight. Prepare the sauce by combining all ingredients into a small saucepan. Start with 1/2 cup of warm water and add more if mixture seems thick. Place on the stove over low heat to warm. Remove the chicken from the refrigerator and stir fry in 1 tablespoon of peanut oil in a wok or flat bottomed pan. Stir fry over high heat until meat is completely cooked, remove from

pan and reserve. While wok or flat bottomed pan is still hot, add onions and carrots. Stir fry for 2-3 minutes. Add mushrooms, broccoli, snap peas, pepper. Continue to stir fry for 3-4 minutes. Add chicken back into the wok along with the sauce. Heat until mixture for 1-2 minutes or until the chicken is hot. Makes 6 two cup servings. Editor's Cooking Notes: For a complete meal, serve with brown rice or rice noodles. If you're watching your sodium, reduce the amount of soy sauce, but keep in mind that it will affect the balance of flavors in the sauce. We used all-natural peanut butter for a fresh taste and healthy dose of real nuts. Chef Meg served hers over rice noodles (95 calories per half-cup serving), but you could also serve this with brown rice. Number of Servings: 6 Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user CHEF_MEG. Amount Per Serving Calories 229.5 Total Fat 10.0 g Cholesterol 43.8 mg Sodium 533.4 mg Total Carbs 13.3 g Dietary Fiber 3.7 g Protein 22.9 g

Chili Con Carne

Families have gone to war over chili recipes! I love a thick, meaty chili with loads of beans and vegetables. Thankfully my family agrees! Minutes to Prepare 15 Minutes to Cook 360 Number of Servings 6 Ingredients Spice paste: 2 tablespoons dark chili powder 1 teaspoon chipotle powder (or use smoked hot paprika) 1 tablespoon cumin 2 teaspoons unsweetened cocoa powder 1 tablespoon cornmeal 1 jalapeno, chopped 3 tablespoons water Chili: 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 12 ounces extra lean top sirloin, cut into 1/2 inch cubes 1 large onion, chopped (about 1 cup) 2 cloves garlic, chopped 1 can (14.5 ounces) diced tomatoes, no salt added 1 can (14.5 ounces) light red kidney beans, drained and rinsed 1 can (14.5 ounces) Great Northern beans, drained and rinsed 2 cups carrots, diced 2 cups homemade chicken stock Directions Place the spice paste ingredients in a food processor or blender. Process until a paste forms. Coat a large sauté pan with nonstick cooking spray and place over moderate heat. When the pan is hot, add the beef. Cook, stirring often, until the meat is browned. Transfer the meat to the slow cooker and add the onions to the still-hot sauté pan. Cook until slightly browned, about 5 minutes. Add the spice paste to pan, cook one minute, stirring constantly. Transfer all ingredients to the slow cooker. If a "fond" (crust) is left on the bottom of the pan, deglaze the pan by adding some of the stock to the warm pan and stirring to release the cooked-on bits. Pour the stock and pan drippings into the slow cooker.

Add the remaining ingredients to the slow cooker and cook at the low setting for 6 hours. Makes 6 heaping one-cup servings. Number of Servings: 6 Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user CHEF_MEG. Amount Per Serving Calories 276.5 Total Fat 3.7 g Cholesterol 32.5 mg Sodium 271.6 mg Total Carbs 40.7 g Dietary Fiber 13.7 g Protein 24.4 g

Curried Chicken Pitas

This light recipe is great for lunch, supper, or both. It serves eight, so cook once and eat twice! I love this recipe because I can serve it to my family for dinner and have plenty of leftovers for lunches. It's spicy without any heat, so it's a great intro to new flavors for those with mild palates. Minutes to Prepare 10 Minutes to Cook 17 Number of Servings 8 Ingredients Sauce: 1/2 cup onions, diced 1 teaspoon ginger 2 cloves garlic 1 teaspoon curry powder 1 teaspoon cumin 1 lime, cut in half (reserve one half for deglazing pan) 2 teaspoons vegetable oil 1/2 cup onion, sliced 16 ounces extra lean ground chicken 2 tablespoons low-fat plain yogurt 2 tablespoons water 1 1/2 cups frozen peas 4 green onions, greens and whites sliced 2 tablespoons cilantro, chopped 2 tablespoons low-salt roasted peanuts, chopped 4 whole-wheat pitas, cut in half 4 cups dark greens or lettuce, chopped Directions Place all the sauce ingredients into a food processor or blender. Puree until a thick paste forms. Place a large sauté pan over moderate heat, add the oil, and, once the oil is hot, add the sliced onions. Saute for about five minutes, stirring often, until the onions start to turn light brown. Add the sauce to the pan and cook until the bottom of the pan starts to turn brown. Squeeze the remaining half of the lime into pan, and scrape up the brown bits from the bottom of the pan with a wooden spoon. Add the chicken to the pan and cook until the interior of the chicken reaches 180 degrees Fahrenheit, about 10 minutes. Add the yogurt, water, peas and onions to the pan. Stir and cook for two minutes. Remove

from heat, and garnish with cilantro and nuts. Fill each pita with 1/2 cup of greens and a 1/2 cup of the meat and vegetable mixture. Makes 8 sandwiches. Number of Servings: 8 Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user CHEF_MEG. Amount Per Serving Calories 231.2 Total Fat 8.8 g Cholesterol 42.7 mg Sodium 263.6 mg Total Carbs 24.6 g Dietary Fiber 4.5 g Protein 15.5 g

Empty the Pantry Stew

I love this stew because it can be made from your pantry and freezer. I always keep red potatoes, turkey sausage, and beans on hand. It's great for those nights when you just don't want to brave the cold to go to the supermarket. Minutes to Prepare 10 Minutes to Cook 30 Number of Servings 8 Ingredients 7 ounces light turkey kielbasa (half a package) 1 small onion, about 3/4 cup, chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 can (14.5 ounce) no salt added diced tomatoes, drained but juice reserved 1 quart Chef Meg's Chicken Stock 4 red potatoes, quartered (about 2 cups) 1 can (15 ounce) red kidney beans, drained and rinsed 1 cup carrots, shredded or chopped 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 1 bunch kale (about 6 cups raw), stems removed and cut into bite-size pieces 2 dashes hot sauce Directions Place a Dutch oven or large saucepan over moderate heat. Coat with nonstick cooking spray. Once the pan is warm, add the onions and sausage. Cook until the onions soften and the meat is browned on all sides. Remove the meat from the pan and set aside. (If some of the onions are removed with the meat, that is OK.) Add the garlic and drained tomatoes to the pan and cook, stirring constantly until the tomatoes start to dry out and a brown color appears on the bottom of the saucepan. Slowly add the stock and reserved tomato juice to the pan, scraping the bottom of the pan with a wooden spoon to remove any browned bits (called fond). Add the potatoes to the pan and simmer for 10 minutes, then add the beans, carrots, meat, and peppers. Cook five more minutes, then add the kale and simmer for three minutes, until the kale is wilted. Season with hot sauce and serve warm. Makes 8 servings (1 heaping cup) Number of Servings: 8 Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user CHEF_MEG. Amount Per Serving

Calories 223.5 Total Fat 4.3 g Cholesterol 15.3 mg Sodium 410.9 mg Total Carbs 35.0 g Dietary Fiber 8.9 g Protein 11.5 g

Loaded Potato Soup

My family loves potato soup but I prefer loaded baked potatoes. With this recipe, everyone wins!

Minutes to Prepare 15 Minutes to Cook 40 Number of Servings 8 Ingredients Soup: 2 teaspoons canola oil 1 large onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, smashed and chopped 3 stalks celery, chopped 1 yellow bell pepper, chopped 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour 5 Russet potatoes, peeled and diced 1 quart homemade or low sodium chicken or vegetable stock 1 bay leaf 1 ear corn cooked or 1/2 cup frozen kernels 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper Toppings: 8 cherry tomatoes, diced 2 Tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons reduced-fat sharp cheddar cheese, shredded 1 head green leaf lettuce, shredded Directions This is not your traditional potato soup recipe. I've added yellow bell peppers and corn for a boost in vitamins and fiber then loaded on my favorite potato toppings tomatoes, cheese and lettuce. This soup is loaded down--with nutrition not fat! A loaded baked potato can have 460 calories each, and potato soup has gobs of salt. By the way, it's not a mistake that you put lettuce in this soup. The hot soup will wilt the lettuce, and you will be amazed with the taste within the dish. Heat a saucepan to medium-low, add the oil, then add the onions once the oil warms. Sweat the onions for 3-4 minutes (to soften them; you don't want them to brown). Add the garlic, celery and bell pepper and cook another 3-4 minutes, until the vegetables are tender. Stir in the flour using a wooden spoon, and cook for 1 minute to remove the raw flour taste. Add

the pepper, bay leaf and thyme, then slowly pour in the stock and the potatoes, stir and cover. Simmer for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, remove the bay leaf and add the corn and cayenne pepper. Using an immersion blender or food processor, puree the soup until smooth. If you want a thinner soup, add more stock. Ladle the soup into bowls. Garnish each one cup serving with 1 cherry tomato chopped, 1 teaspoon sharp cheese, and 2 tablespoons shredded lettuce. Serving Size: Makes 8 one-cup servings. Amount Per Serving Calories 167.9 Total Fat 2.1 g Cholesterol 2.0 mg Sodium 49.9 mg Total Carbs 32.0 g Dietary Fiber 4.5 g Protein 4.9 g

Mini Taco Cups

These bite-size tacos are always a hit in our house! Have some fun with this recipe; try adding chopped chives, avocado, different varieties of beans, or red onions. Minutes to Prepare 10 Minutes to Cook 12 Number of Servings 12 Ingredients Special equipment needed: Mini muffin tins 8 sheets phyllo dough, thawed 3/4 cup fat-free refried beans 1 1/2 teaspoons salt-free taco seasoning 2 tablespoons black beans, drained and rinsed 2 tablespoons sharp cheddar, shredded 2 tablespoons salsa Directions Preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Place a sheet of phyllo dough on a cutting board, and spritz with nonstick spray. Repeat with 7 more sheets of dough, but do not spray the top of the last sheet. Cut the dough into 12 equal squares. Place one square in each cup of a mini muffin tin. After all the pastry is in the cups, spray the top of the sheets with nonstick spray. Combine the refried beans and taco seasoning. Fill each cup 3/4 of the way full with the seasoned beans. Top with a half teaspoon each of the black beans and cheese. Bake 12-15 minutes, until lightly browned. Remove from oven and top with 1/2 teaspoon salsa. Makes 12 mini cups. Serve warm. Number of Servings: 12 Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user CHEF_MEG. Amount Per Serving Calories 59.4 Total Fat

1.2 g Cholesterol 1.3 mg Sodium 148.7 mg Total Carbs 9.7 g Dietary Fiber 1.4 g Protein 2.2 g

Nutty Noodles

This quick and easy meal is a hit with kids. If they can't tolerate spicy foods, reduce or omit the sriracha. Minutes to Prepare 2 Minutes to Cook 15 Number of Servings 4 Ingredients 6 ounces whole wheat spaghetti 10 ounces broccoli spears 1 cup baby carrots 1 ounce soy sauce 1 tablespoon natural peanut butter 1 teaspoon sriracha sauce Pre-cooked protein of your choice: 2 cups shelled edamame 12 ounces cooked chicken breasts, chopped (calculated in the nutrition info) 12 ounces cooked tofu, cubed Directions Cook pasta according to package directions. Combine the peanut butter, soy sauce, and sriracha in a small bowl. One minute before you drain the pasta, add the carrots and broccoli to the pot. Drain and add the pasta, vegetables, your choice of protein and sauce to the pot. Heat through and serve. Makes 4 one cup servings. Number of Servings: 4 Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user CHEF_MEG. Amount Per Serving Calories 278.4 Total Fat 4.8 g Cholesterol 57.1 mg

Sodium 256.3 mg Total Carbs 35.3 g Dietary Fiber 6.3 g Protein 26.6 g

Slow Cooker Beef Roast with Vegetables

Try using an English Cut Beef Roast. It is economical and flavorful. This cut of meat comes from the shoulder or neck area of the animal. Minutes to Prepare 10 Minutes to Cook 480 Number of Servings 6 Ingredients 1 onion, chopped 1 1/2 cups carrots, baby peeled 2 cloves garlic, sliced in half 1 large parsnip, peeled and chopped 1 rutabaga, peeled and chopped 5 red skin new potatoes, washed and quartered 2.5 pounds beef roast, English or Cross Rib cut 1 teaspoon black pepper 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour 15 ounces salt-free pureed tomatoes 1 teaspoon thyme, dried 1/2 teaspoon rosemary, dried 1 bay leaf, whole Directions Place all vegetables in the bottom of a slow cooker. Season both sides of the meat with black pepper and salt. Preheat a large sauté pan to moderately high heat; once hot spray pan with pan spray. Lightly flour beef then sear meat on all sides for 3-4 minutes per side. Place meat over vegetables. Combine tomato sauce and seasonings. Pour over meat and set slow cooker on low. Cook for 8-9 hours. Remove meat and shred. Makes 6 servings. 4 ounces of cooked meat and 1 cup vegetables Number of Servings: 6 Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user CHEF_MEG. Amount Per Serving Calories 349.9 Total Fat 9.3 g

Cholesterol 111.5 mg Sodium 342.4 mg Total Carbs 21.1 g Dietary Fiber 4.2 g Protein 43.9 g

Slow Cooker Buffalo Chicken Soup

Did you know that just three buffalo wings have 10 grams of fat? (Who eats just three?) This soup has all the spice, creaminess, and tang you crave--with a fraction of the fat. Minutes to Prepare 10 Minutes to Cook 180 Number of Servings 6 Tips Hot sauce is packed full of salt. I chose to use spices to add flavor then add a bit of hot sauce for tang. Ingredients 1 onion, diced, about 1 cup 2 stalks celery, diced 1 medium carrot, diced 2 cloves garlic, sliced 1 hot pepper,* deseeded and chopped 1 1/2 cups no salt added diced tomatoes 1/2 teaspoon paprika 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper 12 ounces chicken breast, diced 3 cups homemade or low-salt chicken stock 1 tablespoon hot sauce For garnish: 2 tablespoons blue cheese, crumbled 1 celery stalk, thinly sliced * choose a pepper that's right for your heat preference. An Anaheim pepper is milder and that's what I used in this recipe. Directions Place all the soup ingredients except for the hot sauce in a slow cooker, and stir to combine. Cover and cook on high for 3 hours or low for 6. Before serving, stir in the hot sauce. Top each bowl with 1 teaspoon blue cheese and chopped celery. This soup is "medium" in terms of heat. For "hot" soup: Choose a hotter pepper, and leave the seeds in the pepper.

For "mild" soup: Stir 1/4 cup Greek yogurt into 1/2 cup of the hot soup, then stir the soup-yogurt mixture into the rest of the soup. (This step prevents the yogurt from curdling.) The yogurt will add about 25 calories and 1.6 grams of fat to each serving--not calculated in this recipe. Serving Size: Makes 6 cups. Amount Per Serving Calories 113.2 Total Fat 1.5 g Cholesterol 32.9 mg Sodium 97.3 mg Total Carbs 8.1 g Dietary Fiber 1.9 g Protein 16.3 g

Slow Cooker Vegetarian Chili The secret to this hearty vegetarian chili is butternut squash. It holds its shape and adds a layer of flavor and sweetness. Minutes to Prepare 20 Minutes to Cook 360 Number of Servings 8 Ingredients 2 teaspoons canola oil 1 large onion, diced 2 stalks celery, diced 2 carrots, diced 2 cloves garlic, chopped 1 bell pepper, diced 2 tablespoons dark chili powder 2 teaspoons ground cumin 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes 1 (29-ounce) can crushed tomatoes 3 (15.5 ounce) cans red kidney or black beans, rinsed and drained 12 ounces butternut squash, peeled and diced (about 3 cups) 1 cup vegetable stock Directions NOTE: Sautéing the vegetables before adding them to the slow cooker creates a layer of flavor. Do not skip this step. -- Heat the oil in a sauté pan, then add the onions, carrots and celery. Saute for four minutes, until the vegetables start to soften. Add the garlic and bell pepper, stir and sauté another 2 minutes. Add the spices and cook for one minute, stirring constantly. Remove the pan from heat. Add the vegetables and the remaining ingredients to the slow cooker and stir to combine. Cover and cook on low for six hours. Serving Size: Makes 8 one-cup servings. Amount Per Serving Calories 263.4 Total Fat

2.4 g Cholesterol 0.0 mg Sodium 472.9 mg Total Carbs 51.4 g Dietary Fiber 18.6 g Protein 12.9 g

Spicy Nutty Chicken Nuggets

Instead of reaching for fried chicken or frozen chicken nuggets, turn to these spicy, crunchy ones instead. Minutes to Prepare 60 Minutes to Cook 25 Number of Servings 6 Tips Dunk them in your condiment of choice, serve with baked potato wedges on game day or chop them up and place them atop a salad. They're quite versatile! These grown-up chicken tenders are easy to make, and they freeze well. If you really want to pack in the heat, leave in the seeds in the peppers. I did this the first time I made the recipe, and no one in my family could eat them--they were just too hot. Ingredients Marinade: 1 pound chicken breasts cut into 1 inch cubes 3 chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, seeds removed 1 clove garlic juice of two limes (about 1/2 cup) 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar 2 egg whites Crust: 1/4 cup raw sunflower seeds 1/4 cup raw almonds 1/4 cup panko (Japanese bread crumbs) 1/4 cup all-purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper Pinch salt Directions Prepare marinade by pureeing the garlic, peppers, lime juice and vinegar in a food processor or blender. Place chicken in a glass pie plate or dish and cover with the marinade. Refrigerate for one

hour or overnight. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Roughly chop the almonds and sunflower seeds by hand or pulse in a food processor. Combine the nuts, bread crumbs, pepper, and salt in a small bowl. Set up a breading station: place the flour on one plate, the egg whites on a second, and the nut topping on third. Spray a baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray or line with foil or parchment paper. Use your left hand to dip the chicken into the flour, then switch to your right hand to dip it into the egg wash, and use your left hand for the nut topping. This method keeps your hands from getting clumps of breading all over them. Place the chicken on the baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes. Approximately 6 nuggets per serving (Assuming 36 nuggets total.) Amount Per Serving Calories 189.3 Total Fat 6.7 g Cholesterol 43.8 mg Sodium 158.2 mg Total Carbs 11.2 g Dietary Fiber 1.5 g Protein 21.7 g

Spring Rolls

This recipe is really easy; it's really more of a process than a recipe. Rice paper wrappers, which are available in the ethnic sections of most larger supermarkets these days, are a great way to wrap your veggies and protein for a quick snack or light lunch. Minutes to Prepare 5 Number of Servings 6 Ingredients 3 sheets of rice paper Basil Sauce 1 tablespoon fat-free mayonnaise 1 tablespoon prepared pesto 1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard Thai Sauce 1 tablespoon fat-free mayonnaise 1 tablespoon Thai sauce Filling 1 cup carrots, shredded 1 cup broccoli slaw or chopped broccoli 2 bell peppers, sliced 1 cup mushrooms, sliced Protein: select one, (nutritional info is based on chicken) 6 ounces chicken breast, sliced 6 ounces turkey, sliced 6 ounces cheese (mozzarella or string) Directions Make the sauce of your choice by combining the ingredients in a small bowl. (If you prefer one sauce to the other, just double that recipe.) Place the rice papers one at a time in a flat dish filled with hot water. Immerse for 5 seconds. Remove from the water and lay flat on a clean kitchen towel. Spread desired sauce on the rice paper then fill with 1/3 of the vegetables and meat or cheese. Fold in sides of the paper to form a seal, then roll from the bottom of the circle away from you to form an egg roll shape. Repeat until all three rice papers have been filled. Slice each roll in half and serve! Makes 6 rolls.

Number of Servings: 6 Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user CHEF_MEG. Amount Per Serving Calories 110.2 Total Fat 3.9 g Cholesterol 18.0 mg Sodium 126.0 mg Total Carbs 9.7 g Dietary Fiber 2.0 g Protein 9.1 g

Super Speedy Sausage Rolls

Make these rolls at night and pop them in the microwave (about 20 seconds) or toaster oven (on low) until warm. Pair them with a banana or apple, a peeled hard-boiled egg, and a cup of milk, and breakfast is ready to go in two minutes flat! Minutes to Prepare 10 Minutes to Cook 15 Number of Servings 8 Ingredients 1 tube refrigerated bread dough (whole wheat preferred) flour for rolling dough 8 ounces Chef Meg's Low-Sodium Breakfast Sausage, cooked and crumbled 1 teaspoon thyme dried or 2 teaspoons fresh 1/2 cup cheese, parmesan or Swiss, grated Directions Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Lightly dust a cutting board with flour. Shape the dough into a rectangle, then spray the top with nonstick cooking spray. Sprinkle on the sausage, cheese and thyme and roll the dough into a tube. Cut into 1/2 inch thick slices and place on a baking sheet that has been coated with nonstick spray. Bake 15 minutes or until just golden in color. Makes 16 rolls, 2 rolls per serving. Number of Servings: 8 Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user CHEF_MEG. Amount Per Serving Calories 229.5 Total Fat 8.9 g Cholesterol 25.0 mg Sodium 275.4 mg

Total Carbs 24.6 g Dietary Fiber 3.1 g Protein 11.0 g

Taco Soup

Chef Meg cut the sodium on this hearty soup by swapping taco seasoning for three spices you already have on hand. There's a secret ingredient (garbanzo beans) that helps add fiber and thicken our Taco Soup! Minutes to Prepare 5 Minutes to Cook 20 Number of Servings 6 Tips Ingredients 16 ounces lean ground beef 1/2 cup yellow onion, chopped 1 recipe taco seasoning 14 ounces tomato sauce 14 ounces diced tomatoes with green chilies 14 ounces kidney beans, dark, drained 1 cup water 1 cup corn, frozen 4 ounces green chilies, chopped 1/2 cup garbanzo beans, smashed Directions Brown ground beef and chopped onion over medium heat in a saucepan, stirring occasionally. Drain mixture and blot away excess grease. Add spices cook for 1 minute. Add tomato sauce and cook additional minute while stirring. Add diced tomatoes, kidney beans, and water. Simmer for 10 minutes. Add corn, green chilies, and mashed garbanzo beans, simmer an additional 5 minutes. Garnish with chopped cilantro, chips, cheese, or sour cream. (Calories not included.) Number of Servings: 6 Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user CHEF_MEG. Amount Per Serving Calories

342.1 Total Fat 16.8 g Cholesterol 56.7 mg Sodium 844.3 mg Total Carbs 29.5 g Dietary Fiber 8.3 g Protein 20.4 g

Turkey Bacon Breakfast Rolls

Skip the drive-through and serve these instead. Split one open, pop in an egg cooked your way and even some shredded cheese. Make a batch on the weekend and keep handy for hungry teenage boys (and their parents)! Minutes to Prepare 5 Minutes to Cook 15 Number of Servings 6 Tips Want to serve a decadent brunch that's still healthier than a restaurant? Serve these with my Mock Sausage Gravy! Ingredients 1 tube refrigerated bread dough, whole wheat if possible 3 slices turkey bacon 1 teaspoon dried thyme or 2 teaspoons fresh sprinkle red pepper flakes (optional) Directions Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Lightly dust a cutting board with flour. Place the dough on a cutting board and unroll into a rectangle. Spray the side of the dough that's face up with nonstick cooking spray. Place the bacon strips on the dough then sprinkle on the thyme. Roll the dough back into its original shape. Cut into 1/2 inch thick slices and place on a baking sheet that has been sprayed with nonstick cooking spray. Bake 15 minutes or until just golden in color. Makes 12 rolls, 2 rolls per serving. Amount Per Serving Calories 137.8 Total Fat 2.8 g Cholesterol 7.5 mg Sodium 390.0 mg

Total Carbs 24.1 g Dietary Fiber 1.0 g Protein 5.0 g

Veggie Chicken Stir Fry

This is a great meal for a busy night--for some added fun, leave the forks in the cabinet and bring out the chopsticks! Minutes to Prepare 5 Minutes to Cook 15 Number of Servings 4 Ingredients 1 tablespoon low-sodium soy sauce 1 teaspoon hoisin sauce 1 cup warm water 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 teaspoon peanut or olive oil 1 teaspoon garlic, minced 1 teaspoon ginger, minced 1 teaspoon Thai hot sauce 2 c mushrooms, sliced 2 c broccoli slaw or chopped broccoli 1 cup carrots, shredded 1 red pepper, roasted 2 c chicken breasts, cooked and cubed Directions Combine the soy sauce, hoisin, water, and cornstarch in a small bowl. Stir to combine; set aside. In a flat bottomed pan or wok set to high heat, add the oil, garlic, ginger, and Thai hot sauce. Stir fry for 1 minute. Add the vegetables and chicken. Stir fry, moving all ingredients in the wok quickly for 3-4 minutes. Add prepared sauce and continue to cook until the liquid thickens. Serve with brown rice or rice noodles. Makes four two cup servings. Number of Servings: 4 Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user CHEF_MEG. Amount Per Serving Calories 148.9

Total Fat 2.3 g Cholesterol 41.1 mg Sodium 265.3 mg Total Carbs 12.7 g Dietary Fiber 2.7 g Protein 18.9 g

Bonus: 25 Healthy, Tasty After-School Snack Ideas There's more to healthy snacking than rice cakes and celery sticks. We've compiled a list of some of our favorite healthy indulgences that are quick and easy to make. As a parent, you can whip up these easy-to-prepare snacks for your kids, or teach them how to make the recipes themselves. They are full of nutrition and flavor, so everyone will be happy between school and dinner! When you want something sweet, try…

Strawberry smoothie: Add 1 handful of fresh or frozen strawberries, 1 fresh or frozen banana (peeled and broken into chunks), and 1 cup of low-fat yogurt (any flavor you like) to a blender. Blend until smooth. TIP The texture of this smoothie is enhanced if at least one of the fruit ingredients is frozen.

PBO smoothie: Add 1 frozen banana (broken into chunks), 1 handful oats (instant or old-fashioned), and 1 heaping Tablespoon of peanut butter to a blender. Sweeten with honey and add enough soy, rice or dairy milk to reach desired thickness. Blend until smooth. TIP Frozen bananas are the key ingredient for a milkshake-like consistency.

Peanut Butter Banana Sandwich: Toast 1 slice of whole grain bread. Top it with 2 Tablespoons natural peanut butter, 1 Tablespoon honey and half of a banana, thinly sliced. TIP For a heartier dish, add another slice of bread and cook this sandwich on a warm skillet like you would make grilled cheese.

Yogurt Parfait: In a tall glass or sundae cup, spoon alternating layers of low-fat yogurt, granola and sliced fruit of your choice. TIP Try fresh or canned fruit such as berries, peaches and bananas.

When you want something salty, try… Nachos: Spray a cookie sheet with non-stick cooking spray and preheat the

oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. Spread out a handful of low-fat or baked tortilla chips onto pan. Top with salsa, black beans (canned and rinsed), and a small amount of shredded cheese. Bake for 15 minutes or until cheese on top is melted. TIP You can also heat nachos on high in the microwave for about a minute.

Nut Butter Dip: Combine 1/4 cup of your favorite nut butter (such as peanut butter, almond butter or cashew butter) with 1/4 cup water. Whip with a fork until smooth. Cut up carrots, celery, cucumbers, apples, bananas or other fresh produce into spears and dip into the nut butter. TIP You might have to melt the nut butter slightly to achieve desired consistency.

Bean Burritos: Top a whole-wheat tortilla with canned fat-free refried beans, salsa and shredded low-fat cheese. Microwave until warm, then add chopped lettuce and plain low-fat yogurt for garnish. Roll up and enjoy! TIP If you don't have refried beans on hand, open a can of black or pinto beans, rinse, drain and then mash with a fork.

Personal Veggie Pizza: Preheat oven or toaster oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. Spread tomato sauce onto a piece of whole-wheat pita bread. Top with your favorite veggies, such as frozen peas, corn, diced peppers or onions, olives, broccoli or sliced tomatoes. Sprinkle cheese over vegetables and bake for 15 minutes, or until cheese is melted. TIP If you don't have pizza sauce on hand, you can skip the sauce. For added flavor, sprinkle your pizza with garlic powder, dried basil and/or dried oregano.

When you'd rather head to the store, remember… If you don't have the time to make any of the recipes above, but still want to pack your child a healthy snack, there are some great packaged snacks available. Take a cruise down the natural-food aisle the next time you're at the supermarket. There are plenty of low-fat, healthy and natural versions of your kids' favorites. Healthy snacks that don't need any prep work include:

Low-fat yogurt

Trail mix

Mixed nuts

Dried fruit

Fruit leather

Granola bars

Protein or energy bars

Fresh fruit

Low-fat string cheese

Whole-grain cereal with low-fat milk

Whole-grain crackers with sliced low-fat cheese

Cottage cheese

Baby carrots with hummus

Air-popped popcorn

Whole-wheat pita bread with black bean dip

Celery sticks with peanut butter

Canned tuna salad kits

It's good for kids and teens to snack, especially if they're eating the right foods.

Providing their growing bodies with a steady supply of nutrients is the key to staying

healthy and energized. So snack on!

About is one of the leading diet, fitness and healthy living destinations on the web, with more than 12 million members; free weight loss, nutrition, and fitness tracking tools; and a positive community of people who are committed to reaching their goals and supporting one another along the way. SparkPeople combines the science of nutrition and fitness with the science of motivation and the power of social networking. The company has seven websites, including, with more than 350,000 healthy and delicious recipes.

About the Author

Samantha's Bio

Samantha Donohue is all about taking her health seriously, but without taking herself

too seriously. She loves to fly through the air on a trapeze, hide vegetables in her

children's smoothies, and out-sprint her husband on training runs. Having grown up

cooking with both of her Italian grandmothers, she knows how to make most everything

from scratch, but she's not afraid to reach for a jar of canned pasta sauce on busy


In 2003, she left a successful high-tech career to inspire her own family to live a healthy

and happy lifestyle. Not long after, she began working on SparkPeople's

site to help other women achieve their prenatal and postnatal goals. She now works

on and writes articles for the, too!

Samantha lives in Sonoma County with her husband and three children. Since her

children were born, she has prepared more than 8,000 healthy lunches, which means

that she has also cut more than 64,000 crusts off her kids' sandwiches. Her life motto is

"to run the race set before me with my eyes wide open and focused on the goal."

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