TGIF Reflet - Feb 21, 2014 - «Hello Friday. Where have you been all week?»

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Jimmy Fallon & Will Smith, Direct mail targets your kitty, Mercedes-Benz. Creating day at night, Nightbus - When the night come, David Cameron's Facebook Movie, Vitaminwater " IT ", Google Glass: Don't Be A Glasshole, Peking Duk - High (ft. Nicole Millar)

Transcript of TGIF Reflet - Feb 21, 2014 - «Hello Friday. Where have you been all week?»

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Thank God It’s Friday February, 21 2014

Hello Friday. Where have you been all week?

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#The evolution of !HipHop dancing! Yeah

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Jimmy Fallon & Will Smith#Awesome!

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Direct mail targets your kitty#OutOfHome

Creating day at night#OutOfHome

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Nightbus - When the night come#Digital

David Cameron's Facebook Movie#Digital

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titre 2#Print

titre 2#titre 1#Print

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Vitamin water it #Art


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Social Media cone of shame#Fun

Don't Be A Glasshole#Fun

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Peking Duk - High (ft. Nicole Millar)

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Thank God It’s Friday