TF Unbalance by Guiyeoni

Post on 17-Nov-2015

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This is a fan fiction by Guiyeoni. And I'm just uploading. Happy reading

Transcript of TF Unbalance by Guiyeoni

Unbalance by Guiyeoni, translated by DONCHA

Unbalance by Guiyeoni, translated by DONCHA


So when.. are you going to move out of my mind..I thought it became smaller.. that if I forgot you little bit more, it will be over..I tried to hold it in every day that passed by..but it's not that.. it can't time passes, my stupid love for you gets bigger..and until i close my eyes's a fate that i cannot end...

i'm stupid..i'm an idiot..3 years ago. i still love the man that left with my friend.why is it so freaken hard to forget about him..the retarded one, i, decided to get revenge.. with an excuse that i am drunk.. i seeked out for him...

and..the one that sat in front of my eyes..with that same expression 3 years ago.. the cold expression that i can't bare to look at for over 10 minutes..he looked at my face that was ruined.

"Jung Jae IN-0- Huh?? Listen to me!!! It's been awhile since we met..don't glare at me like that.. listen to meeeee.. -0-..."

".....I'm leaving..."

"Waittt.. Dont' be like that... listen to mee..."

Saturday 8 PM

At a bar where everyone is stuffed into..i must have looked funny...with shortcut hair.. with clothes like a hobo..and not letting go of a handsome man when it's obvious he didn't like me..people looked at the table we were at with interest and curious eyes..and i've already covered myself wtih 5 layers of steel to hide my embarassment.. so i continued..

"It hurt so freaken much.. a LOT.. -0-..I'm stupid.. you know that.. it's already been years... but it's not working out..i don't think i can live without you... come backk.. yeah?I'll be good.. Jung Jae In.. come back.. to me..."

"......don't annoy me...."

Jung Jae In stepped onto the words that came out of pure courage..and i still like him..i'm probably a serious idiot.

With his long, dark fingers, Jae In pressed down the cigarette that he was biting onto, and combed his black hair.My jaws dropped at such heavenly sight...

"Listen well. Lee Kang Yoon.."

"Yeah. I will.. - 0-.."

"I really don't liek this.. I seriously don't.."


"I already told you I had a girlfriend.."

"Yeah.. I'll be better..."

"...still.. i dont like you.."

".......i do.."

THere wren't anymore space to fall down to..I held my hands together... and with my monstrous face that's covered in tears..i put my face closer to Jae cold love.. he squinted his left eye..and took out another cigarette to bite on..

"i don't like you even if you become a millionaire.i don't like you even if you fix yoru whole face and body.i don't like you even if you save my do you understand?"

I felt a big rock pushing itself into my throat..but with all that steel that i'm covered with..i forgot about the pain for a minute.. and said in a bright voice..

"Why not?? Love changes.. we can change starting now.I'll make it so that you can like me again.."

"...But we have a slight problem.."


"I might kill you before that.."

He said that.. with his face only 5cm away from my face..DUring our school year. He had on that "cool" face of his when he fought with what i mean is, with tip of his lips up into a curl..he said that.. he might kill me..

SO i felt how it feels like to get hurt twice in a day..

"Jung Jae In.. Do you have to talk like that?"

"My personality is originally like this."

He spat out some more words as if he's annoyed..That cruel guy stood up and passed by me.. who sat speechlessly..And I heard the mocking words from the tables around me..

"Man, sucks to be her..With amazing sound of voice, Jae In grabbed for his collar.As I threw myself in between them,and the scared worker ran out the back door, DOngYung's friends ran over and started to stop this sudden fight..

"Who are you!! HUH!?!?!"


"rainbow. This sunshine is pushing at my temper that's been sleeping for awhile!!!!'

NO please stop!!!!! TT0TT

This isn't the reunion that I wanted to have with himi wasn't tupposed to be on the floor laong with the chairsor get his head hit by someone lse!!

I doubt these two know what I'm thinking..but they started to roll on the floor, hitting each other..

Dongyung guy must've planned to rip out all the hair from Jae In beacuse he attacekd him like crazy..and Jae In, with his built body, moved around his fist.

This was seriously the sunshinetiest reunion.....

"Dongyung!! Stop. I'm ok so just leave!!Why are you being like this!! Huh!? TT0TT"

"Shut up you retardo, can't you see i'm helping you!!!!!!"

Who is he calling a retard!!Ahh.. leaving that behind.. plase stop.. if you keep being like this, i can't see Jung Jae In for another year..

"HEY!! DONGYUNG. STOP!! Stop it!!!!!'

"No!!! Stop Kim DOng Yung!! Don't fight!!! I don't like fighitng!!!"

As I sat there giving up.the friends of DongYung that was drinking with him busted out their power and grabbed his two arms..and the yellow hair kid cussed out with an interesting face that i haven't seen.

Now.. it's the end..I waited for two years..for an awesome reunion.. to get my man back.

(That's why i wore sweats and bowl hair cut)

for over 600 days.. i waited so patiently..

"I'm gonna open your head with a can opener!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Because that frog popped in out of nowhere..the two years are forever gone..

after 30 minutes - _ -

We stood at front of the bar that made problems..

"Crappp!! My hair that i spent 2 hours on is messy now!!"

-__-^.. whew..

.. arghhh =_=^...

With both of his palms, he tipped up his hair as he complained..And Jung Jae In, ignoring the cries mixed in with my tears, yelled coldly.

"If I see even a strand of your hair I'm gonna KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!"

And left in his new and shiny car.

And..after sending his freinds back home..That frog stood by and attempted to comfort me.

"Nuna don't cry!! I'm not hurt so don't worry!!See, i'm not bleeding!! So cheer up!! I'm ok!!"

"..Do you.. want to die..?"

"No, of course not. What kind of idiot would want to die.But nuna, it's been awhile. You still have that ugly hair of yours."




"Yeah, I can hear you so say it."

"Get ouf o my face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=0=!"

Please leave..JUST GO!! TT___TT

Ignoring the trecherous cry of mine,the frog looked at himself in the display glass and smiled in satisfaction.

"Hell yeah. This is teh style."


I didn't have any more strength left. -__-..I sighed deeply.. and glared at him as much as possible..but that was the only thing that i could do..

"How's Kangsoon? Hm??"

" talked to her yesterday..........."

"Yeah but how is she today? hM?"


"I freaken helped you and this is how you say thank you!?!? By yelling!?"

"Are you my friend!?! AM I!!? WHo told you to help me!!!!"

"The back of your head was asking me to help!!!!"

"Who are you to yell at me!!!!!!!!!"

I got up quickly to strangle himbut with fast movements, he was running away swiftly.

...seriously, i hate those type..

I thought he would change if he goes into college....

"Dubuk [a/n: that's a very ugly ugly stupid sounding nickname]!! I'm leaving!!!You don't have to pay back today!! If i see you next time, just buy me lunch!!If you ask me what kind of food I like~I would shyly answer that I like sushi~"


I held my two fists tight..and the frog that appeared in front of me so suddenlydisappeared like a fog ina black taxi.

UHHHHH.. ARGHHH... JAe in.. Jae inn TT____TT

When my head cleared up, the Jae In that I thought of was already gone to a place where i can't catch him again..and the one that i saw last and said goodbye to was not JaeIn that i missed like mad..but Kangsoon's friend, Dongyung that i havent' seen for 2 years.

I remembered the serious face of his when he his Jaein's head..but that memory soon turned into revenge..and with two swollen eyes, i went home.and it was about 2 AM.


"HEY! Wake your sister up!! Doesn't she have to leave already!?!?"

I heard mom's mad voice that tickled my ears.with that, I heard the door open..and when I was falling deeper into sleeep..

"Unnie. Get up. It's already 3. Shouldn't you go work?"

"Mmm.. I'm sleepy.. I'll sleep..."

"Then you're gonna get fired.. get up already.."

"Go work for me.. act like you're me ... TT__TT"

"What are you talking about.. how can i act like you.."

"YEAH!! I'm uglier than you.. that's why you're underestimating me!!! Are you treating me like a boy too!!! That's it huh!!!-0-!!!!"

"What are you saying!! Get out of your fantasy world alreayd!!"

"NO!! I don't want to.. i can't.. i'm retarded.. TT__TT"

"JUst come out and eat!!"

I remembered yesterday's eventand prepared my bed to cry on..but my mom slapped my butt cheeks and disrupted my preparation..

"UMMA!! I want to cry some time!!"

"What gives you the right to cry!!Don't complain to me after you get fired because you were tardy. Eat and go!!!!!!!"

"I don't want to eat..!!!!"

"Then don't!!! There's no more rice!!!!"

"........everyone hates me.. TT___TT .."

I got dressed as i complained.

Without getting any bite of food,I pressed a cap on my head.When I arrived at the sports center that i've been working on for a month, the sign "ON VACATION" freezes my muscles.

"...Hyung..!! [which means this boy is referring KangYoon as a boy] We're not doing anything today?? No swimming today!?"

This little kid screeched onto my back which froze like a stone.

Yeah.. I remember now..Coach Park said.. we have vacation for 4 days.. Yup..That's righttt... i'm on vacation.. starting today, i'm on breakkk. TT____TT

"HYUNG!! Are you ignoring me!?!? They went on vacation!? THey went to the beach!?"

"Have you seen a hyung that looks like me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!"

"Was it nuna? -0- Sorry."


"But Hyung,"


I formed a fist with my rough hand and striked down that little brat's head,

and as I heard his enormous cry,I ran to the bus stop like crazy. - __ -

Then i arrived at Station 77-1..I leaned my face to the window and slowly slided my skin to the window.

And i remembered Jae In's face..

I miss those times..When i was in high school, i wasn't like this..My hair was long.. i talked like a girl.. i dressed like a girl.. It's all because of you that i became like this..Because i didn't have to look nice for anyone, i ruined myself every day and ended up like this..

When the bus driver looked through the back mirror into my eyes, my cell phone started to ring.


THat short and loud ring brought all the attention back to me - _ -;but ignoring that, i cautiously opened the cell phone.

"Kang Yoon!?"

"..Yeah.. Hi Mija.."

"Hey, where are you right now??"

"...on the bus 77-1, the second to the last seat.."

"What the hell? Did you drink in daylight?"

"No.. do you want to buy me some.."

"Come here!!"

"Where are you..?"

"My school!!"

"Why should I go there.."

"I told you we have a festival today!! I want you to meet someone so hurry up and come!!"

"No.. its ok, i don't want to met anyone... i odn't want hookups.."

"If you come, there's lots to see!! There's performances in the evening time!!THere's a LOT of food too!!!'

"WHAT KIND OF FOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"AHK! You scared me!!"

"I'm hungry.. what is there to eat.. TT__TT.."

Beef~ Seafood~ Beer~Woo-Dong~ Chicken~ Sandwich~

I drooled as i heard Mija sing the list of food to me, so with the speed of light, i was able to arrive in Mija's university in just 16 minutes.

"Oh wow!! She's really here fast!!!! > 0o