Textual analysis genre

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Textual analysis genre

1. By Gabrielle Green TEXTUAL ANALYSIS GENRE 2. For this particular task, my group will be analysing the film Insidious (2010 Directed by James Wan) This film has been chosen as it is a film within the horror genre which we intend to base our group project on. OVERVIEW 3. Typical codes and conventions include: The creation of enigma through narrative (Mysterious events within the film giving the audience a sense of suspicion and tension) The film is usually certificated with a 15 or 18 age rating. Editing is generally slow paced consisting of long takes and there are transitions such as matching shots and jump cuts. Binary oppositions are present. For instance, there is usually a clear distinction between good and evil. Mise-en-scene elements of low-key lighting and costume such as gothic make-up is present in these films as it connotes a sense of darkness and fear present within the setting. Stereotypes of gender are usually depicted in these films for instance, men play the antagonist, whilst women tend to play the role of the victim. However, insidious challenges this as the main antagonists are female although the demon is played by a male. Point of view shots are used to show subjects from the characters point of view In terms of camera work, there is high usage of low angle shots to connote power, extreme close up shots or close ups which signifies the expressions of characters and highlights key objects within the film such as weapons or notes etc. WHAT ARE TYPICAL CODES AND CONVENTIONS OF FILMS WITHIN THE HORROR GENRE? 4. HOW DOES INSIDIOUS CREATE ENIGMA? In the opening scene of Insidious, there is a usage of low key lighting throughout the house which is denoted through the crane shot. This establishes the genre of the film as it connotes darkness and a sense of fear to the audience leaving them wanting to know what will happen next within the narrative. As we can denote within the second shot, the antagonist within the film is illuminated with under-lighting which places emphasis on facial features and the candle he is holding. 5. In relation to costume, stereotypically, the antagonists in horror films tend to wear dark black clothing (usually a gown) Make up is worn to make these characters appear pale and lifeless making the audience perceive them as scary. This element is clear in Insidious as the shadowy old woman wears a gown and appears very unkempt and sadistic. Props such as candles are used within horror films as the burning is commonly associated with evil forces such as witchcraft and supernatural spirits A red candle used by the old woman connotes she is undertaking a brutal action towards the family due to the numerous unfortunate events which takes place in the inhabitants home. HOW DOES INSIDIOUS ESTABLISH GENRE MISE-EN-SCENE 6. Insidious is certified as a 15 rated film by the BBFC. Due to the content of strong horror and menace, the film has been given this rating which suggests the film has been targeted at an older audience. This is a typical element of horror films as the gruesome themes such as torture, murder and supernatural activity depicted within films are unsuitable for young children. HOW DOES INSIDIOUS ESTABLISH GENRE? (AGE RATING) 7. In the opening scene of Insidious, there is a usage of low key lighting throughout the house which is denoted through the crane shot. This establishes the genre of the film as a horror film as it connotes darkness giving a sense of suspense to the audience. As we can denote within the second shot, the antagonist within the film is illuminated with under-lighting which places emphasis on facial features and the candle she is holding which highlights the theme of darkness. HOW DOES INSIDIOUS ESTABLISH ITS GENRE? (STYLE AND LIGHTING) 8. An extensive use of close up shots and extreme close up shots are used generally in horror films. Insidious establishes its genre through this element as there are many close up shots denoted throughout the text. Establishing shots are typically used to show where the action will be taking place. This is usually shot in a low key setting with FX effects such as smoke in order to connote an underlying mystery. HOW DOES INSIDIOUS ESTABLISH ITS GENRE THROUGH MICRO-FEATURES (CAMERAWORK) 9. In the opening sequence, non-diegetic sound is used. The music is played at a very slow pitch which gradually speeds up as the camera pans through the house. This establishes the fact that the film is a horror film as scary music is included in the soundtrack. HOW DOES INSIDIOUS ESTABLISH ITS GENRE THROUGH MICRO-FEATURES (SOUND) Press Play 10. The main plot of Insidious involves a family attempting to protect their son from an evil spirit called the further as it has invaded the home the family recently moved into. Son Dalton is victimised by a force dubbed the further when he attempts to climb into the attic and suddenly falls on his head, resulting in him entering a coma. There are demons present within the film as well as a haggard old woman holding a lit candle These elements of the plot show a clear distinction between good and evil as the family are clearly innocent people who havent been known to harm anyone. Evil themes within the film are connoted by the demons and the further as they are the culprits behind harming the family. HOW DOES INSIDIOUS REPRESENT TYPICAL BINARY OPPOSITIONS TO ESTABLISH ITS GENRE? 11. Insidious is a film which establishes its genre as a horror film by using the typical codes and conventions of horror. This is depicted through the supernatural theme of the narrative: Dalton falling into a coma with doctors being unable to identify the cause. Fictional demons being in the house and torturing the inhabitants Violence and revenge; this is denoted in scenes where Josh Lambert (Daltons father) strangled the detective to death. The action takes place with very low key lighting which signifies darkness and mystery. Lastly, genre is established through the clear binary oppositions of good and evil. This is clear as evil is presented by the further whilst good is presented by Josh and Renai Lambert who try and protect their son Dalton from the evil force by calling for help and even moving home. IN SUMMARY