Textual analysis!!!

Post on 19-May-2015

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Transcript of Textual analysis!!!

Blood Diamond

The film begins with slow music and the titles fading onto the screen,

a map flashes up indicating Sierra Leone. This shows up that this

particular place is of great significance within

the story. A few sentences play onto the

screen, giving a bit of background information about Sierra Leone and

blood diamonds. The music stops at a specific

line, making that particular line cause

more of a shock.

“Civil war rages for control over the diamond fields...”

Genre: Action Director: Edward Zwick

The shot cuts to an extreme close up of a man lighting a gas light, goes to a medium shot of the

man where we are shown his habitat. It seems like a hut, has little possessions within which shows

they’re quite poor. The backing music is still quite slow, showing their calm family life and how they

get on with things.Cuts to an establishing shot, the sun is rising it is the start of their day. Each shot has water slowly running; this gives the audience a sense of calm.

The next scene is brighter, showing that it is later on in the day. The father and son are walking home together; the music is still slow and calm showing that this is their normal daily ritual. It is captured in a medium shot, which gives us an idea of where they are and what is going on around them. Suddenly gangs appear, driving in their jeeps with the music blaring. This is a large contrast to the picturesque scene in which we just saw. The backing music speeds up, portraying a strong sense of urgency; the man and his son begin running. Now the cuts between each shot are much more abrupt, showing a strong sense of fear and chaos as many people in the small town are being mown down by the hooligans machine guns. This scene is basically showing how sudden a whole town can change, a great difference to how calm and collected the town had been before their arrival.

The GiftGenre: Thriller /Horror Director: Sam Raimi

The film begins with a black screen, you can hear natural noises such as

insects showing that it is set in quite a rural area and not a town where you

would usual hear noises from cars and other industrial machinery. While the peaceful noises of the country are

heard the titles of the film appear on the black screen in white writing. This

signifies that things are seen to be very black and white it this town, portraying

maybe older fashioned views and beliefs.

The establishing shot is a low level shot of a river at night; the water is flowing slowly and has a slight mist

hanging over it. This makes the habitat look very eerie and causes a sense of

uneasiness within the audience.

Suddenly there is a clap of thunder, at this point a body appears on the screen only for a few seconds. It is out of the

blue and quite jumpy, by something like this happening at the very beginning of the film it gives the audience a sense of what they have to come. Fades into a shot of the river again, but this time

during the early morning whilst the sun is low and there is soft music playing in

the background restoring some calm within the audience.

The shot then merges into a close up of cards and a pack of cards on a table, a

hand checks the time on the watch. The shot then cuts to a group of children

walking home from school, getting on with their normal life and doing child like

things such as throwing stones into a canal. The shot then cuts to tarot cards being revealed, 3 cards are turned over then the film cuts to a short clip of the

river. This happens about 3 times, signifying a relationship between the

supernatural nature of the tarot cards and what could possibly be in the river…

Throughout this whole part of the film there is no dialogue used, we then are

shown a woman doing a tarot card reading for a man. This is portraying that she is the one with “The Gift”. We are then

shown her in bed at night, she is alone, and there is a close up of a family portrait. The woman wipes her eyes showing she is

upset and sad; the background music is very slow which gives a sense of

loneliness. The close up of the family portrait and her wiping tears away draws the audience in because we do not know what she is missing and why they have

gone away. These aspects make the audience want to watch more and find out what happened to the man in the picture whom is now absent in the family house.

Premonition“I hate surprises…”

Genre: Psychological Thriller Director: Mennan Yapo

Compared to the other opening sequences of films which I have analysed this begins with quite a fast pace, it makes the film appear to be more gripping.

Once again the text is white against a black background, we hear numerous diegetic sounds such

as car keys rattling etc.

The film then fades into an overhead shot of a woman in a car. She has her eyes covered with her hands, she says the

words “ I hate surprises” substantially surprises seem to be a bit of a theme

within the film. Still with an overhead shot a man gets the woman out of the car,

the lighting is quite bright making it seem heavenly and pure. It has been

edited on quite a low saturation, which gives it quite a grainy effect; a shallow depth of field has also been used. This makes the main 2 characters stand out against the out of focus background,

making them the main focus of attention.

The screen then fades into white, then to a shot of the woman in bed. The children jump into bed with

her and they all go about their normal day, she drops the children off to school. On the drive home

once again an overhead shot is used, in both car scenes so far overhead shots have been used, this

turns out to be quite ironic. For the rest of the sequence all of the shots have the woman as the main focus. This gives quite a strong sense of uneasiness, it makes the audience aware that

something is about to happen and her day is going to change for the worse.

A police officer knocks at her door and informs her that her husband has been killed in a car crash, a series of over the shoulder shots are used and close

ups on the woman’s face, which is portraying a lot of emotion. Once

again a shallow depth of field is used, the police officer is very out of focus

and his conversation turns to just noise. This is showing the event from

her perspective and how she is in a state of shock. During this point I noticed that the background noise

turns into what sounds like a steady beat of a heart, which fastens as the

sad news is told.Finally a low level shot, as if it is

again from the woman’s perspective, is taken of a cluster of crows that are

circling above her house. Crows are notorious for being a sign of bad


The StrangersThe reason in which I chose to look into the opening sequence of this film was

because of its genre, it’s genre is thriller as you can see therefore it is similar to the film as I am going to produce. The film is generally quite violent, our film contains violence also but not quite to

the same extent as The Strangers, it is a far more dark and chilling film and you can tell that from the very beginning of

the film.

The film begins with a black screen, the titles grow from the

centre of the screen, and the text is in quite a light red colour. This colour has a lot of connotations,

but in this particular case I think it could be signifying blood because

it is very relevant to the film. In the same text and editing style, writing appears on the screen with a voice over saying the

words at the same time; the text is basically saying how the film has been based on true events

and some facts and figures about violent crimes in America.

The first set of shots is a tracking shot of houses, fading into black and then onto more houses, the shot gives the feeling that it is

being taken from a car, this could perhaps be showing the scene

from the passengers view. Giving the audience an idea of the

location, but as more houses appear the sun is gradually going down telling us that it is nearing

night time, creating a strong sense of fear because bad things

generally happen at night in horror films.

As we approach the house in which they are staying at, the screen fades into a black screen, a sound clip is being played, and it is a 911 call reporting that there is someone in the house.

The voice sounds terrified, as this is playing the shot pans onto a cars back window that has

been smashed, there are 2 young boys in the background they are dressed in very traditional clothes and are wheeling quite old-fashioned

bikes. This could give some idea of where they are situated?

The shot cuts to the 2 boys entering the house, the front door is open with everything looking a

mess, and the police recording is still being played. A series of close ups are shown, firstly of a record player and then of a wedding ring box surrounded by rose petals then of a knife

covered in blood, of a blood spattered wall and finally of a shotgun. The series of close up shots

are all of significant objects; they all have a great meaning and give a very strong idea of

what has happened in the house. Generally the lighting at this point is quite dim, we get the idea

that it is early morning after all the horrific events have happened within the house.

The police call is from the 2 boys who have entered the house; the sound clip fades out as the shot fades into black. Finally the main titles appear on the screen the same way in which

the beginning text had done at the beginning of the clip. This same clip is shown at the end of the film, this is a particular technique used to draw the audience into the film making them

have questions about what has happened and therefore making them watch the rest of it to

find out all of the answers.

AwakeGenre: Thriller Director: Joby Harold

I decided to analyse this film further because it is of the thriller genre, but through seeing it before I knew that it wasn’t like Strangers that is another film that I have researched, even though they are

very different films.

The film begins with a black screen, small white text fades into shot in which some facts are being given

about the number of surgeries a year in which people are not entirely

asleep whilst they are under anaesthetic, this gives the audience a slight idea of what the film is about.

Whilst this text is on the screen, there is background music playing

which is soft and building a fair amount of tension within the

audience.The scene fades to numerous close

up’s of pictures mounted on the walls within a doctors office, the

pictures are of fellow workers and his doctoring certificate. A close of a

doctor’s certificate takes up the entire screen, we then see 2 hands pick up a picture from the wall and he then proceeds to carry it to his

desk. At this point a panning shot is used to give a bit of an idea of the

environment that he is in. The music continues to play, as

credits of the director and producer appear on the screen once again in small white text at the centre of the


A medium shot is of the doctor at his desk, he is examining the

picture, and a voice over of who we presume to be him is playing. He is telling his story of how he

has had patients die whilst he has been performing surgery; he then

begins to talk about his friend Clay. Who he performed surgery on and he died, at this point we are being shown the doctor during surgery and a close up of his friends face

fills the screen.The shot of his friend lasts

approximately 7 seconds, the Doctor sounds full of remorse as he

tells the story of his friend Clay. The scene then cuts again to the doctor in his office, during this time there is still piano music

playing softly in the background. Quite a narrow depth of field is

used in this part, signifying that all of the attention is on the Doctor and his possessions around him that are blurred are insignificant.

The scene then cuts to an overhead shot of Clay in the bath; you can see his face and his torso as he is holding his

breath under the water. He is centre of the shot showing that he is the main character, also that the beginning part of

the sequence is taken from the end of the film and that everything which is going to happen now was prior to his


Signs“Are you in my dream too?”

Genre: Drama, Mystery, Sci-fi Director: M.Night Shyamalan

The beginning of the film starts off quite jumpy, the credits create a strong sense of

tension within the audience.It starts with the titles appearing, the

background music is quite creepy with a very significant science fiction feel to it. This is all featured on a black background which fades into a blue circular centre, the actors

name appears within the circle and very much so in time with the music.

The music is very slow, building up making the audience feel uncomfortable, then the

music begins to speed up as main characters names appear on the screen.

The music suddenly gets loader, making the audience jump. The titles create a sense of

fear within the audience; it sets the scene for the rest of the film.

After the titles it fades into a black screen, the establishing shot is of the family’s garden. The swing set and barbecue signifies it is quite a family orientated garden, with the children’s toys and

communal eating area. This shows that they are quite a close family. This shot then zooms out so that it is then shown through the perspective of looking out of a window onto the garden, then a close up of a family portrait. All of these shots are showing the objects from someone’s

point of view.Then an abrupt cut of a man in bed, it is

an extreme close up in which he suddenly sits up. Something has woken him, this

fear of the unknown frightens the audience slightly because they have a

feeling something is about to happen but they are unsure what it is.

The film then smoothly cuts to a long shot, of the man at the centre of the screen sat up in his bed. He looks

frightened and aware. We then see the man walking around the checking his

daughter is still in bed and tidying things up as he goes, all of these shots in this short sequence are long shots to signify quite tedious daily tasks and to show us

the environment that he is in.

The man is brushing his teeth in the bathroom, when he hears a scream. The shots are all cut abruptly from this point on to show

panic and haste. We hear the scream again, in which another man is alerted and jumps out of bed, the 2 men run out of the house into the garden where they hear the scream again.

Then there is a tracking shot as the 2 men are running through the cornfield, during this point there is no background music just the diegetic

sound which is being made by the 2 men. The scene then cuts to a long shot, of his

young daughter amongst the crops, it is shot as if it is from his point of view, then from his daughters point of view as her father comes

running towards her. This is good use of match on action and looked really effective within the

film.The next shot is of the father and son amongst

the crops; quite a shallow depth of field is used, signifying that they are only of

importance within the shot. We then see a sequence of close ups, first of all the male

characters face, then his feet as he is walking over the bent over crops.

The shot then smoothly cuts to a long shot, showing the audience what has really

happened. We are then shown the fields from a bird’s eye view, showing the full pattern of

the crop circles. Finally the shot fades to black.

Crash“Moving at the speed of life, we’re bound to collide with each other.”

Genre: Drama Director: Paul Haggis

This film consists of several stories interweaving during 2 days in Los Angeles and a car crash that

changes all of their lives.

The opening fades in from black, it is an extreme close up of what looks the windscreen covered in rain but shot from the inside of the car. Whilst this image is on the screen the titles are

appearing, they are an icy blue colour which look faded and cracked. This

shot then fades into another extreme close up, this time of skid marks from a

car on the road, the shot then fades into blurred car lights. The shots seem to change as titles on the main screen appear, this sequence of blurred lights goes on for quite a long time with titles

appearing the whole way through.At this point the once steady music

then begins to slow, the car lights fade to black but the titles still appear on the

main screen. We then hear a voice over, of a man and woman having a

conversation. The shot then fades from black into the blurred car lights again,

but time it is shown from the inside perspective. Then slowly the shot fades into an extreme profile shot of the man speaking, it looks as if he is speaking to the camera. A shallow depth of field is used within this shot, signifying that

he is more important.

The shot begins to focus and we see a woman sat beside him, the man and woman blur as a policeman puts his head through the window and asks if they are okay. Once again the policeman is in focus because he is the centre of attention within this shot and that he is


The scene then fades into black and titles slowly appear, the shot fades again into scene of the crash

then fades back into black, this small sequence happens 3 times.

During this sequence a range of medium and long shot s appear, showing the audience the damage,

which has occurred due to the crash.

On the black screen we again hear a voice over, this time it is an Asian woman’s, she sounds very agitated as if she is arguing. Slowly the shot fades into the screen, in which you can see the Asian woman arguing with a police officer. Another woman in the crash walks over to the pair arguing, we see a low angle shot of the approaching woman signifying that she dominates the conversation and is an authority figure.The shot zooms out as the women start arguing, again showing their surroundings, it is dark and rainy night.A tracking shot is then used as the man from the beginning of the sequence walks out of the car, over to the bank on the edge of the road in which he begins talking to a man which is when we realise that he is also a police officer. They both light a cigarette, as the shot fades to black the men are joking around with each other. The talking fades into music, which are slow and steady signifying tiredness and a feeling of calm to the situation.

Inside Man“A heist thriller like you have never seen…”

Genre: Drama, Crime, Thriller

Director: Spike Lee

This is the opening sequence to a film in which a man performs a bank robbery; he then takes hostage of

everyone inside the bank.The scene begins with a medium

shot of a man; he is talking into the camera making the audience feel as if he is taking to them personally? It is just he in the shot against a dark background; the shot cuts abruptly to this man in a cramped cell. You can still hear him speaking to the

audience; during this part the camera cuts quickly to show him

sitting then lying down and finally to him doing press ups. The shot changes back to him again in a

medium shot, this time the background is cell like bricks.

Suddenly very loud Middle Eastern music kicks in, the shot of the man fades into an establishing shot of a roller coaster. Still focusing on the

roller coaster the shot then tracks a man who is walking along beside

the ride, still keeping at a long shot. The shot then changes to a low level shot of the roller coaster,

showing us that it is great importance somehow.

With the roller coaster still in shot, white military style titles appear on the screen, the shot then changes

to a high level shot in which we then see the main film title appear in the

same text.

We are then abruptly shown a close up of a symbol found on the wall of a bank, the

symbol takes up the entire shot and is entirely in focus, then the shot cuts to

another close up this time of the banks title.

The scene then cuts to a van; the man who is driving the van is wearing

distinctive painting overalls. There are numerous shots of the man driving the

van and the van itself from many different angles, all with very abrupt transitions

between them. There are then a sequence of the bank symbols and then

a shot of the van, this continues for about 30 seconds.

The van is shown driving around the city, collecting 2 people who are also dressed in decorating overalls. We are then shown another sequence of shots revolving around the van as well as close ups of other American trademarks.The scene then cuts to an extreme close up of all the men in the van, as they are going on their journey.Quickly again the shot cuts to a low angle shot of a signpost directing people to Wall Street, this particular shot is used to show importance because it is quite a famous street. The van pulls up, all of the men get out of the van taking in their decorating equipment.The shot cuts to inside of the bank, small sequences of people going about their daily life, setting the scene for environment which they are in.We see the man from the very beginning walking up the stairs in the decorating clothing; this is when a sense of fear arises within the audience because now they have a bit of an idea concerning what is going to happen. This shot finishes by fading to black with the Middle Eastern music also fading out.

The main distributor of the film whish is identified is Lionsgate. This signifies to viewers who have seen films by Liongate already, how big and effective the film can be with an A-list cast. Lionsgate are along with Sony pictures Entertainment and Warner Bros highlighting how big the company is and have produced hundreds of well known and brilliant films. This highlights the successful reputation to the viewers.

The opening typography appears on a black background with the font in white and stone texture, which symbolises how cold and hard the actor’s character is. The black and white are also binary oppositions. The design around the lettering looks as though it is going to wipe it out, hinting that the character may be in danger of being destroyed, which narrates a theme within the storyline.

There are many bird’s eye view shots in the opening sequence to identify the surroundings. There are also many high angle shots which highlight the difference in status within the people in the film. Most of the shots are filmed in dark lighting to identify the dramatic narrative and conflicts going on throughout.

There are many props in the opening sequence which highlight the gangster genre of the film, for example, guns . This highlights the dramatic, crime related narrative of the film. The darkness and dullness relate to unhappiness and apprehension making the opening sequence more intense and interesting which makes the audience want to watch on.

In the very first shot the male characters are dressed with there hoods up and in very dark colours, which is a very stereotypical ‘thuggish’ outfit against a wall of graffiti which represents the rebellious, crime related narrative.

The film starts off with diegetic sound of people talking. However, it is stereotypical ‘gangster thug talk’ as they use words such as ‘blud’. There is also much use of swearing highlighting that the film is only suitable for an audience of 18+.

The main character is Michael Caine who is one of Britain’s best known actors who had starred in over 100 films. This prepares the audience for a well acted film, meaning the genre will be displayed well. Also Michael Caine is fairly old which implies a more serious and stern personality within the film.

Violence also plays a key role in the opening sequence of Harry Brown as they push one of the boys around and slap him in the face. This identifies the brutality and danger within the gangster genre.

There are very fast shots as the boy rides along on his motorbike, highlighting the dramatic, thrilling storyline. Likewise, the motorbike adds to the danger within the narrative.

Cigarettes always play a key role in gangster films to represent their rebellious lifestyle. The man is tilting his head up on one side as though he is very confident and thinks he is wonderful. The dark colours within the shot highlight the scary, dramatic, sinister narrative. The man dressed in a hoodie also represents a stereotypical ‘thug’.

The gun represents the gang genre and the danger and crime within the film. The background is blurred so that the audience focus on the gun in the mans hand and he Is dressed in black to highlight his sinister and evil ways. The fact that they are shooting at a women with her baby is very disturbing for the audience and adds a sense of terror within the film.

Below are two screenshots from the opening of American Gangster:

Throughout the opening sequence of American Gangster the men are dressed in traditional stereotypical gangster outfits. They are wearing shirts, suits and top hats which is traditional gangster wear in the 1970’s and makes the men appear intelligent and mysterious.

SoundThe diagetic sound in the background of the opening sequence is very effective. We can hear sirens in the background highlighting the danger and involvement in crime within their lives. We can hear people shouting which emphasises the terror, and gun shots, once again portraying their gang based, crime related lifestyles. When the man starts screaming as he is being burnt it highlights the brutality of the gangs and the narrative. There is also non-diegetic sound towards the end of the opening sequence once

There film opens with a man being brutally burnt to death whilst the ‘gangsters’ stand around and casually light up a cigarette, highlighting their relaxation within the situation. This illustrates a key theme within gangster films – death and murder and gave us the idea to have this within our film.

American Gangster is certificate 18 due to the explicit scenes of violence accompanied by blood and wounds. Therefore, we made our film a certificate 18 due to the explicit scenes of drug use.

Swearing is used in the opening sequence, which shows that the film is going to be dangerous and aggressive.

Everything within the opening sequence is dark and gloomy. The background is dark and shady and the men are dressed in black. This highlights the themes of death, drugs and danger running through the film. The darkness also creates a sinister and scary vibe, highlighting that it is not suitable for people under 18.

Everyone's faces in this opening sequence are in shadow to highlight their evil nature. It also creates a sinister atmosphere and makes the men look extremely threatening and menacing.

All the props used throughout the opening sequence are threatening and very stereotypical of the gang culture, for example, guns, lighters etc.

There are many close up shots in the opening sequence to highlight the characters expressions, for example, when the man is having petrol thrown over him, there is a close up of his face, highlighting his severe terror and panic. This is extremely effective as the audience empathise with his terror. There are also several long shots, which illustrate their dark, sinister and dangerous setting reflecting their lifestyle.

Below are two screenshots from the opening of American Gangster:

The background is dark and sinister to portray the dangerous, chilling storyline and lifestyle of the gangsters. The fire represents the theme of danger and hazard within the film, as well as the brutality of the murder in front of them. Everything within the mis-en -scene is positioned perfectly for effect, for example, the car in the background with its headlights on suggesting they have just stopped in the middle of the road to kill someone and then move on quickly.

This frame highlights the explicit nature of the film ‘American Gangster’. The man is being tortured and has blood all over him whilst the man next to him is stood over him highlighting his power within the situation. The blood over the man and the look of terror on his face all add to the drama and tragedy of the narrative.