Text Analytics Summit Text Analytics Evaluation Tom Reamy Chief Knowledge Architect KAPS Group...

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Transcript of Text Analytics Summit Text Analytics Evaluation Tom Reamy Chief Knowledge Architect KAPS Group...

Text Analytics SummitText Analytics


Tom ReamyChief Knowledge Architect

KAPS Group

Knowledge Architecture Professional Services




Features, Varieties, Vendors Evaluation Process

– Start with Self-Knowledge – Text Analytics Team – Features and Capabilities – Filter

Proof of Concept/Pilot– Themes and Issues– Case Study



KAPS Group: General

Knowledge Architecture Professional Services Virtual Company: Network of consultants – 8-10 Partners – SAS, SAP, FAST, Smart Logic, Concept Searching, etc. Consulting, Strategy, Knowledge architecture audit Services:

– Taxonomy/Text Analytics development, consulting, customization– Technology Consulting – Search, CMS, Portals, etc.– Evaluation of Enterprise Search, Text Analytics– Metadata standards and implementation– Knowledge Management: Collaboration, Expertise, e-learning– Applied Theory – Faceted taxonomies, complexity theory, natural



Introduction to Text AnalyticsText Analytics Features Noun Phrase Extraction

– Catalogs with variants, rule based dynamic– Multiple types, custom classes – entities, concepts, events– Feeds facets

Summarization– Customizable rules, map to different content

Fact Extraction– Relationships of entities – people-organizations-activities– Ontologies – triples, RDF, etc.

Sentiment Analysis– Statistical, rules – full categorization set of operators


Introduction to Text AnalyticsText Analytics Features Auto-categorization

– Training sets – Bayesian, Vector space– Terms – literal strings, stemming, dictionary of related terms– Rules – simple – position in text (Title, body, url)– Semantic Network – Predefined relationships, sets of rules– Boolean– Full search syntax – AND, OR, NOT– Advanced – NEAR (#), PARAGRAPH, SENTENCE

This is the most difficult to develop Build on a Taxonomy Combine with Extraction

– If any of list of entities and other words








Varieties of Taxonomy/ Text Analytics Software

Taxonomy Management– Synaptica, SchemaLogic

Full Platform– SAS-Teragram, SAP-Inxight, Clarabridge, Smart Logic,

Linguamatics, Concept Searching, Expert System, IBM, GATE

Embedded – Search or Content Management– FAST, Autonomy, Endeca, Exalead, etc.– Nstein, Interwoven, Documentum, etc.

Specialty / Ontology (other semantic)– Sentiment Analysis – Lexalytics, Lots of players– Ontology – extraction, plus ontology

Evaluating Taxonomy/Text Analytics Software Start with Self Knowledge

Strategic and Business Context

Info Problems – what, how severe Strategic Questions – why, what value from the taxonomy/text

analytics, how are you going to use it Formal Process - KA audit – content, users, technology, business

and information behaviors, applications - Or informal for smaller organization,

Text Analytics Strategy/Model – forms, technology, people– Existing taxonomic resources, software

Need this foundation to evaluate and to develop


Evaluating Taxonomy/Text Analytics Software Start with Self Knowledge

Do you need it – and what blend if so? Taxonomy Management Only

– Multiple taxonomies, languages, authors-editors Technology Environment – Text Mining, ECM, Enterprise Search

– where is it embedded Publishing Process – where and how is metadata being added –

now and projected future– Can it utilize auto-categorization, entity extraction, summarization

Is the current search adequate – can it utilize text analytics? Applications – text mining, BI, CI, Alerts?


Design of the Text Analytics Selection Team

Traditional Candidates - IT Experience with large software purchases

– Search/Categorization is unlike other software

Experience with needs assessments– Need more – know what questions to ask, knowledge audit

Objective criteria– Looking where there is light?– Asking IT to select taxonomy software is like asking a construction

company to select the design of your house.

They have the budget– OK, they can play.


Design of the Text Analytics Selection Team

Traditional Candidates - Business Owners Understand the business

– But don’t understand information behavior

Focus on business value, not technology– Focus on semantics is needed

They can get executive sponsorship, support, and budget.– OK, they can play


Design of the Text Analytics Selection Team

Traditional Candidates – Library, KM, Data Analysis Understand information structure

– But not how it is used in the business

Experts in search experience and categorization– Suitable for experts, not regular users

Experience with variety of search engines, taxonomy software, integration issues

– OK, they can play


Design of the Text Analytics Selection Team

Interdisciplinary Team, headed by Information Professionals

Relative Contributions– IT – Set necessary conditions, support tests– Business – provide input into requirements, support project– Library – provide input into requirements, add understanding

of search semantics and functionality

Much more likely to make a good decision Create the foundation for implementation


Evaluating Text Analytics Software – Process

Start with Self Knowledge Eliminate the unfit

– Filter One- Ask Experts - reputation, research – Gartner, etc.• Market strength of vendor, platforms, etc.• Feature scorecard – minimum, must have, filter to top 3

– Filter Two – Technology Filter – match to your overall scope and capabilities – Filter not a focus

– Filter Three – Focus Group one day visit – 3-4 vendors Deep pilot (2) / POC – advanced, integration, semantics Focus on working relationship with vendor.


Evaluating Text Analytics SoftwareFeature Checklist and Score

Basic Features, Taxonomy Admin– New, copy, rename, delete, merge, node relationships– Scope Notes, spell check, versioning, node ID– Analytical reports – structure, application to documents

Usability, user documentation, training Visualization – taxonomy structure Language support API/SDK, Import-Export – XML & SKOS Standards, security, access roles & rights Clustering – taxonomy node generation, sentiment


Initial Evaluation Example Outcomes

Filter One:– Company A, B – sentiment analysis focus, weak categorization– Company C – Lack of full suite of text analytics– Company D – business concerns, support– Open Source – license issues– Ontology Vendors – missing categorization capabilities

4 Demos– Saw a variety of different approaches, but – Company X – lacking sentiment analysis, require 2 vendors– Company Y – lack of language support, development cost


Evaluating Taxonomy SoftwarePOC

Quality of results is the essential factor 6 weeks POC – bake off / or short pilot Real life scenarios, categorization with your content Preparation:

– Preliminary analysis of content and users information needs– Set up software in lab – relatively easy– Train taxonomist(s) on software(s)– Develop taxonomy if none available

Six week POC – 3 rounds of development, test, refine / Not OOB Need SME’s as test evaluators – also to do an initial categorization of



Evaluating Taxonomy SoftwarePOC

Majority of time is on auto-categorization and/or sentiment Need to balance uniformity of results with vendor unique capabilities –

have to determine at POC time Risks – getting software installed and working, getting the right content,

initial categorization of content Elements:

– Content– Search terms / search scenarios– Training sets– Test sets of content

Taxonomy Developers – expert consultants plus internal taxonomists


Evaluating Taxonomy SoftwarePOC: Test Cases

Auto-categorization to existing taxonomy – variety of content Clustering – automatic node generation Summarization Entity extraction – build a number of catalogs – design which

ones based on projected needs – example privacy info (SS#, phone, etc.)

– Entity example –people, organization, methods, etc. Sentiment – Best Buy phones Evaluate usability in action by taxonomists Integration – with ontologies Output – XML, API’s


Evaluating Taxonomy SoftwarePOC - Issues

Quality of content Quality of initial human categorization Normalize among different test evaluators Quality of taxonomists – experience with text analytics software and/or

experience with content and information needs and behaviors Quality of taxonomy

– General issues – structure (too flat or too deep)– Overlapping categories – Differences in use – browse, index, categorize

Categorization essential issue is complexity of language– Good sentiment is based on categorization

Entity Extraction essential issue is scale and disambiguation


Case Study: Telecom Service

Company History, Reputation Full Platform –Categorization,

Extraction, Sentiment Integration – java, API-SDK,

Linux Multiple languages Scale – millions of docs a day Total Cost of Ownership Ease of Development - new

Vendor Relationship – OEM,


Expert Systems IBM SAS - Teragram Smart Logic

Option – Multiple vendors – Sentiment & Platform


POC Design Discussion: Evaluation Criteria

Basic Test Design – categorize test set– Score – by file name, human testers

Categorization – Call Motivation– Accuracy Level – 80-90%– Effort Level per accuracy level

Sentiment Analysis– Accuracy Level – 80-90%– Effort Level per accuracy level

Quantify development time – main elements Comparison of two vendors – how score?

– Combination of scores and report


Text Analytics POC OutcomesCategorization Results


Recall-Motivation 92.6 90.7

Recall-Actions 93.8 88.3

Precision – Mot. 84.3

Precision-Act 100

Uncategorized 87.5

Raw Precision 73 46


Text Analytics POC OutcomesVendor Comparisons

Categorization Results – both good, edge to SAS on precision– Use of Relevancy to set thresholds

Development Environment– IBM as toolkit provides more flexibility but it also increases

development effort

Methodology – IBM enforces good method, but takes more time

– SAS can be used in exactly the same way

SAS has a much more complete set of operators – NOT, DIST, START


Text Analytics POC OutcomesVendor Comparisons - Functionality

Sentiment Analysis – SAS has workbench, IBM would require more development

– SAS also has statistical modeling capabilities

Entity and Fact extraction – seems basically the same– SAS and use operators for improved disambiguation –

Summarization – SAS has built-in– IBM could develop using categorization rules – but not clear that

would be as effective without operators

Conclusion: Both can do the job, edge to SAS


POC and Early Development: Risks and Issues

CTO Problem –This is not a regular software process Semantics is messy not just complex

– 30% accuracy isn’t 30% done – could be 90% Variability of human categorization Categorization is iterative, not “the program works”

– Need realistic budget and flexible project plan Anyone can do categorization

– Librarians often overdo, SME’s often get lost (keywords) Meta-language issues – understanding the results

– Need to educate IT and business in their language



Start with self-knowledge – what will you use it for?– Current Environment – technology, information

Basic Features are only filters, not scores Integration – need an integrated team (IT, Business, KA)

– For evaluation and development POC – your content, real world scenarios – not scores Foundation for development, experience with software

– Development is better, faster, cheaper Categorization is essential, time consuming Sentiment / VOC without categorization will fail



Tom Reamytomr@kapsgroup.com

KAPS Group

Knowledge Architecture Professional Services
