Texas History Chapter 19 & 20 A:B: Poor farmers Wealthy industrialists #1 Most Texans who became...

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Texas History Chapter 19 & 20 A:B: Poor farmers Wealthy industrialists #1 Most Texans who became...

Texas HistoryChapter 19 & 20

A: B:Poor farmersWealthy industrialists


Most Texans who became Populists were

C: D:Small business owners

Wealthy professionals

A. Poor farmers

A: B:Prohibition13th Amendment


Many African American Texans were kept from voting in the early 1900s by

C: D:14th Amendment

Poll tax

D. Poll tax

A: B:Declared martial law

Visited the area


To combat violence between Anglo and Mexican groups, state officials

C: D:Sent in the state militia

Passed antidiscrimination laws

C. Sent in the state


A: B:New tax lawsChanges in election laws


The Progressive Movement supported all of the following EXCEPT

C: D:Women’s suffrage

The commission form of government

A. New tax laws

A: B:German immigrants



All of these groups opposed prohibition EXCEPT

C: D:Italian immigrants





Provided assistance with weddings,

baptisms and funerals

C: D:German immigrants

Gran Circulo de Obreros Mexicanos

D. Gran Circulo de Obreros Mexicanos

A: B:Mutualistas Monopoloy


Mutual-aid societies

C: D:Italian immigrants

Women’s suffrage

A. Mutualistas

A: B:Progressive Movement



Created to work for equality for African Americans

C: D:12th Amendment

Martial Law


A: B:Domestic labor



The most important profession open to women in 1900 was

C: D:Politics Medicine

B. Teaching

A: B:A mining organization

A major trust formed by farmers


The Grange was

C: D:A social organization for reform

Set up to regulate railroads

C. A social organization for


A: B:James S. Hogg Richard Coke

#11The governor who, as attorney

general, helped Texas pass antitrust laws was

C: D:John Wesley Hardin

J. D. Rayner

A. James S. Hogg

A: B:The GrangeThe Populist Party


The People’s Party was also called

C: D:The MiddlemenTexas Equal Rights Association

B. The Populist Party

A: B:Reduced free trade

Could not fix prices


Trusts in the late 1800s

C: D:Charged low prices

Promoted competition

A. Reduced free trade

A: B:No longer exists today

Paid fines imposed on railroads


The Texas Railroad Commission

C: D:Stopped many unfair practices of railroads

Regulated only interstate railroads

C. Stopped many unfair practices of


A: B:All womenMarried women only


In 1900, suffrage was denied to

C: D:Single women only

Women who held no property

A. All women

A: B:Texas Equal Rights Association

Women’s Christian Temperance Union


The first Texas group to publicly endorse woman suffrage was the

C: D:Texas Farmers’ Alliance

Texas Federation of Labor

B. Women’s Christian

Temperance Union

A: B:African Americans



Group that approved of Prohibition and a

strong federal government was

C: D:WCTU Republicans

B. Conservatives

A: B:State commissioners

The party’s official candidates


A primary election is held by a political party

before a general election to select

C: D:State governorCongressional representatives

B. The party’s official


A: B:Federal jobs in Texas

Federal jobs in Washington, D.C.


When Republicans occupied the White House, they often

appointed African Americans to

C: D:County commissions

State school boards

A. Federal jobs in Texas

A: B:Richard Coke James S. Hogg

C: D:William P. Hobby

J.D. Rayner


In 1918, Texas women won the right to vote by making a deal with

this governor

C. William P. Hobby

A: B:Trust Intrastate

C: D:Interstate Monopoly


The term for something that connects or exists within a

single state is

B. Intrastate

A: B:18th 17th

C: D:13th 12th


Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution barred the manufacture, sale, and

transporting of alcohol?

A. 18th

A: B:12th Amendment

13th Amendment

C: D:17th Amendment

18th Amendment


The Anti-Saloon League worked hard for the passage of


D. 18th Amendment

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