Test driven development_continuous_integration

Post on 07-May-2015

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This is the slides of my talk about test-driven development and continuous integration on 2011/06/11

Transcript of Test driven development_continuous_integration

Test-Driven Development&

Continuous Integration

Hao-Cheng Lee

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About me

● Hao-Cheng Lee● Java Engineer for 7+ years● Quality Engineer@Yahoo (till yesterday ;-))● Interested in Java, Scala, TDD, CI● email: haocheng.lee@gmail.com● twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/haocheng


● What is TDD?

● Why use TDD?

● How to do TDD?

● What is CI?

● Why use CI?

● TDD + CI




Not about writing tests...

TDD is about writing better


from http://ch.englishbaby.com/forum/LifeTalk/thread/441379

Test Myths

I have no time for testing

Technical Debt

from http://www.freedebtadvice-uk.com/

My code is BUG-FREE!

from http://vincentshy.pixnet.net/blog/post/5397455

QA will do the testing

Black Box Testing

from http://www.jasonser.com/marketing-black-box/



from http://cllctr.com/view/c2fdb4d2625e109069c843ea1bb99e50

from Test Driven Development Tutorial by Kirrily Robert


● Shorter release cycle

● Automation saves time

● Find bugs earlier


from http://www.nataliedee.com/archives/2005/sep/


● Greater code coverage

● The courage to refactor

● Prevent regression bugs

● Improve your design

"I'm not a great programmer; I'm just a good programmer with great habits." - Kent Beck

Testing the Old Way



How to do TDD?

● Design: figure out what you want to do● Test: write a test to express the design

○ It should FAIL● Implement: write the code● Test again

○ It should PASS


We need a method add(), which takes two parameters and add

them together, then it will return the result.


java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<2> but was:<0>...at tw.idv.haocheng.play.CalculatorTest.one_plus_one_is_two(CalculatorTest.java:20)




Write the least code to make the test pass

More Test

java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<4> but was:<2>...at tw.idv.haocheng.play.CalculatorTest.two_plus_two_is_four(CalculatorTest.java:25)





The add() method only accept positive numbers


java.lang.AssertionError: IllegalArgumentException expectedat org.junit.Assert.fail(Assert.java:91)at tw.idv.haocheng.play.CalculatorTest.negative_numbers_will_throw_exception(CalculatorTest.java:32)




Unit Test Frameworks

● Java - JUni● Python - PyUnit● PHP - PHPUnit● Ruby - Test:Unit● Javascript - Jasmine● .Net - NUnit

Good Test

● One test per scenario● Test in isolation● Readability● Minimum Test Fixture● Repeatable

Bad Smell

● NO Assert/Meaningless Assert● High maintenance cost● Interacting Tests● Require manual debugging ● Evil Singleton

When is enough enough?

● One Test per class● Testing the feature● Find bugs, add tests● Skip Getter/Setter if generated● Skip Private methods● Code coverage

There's No Silver Bullet

from http://www.penn-olson.com/2009/12/22/social-media-the-silver-bullet/

It takes time...

from http://chunkeat626.blogspot.com/2010_11_01_archive.html

Need to maintain tests

from http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilike/2443295369/

TDD is not suitable for...

from http://tw.gamelet.com/game.do?code=heroes

from http://dilbert.com/

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily – leading to multiple integrations per day. -- Martin Fowler

Why CI?

●Rapid Feedback

●Reduced Risk

●Collective Ownership

●Continuous Deployment

●Offload from people

Why TDD + CI?

Effective tests must be automated

from http://www.laurentbrouat.com/why-you-should-stop-sending-auto-dms/automated/

Write once, run often

●Write tests once●Run frequently●No human input●Common output

Best Practices of CI

●Single Source Repository

●Commit often

●Make Your Build Self-Testing

●Automate the Build

●Build fast

Extensible continuous integration server

What is Jenkins?

●Open-source CI server

●Easy to install and use


Why Jenkins?

●GUI to manage

●Strong community and eco-system

●Distributed builds

●Open Source and Free!

mailing list subscription is increasing

GitHub members is also increasing

Basic Features

●Notice a change

●Check out source code

●Execute builds/tests

●Record and publish results

●Notify developers

CI Overview

from Continuous integration with Hudson

Notice a change

●Build Periodically

●Depend on other projects

●Poll SCM○Subversion Push vs. Pull

Check out source code






Execute builds/tests

●Java○ Ant, Maven, Gradle

●.Net○ MSBuild, PowerShell

●Shell Script○ Python, Ruby, Groovy

Record and publish results


Job Status

Job State: Job Stability:

Findbugs Integration

Cobertura Integration

Project Relationship


Jenkins on Eclipse

Update Site: http://code.google.com/p/hudson-eclipse/

Jenkins on Android

● Android Market● Jenkins Wiki

eXtreme Feedback Panel plugin

Jenkins Sound pluginhttp://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Jenkins+Sounds+plugin


● Download Tomcat 7

● Download latest jenkins.war

● Put jenkins.war under webapps

● Start Tomcat

Create a Job

Configure a Job

Configure Jenkins

Manage Plugins

References - Test-Driven Development

● Test Driven Development Tutorial by Kirrily Robert● Engineer Notebook: An Extreme Programming Episode by

Robert C. Martin and Robert S. Koss● Technical Debt by Martin Fowler● InfoQ: Testing Misconceptions by Liam O'Connor● Unit Test Isolation● Erratic Test● Singletons are Evil ● RSpec 讓你愛上寫測試

References - Continuous Integration

● Jenkins: http://jenkins-ci.org/● Mailing List: http://groups.google.com/group/jenkinsci-

users ● Wiki: http://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/ ● Follow @jenkinsci on Twitter● Continous Integration by Martin Fowler● Continuous Integration with Hudson - the book● Continuous Integration with Hudson on JavaWorld