Terrorism in globalization era. Terrorism – history and definition TERROR – Latin word meaning...

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Transcript of Terrorism in globalization era. Terrorism – history and definition TERROR – Latin word meaning...

Terrorism in globalization eraTerrorism in globalization era

Terrorism – history and definitionTerrorism – history and definition

TERROR – Latin word meaning „fear”

Method of political war since the

beginning of the world history:Ancient history (case of Ceasar)French revolution (Jacobins)

Terrorism – history and definitionTerrorism – history and definition

Terrorism in prime: XIX/XX century attacks on heads of states

Tsar Alexander II (several attacks, last successful one in 1881)

President of the USA McKinley (1903)

Prince Francis Ferdinand (1914)

Terrorism – history and definitionTerrorism – history and definition

1930 -1940ies – era of terror in Germany and USSR

1960ies – era of diplomatic terrorism

– beggining of the Islamic terrorism

1980ies – idea of suicide bombers

Development of the terrorist organizations

What is terrorism?What is terrorism?

109 different definitions of terrorism (Schmidt and Youngman „Political Terrorism”)

Words appearing in definitions: violence, force 83.5% political 65% fear, emphasis on terror 51% threats 47% psychological effects 41.5% discrepancy between

the targets and the victims 37.5% intentional, planned,

organized action 32%

Different definitionsDifferent definitions

Webster's University Dictionary:systematic use of violence, terror, and intimidation toachieve an end (goal)

FBI :unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.

General concept of terrorismGeneral concept of terrorism

Terrorism is the intentional use of, or threat to use violence against civilians or against civilian targets, in order to attain political aims

Boaz Ganor, Director of the International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism

International terrorismInternational terrorism

US State Department

International terrorism is terrorism conducted with the support of a foreign government or organization and / or directed against foreign nationals, institutions or governments

Why is it so difficult to define terrorism?Why is it so difficult to define terrorism?

One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter

Types of terrorismTypes of terrorism

Political terrorism: based on governmental, state, political, territorial problems

Criminal terrorism: based on material motivations (ransom, blackmail)

Individual terrorism: aimed at an individual, specific person (politician, businessman)

Collective terrorism: aimed at accidental community (metro stations, buildings)

Major organizations Major organizations considered terrorist organizationsconsidered terrorist organizations






Hamas - Islamic Resistance MovementHamas - Islamic Resistance Movement

„hamas” means „enthusiasm”- Palestinian movement- established in 1987

by Sheikh Ahmed Yasin- against any agreement with

Israel- goal: to establish an Islamic

theocracy in the area that is currently Israel, the West Bank and Gaza.

Hezbollah – Party of GodHezbollah – Party of God

- founded in 1982 by Libanese Shia groups

- Leader: Hassan Nasrallah

- goal: to establish a united Islamic republic

- cooperates with Hamas against Israel


- „Al.-Qaida” means „base”- established by

Usama Bin Ladin in the late 1980s bringing together Arabs who fought in Afghanistan against the Soviet Union

- serves as an umbrella organization for a worldwide network

- goal: to establish a pan-Islamic Caliphate throughout the world

ETA – Euskadi Ta AskanasunaETA – Euskadi Ta Askanasuna

ETA means Basqu Country

and Freedom

- established by the young nationalists in 1959 affiliated with Basque Nationalist Party

- goal: to create an independent socialist state for the Basque people, separate from Spain and


IRA – Irish Republican ArmyIRA – Irish Republican Army

Established by Michael Collins Secret army of the Sinn Fein

Party fought the Irish War of

Independence against British

rule, 1916 - 1921 later on – fought for the North

Irland to join the Republic of Ireland

1969 – divided into Official IRA and Temporary IRA (radicals)

other subdivisions: Real IRA, Continuity IRA)

United Nations and terrorismUnited Nations and terrorism


1963 Tokio Convention – safety in aviation

1970 Hague Convention – aircraft hijackings

1971 Montreal Convention - acts of aviation sabotage such as

bombings aboard aircraft in flight


1973 – crimes against internationally protected persons

1979 – hostages convention

1980 – nuclear materials convention

1999 – financing terrorism

Council of Europe and terrorismCouncil of Europe and terrorism

Two new conventions open to

signature in 2005:

1. Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism

2. Council of Europe Convention on the Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime and on the Financing of Terrorism

Important vocabularyImportant vocabulary head of state suicide bomber threat violence force targets victims intimidation fighter ransom blackmail hijacking hostage