Term for Bones1

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Transcript of Term for Bones1

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5.  Bones 

a)  Describing Adjectives 

b)  Syllables 

c) basic terms / points for orientation 

d) bony framework: important (large) bones and cartilages - Extremitas superior = Upper Extremity (Arm) 

- Extremitas inferior = Lower Extremity (Leg) - Cranium & Collum =Skull & Neck  

- Truncus = Trunk  

- Columna vertebralis =Vertebral column 


latin   Describing adjectives 

accessorius accessory, additional, supplementary

albus white, light

arcuatus arched, curved

communis joint, common

  brevis short

latus broad, extensive, vast

longus long


[adj: majus = big] bigger 

minor [adj: minus = small]


obliquus oblique, diagonal

  pectoralis pectoral

  proprius individual, characteristic, own, particular 

rectus straight

rhomboideus rhombic

serratus serrate, dentated

teres round

transversus transversal, cross

  biceps having two heads

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triceps having three heads

quadriceps having four heads


lat.  Exemple   Syllables  Example endo- Endokardium  inside, into inner layer of heart 

epi- Epiorchium 

on top of, above,next to

covering membrane of testicle 

hyper- Hypersalivation raiced, high incrased salivation 

hypo- Hypophysis   low, under  pituitary gland [lies on the

undersurface of the brain] 



 below hollow below the temple 

inter- intercostalis (in) between  between the ribs 

retro- retroperitonaealis behind  behind the rear of peritoneum 

semi- semipermeabilis partial, half   partial permeable 

sub- Arteria subclavia  


underneathartery below the clavicle 


above, on topadrenal body [lies on top of thekidney] 

-icus / -inus / -

acus / -tivus / -eus Nervus opticus  

concerning,related to,

 belonging to,serving to

nerve that facilitates seeing 

-osus mucosus rich in ...  producing much mucus 

-arius coronarius like a ..., ...-


-atus caudatus having a ... having a tail 


 N omen latinum   Basic Terms / Points for Orientation 

Origo origin

Insertio insertion

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Arcus arch

Articulatio joint

Bursa (synovialis) synovial bursa / [mucous bag]

Caput head

Capitulum small head

Collum neck 

Circumferentia circumferent articular surface

Condylus condyle

Diaphysis diaphysis / [shaft]


1. epiphysis (of a joint)

2. pineal gland

Fossa pit

Fovea shallow depression of small diameter 

Incisura notch

Labium lip

Labrum lip [of a joint]

Metaphyse epiphyseal line

Processus process

Protuberantia protuberance

Spina spine

Tuber knob

Tuberculum small knob

Tuberositas tuberosity


Extremitas superior = Upper Extremity (Arm) 

 N omen latinum   Bones and Cartilages 

Humerus humerus / [upper arm bone]

Radius radius

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Ulna ulna

Olecranon elbow / olecranon

 M anus   Hand  

Os scaphoideum scaphoid bone

Os lunatum lunate bone

Os triquetrum triquetral bone

Os pisiforme pisiform bone

Os trapezium trapezium bone

Os trapezoideum trapezoid bone

Os capitatum capitate bone

Os hamatum hamate bone

Ossa sesamoidea sesamoid bones

Extremitas inferior = Lower Extremity (Leg) 

 N omen latinum   Bones and Cartilages 

Femur thigh bone / femur 

Fibula calfbone / fibula

Patella kneecapTibia shin(bone) / tibia

 Pes  Foot  

Talus anklebone

Calcaneus heel bone

Os naviculare navicular bone

Os cuneiforme mediale medial cuneiform bone

Os cuneiforme intermedium intermediate cuneiform bone

Os cuneiforme laterale lateral cuneiform bone

Os cuboideum cuboid bone

Cranium & Collum = Skull & Neck  

 N omen latinum   Bones and Cartilages 

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Cartilago ...  cartilage ... 

... auriculae ... of the ear 

... costalis ... of the rib

... cricoidea cricoid cartilage (of the voice-box)

... cuneiformis conical cartilage (of the voice-box)

... epiglottica ... of the epiglottis

... septi nasi ... of the nasalseptum

... thyroidea thyroid cartilage

... trachealis ... of the trachea

Concha nasalis nasal concha / turbinate (bone)

... superior upper nasal concha

... media mid nasal concha

... inferior lower nasal concha

Mandibula lower jaw / mandible

Maxilla upper jaw / maxilla bone

Os ethmoidale ethmoid bone

Os frontale frontal bone

Os hyoideum hyoid bone

Os lacrimale lacrimal bone

Os nasale nasal bone

Os occipitale occipital bone

Os palatinum hard part of the palate

Os parietale parietal bone

Os sphenoidale sphenoid bone

Os temporale temporal bone

Os zygomaticum cheek bone / zygomatic bone

Processusstyloideus stylus-like bprocess

Processus mastoideus mastoid process

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Processus pterygoideus pterygoid process

Vomer ploughshare-like bone

Truncus = Trunk  

 N omen latinum   Bones and Cartilages 

Clavicula collarbone / clavicle

Costa rib

Scapula shoulder blade

Sternum breastbone

Os coxae  hip-bone (consists of the three following bones)

Os iIlium ilium

Os ischii ischium

Os pubis pubis / pubic bone

Columna vertebralis = Vertebral column 

 N omen latinum   Bones and Cartilages 

Discus intervertebralis (intervertebral) disc

Vertebra vertebra

Processus transversus transverse process

Processus spinosus spinous process

Foramen intervertebrale intervertebral foramen

Vertebrae cervicales vertebra of the neck 

Vertebrae thoracicae vertebra of the chest

Vertebrae lumbales vertebra of the loin

Vertebra cervicalis I = Atlas first vertebra (of the neck)

Vertebra cervicalis II = Axis second vertebra (of the neck)

Vertebra cervicalis VII =Vertebra prominens

seventh vertebra (of the neck,with palpable spinous process)

Promontorium sacral promontory

Os coccygis coccyx

Os sacrum sacrum

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