Term 2 Week 6 6 June 2013 - Wheeler Heights...Term 2 Week 6 6 June 2013 Phone: 9971 8352, 9982 2475...

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Transcript of Term 2 Week 6 6 June 2013 - Wheeler Heights...Term 2 Week 6 6 June 2013 Phone: 9971 8352, 9982 2475...

Term 2 Week 6

6 June 2013

Phone: 9971 8352, 9982 2475 Fax: 9982 5617 Email: wheelerhts-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Website: wheelerhts-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

From the Principal Student Welfare Congratulations to the many students who will be joining Mr Scotter on Thursday 20 June for the first ever SUPER HOOT morning tea at Wheeler Heights. Notes are currently being sent to students who have earned five principal stickers this year. Well done boys and girls!! Early Arrivers at School Please be aware that children should not arrive at school before 8.45 in the morning unless they are attending band, sport, dance practice etc. Teachers are not on duty until 8.45 but please remember that before school care is available from 7am each day. Children’s Perseverance Medallions On Monday at the morning assembly Ethan and Mitchell McBain received special certificates and medallions. These were presented by their father Jason who has served on HMAS Toowoomba in the Persian Gulf. The medals recognize the children who have endured the temporary loss of their parent while a parent is serving our country overseas. Thank you to the McBain family for sharing this special event with the school community. Dance News Congratulations to the two dance groups who performed so well in the ‘Extreme’ eisteddfod at UTS Kuring-gai bright and early on Sunday morning. Thanks again to Mrs Jolly and the dance teacher Tahlia and the many parent supporters. Sharing Food Just another reminder that children should never share food at school or buy food from the canteen for their friends. We have a number of students with a variety of allergies so could parents please remind their children about this very important issue. Teachers regularly talk to their classes about such matters. Indigenous Performance

The students and staff thoroughly enjoyed the Didgeribone performance with Tjupurru on Monday this week. Tjupurru played the Didgeribone which is an Australian made and designed instrument fusing the elements of the didgeridoo and trombone. School Program Fees Thank you to the many families who have recently paid their school program fees. A number of activities (Dance, Life Education, etc) have now been completed and the school would certainly appreciate the payment for these events. Please be aware that throughout the year we will continue to send out reminder letters for outstanding school program fees. Please contact Mr Scotter if you would like to discuss any matters relating to the payment of program fees.

COMING EVENTS 7 June PSSA 10 June Queen’s birthday holiday 11 & 12 June Kimbriki excursion for some stage 2 students 12 June Hip Hop, Senior Dancers & Wheeler Wailers choir to War Veterans 14 June Manly Warringah Knockout Show Respect Be Responsible Do Your Personal Best


Entertainment Books Entertainment Books are still available. Please click on the link and

follow the prompts. Your book will be delivered to your child’s classroom thank you to Wendy in the office.



whoshc@primaryoshcare.com.au ph. 0430 351 734

June 2013

Hello to all Wheeler Heights existing and new families!! The children at the Centre have been acknowledging Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea by discussing the good work done by the Cancer Council and having a pancake breakfast. We also acknowledged and discussed National Sorry Day. We acknowledge these community and health events through group discussions, fantastic art work linked to the topic and games which have a related theme. Many of these discussions are recorded in our Centre Journal, which is on display on the parent desk in our centre. You are more than welcome to come and see the fabulous activities and discussions we have! This month we sent out a survey asking for feedback on the menu we provide whilst at the centre. Thank you to all of the families who have responded, we’ll be using this feedback to update our menu, ensuring we are providing a healthy variety of food the children will love to eat. Please know that we ensure our menus are created in consultation with nutrition guidelines. As always we are committed to providing a stimulating and varied program of activities for the children to engage with. We continuously review and evaluate our activities, learning and building upon the successes we experience. This term we have the Active After School Communities sports program at our centre, providing high quality activities for the children to participate in. The activities which we have this term are Tennis on a Tuesday afternoon and Aerobics on a Friday afternoon. Thank you to all families at the centre for your continued feedback and support of the centre and the children. We value your contributions and you are always welcome to stop by and say hello! Our July Vacation Care Program is now available; it is full of very exciting and adventurous excursions as well as Incursions. Copies are available at the centre, via email or on our website www.primaryoshcare.com.au Families can contact staff at the Centre by calling 0430351734 or emailing whoshc@primaryoshcare.com.au Centre Managers can be contacted directly by emailing headoffice@primaryoshcare.com.au. Please come and visit we would love to meet you and your children. See you soon! Have a great day. Michelle and Anja - all the staff at Wheeler Heights OSHC Centre, Suzanne and Brooke.

From the office Lost Property: Could you please assist the school staff (and your wallet) by labeling your child’s hat, jumper, lunch box etc with SURNAME and CLASS. Items with a surname and class are returned to the child’s class when the “Lost Property Box” is sorted each term. Please remind or show your son/daughter where the “Lost Property Box” is located …BLOCK E – top of the middle stairs. Thank you for your help with the labeling of your childrens’ uniform etc. Uniform Shop The Uniform Shop will be closed for counter sales on Friday 14 June due to stock-take. Flexi orders placed before 4.30pm Thursday 13 June will be delivered to the classroom on Friday 14 June. Min and Fran


www.whpsband.wordpress.com BAND NEWS

IT’S STILL SINKING IN … Did we really win the Northern Beaches Eisteddfod? Both bands? It’s real! We won! You little Beauty! DRATTS! SUNDAY@THE STRAND RAINED OUT Unfortunately the grumpy weather denied the Jazz Band their day in the sun last Sunday. No fish and chips, no coffee. Thanks to all who were so eager to help. Thanks also to those who provided their moral support and in good humour and who adapted their busy routines in light the late cancellation. Stay tuned for a rescheduled rebooted rejuvenated date!

BAND REHEARSAL SUPERVISION Please remember that it is a parent’s responsibility (and not that of the Band Committee) to supervise their children prior to commencement of rehearsal and after the rehearsal has concluded (particularly on Thursday afternoons). Bringing a child early to a rehearsal is fine, provided that child is supervised by a parent (and not playing freely in the playground) prior to the rehearsal commencing.

DON’T BE SHY – JOIN THE FUN The entire band program is run by volunteer parents –mums and dads with day jobs. Please feel free to contribute where and when you can. This may include setting up, packing up or Shhooshing! If you’re not sure where and how you can help, please ask.

The Band Committee is having its Annual General Meeting on 12 August. Come along, listen to what’s happening, participate and join the committee. Many hands make light work, and the work being done is very important.

SINGERS NEEDED! On Tuesday 18 June at 9.00am in the School Hall Cheryl will be holding auditions for singers who wish to sing “Skyfall” with the Senior/Intermediate Combined Band at public performances of that band. All WHPS students are welcome to try out (from any band, or even if you’re not in a WHPS band!). Please let us know if you’re interested by sending an email to whpsband@gmail.com

PLAYERS ON FIRE! Congratulations to: • Matilda Williams (Tuba in Senior Band) who scored

an A+ in her Grade 2 singing exam last week. What a voice! Go girl!

• Callum Filmer-Ramsay (Saxophone in Senior Band) who got an A in his Grade 1 Saxophone exam. Go you good thing!

• Jem Sykes (Clarinet in Intermediate Band) who got an A in his Grade 1 Clarinet exam. Bravo!

ANTHONY MACDERMOTT whpsband@gmail.com / 0417 277 893


The Bands’ next performances will be on Sunday 23 June (times have arrived and are set out below). At this popular local event the Training Band and the combined Senior/Intermediate Bands will be playing in a session with other school bands and will be adjudicated with feedback from professional adjudicators. The bands will also have the opportunity, within their respective session, to watch and enjoy other local bands of varying standard and perform their own pieces in a concert format.

GO BRAVO SHOWCASE: SUNDAY 27 JULY Cheryl has put out the call and invited friends and family from her broad conducting and singing networks to join her in a showcase concert, complete with “high tea”. This event will take place in Mosman in a fantastic acoustic venue and will involve Cheryl’s other primary school bands, some solo performers (both vocal and instrumental) and some combined massed band productions. The WHPS Bands are excited to participate in this inaugural fun extravaganza. Please keep an eye out for further details.

EVENTS FOR THE DIARY Some upcoming events to look forward to.

NORTHERN BEACHES INSTRUMENTAL FESTIVAL Training Band & Combined Int/Senior Band Sunday 23rd June, Pittwater High School Combined Band: 9.00-10.15am [meet at 8.40] Training Band: 10.25-11.20am [meet at 10.00] GO BRAVO SHOWCASE Training Band, Combined Band, Jazz Band Sunday 27th July, 2.00p, Mosman BEACON HILL BAND DAY All Bands Sat 10th August, Beacon Hill Primary School Afternoon/early evening event. IN THE PIPELINE … • Jazz Band Sunday@The Strand – new date • North Shore Primary School Concert Band:

Training Band, 6 September (afternoon) • NSSWE Spring Festival@Chatswood Concourse:

Combined Band, Sat 7th or Sun 8th Sept

MICHELLE HOSKING whpsband@gmail.com /0410605648


Buttered  roll $1.20 Caesar  Salad $3.50 Cheese  &  Bacon  Roll $1.50 Orchy  PopTop $1.50

Cheese   $1.50 Chicken  Salad $3.50 Chicken  Wedges  (pkt  3) $2.00 Favoured  Milk $1.50

Chicken   $2.50 Chicken  Caesar  Salad $4.00 Mac  &  Cheese $3.00 Slushy $1.50

Egg   $2.20 Garden  Salad $3.00 Pie  -­‐  Large $2.50 Water  Sparkling   $1.50

Ham   $2.50 Ham  Salad $3.50 Pie  -­‐  Snack   $1.00 Water  Still   $1.00

Salad  (lett.  tom.  cuc.)   $2.50 Tuna  Salad $3.50 Pizza  Hawaiian  Single $2.00

Tuna   $2.50 Sausage  Roll $2.00 ¼  Frozen  Orange .10

Vegemite $1.20 Cheese .50 Twista  Bolognaise $3.00 Bulla  Ice  Cream  Cup $1.00

Egg .50 Tomato  Sauce  portion .20 Icey  Pole $1.00

Beetroot   .30 Italian  /  French  dressing .20 Moosie $1.00

Cheese .50 Baked  Beans   $2.50 Quelch  /  Juicy  Tube .50

Egg .50 .30  -­‐  .70 Cheese   $2.00 Shot  -­‐  Little .20

Salad   $1.00 Ham $3.00 Shot  -­‐  Mega .70

Sauce .20 Spaghetti $2.50 Sunny  Boy .60

Tomato .50

Toasted .50 Apple  Spiral $1.00 Cheese .50

Wraps  /  Rolls .50 Finger  Bun  half $1.00 Tomato .50

Finger  Bun  whole $2.00

Fruit  Salad $2.50

Garlic  Bread .50

Popcorn $1.00

Seasonal  Fruit .80

*  Baked  goods  depends  on  volunteers  |    Please  contact  us  if  you  are  available  to  volunteer    |    We  are  a  'healthy  school  canteen'  Canteen  Supervisor:  Zoe  Langer  |Canteen  Ph:  9971  8352  |  Canteen  hours:  8.45am  -­‐  1.50pm  |  Email:  whpscanteen@gmail.com.au




Freshly  baked  goods  available  as  counter  sales  only*








DAILY SPECIALS Only  available  on  these  days  

MONDAY Nachos    $3.50  WEDNESDAY Butter  Chicken  with  Rice  $4.00  THURSDAY Lasagne  $4.00  FRIDAY Sushi  Teryaki  Chicken  $3.50  Sushi  Cooked  Tuna  &  cucumber  $3.50  

ORDER  ON  LINE  www.flexischools.com.au  

Download  the  App  




Andy Barker Jago’s Dad/GM/Canteen Volunteer Why do you do canteen? To see what my son is like when he is at school, to do some volunteer work and to meet other parents. What is your favourite part? The lunchtime rush! And watching the kindies come up to buy things. Is the work hard? It’s not hard, but it is busy and fun. How often do you volunteer? I try to volunteer once a term. Do you have any advice for a rookie? Get in there and give it a go, it’s a great excuse for taking a day off work and is very rewarding.  

          New Winter Menu starts

week 7–

Wednesday Special An old favourite is back Butter Chicken with rice

$4.00 Thursday Special

And a new (soon to be favourite) Lasagne $4.00

(lovingly made by Kim Mcquiggin and Alex Piper).

Mac and Cheese size has been reduced $3:00

* In other news

Many children are coming to collect their lunch and

unfortunately nothing has been ordered, please check you have completed your flexischools order before

logging off.

As said in previous newsletters K-2 counter sales have been reduced on Friday due to PSSA. Zoe and Tracey whpscanteen@gmail.com



Monday 10/06/13 Queens Birthday Monday 17/06/13 Tima Benias-Tan 9971 6895 Karina Barnes 9981 3367 Tuesday 11/06/13 Tara McConnell Tuesday 18/06/13 Cassie Hardie 0434 917709 Wednesday 12/06/13 Deneille Gigg 0403 069247 Wednesday 19/06/13 VACANT VACANT Thursday 13/06/13 Marg Jacobs 9982 1241 Thursday 20/06/13 Tracey Logan 0402 149560 Kylie Fokkens 9971 6339 Clare Filmer Ramsey 0424 063220 Friday 14/06/13 Jacquie Adams 9972 0182 Friday 21/06/13 Andrew Barker 0430 019954 Philipa Blaxall 0404 555055 Mona Johnston 0403 324367


