Teradata Part 1 and Part - 2

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Transcript of Teradata Part 1 and Part - 2

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Teradata Overview


Amruta Patil

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End of the session you will have gained an understanding on following

§ Teradata overview.

Objective of the course

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4 Teradata Never Have to Do

1 What is Teradata ?

2 Teradata Architecture

Teradata Advantages

5 Summary

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What is Teradata ?

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Teradata is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that is:

§ An open system, running on a UNIX MP-RAS or Windows 2000 server platform.

§ Capable of supporting many concurrent users from various client platforms (over a TCP/IP or IBM channel connection).

§ Built on a parallel architecture.§ “Share Nothing” architecture.§ Linear Scalability.§ Automatic, even data distribution

What is Teradata?

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Teradata Architecture

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Teradata Architecture

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Teradata Advantages

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§ Large capacity database machine: Teradata handles the large data storage requirements to process the large amounts of detail data for decision support.

· Billions of rows· Terabytes of data

§ Performance: Early relational systems suffered severe performancelimitations as table size increased. Teradata addresses theperformance issues of large databases.

§ Single data store for multiple clients: Instead of replicating adatabase for different hosts, with Teradata you store it once and use it for all clients. This is what's known as "a single version of the truth".

§ Connectivity: Teradata connects easily to network-attached hostsystems as well as mainframe hosts.

Teradata Advantages

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§ Standard access language (SQL): SQL has been adapted as theindustry standard for relational databases.

§ Manageable growth: Teradata systems are linearly expandable toallow for growth without performance drop-off.

§ Fault tolerance: Teradata can automatically detect and recover from one or more hardware failures.

§ Data integrity: To guarantee the integrity of the data, transactions are either completed or, if a fault occurs, rolled back.

Teradata Advantages contd..

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Teradata Never Have to Do

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Teradata DBAs are not required to do the following :

§ Reorganize data or index space.§ Pre-allocate table/index space and format partitioning. While it is

possible to have partitioned indexes in Teradata, they are notrequired.

§ Pre-prepare data for loading (convert, sort, split, etc.).§ Ensure that queries run in parallel.§ Unload/reload data spaces due to expansion. With Teradata, the

data can be redistributed on the larger configuration with nounloading and reloading required.

Teradata Never Have to Do

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§ Teradata is designed and used for enterprise data warehousing.§ Designed and built with parallelism from day one……

“The secret to data warehousing is not just the ability to lay down aterabyte of data onto disk. Lots of vendors can do that. The trick is to be able to access it and use it in a meaningful way. That means lots of users doing lots of queries, some ad hoc, some planned, all getting what they need in a timely fashion.”


© 2010 Wipro Ltd - Confidential

Teradata Overview


Amruta Patil

© 2009 Wipro Ltd - Confidential16 © 2010 Wipro Ltd - Confidential16

End of the session you will have gained an understanding on following

§ Teradata overview – Part 2.

Objective of the course

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4 Major Components of Teradata system

1 Describe a node

2 SMP and MMP


5 Summary

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Describe a node.

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Describe a node.

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A node is made up of various hardware and software components. All applications run under UNIX , or Windows, and all Teradata software runs under PDE. All share the resources of CPU and memory on the node.

§ Teradata software, the LAN gateway, and channel-driver software run as processes.

§ AMPs and PEs are virtual processors (vprocs) which run under Parallel Database Extensions (PDE).

§ AMPs are associated with virtual disks (vdisks).§ A single node is called a Symmetric Multi-Processor (SMP).

Symmetric Multi-Processor (SMP)

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Massively Parallel Processing

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When multiple SMP nodes are connected to form a larger configuration,we refer to this as a Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) system.

§ Multiple nodes are configured into a Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) system.

§ A physical message-passing layer called the BYNET is used to interconnect multiple nodes.

§ Teradata is linearly expandable—as your database grows, additional nodes may be added.

§ The BYNET can support 512 nodes.

Massively Parallel Processing contd…

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A clique is a set of Teradata nodes that share a common set of disk arrays. Cabling a subset of nodes to the same disk arrays creates a clique.

§ A clique is a defined set of nodes with failover capability.§ All nodes in a clique are able to access the vdisks of all AMPs in the clique.§ If a node fails, its vprocs will migrate to the remaining nodes

in the clique.§ Each node can support 128 vprocs

Clique contd…

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Major components of Teradata system

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§ Parsing Engine (PE) : The Parsing Engine interprets the SQL command and converts the data record from the host into an AMP message– Managing Individual sessions (up to 120)– Parsing and optimizing SQL requests– Dispatching the optimized plan to the AMPs– Sending the answer set response back to the requesting client

Major Components of a Teradata System

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§ AMP : The AMP is a virtual processor (vproc) designed for and dedicated to managing a portion of the entire database. It performs all database management functions such as sorting, aggregating, and formatting data. The AMP receives data from the PE, formats rows, and distributes them to the disk storage units it controls. The AMP also retrieves the rows requested by the Parsing Engine.– Storing and retrieving rows to and from the disks– Lock Management– Sorting rows and aggregating columns– Join Processing– Output conversions and formatting

Major Components of a Teradata System contd…

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§ BYNET : The BYNET is the message-passing layer. It determines which AMP(s) (Access Module Processor) should receive a message. – Point-to-point communications between nodes and virtual processors– Merging answer sets back to the PE– making Teradata parallelism possible

Major Components of a Teradata System contd…

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§ SMP and MMP.§ Components of Teradata System.§ Clique


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Thank You

Amruta Patil

ADM Support


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