Teorier om crowdsourcing for arkiver

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Teorier om crowdsourcing for arkiver

DeltagelseCrowdsourcingog Principper For deltagelse

Bente Jensen, Aalborg Stadsarkiv / AAU

Deltagelse som begreb -er det det samme som crowdsourcing ?

Hvad er deltagelse? Hvorfor deltagelse ? hvad er målet

God og dårlig deltagelse ?

Skal man altid deltage ?

Hurtig definition


Litteratur: crowdsourcing

Holley, Rose; Crowdsourcing: How and Why should Libraries do it? , Rose Holley – National library of Australia, DLIB Magazine, March/April2010(15 s.)

Oomen, J., & Aroyo, L. (2011). Crowdsourcing in the cultural heritage domain: opportunitiesand challenges. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Communities andTechnologies, (s. 138-149). Brisbane, Australia. (13. s.)

Geiger, David et al Managing the Crowd: Towards a Taxonomy of Crowdsourcing Processes (11. S)Proceedings of the Seventeenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, Detroit, Michigan August 4th-7th 2011

Rose Holleyey


socialt engagement (kommunikationi modsætning til crowdsourcing)

crowdsourcing: fælles projekt/ materiale, arbejder sammen som gruppe med fælles mål

Hvorfor ifølge HolleyAchieving goals the library would never have the time, financial or staff resource to achieve on its own.

Achieving goals in a much faster timeframe than the library may be able to achieve if it worked on its own.

Building new virtual communities and user groups.

Actively involving and engaging the community with the library and its other users and collections.

Utilising the knowledge, expertise and interest of the community.

Holleys checkliste:

10 punkter - checkliste


Oomen et al; typer:1. Contributory projects - designed by professionals, where members of the public contribute data;2. Collaborative projects - designed by professionals, where members of the public contribute and analyzedata, help in refining project design, or disseminate findings;3. Co-created projects - designed by professionals, where members of the public are working together, andsome of those public participants are actively involved in (all) steps of a process.


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