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2 - Introduction

3 - Case Study 1: Starbucks

7 - Case Study 2: NuFACE

10 - Case Study 3: American Apparel

12 - Case Study 4: JewelScent

15 - Case Study 5: John Lewis

18 - Case Study 6: Kellogg’s/ Star Wars

20 - Case Study 7: Verizon Wireless

23 - Case Study 8: Pretzel Crisps

26 - Case Study 9: John Lewis (again)

28 - Case Study 10: Pepsi

31 - Conclusion

Click on a page title to skip to that chapter




We’ve heard it all before...

“If you run the right sales promotion, you’re gonna see the dollars roll in!”

You’ve probably read countless blogs and sources that list the slickest offers, the best discounts and the most unique sales props.

But who needs a long list of tips that might or might not actually work?

Any average Joe can tell you to run a couple of ‘10% off’ specials and customers will come running. Your inventory will be depleted in no time.

But we all know it’s not that simple.

Every retailer, product and buyer is different. Every store owner has their own pain points so a one-size-fits-all list of sales promotions isn’t gonna cut it.

But what’s the one thing that we all do have in common? More sales.

“How can I get more sales? How can I improve my bottom line? Are there sales promotions that I can implement that will help me do that?”

To get the answers to those questions, you need to know what is actually working for other retailers.

It’s true that you need to get creative. You have to come up with a unique campaign and strategically market it to your audience.

“So long as new ideas are created, sales will continue to reach new highs.”

– Dorothea Brande

But how?We’ve put together this eBook with case studies of the 10 most successful promos of all time to give you plenty of inspiration for your next promotion.



Sales promotion: The loyalty programDid you know that it costs you 7x more to acquire a new customer than it does to keep the ones you’ve already got?1

A loyalty program is a great way to show your customers that you truly appreciate their business.Typically, a loyalty program works by offering your customers a freebie, once they have spent a certain amount of money in your online store.So naturally, a loyalty program will provide an incentive for customers to keep shopping at your store.

Starbucks has always gone against the grain, and their loyalty program is no exception. It’s highly regarded as one of the best loyalty programs of all time, so let’s take a look at what we can learn...

How does it work?Every time a person makes a purchase, they collect a star (point) on their loyalty card. Once they’ve collected a set amount of stars, they are then entitled to a number of coffee related rewards.

Customers can collect stars using a physical card, or via the app, and stars can be added from their coffee shops, or from products sold in local retailers. The loyalty program also comes in two tiers, depending on how often you shop at Starbucks.

The ResultsIn the first quarter of the loyalty program launch, Starbucks2 saw a revenue increase of 11% which took profits to $3.6 billion.

Company ProfileIntroducing customers to an impressive menu of gourmet coffee in a living room

style setting, Starbucks changed the scene of coffee forever when it burst onto the

scenes in 1971. They employ 182,000 people, have stores in 21,536 locations and

have a revenue of $14.89 billion.

1. http://www.helpscout.net/customer-loyalty/2. https://www.sweettoothrewards.com/blog/loyalty-case-study-starbucks-rewards/




What can we learn? What are three aspects of the Starbucks loyalty program that we can learn from?

Make it accessibleTypically a coffee shop loyalty ‘card’ is exactly that – a piece of cardboard that is likely to get lost in your wallet and most definitely wouldn’t survive a rain-shower. Sure you can opt for a card, but you can also sign up to their app to pay for purchases and collect stars using your mobile device. In a multi-device world, this is certainly something worth noting.

According to this report from BI Intelligence, the Starbucks app accounts for 15% of the US franchise sales and receives over 6 million transactions a week!




Make it exclusiveExclusivity is the secret sauce to a successful loyalty points program. People want to feel like they are getting something extra, and they want to know that they matter to you.

“Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, make me feel important. Not only will you succeed in sales, you will succeed in life.”

- Mary Kay Ash.

Starbucks offer customers an exciting chance for customers to collect more stars and achieve ‘gold level’ status. That person will then receive a gold card and can enjoy further perks including free drinks, syrups, custom offers via email, and more.

Make it available across other stores As Starbucks sell a number of their products in various retail stores, their customers are not limited to just collecting stars within the coffee shops. This goes to show that Starbucks understands the importance of multichannel marketing, in that every channel should be aligned with the same message, and it helps to motivate more purchases across their entire brand.




Sales Promotion: The Free Shipping DealFree shipping really can help you attract more people to your store. For the customer it’s a hassle-free buy and they don’t have to pay any more than the product price.

But NuFace had no problem in attracting visitors to their site. Quite the opposite in fact...

When they hired marketing agency, Red Door, to help improve conversions, the agency found that visitors were interested in the NuFACE products, but visitors would come to a standstill at the checkout.

With an average cart abandonment rate of 68.07%, you’ll probably agree that it’s one of the most frustrating statistics to see.

So why does it happen? The visitors on NuFACE had a clear interest in purchasing their products, so then why leave right at last minute?

Forrester Research found that shipping costs are the number one reason why people abandon their carts.

And in this case it would seem that shipping costs held the key to NuFace’s problems...

What did they do?Red Door implemented A/B testing on the site to see if changing the terms of the free shipping, would push people to buy.



Company ProfileThe family-owned business, NuFACE, launched back in 2005. It’s an anti-aging

skin care company that offers a selection of cost effective treatments for women

looking to treat their skin.


A/B testing is one of the best tools that you can use to improve your conversion rates. It’ll give you the power to test two options to see which one gets the better results. In fact, President Obama raised an additional $60 million for his campaign, using A/B testing, so it can definitely have a huge impact on the success of your campaigns.

Check out this study from NuFace to see how they used A/B testing. They sent 50% of their visitors to a homepage that looked like this:

And the other 50% to their homepage with a ‘free shipping over $75’ incentive.




What can we learn? Include free shipping if they spend over a certain amount

The takeaway here is that free shipping is a huge incentive for people to buy your products, so if you want to see more sales then you need to be offering it.

We understand that not every Ecommerce owner offers free shipping because they think that it will negatively impact their ROI...

But if you are setting terms such as the NuFACE ‘spend over $75’, then you’ll find that people will feel inclined to buy more products to make it up to that amount.

So your average order value will rise and you can absorb the costs, without cutting into your profit margins.

A/B testing can help you identify problems

If you keep getting frustrated from your bounce rate then you need to implement A/B testing in order to help you identify what is going wrong. Testing two different options can really help make the world of difference.

3. https://vwo.com/blog/free-shipping-threshold-increases-aov/



The Results The results of the A/B testing were rather impressive. Those customers that were offered free shipping increased the site’s orders by 90%! Not only that, but their average order value rose to 7.32%.3


Company ProfileFounded: 1989, Product: Clothing, Employees: 11,300, Stores: 273, Revenue: 633.94

million Founded in 1989, American Apparel is clothing manufacturer, wholesaler,

and retailer that employees over 11,000 people and has stores in 273 locations.

Sales Promotion: The Flash SaleA flash sale typically lasts 24-36 hours and is a great way for Ecommerce owners to quickly shift unwanted stock, and boost their sales.

In American Apparel’s case, they managed to shift their stock in just one hour. You’ll have to keep reading to find out the results, but we can promise you this, it’s totally worth it.

This is a brand that is renowned for marketing and interacting with their audience on Twitter, ahead of any other platform.

“The best thing about Twitter is that it’s a short, immediate way to communicate with and reward our fans. With an email, you’ve got to spend time getting it coded, designed and tested. But on Twitter, we can get a message out, do a short flash sale or share a promo code instantly. That immediacy and ability to call people to action for brief moments in time is totally unique.” - American Apparel’s Director of Marketing, Ryan Holiday

What did they do? In 2013, Thanksgiving and Hanukkah overlapped for the first time since 1918 and American Apparel didn’t want to miss out on this unique marketing opportunity.

They took to Twitter to celebrate and offered followers 15% off if they used the code ‘Thanksgivukkkah’ at the checkout.




The Results The marketing director, Ryan Holiday revealed that American Apparel made an incredible $50,000 from a one hour flash sale on Twitter.4

What can we learn?Market in real-time for better results

When it comes to sales promotions, real-time marketing can be your best friend. We’re not saying you should shy away from email marketing, but social platforms such as Twitter can help you run a flash sale quickly and effectively.

Personalization is key

The reason it works so well is because it’s so personal. Quite like American Apparel, you can assign a unique hashtag in order to attract more people to your social platforms and your online store.

4. http://evigo.com/10287-case-study-american-apparel-makes-50000-one-hour-twitter/




Sales Promotion: The ContestIf you’re in the early days of your online store then a contest is one of the best ways to attract your customers. At first you may find it difficult to build up buyer trust, so you’ll need to work a little harder to encourage people to buy from you...

But a contest helps push people into signing up to your email list, because let’s be honest, who doesn’t like a freebie?!

So that’s exactly what JewelScent achieved with their highly successful contest...

What did they do?The online retailer decided to take advantage of the upcoming holiday, St. Patrick’s Day, by running an Irish themed giveaway in the days leading up to the date.

They set their goals clear from the outset. They wanted to increase their email subscribers, Facebook Likes and produce more revenue so they could achieve a $2 million goal before the end of Q1.

The giveaway was simple.

They asked people to enter their email address to enter, and they would gift four lucky winners with a St. Patricks themed candle worth $25.



Company ProfileJewelScent is an online retailer that sells candles, beads, and luxury soaps. It’s

a relatively young company on that it was only founded in 2013, but they have

quickly become an established brand.


They sent out an email blast, promoted the campaign on their website and continued to promote it across all of their social feeds. They also credit sweepstake directories in helping attract new people to enter.

They also used other tactics to help raise more awareness of the giveaway, and encourage people to buy their products.

As you can see below, JewelScent offered an additional entry for every friend that was referred, and they offered 10% off if the person bought one of their products.




What can we learn? Team up your giveaway with a national holiday

The planning and execution of a giveaway is the secret to success. By combing your giveaway with an upcoming holiday like JewelScent did, you can really bring more exposure to your brand as people get really excited for the holidays.

Leverage across all channels

Once you’ve got your theme and product ready to giveaway, you can then focus on execution. The reason JewelScent saw so much success was because they were leveraging every channel they had, and they were offering multiple entries.

Include a discount code on every marketing message to encourage further sales

In this instance we can really learn from their strategic email marketing tactics.

On their sign up form they made it as simple as possible for people to enter, by only requesting an email address.

They then sent those entrants an email with an incentive to enter the contest again, if they refer more people to it – and included a discount code to shop at their store.

And, once the contest was over, they sent out a consolation email to the losers with a discount code off their products – further increasing the chance of more sales.

5. http://unbounce.com/conversion-rate-optimization/15k-conversion-giveaway-case-study/



The Results JewelScent generated $15,000 in revenue from this very giveaway. They also managed to add 7,200 new people to their email database, helping to secure an incredible amount of qualified leads.5


Sales Promotion: The Price Match PromiseIf you have a ton of competitors then it can be hard to stand apart. So that’s why a price match promise policy is a smart move. It’s a true confidence builder than can help people shop with you ahead of anyone else.

A price match promise promotion is great for two reasons:

1. It offers a no-lose situation for the customer

2. It offers convenience so customers don’t have to waste time shopping around

Leading retailer, John Lewis, is known for its ‘Never Knowingly Undersold’ slogan, which has been in use for almost 100 years.

The Never Knowingly Undersold philosophy means that John Lewis promise to ‘price match’ their products with other high street competitors. If a John Lewis customer finds the same individual product sold for a lower price elsewhere, John Lewis refunds them the difference.

In September 2010, John Lewis made a vital decision to extend the Never Knowingly Undersold philosophy to their online sales. It was a big statement for the company, with a potential associated risk of £50M.



Company ProfileJohn Lewis is a UK based chain of department stores. The first store opened on

Oxford Street, London, all the way back in 1864. Currently, the company has 43

stores across the UK, employs 91,000 people and has a revenue of £9.5 billion.


How does it work?John Lewis now matches competitor’s prices in the online retail space, including during sales, as long as that competitor has a high street presence.

If consumers think they can get the same quality product for a lower price elsewhere then they can submit price-match claims via the John Lewis website.




The Results Within the first year of taking their price match promise online, John Lewis saw a 27% increased in the number of Multi-Channel customers.6

What can we learn?It can dramatically boost your online presence

In a short time, John Lewis went from having little presence online to become a leading retailer in the world of ecommerce. If you do want to offer the price match promise then it’s worth coming up with a catchy slogan, quite like John Lewis, and streamlining your entire marketing messaging to reflect this.

It provides complete convenience

The main message to keep in your mind here is that, for customers, convenience is right up there with saving money, and the John Lewis price match promise is dedicated to both.

It will set you apart

You may worry that you’ll have to start offering products at a significantly low price, but the more people become aware of this guarantee, the more sales you’ll see at your online store.

6. https://www.marketingsociety.com/the-library/2012-winner-john-lewis-e-commerce-case-study




Sales Promotion: The Giveaway Similar to a contest, a giveaway is a great way to bring more exposure to your brand – and it’s the perfect way to let people try out your product before they buy more!

Although Kellogg’s didn’t ‘give away’ their own product, they did take the initiative of capitalizing in on the highly popular Star Wars franchise. In the run up to the movie, Revenge of the Sith Kellogg’s decided to give away branded products in their cereal’s....

What did they do?They released 30 million promotional packs of cereal with free Lightsabers inside, and the chance to win a Lightsaber that was signed by the actor Christopher Lee.

They cleverly linked their own characters with the Star Wars characters and promoted it across all of their channels, including TV advertisements.

The promotion cost them an eye-watering $385,000, but was it all worth it?



Company ProfileKellogg’s is an American food manufacturer that produces a variety of cereals

and convenience foods worldwide. They were founded back in 1906, have 30,200

employees and have an impressive revenue of $14.792 billion.


The Results The demand in cereal rose from 40% to 53% and an extra 859,000 households purchased the Star Wars branded cereal during the promotion. So yeah, we’d say that’s a pretty successful sales promo!

What can we learn?Take advantage of upcoming events

Similar to running competitions during the holidays, a highly anticipated event such as the release of the final Star Wars film, can help you attract more eye-balls on your brand. Think about what your audience likes and come up with a fun theme to coincide with it.

Brand up your freebies

If you are thinking of offering something that’s not directly related to your product then make sure you stamp your brand onto it so that people will be reminded of who you are, when they see it.




Sales promotion: The QR Code A QR code is a piece of technology that may at first seem gimmicky, but it can work well for your promotion if you’re smart.

QR – short for Quick Response – is a code that you can feature on your marketing materials, advertisements, products, or even on your website, so people can scan the code and be taken to content that you assign to that code.

In Verizon’s case, it was used to direct people to their promotion...

What did they do?The goal was simple: to increase sales.

So Verizon teamed up with a leading QR code generator, HipScan to give them the help they needed.

The promotion was exclusively for brick-and-mortar customers in San Francisco. The idea was that customers would need to scan a QR code which would take them to a competition to win a smartphone.

The customers would then need to share the competition on Facebook, and if their Facebook friends purchased a Verizon mobile, the original customer would get a free smartphone.

So did it work?



Company ProfileFounded in 2000, this telecommunications company provides wireless services

to 131.9 million subscribers. It is currently the largest wireless telecommunications

provider in the United States and have stores in 2,330 locations.


The ResultsThe promotion which only costed the company £1,000, generated a 200% increase in sales which saw the company secure $35,000 in the bank. And it was shared across 25,000 Facebook profiles which dramatically helped increase brand awareness.7

The company has continued to use QR codes as a way to promote other products, including this successful promotion below, that encouraged people to download their Android Apps.

The above campaign was set with QR code generator, ScanLife, and in just three months it achieved over 175,000 scans, making it the most successful ScanLife campaign in the U.S.A.

7. http://www.simplyzesty.com/Blog/Article/July-2011/2-stunning-case-studies-show-how-QR-codes-can-generate-revenue




What can we learn?Multi-Channel marketing is key

Again the success of this campaign comes down to multi-channel marketing. The brand managed to combine a brick-and-mortar competition with a social sharing promotion to help them generate sales and increase brand reach.

Mobile is no longer optionalWith 60% of users now browsing the web on their mobile devices, it’s pretty evident that your promotional campaigns should be responsive across mobile. If you can include mobile QR code promotions into your marketing strategy then even better.

Make sure every channel you have is responsive and consider investing in creating an app for your online store.

Don’t be afraid to use QR technologyAs you can see with the Verizon campaign, they didn’t just direct people to content that had no real action for customers to do anything with. They were smart in that they required people to purchase a smartphone before they gave their products away.

This kind of sales encouragement can really help you push your brand forward.




Sales Promotion: The CouponAh the coupon, it’s an old tactic – dating back to 1887 - but it’s still going strong today, with so many brands still using it as a formidable way to bring in more sales.

The coupon has since advanced to the digital age, and many brands are using it as a way to increase their social profile.

In fact, the number one reason that people like a brand on Facebook is because they want to receive discounts.

And, what’s the top type of sales promotion to boost your social engagement? You guessed it, the grandfather of all promotions - the coupon.

So it comes as no real surprise that Pretzel Crisps managed to run a highly successful promo on social media...



Company ProfileA family-owned business, Pretzel Crisps was launched back in 2004 and is

described as “a modern twist on an old favorite”. You can buy their famous

pretzel’s in a number of retailers across the United States.


What did they do? Back in 2010 Pretzel Crisps only had 800 likes, so their goal for this campaign was to attract more Facebook fans.

“Our social media strategy is to unite fans of our brand.” - Jason Harty director of marketing

So they took to Facebook to launch $1.00 coupons with a simple marketing

message, and an even simpler way to access the coupon – people had to Like their Facebook page!

In just 36 hours, their fan base grew to 12,000 so they decided to push the coupon tactic further and launched ‘Buy One, Get One Free’ coupons.

But this time is that they didn’t tell their fans about it to see if they could spend virtually nothing on a campaign.

So did it hinder their promotion?

Nope, quite the opposite. People found out about it without seeing any additional PR or email marketing communications and the campaign turned viral, helping to increase the brand’s following to a staggering 29,000.




What can we learn?Understand what your audience wants

The success of your campaign can really depend on what you are offering. Pretzel Crisps knew that their fanbase would truly value money off and buy one get one free coupons, which is why their campaign worked so well for them.

“Offering something with tangible value, like a coupon, helped us double our Facebook fan base.” - Jason Harty.

Continue to engage with your audience

The brand offers a bunch of interesting content on their facebook page which includes fun recipes, relevant content and more exclusive promotions. Once you start to nurture the fans you already have, they’ll stay loyal to your brand.

You don’t need a huge budget

If anything, the takeaway from this campaign is that you don’t need to invest huge amounts on publicity if you’re strategic. So long as you offer something that your audience wants, people will sit up and listen.

8. http://barnraisersllc.com/2011/12/12-case-studies-prove-roi-social-media-coupons/



The ResultsTheir social following overall grew to 29,000. They recieved 87% redemption rate for the $1 off coupon and 95% redemption rate for the BOGOF coupon. But did it increase sales? You betcha! The company sales grew by an impressive 93% for that year.8


Company ProfileJohn Lewis is dedicated to standing out from the crowd with their promotions, and

it’s because of this that they’ve well and truly earned a second place in this eBook.

Sales Promotion: The Holiday promotion As we mentioned earlier, a holiday promotion is perfect for driving conversions. The truth is, people are willing to spend more around the holidays, so it’s the perfect chance to take make the most of this liberal spending.

According to this study, the retail industry sales for Christmas 2014 were a heart- stoppable $3.19 trillion! And that’s just in the USA.

In support of their 2011 Christmas commercial, which had the theme ‘gifts you can’t wait to give’, John Lewis launched a competition called ‘Guess the Gift’.

Twelve videos were released with various children giving clues to a different gift in each video.

John Lewis customers were given the opportunity to guess the gift, and if they guessed correctly, they had a chance to win the gift. Simple as that.

How did it work?The ‘guess the gift’ videos were launched and promoted across all of the John Lewis social channels.

This encouraged customer engagement across the internet and gained them lots of valuable, not to mention free, word-of-mouth promotion from their fans on social media.


JOHN LEWIS (again)


What can we learn?Social media is an extremely powerful tool to utilize in sales promotions.

If you want to run a cost effective campaign then your social platforms are the perfect place to do that.

By using videos, John Lewis tapped into the power of visual communication to create a highly engaging way to get people entering their competition.

Word-of-mouth marketing still comes out on top

84% of consumers say they completely or somewhat trust recommendations from family and friends about products.

Word of mouth marketing is something that money can’t buy, so the best thing you can do for your store is to provide a way for people to easily share and talk about you, quite like John Lewis did.

9. https://www.marketingsociety.com/the-library/2012-winner-john-lewis-e-commerce-case-study


JOHN LEWIS (again)

The ResultsThe campaign saw an impressive return with 4,085,250 views on YouTube, 347,979 total social media shares and 29,173 mentions of John Lewis on Twitter for the week since launch on 11/11/11.9


Sales Promotion: The billion dollar giveaway So this case study is a little different from all the rest, but we couldn’t have a list of best promotions of all time, without including one of the boldest campaigns to date.

Never before had a company given away so much money as a cash prize, until Pepsi decided to make one lucky fan, the world’s next billionaire in a summer long promotion.

Now, we don’t expect you to be the next company to offer such an extravagant prize, but let’s see how it played out to see what we can learn...

The campaign goalsPepsi had three clear goals in mind when they embarked on their huge campaign.

1. To increase product sales.

2. To increase brand awareness by offering the largest cash prize in history.

3. To gain sponsorship support by partnering with United Airlines, Marriott Hotels and WB Network.

What did they do?

They printed unique codes on bottle caps to coincide with a live game show on the WB channel. Customers would then need to enter their code and 1,000 contestants were then selected to play live on the WB gameshow for a chance to win a billion dollars.



Company ProfileProducing and manufacturing a carbonated soft drink since 1893, this brand needs

no introductions. They are renowned for their stand out promotions that receive a

lot of publicity worldwide.


Each of the contestants would choose a six-digit number on the day of the gameshow and the 10 contestsants who closely matched the numbers selected by the hosts, would then go through to an elmination round.

The contestants then had to battle it out to win the money, until graphic designer, Richard Bay, took home the grand prize!

Other prizes were also given away during the show, which included around-the-

10. http://www.scapromotions.com/case-study/pepsi/




The ResultsThe promotion saw four million consumers enter more than 20 million game entries, helping secure leads for future marketing promotions.10

world trips from United Airlines, Mitsubishi cars and a life-long membership to Marriot Hotels.

What can we learn?Bold campaigns will bring high exposure

Sure, you may not be able to give away a billion dollars, but there are companies out there that can help you execute a large prize fund without the risk. Pepsi partnered with SCA, a leading provider of promotional risk coverage, to cover the cost of the redemption rate.

Create strategic partnerships

Partnering with other store owners can really help your prize fund become a lot more attractive. You can then all market the campaign together to help build further brand awareness for everyone involved.

Choose a period of time to run your promotion

As you’d expect with such a large giveaway, Pepsi decided to run this contest throughout Summer. This further increased exposure of the contest and their brand, as fans were talking about it across social all Summer long.




From loyalty programs, giveaways and contests, to coupons, QR codes and price-match-promises, there are plenty of promotions that you can take inspiration from.

But the key here is to take note of the strategies used by these awesome brands. On the outside they may just look a typical sales promo, but when you dig a little deeper into each study, it’s clear that a lot of thought and planning has gone in to execute each one.

If you want to run a successful promotion then you gotta take an every day promotion such as 10% off, and make it your own. Make it personal to your brand. Make it relevant to your products. And most importantly, make it resonate with your customers.

Sure, a promo like these may take a little longer to execute, but the results are most definitely worth the time it takes to put it into action. Planning, testing and exection can be the difference between 10 sales, and 10,000 sales, so make sure you create an effective strategy.

Just like the case studies in this eBook, by making your sales promo unique and leveraging every channel you have, you’ll stand apart from everyone else, become the go-to person in your niche – and improve on your bottom line.

If you’ve enjoyed this eBook, we would appreciate it if you would share it with everybody on your team. Hopefully these great promotional case studies will spark some unique ideas to help grow your business!

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