Tecnologia a Futuro

Post on 07-Mar-2016

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Tecnología a futuro

Transcript of Tecnologia a Futuro

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Predictions - Technology

According to the linear conception of time that are most human civilizations, the future is the portion of the timeline that has not yet happened; in other words, it is a conjecture that may well be anticipated, predicted, speculated postulated, theorized or calculated from data in an instant of time. the future is considered as the absolute future or as the future of time, the eternal present is the belief that only the present exists and the future and the past are unreal.people in the futureQuestioning the world makes me wonder how everything will be in 100 years ?. Is the English is the universal language that controls everything ?, will be another World War ?, is it true that within 100 years all bald ?, What will the science and nanotechnology? So my questions remain and still, because the future of every 100 years is very uncertain, but what is clear is that something is happening today in the world, things are not going well, and we turn on a newscast about "wise guys" that to demonstrate the extent to which there is freedom of press.What will the future in 100 years?High tech devices now can not imagine the difference in life now distant future, or distant past to the distant future. In the movies they paint everything badly. Future looks high tecnoga yet in the social and psychological aspect to paint like humans. When we imagine the future not only technology we have to do, we have to do more humanitarian work by all. That the disease or penalty one is not one, is that of all. So is the future, with people involved in the care of the planet, respecting all living beings.

What will the future?Discovery channel made a documentary about 4 hours automotive wonders estimated for 2030. Several designers, scientists and mechanics from around the world gathered in Japan for the creation of a car, which will be handled by computer networks They communicate via satellite. Will be "smart cars" that are designed to see obstacles, to inform the car back if there is some danger ahead or the car in question can take an alternate road, if there is an obstruction or congestion in the main road; This car also will have the option of calling to places such as work or an appointment, if it was late passenger.Future carsThe latest developments (and imagination) have given birth to new forms of transported, many of them quite original. Personally, bicycles are the media that fascinate me and basically have not changed much its simple design and not to mention it is the healthier transport as this can be a wonderful exercise as well as less polluting transportation and all this despite being around since 1885.

The bikes we see in the streets of the futureIn 2046 it will have consolidated the nuclear fusion energy, in 2041 there will be a small city on the moon, in 2036 we will have the first space elevator by 2031 robots will be smarter than us, in 2026 there will be boxing matches between androids, 2021 yogurts will tell us jokes, in 2016 the cars will automatically be piloted in 2017 can go on vacation to a hotel in orbit, in 2011 the robots take care of our gardens, and next year the process faster computer and a person. They are some of the scenarios developed by the team of technological future of British Telecom, which also provides for 2051 generalized telepathic communication and transfer of information in a human brain to a machine. also we see how they make the buildings different styles and giants.Buildings and future RobotsThis is my article about a future Technology Article about Predictions TechnologyThank you