Techorama - Evolvable Application Development with MongoDB

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Introduction to MongoDB for .NET developers.

Transcript of Techorama - Evolvable Application Development with MongoDB


Evolvable Application Development with MongoDBGerd Teniers

Bart Wullems

for .NET developers

WARNING – This session is rated as a ‘Grandma session’ (=Level 200)

3 goals of this presentations

When you leave this presentation you should have learnedHow easy it is to get started using MongoDB

How using MongoDB changes the way you design and build your applications

How MongoDB’s flexibility supports evolutionary design

That giving speakers beer before a session is never a good idea

What is not cool?

White socks & sandals

What is not cool?

Dancing like Miley Cyrus

What is not cool?

Relational databases

What is cool?

Short pants and very large socks

What is cool?

Dancing like Psy

What is cool?

NO-SQL (=Not Only SQL)

ThoughtWork Technology Radar

Entity Framework 7 will support No-SQL


What is MongoDB?



General purpose database

Document oriented database using JSON document syntax


- Flexibility

- Power

- Scaling

- Ease of Use

- Built-in Javascript

Users: Craigslist, eBay, Foursquare, SourceForge, and The New York Times.

Written in C++

Extensive use of memory-mapped files

i.e. read-through write-through memory caching.

Runs nearly everywhere

Data serialized as BSON (fast parsing)

Full support for primary & secondary indexes

Document model = less work

High Performance

MongoDB Database Architecture: Document


_id: ObjectId("5099803df3f4948bd2f98391"),

name: { first: "Alan", last: "Turing" },

birth: new Date('Jun 23, 1912'),

death: new Date('Jun 07, 1954'),

contribs: [ "Turing machine", "Turing test", "Turingery" ],

views : NumberLong(1250000)


MongoDB Database Architecture: Collection

Logical group of documents

May or may not share same keys

Schema is dynamic/application maintained

Why should I use it?(or how do I convince my boss?)

Developer productivity

Avoid ORM pain, no mapping needed


Scaling out is easy(or at least easier)

Optimized for reads


Dynamic schema

How to run it?


Windows service


3rd party commercial hosting

How to talk to it?

Mongo shell Official and non official drivers>12 languages supported


Schema design


First step in any application is determine your domain/entities

In a relational based appWe would start by doing schema design

In a MongoDB based appWe start building our appand let the schema evolve


Album- id- artistid- title

Track- no- name- unitPrice- popularity

Artist- id- name

Album- _id- title- artist

- tracks[]

- _id- name

Relational Document db



Start from application-specific queries

“What questions do I have?” vs “What answers”

“Data like the application wants it”

Base parent documents on

The most common usage

What do I want returned?


Embedding vs Linking vs Hybrid

Album- _id- artist

- cover

- _id- name

Artist- _id- name- photo


Single collection inheritance

Product- _id- price

Book- author- title

Album- artist- title

Jeans- size- color

- _id- price- author- title

Relational Document db

- _id- price- size- color


Single collection inheritance

Product- _id- price

Book- author- title

Album- artist- title

Jeans- size- color

_type: Book- _id- price- author- title

Relational Document db

_type: Jeans- _id- price- size- color


Embedded array / array keys

Some queries get harder

You can index arrays!

Normalized approach

More flexibility

A lot less performance

BlogPost- _id- content- tags: {“foo”, “bar”}- comments: {“id1”, “id2”}



CRUD operations

Create: insert, save

Read: find, findOne

Update: update, save

Delete: remove, drop

ACID Transactions

No support for multi-document transactions commit/rollback

Atomic operations on document levelMultiple actions inside the same document

Incl. embedded documents

By keeping transaction support extremely simple, MongoDB can provide greater performance

especially for partitioned or replicated systems

Demo 3 – CRUD


Storing binary documents

Although MongoDB is a document database, it’s not good for documents :-S

Document != .PNG & .PDF files

Document size is limited

Max document size is 16MB

Recommended document size <250KB

Solution is GridFS

Mechanism for storing large binary files in MongoDB

Stores metadata in a single document inside the fs.files collection

Splits files into chunks and stores them inside the fs.chunks collection

GridFS implementation is handled completely by the client driver

Demo 4 – Evolving your domain model ------------& GRIDFS

Evolving your domain model

Great for small changes!

Hot swapping

Minimal impact on your application and database

Avoid Migrations

Handle changes in your application instead of your database


Avoid table collections scans by using indexes

> db.albums.ensureIndex({title: 1})

Compound indexes

Index on multiple fields

> db.albums.ensureIndex({title: 1, year: 1})

Indexes have their price

Every write takes longer

Max 64 indexes on a collection

Try to limit them

Indexes are useful as the number of records you want to return are limited

If you return >30% of a collection, check if a table scan is faster

Creating indexes

Aggregations with the Aggregation Framework

$project Select() $unwind SelectMany() $match Where() $group GroupBy() $sort OrderBy() $skip Skip() $limit Take()

Largely replaces the original Map/Reduce

Much faster!

Implemented in a multi-threaded C ++

No support in LINQ-provider yet (but in development)

Demo 5 – Optimizations



Scalable: good for a lot of data & traffic

Horizontal scaling: to more nodes

Good for web-apps


No joins and constraints

Dev/user friendly

Data is modeled to how the app is going to use it

No conversion between object oriented > relational

No static schema = agile



Forget what you have learned

New way of building and designing your application

Can collect garbage

No data integrity checks

Add a clean-up job

Database model is determined by usage

Requires insight in the usage

Things we didn’t talk about

Click icon to add picture

Things we didn’t talk about…


- HTTPS/SSL Compile the code yourself

Eventual Consistency

Geospatial features

Realtime Aggregation

Things we didn’t talk about…

Many to Many

- Multiple approaches References on 1 site

References on both sites

Things we didn’t talk about…

Write Concerns

- Acknowledged vs Unacknowledged writes

- Stick with acknowledged writes(=default)

Things we didn’t talk about…

GridFS disadvantages

- Slower performance: accessing files from MongoDB will not be as fast as going directly through the filesystem.

- You can only modify documents by deleting them and resaving the whole thing.

- Drivers are required

Things we didn’t talk about…

Schema Migrations

- Avoid it

- Make your app backwards compatible

- Add version field to your documents

Things we didn’t talk about…

Why you should not use regexes

- Slow!

Advanced Indexing

- Indexing objects and Arrays

- Unique vs Sparse Indexes

- Geospatial Indexes

- Full Text Indexes


- Avoid it

- Very slow in MongoDB

- Use Aggregation FW instead

Things we didn’t talk about…

Sharding Based on a shard key (= field)

Commands are sent to the shard that includes the relevant range of the data

Data is evenly distributed across the shards

Automatic reallocation of data when adding or removing servers