Technology Boon or Bane?

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Technology Boon or Bane?

Boon or Bane?



To define Technology

To define Boon and Bane

To know if the technology is boon or

bane in education


the branch of knowledge that deals with


creation and use of technical means and


interrelation with life, society, and the

environment, drawing upon such subject

s as

industrial arts, engineering, applied scie

nce, and pure science.

meaning of BOON A thing that is helpful.

A pleasant thing.

A benefit.

A blessing.

An advantage.

Why IS IT A BOON? Technology is a blessing for a man.

Your teaching and learning can be more exciting

and more stimulating with the use of multimedia.

With Educational Television, you can watch the

events that is happening around the world.

In computers and other gadgets, in just one click

you can search whatever you need to search.

In the use of educational gadgets, you can make

your work faster to save more time.

Meaning of BANE A source of harm or ruin.

A curse.

A disadvantage.

A trouble.

A burden.

WHY IT IS A BANE? The learners made to accept the Gospel truth

information they get in the internet.

The learners surf the internet for pornography.

The learners may watch the un appropriate movie

for their age.

The learners get glued to the computer-assisted

instruction unmindful of the world as so fails to

develop the ability to refuse to others.

Learners become lazy.

The answer is:

It is up to us humans on how to

use the technology in a good

way, it is not a bane for me

because it makes our studies

easier. It is just up to us how we

use them, even if it is in good or

in bad way. Remember that

Technology is a blessing,

otherwise it is also a Curse..

“Technology is made for

Man, and not Man for


“Technology is made for

Teachers, and not

Teachers for Technology”.

Submitted by: Lerie Ann Nery


Submitted to: Ms. Jaydee De Leon