Post on 12-May-2015

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What is discussed in these 21 slides can be elaborated in a 300 page book. However, it is dealt in a simple and precise way so that even men and women, including busy and high tech professionals or students, besides the common people can be benefited.

Its message is : “You are the Master to bring happiness and enjoyment in your life; no religion or leader or god-man or god-woman or drugs can bring them. Realize and integrate so that you can stay young, smart and sexy and attain happiness and enjoy life to the fullest extent without any medicine.

“It is time to move from the god and practices of the primitive tribes to the God and culture of the civilized and the universal mankind, for making life meaningful and fulfilling. To live a happy and satisfied life is the right of every man and woman”.


This is an exploration to discover the secrets of Keeping Young, Sexy and Smart and attaining Happiness and Stress-free Life and also understand the underlying causes of unhappiness and stress ridden-life. It is my long voyage through civilizations and cultures, spending for a period of nearly fifty years.

I am not a Yogi or Spiritual Man or Prophet or Spokesman of any Religion or Ideology other than a Teacher or Master who is powered by Humanism, Spirituality and Oneness of the Humanity, irrespective of any Race, Tribe, Religion, Ideology or Nationality.

I am just sharing or giving back what I learned or found in my relentless explorations for the benefit of the Young and the Old Men and Women besides the coming generations. Everybody is free to make use of them and go further to find out the secrets, in stead of re-inventing the wheel. The young, adventurous and thinking men and women, seeking the meaning and joy of life may find it more useful and relevant.

YOGA IS NOT THE ANSWER This is not about Yoga or Meditation or Hinduism or any

religion or against any religion or faith but on Happiness and Enjoyment of men and women, the entire Humanity.

There is a tendency to prescribe a set of physical exercises (postures) and breathing and concentration techniques for almost all physical and mental sickness, under the banner of yoga. With such yoga, nobody can be made free from stress and unhappiness and stay young, sexy and smart.

On the other, Realization and Integration are the basis of staying young, sexy and smart. Yoga can also be employed for these purposes and without them, yoga is nothing but mere physical or mental strains.


Happiness and stress-free life is one’s own choice and right. The incidence of accidents, natural calamities or unexpected setbacks make everybody totally helpless. However, in the case of normal adults, one’s own awareness of the in and out of the self and their integrations determine the happiness and stress-free life in spite of daily problems.

With some awareness and observing the simple rules, everybody can make his or her life and that of the people around bit more beautiful and enjoyable. Without making the world beautiful around us, nobody can expect Heaven or Paradise or Salvation after death, a simple logic.

The God has given all facilities and opportunities to make one’s own life and that of the people around him or her beautiful and enjoyable . Nobody can fool Him what ever may be one’s Faith, Ideology or Religion or what is written in the scriptures.

No scripture is free from the then existing culture in which it was said or written. This is a matter of concern or stress to every thinking believer. ‘Time’ has been set by the God to go forward only and not backward, for the revolving or the rotating the Earth or the Moon around the Sun. Nobody can go backward to the age or culture during which the scriptures were once made or written; the fanatics or the fundamentalists ask us to go backward and disobey the basic rule of the Nature and thereby make life miserable.


Everybody is endowed with unlimited potentialities that can be developed. Everybody is entitled to amass the Bliss, Love, Beauty and Vitality flown from the Cosmic Energy abundantly without any limit to all men and women on earth, irrespective of any faith or ideology or culture.

Following a particular faith or religion is not a guarantee for Happiness and Stress-free Life. No prayer or pilgrimage or sermon nor any man can give lasting peace and strength other than temporary relief ,some sort of a feeling of addiction and temptation for over-doze.

The problem is that most of the people could not realize their potentialities and develop them, besides, absorbing the Cosmic Energy so as to attain Bliss and Happiness and a Stress-free Life.


There are many who are Unhappy and Stress-Ridden, in spite of their religion or faith or even non-belief, including leaders or rulers, celebrities, business tycoon, preachers, healers, god-men or god-women,. In the midst of plenty. most of the Celebrities and Tycoons lead a miserable life without enjoying even food, sleep and sex, the three basic things that add passions. That is why some of them end their own life.


REALIZATION IS THE BEGINNING Realization is not mere knowledge; it is coming out from the inner

self. It is an awareness of the Self, the Body and the Mind, besides the Nature, the Cosmic, the Man or Woman and the Humanity.

Such an awareness is the beginning of the human dignity and the importance of oneself and the people around him or her, besides the Nature. Realization never leads to Fear but Love and Oneness.

Inability to attain realization leads to Fear, the fear of the God, the fear of the Nature, the fear of the Humanity, the fear of death and also the fear of the life after death. Fear is the basis of tension and stress-ridden life that can make people violent or mad.

All the Primitive Tribal Gods and Religions have been built upon such fears and it is the tribal gods and religions that fears the Realization, Love and Oneness. It is their necessity to keep men and women, including children, in unhappiness, stress-ridden life and constant fears. Fear is inculcated in the minds of the little children telling about the Angry and Punishing God and the Violent Nature. Such Fear is the basis of Radicalism, Fundamentalism and Terrorism.


It is not the God or Faith or Religion or Fate or Devil that makes our life happy and stress-free. Otherwise, religious people, strong believers or highly obedient people, from among Islam, Christianity, Hinduism or Buddhism should have been free from unhappy and stress-ridden life. On the contrary, they are the greatest victims of unhappy and stress-ridden life.

Buddhism tells that desire is the cause of sorrow. Islam and Christianity ask to believe and observe strictly the religious practices for Happiness and Stress-free life. If people are not getting them, in spite of the belief, practices and prayers, then they attribute every thing to the Devil or the Satan. Then people are forced to believe that it is their fate and every thing is the tricks played by the Devil or Satan.

It is is the lack of integration at Five Level is the root cause of unhappiness and stress-ridden life for which everybody is responsible.


Men and women who cannot attain a five-level integration are unable to attain Bliss and Happiness that are flown from the Cosmic or the God without any obstruction, just like the heat or light from the sun. Every human being is entitled to absorb the Cosmic Energy.

Man or woman who has attained a five-level integration alone can absorb the flow of the powerful Cosmic Energy that can be transformed in to bliss or happiness or vitality or beauty.

Other wise; he or she remains just like a broken pot unable to collect milk or honey in spite of his or her fame or power or wealth or success or knowledge. And the life is reduced in to a mere search for Happiness without getting it till the end.


There is nothing like the believer or the non-believer or the friend or the enemy of the God but only those who can realize or those who cannot realize the Cosmic Energy. The God is not like a powerful and angry King or Emperor eager to punish or reward the slave or the mortal man or woman as has been projected in most of the religions.

The Cosmic can be visualized in thousands of names or forms, according to the level of advancement of the humanity. From the wandering primitive tribal age, the age of settlement and the statehood, the humanity has entered the civilized age and the age of the global interconnectivity and oneness of the humanity.

However, there is a tendency to go back to the age of the Primitive Tribes even in the modern age and thereby keeping the Humanity without Happiness and stress-free life.

People who believe in the Primitive Tribal God and follow the primitive tribal practices can never realize their Own Self, the Nature, the Cosmic, the Humanity and attain higher levels of Integration that are the basis of Bliss, Happiness and Stress-free and Fearless Life.

THE GODS OF THE PRIMITIVE TRIBES For the primitive tribes, the God is angry, jealous and revengefully punishing.

Such a Primitive God demands Fear, Worship and Praises. The primitive tribes made their God blood thirsty, demanding human or animal blood or sacrifice.

The Primitive Tribes attributed, some of the known characteristics of the ancient cruel or inhuman kings or emperors to their God. So they feared their God; they praised the God with songs and music; they fought and died for their God; they made their wars against the other tribes or people and called them, the Holy Wars.

The Primitive God needed rest after six or seven days work just like men or animals; He specially ordained some people as prophets or black magicians to communicate with the people. One particular tribe alone was declared as the chosen or beloved people of the God and the others, His enemies. Only Primitive Tribal God asks people to fight against other tribes or His enemies and demand the Holy War.

Those who worship and obey the Primitive Tribal God can never be in Peace or Bliss or Happiness, but only in Fear, Tension and Worries that promote enmity between brothers, tribes, nations or peoples besides war and terror. Life of men or women before and after death is also made miserable by the Primitive Tribal God who demands self-inflicted pain or torture, animal or human sacrifice, prolonged fasting or worships and even then offers Hell. Hence, people have no other option but to cry for mercy for ever!

THE GOD OF THE CIVILZED When the people are entered in a civilized age, their God

becomes the embodiment of Love, Care and Forgiveness. He knows everything. He never demands Fear, Worship or Praises from anybody. Nobody can be the enemy of such a benevolent God who treats the entire Humanity one and the same.

It is impossible and illogical for the people to be the enemy of the God who created every thing and controls everything. Is it possible for the entire people on the earth to do any thing against the Sun or the Ocean? If not, how men on earth can be the enemy of the Creator of the Earth, Sun or Sky?

If the God knows the secrets kept in the inner hearts of men and women, how can they be unfaithful or infidel to the God? It is only the primitive tribes or men who alone can create somebody as the ‘Enemy of the God’ or ‘Unfaithful or Infidel to the God’. It is nothing but the fantasy and idiotism of the primitive tribes suffering from lunacy or mental disorders .


The Nature is the embodiment of the Cosmic. It is universal and not limited to any particular locality or region. There was a tendency for the primitive tribes to limit the earth within a narrow boundaries of their locality; flood or volcanic eruption in a particular locality was considered as the end of the earth. Now we know that the Tsunami was not the end of the earth!

Each individual or the entire humanity is the integral part of the Nature. Nobody has any right to upset the balance of the inter-relationships between different creatures themselves and they and the Nature. Everybody is expected to give back to the Nature what has been taken from it.


The first-level integration of a man or woman, the basis of all other integrations, is purely at personal level . This is the integration of the body, the mind and the soul of the every human being; any imbalance among them leads to disease or decay and disintegration to death.

The human body consists of the five basic elements; when these five elements are integrated properly, he or she is physically fir or healthy.

The mind is developed and remained healthy with the proper integration of the five senses; any disintegration leads to mental disorder or imbalance at different levels.

Nobody can change the soul which is free from the physical world. Those who cannot realize the soul may say that there is no soul at all. It is not because the soul is not there, but because of their inability to realize the soul just like the Cosmic Power.


The Human -the Nature integration is the basis of the human existence and development. The Nature has its own balance and harmony. When it is upset, the Nature becomes violent. Only by realizing the Nature, its balance and harmony and attaining an integration with the Nature can a man or woman be happy and stress-free. That leads to love of the Nature rather than the fear. The Nature can act as a medium to transfer Cosmic Energy to men.


The fundamental principle of Capitalism, Communism, Fascism, and Machiavellianism is rooted in the Primitive Tribal ideology of ‘selfishness’ , ‘exclusiveness’, and ‘like the hungry wolfs’, concerned only about the oneself and one’s own tribe, treating other tribes or people enemies. Such an element is deeply inbuilt in Islam, Christianity, the Brahmin-dominated Hinduism and the Radical Hinduism.

The Humanity has a known history of more than 60, 000 years, where as religions, organized tribal economy and political systems have just less than 5000 years out of which Christianity has just 2000 years and Islam mere 1400 years.

With selfishness and exclusiveness, they brought thousands of wars, terrors and added human sufferings and poverty. That is why; none of them could bring Happiness and stress-free life.

Unless and until it is realized that everybody has equal right and he or she is only a part of the Humanity and without integrating with it, nobody can attain Happy and Stress-free life. At this higher level of consciousness everybody will say, ‘Let every human being or creature lives in Harmony and Happiness’. This is the Supreme Prayer . Here is the beginning of true and emerging science, education, economics and political science so as to save our children and the humanity.

MAN-WOMAN INEGRATION Unlike animals, man-woman relationships have more dimensions than mere

child reproduction and child rearing, the basis of continuity. Every physically healthy and mentally sound and spiritually enlightened human being is basically romantic and erotic, just like Siva and Parvathy in the Indian Mythology.

Every man needs the care and support of a woman as every healthy and mentally fit woman needs a man, emanating from the physical, mental and spiritual spheres of both men and women. This is the basis of mutual love, respect and care and healthy and long lasting relationships between a man and a woman. . The primitive tribes feared the women power ; out of fear they suppressed the women, denied them education and dignity and power .

From the level of mere passion or pleasure, sex can be elevated to the level of prolonged Joy and Happiness when it becomes physical, mental and spiritual. Inability of men and women to make sex mental and spiritual besides physical is the basic reason for unhappiness and stress-ridden life besides broken families. Sexually dissatisfied men and women become violent, revengeful, jealousy and socially unfit

It is highly essential to keep the men and women, including the youth physically, mentally and spiritually healthy and vibrant and educate them to respect and love each other for a joyous and happy sexual and romantic life and thereby safeguarding the integrity of the family life and protecting the interests of the children who need the love and support of their fathers and mothers.


A man or woman is incomplete and stressful without realizing the God or Cosmic by a process of self-realization. Yoga or meditation is only one of the means by which one can realize and experience the Cosmic. Loving the Nature and the Humanity as a whole and doing selfless services are the best means of realization.

Fearing the God is the greatest obstacle to realize the Cosmic; instead what is required is loving the Cosmic, for fear leads to hate or estrangement. Out of fear, people make prayers and human or animal sacrifice or perform tedious and expensive pilgrimage to please the Fearful God .

The Primitive Tribes fear their Gods, die or kill for the sake of their Gods and fight against the ‘enemies ‘of their Gods or Creators . On the other, the cultured and civilized men Love their God who has no enemies but treat everybody as His beloved and therefore they can live in peace and harmony.

Human-Cosmic Integration is possible with Love and Realization of the Universal Nature of the Cosmic, the Nature and the Humanity and the man or woman without hate and fear.


In short, the five fold realization and integration are the basis of Happiness and Stress-Free life. Without attaining Happiness and Stress-free Life, nobody can enjoy Food, Sleep and Sex; then what is the meaning of life on earth? If we cannot attains Happiness and Stress-free life on earth while alive, it is foolish in believing that they can be attained in the Heaven or Paradise after death?

Even all religions admit one’s performance while alive is the basis of the entry into Heaven or Paradise after death. To die or kill for a cause or belief is very easy, but to live for a cause or belief and let other’s live for their causes is a very difficult task. It is not the courage but the impotency of the fundamentalists and terrorists make them die or kill for their faith.

For Happiness and Stress-free Life, we have to live and we have to let others to live, for all men on earth are unique and very much important with equal right on the earth. No God but only Devil or Satan asks men to fear, hate and kill each other.

These are the sum and substance of enjoying life on earth which is the simplified version of the Great Indian Wisdom.

THE LONG MARCH FOR HAPPINESS The life of every thinking man and woman is a long march or search for the very

meaning of life and leading a happy life. Is the man or woman is created just for the unhappy, miserable and stress-ridden life? Is the God kind enough to provide the secrets for a happy, satisfying and stress-free life on the earth?

Is something wrong with our religions that are not at all concerned to make the life of every man and woman happy and stress-free when alive in their eagerness for the Heaven or the Paradise after death? Life on the earth, though short, is very much important for each man and woman to live in bliss and happiness.

This presentation is meant for such thinking and exploring men and women to make their life happy and stress-free, along with the people around them and the humanity as a whole besides the Living Nature. It is the Eternal Truth and Values that help the Humanity to march towards the most advanced stage of Human Development from the Terrible Primitive Tribalism.

More works are required to help and guide men and women lead a Happy and Satisfied life, a basic requirement for Peace and Prosperity. Men or women with unhappy and unsatisfied life bring war, terror and religious fundamentalism. Let the enlightened young men and women to come forward for the mission of Happy and Satisfied Life globally, even using social networks and communication or entertainment media and channels.