Post on 07-Jan-2020

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BENEFITS � Optimize NPV under reservoir uncertainty

� Increase confidence in forecasts

� Increase asset team effectiveness through optimization

� Create more accurate models in dramatically less time

� Optimize a field development plan with reduced time

� Speed up history matching

� Quantify uncertainty and sensitivity

CMOST is a state-of-the-art reservoir engineering tool, employing innovative experimental design, sampling and optimization techniques to efficiently determine reservoir parameters defining production and recovery of oil and gas fields. Many of the features in CMOST are applicable to all the tasks - history matching, sensitivity analysis, optimization and uncertainty analysis.

EASY TO USE � Multiple studies management allows users to

transition from one type of study to another and maximizes reuse

� Continuously update and change parameters and browse include files as parameter values (version 2015)

� Remotely monitor CMOST runs 24/7 with CMOST Mobile

� Intelligent job submission to improve accuracy – CMOST automatically submits more jobs to improve results

� Customize plots to adjust appearance & save as defaults

� I/O control section optimization

� Easily create new projects or open existing projects with the default Start Page (version 2015)

POWERFUL ANALYTICS � Interactive Proxy dashboard provides instantaneous

prediction response

� Experiment filters assist in the analysis of results

� Create experiments manually and use filters to analyze runs in more detail

� Convergence intelligent algorithm finds optimal solutions in a timely manner

� Save time by quickly reprocessing experiments

� Easily and intuitively create new cross plots with a single click

� Visualize the power of proxy by using analysis tools organized in one area of CMOST

� Objective functions grouped together enhancing usability and exports to MS Excel†

� Scatter matrices and parallel coordinates included in data mining methods

� Ability to export RBF Neural Network & Polynomial proxy models, Time-Series data, and one parameter at a time (OPAAT) data to MS Excel (version 2015)

ADAPTIVE & DYNAMIC � Dynamic date and times allows users

to maximize peak NPV

� Plateau calculation dynamically defines critical production rate and optimizes plateau period

� Field data weighting and visualization

� Specify parameter correlations to more accurately quantify uncertainty

� Interactive simulation database dynamically stores and updates simulation results

� Reprocess data quickly with the automatic synchronization between input, control center, results and analyses

� Time series curve coalescence greatly reduces plot loading time when many curves are displayed

OPEN & EXTENSIBLE � Formula editor improves usability with an improved

interface and interactively define variables

� User-defined time series visualizes how a variable changes with time

� Manual engine allows power users to run CMOST in manual mode

� Python scripting language for custom formulas and objective functions

� External engine allows users to plug-in own optimization algorithm

� User-defined nominal global objective functions

� Coupled to geology & geophysics software packages

� Engine estimated finish time

+1.403.531.1300, INFO@CMGL.CACALGARY HOUSTON BOGOTA CARACAS LONDON DUBAI KUALA LUMPUR™Trademark of Computer Modelling Group Ltd. Copyright © 2015 Computer Modelling Group Ltd. † Other company, product, and service names are the properties of their respective owners. 15.CM.03



� Export simulation- driven proxy models to MS Excel to better understand and characterize the reservoir

� Determine non-linear responses with variance-based sensitivity analysis

SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS (SA) � Simplified sensitivity analysis

workflow achieves reliable results

� Understand which parameters are important before further modifying the model

� Identify inconsistencies in data early to investigate or obtain additional or more accurate data

� Investigate effect of changes in input parameters on output

� Variance based sensitivity analysis methods – Morris and Sobol – are now available (version 2015)

HISTORY MATCHING (HM) � Semi-automated HM, using

Experimental Design (ED) methods, finds the best match(es) in the minimum number of runs

� Identify parameter values that matches historical data

� Identify the variability that HM parameters can have, while still achieving an acceptable history match

� Automates HM process and provides guidance and understanding of the reservoir and the recovery process to the engineer

� Apply weighting factors to guide the matching process and ensure that the most important data are matched

� Quickly run thousands of cases to assess HM variability or field optimization and the associated probabilities

OPTIMIZATION (OP) � Identify optimum development

plan or operating conditions

� Examples of objectives include:

� Net Present Value (NPV)


� Recovery Factor (RF)

� Cumulative oil

� Plateau duration

� Oil produced in plateau

� User-defined

� Change operating parameters to optimize the objective value; parameters are usually constraints or dates

� Maximize the global Objective Function (OF) and subsidiary OFs to reflect the influence of operating parameters

� Pareto front optimization for multiple conflicting objective functions

UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS (UA) � One-click uncertainty analysis


� Assess prediction reliability to understand range of potential operating flexibility evaluated

� Determine how results vary with uncertainty in the model

� Generate and validate a response surface using sample values and run a Monte Carlo simulation using response surface




Computer Modelling Group Ltd (CMG) is the leading supplier of advanced oil and gas recovery process simulation software. CMG offers products for Black Oil, Compositional and Thermal/Chemical reservoir simulation, Assisted History Matching and Optimization, fluid characterization, and visualization software to best understand simulation results. Experienced support teams are stationed in offices around the world to provide the best software, training and client support for advanced recovery process simulation.

CMG is devoted to providing the ultimate customer experience through its commitment to R&D investment, superior technology, and support network.

1. R&D Investment: With more than half our employees devoted to R&D, CMG exceeds its customer needs. CMG reinvests 20% of its annual revenue back into R&D which results in significant expansion of the R&D team to further innovation and drive technology forward.

2. Superior Software Technology: CMG, the leader in enhanced oil recovery, delivers software that is easier to use and provides the most accurate results for unconventional, compositional, advanced IOR/EOR and conventional processes.

3. Customer Experience: CMG provides experienced technical sales and support personnel, located around the world. CMG engineers deliver same-day turnaround for support calls, small industry relevant training and a personalized customer experience.