TechEvince Finals, General Quiz

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of TechEvince Finals, General Quiz

TechEvince Gen QuizFinals

Quizmaster : Ranu Vikram

Round 1

● 8 questions● 10 points each on direct.● +10/ -10 on pounce ● Infinite bounce


● X is a form of marketing to promote illegal or banned product in legal way, in disguise of other product.

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● Surrogate Marketing

2. Id X and Y.

● X later told that he wasn’t going to accept the role of Y, as his health was in decline.

● X’s granddaughter threatened to never talk to him again, if he doesn’t accepts Y’s role.

● However, X’s death in 2002, prompted recasting for Y.

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● X- Richard Harris● Y- Albus Dumbledore


● Last week, #ChaddiNahiSochBadlo was one of the most trending hashtags on Twitter India.

● Which event prompted this tag?

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● RSS adopted full pants, instead of khakhi shorts.

4. Id X.

● In another major move, X appears to have sponsored ads across multiple channels on Tata Sky and Dish TV.

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● Paytm


● This phrase generally in internet forums to avoid trolls who purposely disrupt forums.

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● Don’t feed the trolls.


● Catholic Church have designated patron saints for more or less every other profession, including lawyers, cars, quizzers.

● St. Isidor is the patron saint of what?

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● Internet, Computers, Programmers.

7. Id X.

● X was launched in 1991 by University of Minnesota. X was a information distribution protocol competing with http, and at one time it was more used than world wide web for sharing information.

● It later got stagnated, due to licensing fees by University Minnesota for its server software and rapid advancement in http protocol.

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● Gopher

8. Id X.

● Astronomers based at Jodrell Bank Observatory in 2006, discovered a giant cloud comprising of X, spanning approximately 288 billion miles, wrapped around a stellar nursery. This according to the discoverers will give better idea about, how stars are formed?

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● Alcohol

Round 2

● Written Round● 5 for getting each correct.● +10 for getting all correct.

ICC World Twenty20

● List the winners of Man of the Match award for final matches of each edition of the tournament.

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● 2007 - Irfan Pathan● 2009 - Shahid Afridi● 2010 - Craig Kieswetter● 2012 - Marlon Samuels● 2014 - Kumar Sangakkara

Round 3

● 8 questions● +10 on direct● +10/-10 on bounce● Quotes

1.Where this first appeared?

● All your base are belong to us.

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● Zero Wing

2. Who said this to whom?

● I want you to remember, X…in all the years to come…in your most private moments…I want you to remember…my hand…at your throat…I want…you to remember…the one man who beat you.

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● Batman to Superman.

3. Who said this to whom?

● X, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

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● Dorothy to Toto.

4. Who said it first?

● May the force be with you.

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● Han Solo

5. Who said it?

● Elementary, my dear Watson.

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● Psmith

6. Who said this?

● Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.

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● Forrest Gump

7. Who said it?

● What do I wear in bed? Why, Chanel No. 5, of course.

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● Marilyn Monroe

8. Who said it to whom?

● If I ever decide to become a crime-fighting shit swizzler, who rooms with a bunch of other little whiners at Neverland Mansion with some creepy, old, bald, Heaven’s Gate-looking motherfucker… on that day, I’ll send your shiny, happy ass a friend request.

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● Deadpool to Colossus

Round 4

● Written Round● 5 for getting each correct.● +10 for getting all correct.

Minimal Posters






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● Wolf of Wall Street● Jesus● Scream● Persistence of Time● Kahani● Julius Caesar

Round 5

● 8 Questions● Differential Scoring● Pounce: +20/1, +18/3, +16/5, +14/7, 0/8● Bounce: +10/0● Negative: -10 (On Pounce)

1.Id X.

● Origin of X tree according to Indian Mythology is owed to Rishi Vishwamitra.

● He made X, so tall as to enable his friend Trishanku to enter heaven with his body.

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● Coconut Tree

2. Connect. Exhaustive List.● Sachin Tendulkar● Navjot Sidhu● Venkatesh Prasad● Sachin Tendulkar● Mohammad Asif● Irfan Pathan● Sachin Tendulkar● Virat Kohli● Amit Mishra● Virat Kohli● Virat Kohli

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● MoM winners of IndvsPak World Cup Clashes.


● Lizzie Bennett Diaries is a drama web series, produced by Hank Green and Bernie Su.

● This is probably the first web series to adapt a classic English literature work.

● The series is a vlog recorded by lead, Lizzie Bennett featuring appearances from her sisters, Lydia and Jane, her friend Charlotte, and among others two male actors, Bing Lee and William Darcy.

● Id the work, it is adapted from.

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● Pride and Prejudice

4. Id X.

● Rabindranath Tagore is the only individual to have wrote national anthem for two different countries, India and Bangladesh.

● It is less known, that his work influenced Ananda Samarkoon, who studied at Shanti Niketan, and wrote national anthem for his country, X.

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● Sri Lanka

5. Id Y.

● Name of our nation according to the constitution is: India, that is Bharat.● The comma in the above was a topic of serious contention in the

Constituent Assembly, and can be more or less solely attributed to X. With all of the Assembly against X, the battle was seemingly lost and the last nail was from Y, who remarked that X’s english is bit poor as everyone in the world knows that India is the English translation of Bharat.

● X’s last attempt was acknowledging the superior knowledge of Gemred Canalu, and agreeing to his argument, which prompted the Assembly to switch to X’s side.

● Identifying X and Y are separate questions.

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● X - Mahavir Tyagi● Y - Jawaharlal Nehru

6.● Coins issued in commemoration of which event?

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● Poppy Day/Armistice Day/Remembrance Day

7. Id X and Y.

● Leaning Tower of Pisa is part of popular culture, whenever a leaning structure is concerned. Even though, it neither holds the record for the most leaning man-made structure or most unintentionally tilted man-made structure, which are hold by X and Y respectively.

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● X - Capital Gate● Y - Suurhusen Church

8. Id both the depicted economists.

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● Paul Krugman● Ben Bernanke