Teamnet’s Emergency & Crisis Management Suite

Post on 17-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Teamnet’s Emergency & Crisis Management Suite

Our expertise in EMERGENCY systems

01Who we are

Table of contents:1. Who we are ................................................................................. 3

2. Our Emergency & Crisis Management Suite ......................... 7 3. Core products .............................................................................. 11 3.1. EmerGIS

3.2. EmerCONF3.3. EmerSIM

4.1. Hirrus UAV4.2. First Responders Mobile App4.3. Face Recognition4.4. Other extensions

4. Product Extensions

.................................................................... 19

5. References

.................................................................................. 26

01Improving public safety is a top priority of every country’s national security policy, next to military, economic and environmental security. Improving the management of response activities during emergency and crisis situations is a key element in achieving the highest standards in this sector.

Teamnet Group as a regional system integrator places innovation at the core of its business and aims to enhance the evolution of society through technology. We have made an important objective for us to create the best performing public safety systems. As a result of our constant work, we take pride in being part of the development team of the best public safety system in Europe: Romania’s 112 integrated emergency system, recognition given by the European Emergency Number Association in 2015.

Moreover, using the latest technologies - eCall, UAVs, GIS, EWS, Face recognition, C2Mobile vehicles, Mobile communication devices and sensors, we have developed a complete tool for assisting the institutional decision process in emergency situations.

02Our EmergencyProducts

02 Users1,500+



70+ peopleProtected throughour emergency products

26 mil

Of experience in emergency situationsmanagement

8 Years

Our expertise in implementing complex projects in emergency & crisis management has made possible the development of an integrated suite dedicated to emergency agencies that covers all four phases of emergency management, from mitigation and preparedness to response and recovery.

Teamnet’s Emergency & Crisis Management Suite includes three core products and nine product extensions, which can easily be used as needed. Each of them can function independently or be integrated in a more complex solution alongside other Teamnet products, or even other third party emergency & crisis management products.

Teamnet’s Emergency &Crisis Management Suite

8 9

03Core Products




● Provides an increased situational awareness, centralizing all the information regarding an emergency or disaster;● Provides help in identifying ideal locations for prepositioning assets ahead of an impact;● Helps understand near real-time possibilities during an event, offering an overview on all resource categories that can be dispatched during missions;● Allows managers to analyze and use recorded data in order to make better decisions for the future.

Main features

● GIS to offer a Common Operational Picture;● Hazard areas mapping;● Resource management (human and material, internal and external);● Messaging and alerts;● Evacuation management;● Hazardous materials management;● Integration with Hirrus UAV for Search and Rescue missions;● Reporting and analytics;● Document management;● Logging for fully auditable operation;● Integration with other systems.

EmerGIS is one of our core products for emergency and disaster management, which is adaptable to the needs and size of any emergency response agency. EmerGIS is used mainly in emergency C4IS (Command, Control, Communications, and Computers Information System) centers as a GIS-based platform that helps operators localize incidents, efficiently track, manage and assign resources, in order to create a Common Operation Picture that assists the decision process. It also addresses the management of multi-agency large scale incidents or disasters, where its’ dedicated modules come to great use, as they allow a more efficient management of hazardous materials & evacuation, alerting, and more.

Integration with other products from theEmergency & Crisis Management Suite:








● Flexible, reliable and scalable emergency incident management system;● Effective emergency management for any type of incident;● Communications interoperability that allows communications within and across agencies via voice and data in real time;● Support in intervention preparedness and planning;● Comprehensive management of resources and equipment.


Main features

● Voice & data (SMS, eCall, CAP, TSO) emergency calls in configurable inboxes;● Multiple functions for call conferences (intrude, set call owner, mute, parked call, merge conferences, return to queue, request assistance, change conference level etc.);● Monitoring dashboard for call operators and statistics;● Guidance in incident handling through advices and action plans correlated with incident type;● Support in planned medical interventions through programmed alerts and custom schedule for patients;● Resources and crew planning on shifts;● Proposal of adequate resources for intervention;● Mobilization and coordination of resources;● Intervention monitoring and real time mission status.

EmerCONF is a comprehensive emergency incident management system that offers full support for receiv-ing emergency calls and alerts, assists the operator in assessing the incident, automatically proposes the relevant emergency agencies for response and the resources needed for intervention, and facilitates resources mobilization and intervention monitoring.EmerCONF is based on the Next Generation 112 architecture (NG112), a standard developed at a European level by the European Emergency Number Association (EENA). The product is already integrating features like eCall and it is prepared to incorporate new technologies like VoIP and Social Media. Moreover, Teamnet is part of the European R&D project team, NEXES that researches the impact of new communication tools such as social media in emergency management.


Integration with other products from theEmergency & Crisis Management Suite:





Integration with other products from the Emergency & Crisis Management Suite:

Benefits for operators:● Gaining practical experience in an environment that emulates a real-life critical emergency; ● Using own resources and action plans in simulation;● Increase of communication and colaboration with other operators or agencies; ● Getting feedback on areas that need improvement.

Benefits for decision makers (managers):● Performing tabletop exercises at substantially reduces costs and efforts; ● Evaluating personnel on various criteria;● Increasing communication and colaboration skills with other managers or agencies;● Getting feedback on process areas or action plans that need improvement.

Main features: ● Tabletop exercises and drills;● Artificial Intelligence-based system;● Role based interactions among attendees;● Messaging platform;● Disaster scenarios with visual, audio, document and social media feeds;● Interactive tactical map;● Realistic resource mappings and allocations; ● Assessment against plans, timing, prioritization, resource allocation or collaboration;● Scenario editor.




EmerSIM is an innovative tabletop simulation training system. It offers agencies the possibility to simulate disasters situations. EmerSIM offers the possibility to exercise and evaluate action plans, and the opportunity to evaluate the operators’ knowledge and skill level.EmerSIM works as a simulated C4IS center. It allows the selection of a predefined scenario with timed incidents and events, reports, and other simulated sources of input. In addition, it creates a realistic and accurate experience for the participant, by making use of simulated TV and radio broadcasts, social media scanning and even drone feeds. EmerSIM’s Artificial Intelligence adapts the ongoing exercise according to user’ actions. Every step is monitored, graded, and evaluated at the end in order to give agencies the necessary feedback for improvements.




Action plans



Organisation structureTrainees



Remote rooms

Training rooms






Wingspan 3.3 m

Maximum speed: 110 km/h

Service ceiling: 3000 m

Autonomy: 180 min

Launching system: Automatic launcher

Recovery system: Parachute

Max. payload weight: 0.9 kg

Technical specifications

Real time videostreaming range:30 km

Hirrus UAV



● Time reduction for collecting aerial images and live video streaming from any area of interest;● Fast and accurate localization of victims, increasing the chances of survival in case of emergency;● Ensures faster response due to a proper damage assessment; ● Optimizing human resources by correctly sizing the intervention forces;

The Hirrus system includes three unmanned air vehicles, a ground control station and emission reception antennas. The aircraft has an autonomy of approximately 3 hours, can cover up to 1500 ha/hour, and it captures high-resolution ground images, generating images of 5-10 cm/pixels.

We provide the emergency agencies with an accessible instrument for real time data collection, which provides on-site relevant information with minimal human and material costs for a better decision-making and a more efficient situational management. To this purpose we provide an UAV system, Hirrus, that is able to reach hard to access areas in the shortest time possible and stream both, daytime and night time live images & video. Hirrus is a competitive Enterprise UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), a result of an R&D project in autonomous systems and robotics, and managed by Teamnet in partnership with private companies and academic centers in Romania. The Hirrus UAV system is an innovative, complex, ready-to-use solution, with a wide addressability and a major impact in terms of increasing productivity, reducing costs and even saving lives.

Integration with other products from the Emergency & Crisis Management Suite:



Integration with other products from the Emergency & Crisis Management Suite:


First Responders is an interoperable system for the management of healthcare emergencies at national or regional level and an extension of the EmerCONF product. The solution connects the emergency dispatchers with the mobile teams of the intervention agencies (the first responders) and the emergency hospitals, by means of mobile devices. The First Responders extension is optimizing thus the management process of emergency situations.

Main features:

● Retrieves messages from the case files in EmerCONF;● Routes the case towards the available ambulances near the incident location, using the map in EmerGIS; ● Manages medical and non-medical data received from the Dispatcher regarding a case and, if necessary, it routes data towards all emergency hospitals in the country or region;● Collects all cases received by the mobile team and ensures the management of all medical processes conducted in Emergency Units;● Helps check the quality of dispatching and intervention of ambulance service.


Given the importance of real-time communication, the platform ensures 100% coverage by leveraging online, offline and Radio Tetra communication. The system consists of 5 interoperable platforms, implemented in 150 medical dispatchers, 1873 mobile intervention resources and 68 hospitals, managing over 13,000 medical emergencies per day.

First Responders Mobile App

EmerCONF and EmerGIS deployed in fixed and mobile control rooms can be enhanced with the Face Recognition application, an excellent add-on for any security operation. The Face Recognition software is integrated with video cameras deployed in surveillance systems and can look up suspects in real time, alerting operators and automatically creating incidents whenever a known face, from a watch list, is recognized by the system. The watch list can contain wanted persons, loose criminals or even VIPs.Our Face Recognition system is highly resilient to varying environmental conditions, and it can be scaled to large facilities, crowded areas and into complex multi-zone systems. Moreover, the application is based on the latest technologies, independently evaluated as the most accurate available today.

How it works

Surveillance cameras are taking real time imagery in key areas. These video streams are analyzed in real time and compared with the watch list. If a match is found, an alert is raised and a case file is created automatically, giving the operator the details about the found individual, the image from the database, the image from the camera, the location of the camera and a recommended action plan.


● Reduces the risk of security threats; ● Increases prevention, the authorities being able to avoid crisis situations;● Accurate matching capability due to the NeoFace® technology used;● Easy to customize, implement and integrate, perfectly scalable to the internal processes (without interfering in the operator’s routine);● Offline video archive analysis for forensics.

Face Recognition



Integration with other products from the Emergency & Crisis Management Suite:


Other extensions


C2MOBILE is a mobile command and control room in the form of a vehicle that can be deployed in the field, near the crisis area, to support decisions and coordinate activities of field units (isolation, evacuation, retention, rehabilitation etc.). It can be fully equipped with communication hardware, servers, operator workstations, software, power generator, lighting, Wi-Fi, office equipment and UAVs. C2Mobile can act as a backup of PSAPs and is able to replace them if needed. Depending on the needs, additional equipment can be provided, such as: ATVs and speedboats for hard to access areas and satellite communications.

Mobile Communication Center is a specialized vehicle dedicated to restore communications in affected areas where no other means of communications are available and to reconnect all agencies involved in crisis response through multiple channels: voice & data, tetra, satellite etc. Additional communication equipment and ATVs can be provided for missions in hard to access areas, when the line of sight is lost.

EWS extension can add early warning capabilities to a regular PSAP or control room, by integrating specialized sensors for earthquakes, floods, pollution or other hazards. EWS is an excellent mitigation tool, can give valuable head-start times for first responders, can provide automatic shutdown signals to sensible assets, and can offer damage predictions or risk maps in the affected areas.

eCall is an European Standard for automated emergency in-vehicle alerts. It uses built-in devices that can automatically send location data and communicate with the appropriate PSAPs to better help passengers, even if they are badly injured. EmerCONF is full eCall ready and Teamnet was an active contributor to all eCall R&D projects.

EVRSimulator is a virtual simulator for emergency scenarios, based on VR headsets and other sensors, providing emergency management agencies with a tool dedicated to personnel training. Its’ core features include 3D maps, full virtual immersion (360 video, directional audio), allowing “sandbox” or scenario-based training for multiple agents or multiple agencies collaboration in hazardous, difficult or costly to reproduce scenarios (firefighters, ambulance, police etc.).

Emergency Analytics consists of a comprehensive set of reports and analysis provided by all the Emergency & Crisis Management Suite core products. The reported information include: damage assessment (e.g.: number of engaged resources and financial loss estimations), intervention time (e.g.: time to answer the call, resources assigned, duration of intervention), GIS analysis (e.g.: geographic view of the historical incidents, update of heat maps and risk maps), improvement suggestions (e.g.: update on work procedures), training recommendations etc.


Romanian Waters” National Administration

Serbian Emergency Management Sector

Bucharest City Hall

Special Telecommunication Service

“Crișana” Inspectorate of Emergency Situations of Bihor County

“Banat” Inspectorate of Emergency Situations of Timiș County

“Dealu Spirii” Inspectorate of Emergency Situations of Bucharest

eCall UAV


Romanian Air Traffic Services Administration

Serbian Ministry of Interior

Hungarian National Disaster Authority

Bulgarian National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geograhy





National Institute for Earth Physics

Romania Serbia



Multi-agency GIS basedoperational system

Command &control vehicles


Mobile app forfirst responders

Early warning systems

Communication andincident management systems


Teamnet22nd Tudor Vladimirescu Blvd., 7th floor,Bucharest, RomaniaEmail: office@teamnet.roPhone: +4 021.311.66.31/ +4 0732.717.444Website:

How to contact us

Teamnet EMERGENCY Systems brochureEnglish version