Task 5 initial ideas finer details

Post on 16-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Task 5 initial ideas finer details

Task 5

Bekki Asquith

Copy Development• Slogan ideas.• Original: Wakey wakey!

• The idea of involving the audience and asking them to try the product by using a rhetorical question.

• Irn-Bru 32. What will it do for you?• Irn-Bru 32. How does it make you feel?• What do you feel like doing?

• Whatever you feel like doing. Give it some extra oomph with Irn-Bru 32.

• The idea of using Scottish slang words to appeal and advertise that the brand is originally Scottish.

• Pure barry.• That’s a belter!• Pure magic

Font Experiments – Colours/Readability

This shows the different font sizes that I have experimented with for my products. This font is called ‘Whatever It Takes’.I think that it is very clear and readable at a large font size such as 48pt. I also think that this font would be usable for small written copy because it is still quite easily readable at font size 12pt. This is a font that I would want to use for my web banner and my magazine article, I will want a different one for my packaging.

Font Experiments – Size/Readability

This is a font called ‘Fast In My Car’. I chose to test this font because I thought it looked a lot like the font that was used on some Irn-Bru adverts already. I also tried it because it is casual and fun and this is how I want my products to come across to the audience. This is a font that I would want to use for my web banner and my magazine article, I will want a different one for my packaging.

Product Development

I would like to use a long and thin can for my design because I think that it is more associated with energy drinks. Also, it is different to the original Irn-Bru cans so people will know that it is different from original Irn-Bru, in that it is an energy drink.

These are some of the fonts that I will be considering for the product packaging of the actual Irn-Bru 32 can. Neou, Code, Ostrich Sans Inline, American Purpose, Taller Evolution.

I want to use a bold, upper case font for the words ‘Irn-Bru 32’ when it will be on the can.

I want a font that is simple but that will still be eye catching to the consumer.

Original Irn-Bru 32 can