Task 4 critical approches (1)

Post on 17-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Task 4 critical approches (1)

Task 4- Audience Responses

Beth Geldard

Participatory • Participatory audience play an active part with the

media platform by, collecting, analyzing and reporting contents. Which is allowing them to interact with the content giving them more of an insight.

• An example of this is ‘The Sun’ which is a tabloid news paper, giving you information on news, football, living and celebrities. This is advertised to keep people undated on the news as well as peoples interests providing the consumers with a range of content which is there not just to educate them. The consumers are then allowed to leave comments in which they are analyzing the information they are consuming and providing their opinion if they agree or disagree with what is being put. This could link in with the Hypodermic Needle which what people are wanting to believe and not. When consuming this the audience can talk about it to friends and on different platforms creating a larger circulation for not just what they have found, but for the brand as well.

Cultural competence • Cultural competence requires a cultural understanding to

be able to interpret them. Beings able to understand different languages and symbols.

• An example of cultural competence is vogue magazine, published word wide. In the magazine there are two languages English and caponise. For English people touring they will have an idea of what is being shown in the magazine people it says season high, so providing the top new trends. Also the date has been published in English as well to show whether they are up to date with that this magazine is talking about.

• But most of this magazine is companies providing symbols instead of letter and words making it harder for people who don’t read there language.

• Another example is slang it can be created in different city's and countries making it harder to interpret what they are meaning. For instance the word ‘canny’ it has two meaning ‘she’s a nice lass’ or its someone who is rude about judgemental with money and the business matter.

Fan cultural • Fan cultural is where audiences take part in a active role in the

creation of existing products. • An example of this is YouTube, people are able to subscribe to

pages allowing to see there daily/weekly video. Fans are also getting to know this person and what their interest are. To which then, youtubers page become a theme of producing the same content but in different styles. For instance beauty, daily, comedy. YouTube are there to entertain their audience and maybe their fans can relate to youtubers.

• On YouTube you're are able to like, follow, share and give feedback and the more you get the more it will start trending. You need something that will catch peoples eyes for fans to then give there opinion.

• After they start to create a large fan base they then move on to expanding there name by collaborating with celebrities which then starts to bring in a bigger circulation for them. Another common thing they do is create a book, merchandise and most YouTube either want to be come actors or singers. So without having there fan base they wouldn’t have got to where they are today.

• Fans will writes fiction novels about social media celebs, posting on twitter, Facebook and blogs. Which they are able to get responses and comment on other peoples work.