Task 3 page layout

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Transcript of Task 3 page layout

Page layoutTask 3: 51.4 (6/3/2014)Mark up a double page spread showing the different elements of layout and the devices used in its production. You may not be able to find everything we have talked about on a single layout so you may want to do more than one. You are look for evidence of margins, grids, spreads, columns, datelines, titles, page numbering, orientation, titles, crossheads, cut-outs, straplines, base lines, borders, blobs and stars, drop capitals, reverses and white space.

This double page spread has been taken out of a high fashion magazine, The spread is an advertisement for famous designers Tom Fords beauty range. The spread contains two different imagine which are separate, one of which is a photograph of a crimson coloured lip stick and the other a close up of a women’s face, which in theory looks as if she is wearing the make-up range include the lipstick presented to the left. The photographs have a lot of depth towards the emotions while using reflections of the model to emphasise this. The background is black which is an aspect that will stand out in a magazine, or newspaper where the usual background monotone white is used, as its cheaper and while containing writing copy its easier to read off. It makes the overall image look dark and mysterious. This page does not have a number most likely because it purely is just an advert. The company ‘Tom ford; would have suggested to the magazine that the page number must not be presented. The orientation of the layout is portrait in which containing two separate images but just with one title and writing copy.

The text used is very simplistic and bold. The colour used is white to contrast against the black background. The opacity is not of full quality to make it more feminist and appealing towards women. The header states ‘TOM FORD BEAUTY’. Capital letters have been used to draw the readers attention to the page and to make the most important information more exciting. The font that has been used is the distinctive one used for all of Tom Fords products. There is very little copy used on this double page spread. Up in the left hand corner, again in a white colour is the website ‘’tomford.com’’, and underneath the header on the right hand side states ‘’available exclusively at tangs beauty, tangs orchard level 1’’. This information is written very small to emphasise how exclusive and sensational these products are to get hold of. The photographs and the header draw you in, where as the small text pushes the audience away as most people reading this magazine will not be able to get access to them without hard work.

This is an article about a new band called ‘The Teenagers’. The Photograph of the band which is located to the left of the page is the largest aspect included. The photograph shows the band in their natural habitat, looking calm and relaxed. The background includes photographs of themselves, one of them been of a bottom. This emphasises the immaturity and laid back personalities these boy’s have. It also suggests that they are all seen as equal as there is no main focus of the image. As it takes up the majority of the double page spread, it draws your attention more so on the image of the band than the text relating to the image. I think having the image slightly bigger than the text is a good idea as, images engage you into the piece and especially fro a younger target audience they maintain your interest in the piece of text

It looks as if the page is set out into 5 different columns. The first column including a heading ‘radar’ which is the magazine that this article has been published in located in the top left hand corner, as well as the ‘needs to know’ about the band in the bottom left. The second column includes the photography only. The third includes part of the title which runs into the fourth column. The fourth has all the body of the article and the story where as the fifth has information about different bands and other stories that the reader may be interested in. From first glance the overall look and layout of the double page spread is infused with a lot of information dotted around the page, but the reality is that it is actually very well structured to meet the requirements of the human eye.

The headline is the largest font on the page and is centre located suggesting this is something that needs to be remembered

To the left of the headline there has been use of stars to draw the attention of the reader to this particular part of the page. ‘NME loves’ which is stated in the star is important for readers as it shows that the company is interested in this new band. This is persuading the readers to actually follow on to read the article about this band that most readers will not know about. The side article also features a clip of the arctic monkeys which is likely to attract many people that have an interest in music. It is likely to influence readers to buy it for this reason. Underneath the headline is the strapline describing what the article is about. This is important as it gives the audience an incite to endure them to read more. Drop capitals are used to introduce the article. There is not much white space on the spread but what is used of the white space makes the text easier to read and stand out on the page.

In the middle of the article is a quote from the interview which is outlined in a blue box to attract the reader’s attention to it and make them want to read the rest of the interview.

In the bottom left hand corner is a small blue box which gives you the ‘need to know’ facts about the band. This is useful for reader’s who are just flicking through the magazine and may want to read that box first before they know if they want to read the whole article.Down  the right side of the page is a separate feature to the article which tells the reader about other new bands they may be interested in. There is a headline and picture accompanying each bit of text about a new band.

Here is a double page spread of a factual story about ‘Corey Taylor’. The main focus of the page is the photograph of the man which is placed on the right hand side of the page taken up the whole side as well as flowing into the left side of the page. This is used to allow the reader to understand who the article is about by visual aid. The colours used fit within the same house style using the red, black and white which are all good contrasting colours. Red connotes importance

and alert, giving the reader the mind set that this must be read.

Different types of fonts have been used throughout the article to interpret different aspects in a different way. At the top of the page it has a header all along the top allowing the reader to view the page number and other information needed specifically. The title is the largest text used as this is what draws the reader in.

The article is set to portray a piece of paper manipulating and interacting with being a teacher along with doodles of stars throughout the page. It makes the page look cool and fun but also neat and tidy using the lines for the body of the article which s set out in two columns. A drop capital has been used to star the

article off which is in a red colour to get the reader to focus.

Double page spread follows the forms and conditions of a normal double page spread showing clearly a main image, written article, heading along with sub heading and page footers. The main image has good use of white space. It has been placed upon the white background to allow the image to been see

efficiently and clearly. The name ‘Cory Taylor’ is written in a handwriting font which again portrays to the fact of being a teacher and writing.

Dateline: These appear near the by line in newspapers and show what date the story was filed. These tend to appear in older editions of newspapers when it could take days for a story to get from the journalist to the newspaper. These have largely been phased out now but do sometimes appear on news websites where it is easier to access previous stories.

Page numbers: It seems obvious but most publications include page numbers which make it easy to navigate to the content people want to read. The style of page numbers depends on the overall style of the publication.

Orientation: This refers to the way information on a page is presented. Portrait is the standard for most newspapers, magazines and websites

although some do feature landscape pages within them. Devices:

Headlines/Header: The main title of the article.

Crosshead:  A heading set in the body of the text used to break it into easily readable sections. This can be in the form of a pull quote.

Cut-out: This is where part a photograph is cut out and the background removed. This can make it easier to incorporate images on to the pages.

Strapline: Line of text after the headline that gives more information about the article.

Base line: An imaginary line that type rests on.

Border: Used to form a box or to edge a photograph.

Blobs and stars: These are graphic elements added to the work to draw attention to particular parts of the page.

Drop capitals: In desktop publishing, the first letter of a paragraph that is enlarged to drop down two or more lines.

White space: often referred to as negative space. It is theportion of a page left unmarked: margins, gutters, and space between columns, lines of type, graphics, figures, or objects drawn or depicted. White space should not just be considered blank space — it is an important element of design which enables the objects in it to exist at all; the balance between positive (or non-white) and the use of negative spaces is key to aesthetic composition. Inexpert use of white space, however, can make a page appear incomplete.

Reverse: A printing technique that creates white type on a dark background; also called a dropout.

Pull quote: A small part of the body copy made to stand out to grab attention. Usually uses a different size, weight, colour and type face to the body copy to help it stand out.