Task 1

Post on 01-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Task 1

Task 1: Who is Your Target Audience?

Why is it important to have a target audience?

It is important to have a target audience so that you can be “certain” that your film will be liked. Aiming a film at a particular audience would maximise sales as it will appeal greatly to this set of people almost “guaranteeing” that they will watch it. Creating a broader target audience can either act positively or negativity. Either many different types of people will take interest or because of the broadness people will not take enough interest in the film because it doesn't appeal to them enough.

What kind of people watch horror movies?

Stereotypically you would image a male “gothic/emo” type of person to enjoy watch typical gory horror movies but I think in the world of today the audience for horror movies is much more diverse. Yet still aiming more so at males due to the violent scary scenes. Most horrors, such as “Saw” is rated “18”; in general I think horror movies are attracting a younger adult audience as from a young age children are being introduced to video games that, adverts and many things of the internet that show them a glimpse of what these horror movies involve making them when of age eager to watch them.

Therefore it is mostly young male adults that take an interest to horror movies because of the action packed gory murders.




The chernobyl diaries, The Pact and Paranormal Activity are all examples of horror movies of today that attract a large range of people, typically young male adults due to the stereotypically idea of males liking gore and the whole concept of being scared.

Who I am going to target

I am going to target:-males-18-25 years oldIt is more likely my horror will attract attention

and will be liked if I aim it at an audience that the majority of horrors are aimed at as obviously these are the people that enjoy horrors and therefore will be the type of people who I need to encourage to watch the film.


In conclusion I think it is very important that I aim my horror specifically at male 18-25 year olds. I think it is important to have a age certificate of 18 as otherwise I will lose the stereotypical age group to which enjoy horrors as they may believe the film may not be scary enough. I think it is also more likely that people of this age group will be more interested in horrors as people younger than 18 stereotypically like “comedies” and older people enjoy “family” and “action” films.