Talent mapping functionals

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Talent mapping functionals

Talent Mapping

So the Goal is

✓ Members’ efficiency in TR stage

✓ Members going on eXchange

✓ Members developing themselves

✓ Members living a complete AIESEC XP

Here is the TOOL!


Who are they?★Role Models★Have results★High motivation and ability★They have these NOW

How can we identify them★Inspire others through action★Strive for new challenges and outstanding results

Talent Pool

Who are they?★Skills and potential to top leadership positions★Still developing competencies★Still improve their experiences

How can we identify them?★Perform pretty well★High commitment★Able to reach any opportunity in the mid term

High Performing

Who are they?★Are in AIESEC for a while★Don’t have the greatest development★High results★Motivation★Personal alignment with AIESEC

How do we identify them?★Great involvement in AIESEC★Need encouragement to improve

High Talented People

Who are they?★New members★High entrance levels of competencies★Performance below expected★They are on TR but not motivated to deliver

How can we identify them?★Curious on how to deliver★Willing to have responsibilities★Think of moving forward to their AIESEC XP★Don’t perform because of the lack of motivation

Regular Performing

Who are they?★More than 6 months in AIESEC★Not high competency level when entering★Unclear personal alignment

How can we identify them?★Deliver on their commitment★Lack basic competencies

Regular Development

Who are they?★Acceptable level of competencies★Low commitment to AIESEC★Low identification with AIESEC★Not perform in the expected way

How do you identify them?★Don’t deliver on their commitments

Low Performing

Who are they?★Don’t have potential in AIESEC★Lack competencies required to perform★Lack motivation

How can we identify them?★Poor assessment of competencies★Don’t deliver results

Why this tool?

Why this tool?

✓ Identify our members performance

✓ Identify the needs of our members

✓ Make actions on how to move them in the map

✓ Increase members efficiency

✓ Promote them the X opportunity

✓ Develop our members

✓ Make them live a complete AIESEC XP

Thank youhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqA2moCutFCtdERrQU96b2NCMVpjRVdLeDNLcVo5V2c

Performance assessment tool form efthimia☺